Date: October 16 2023 6:26 AM Title: Chapter 1
one of my fave stories, I love the cultural domination aspect on top of giantess content in this one.
random idea that spawned from this, someone in japan who has science background gets a look at one of them and figures out how to replicate it. And perhaps a little secret business pops up of more hapless americans ending up as pets to japanese women.
just an idea
regardless I'd love to see further chapters in this one at some point.
Date: September 27 2023 11:25 PM Title: Chapter 28
Update so soon, please! I like your story!
Date: March 28 2023 11:10 PM Title: Chapter 28
Hey your story is so great! Can you please update soon?
Date: March 17 2023 5:24 AM Title: Chapter 1
I really love this, it adds cultural domiation to typical giantess ones and that's something I didn't know I was looking for. please continue with more chapters.
idk if you'd have the time but expanding this to a few others getting the experience, perhaps hapless american tourists get shrunk and found by Harumi's friend XD sorry, this story is great and would love to see more! now I wanna get kept as an american pet to japanese giantesses XD
Date: December 05 2022 11:46 AM Title: Chapter 26
I can't wait for the next chapter
Date: November 07 2022 2:24 PM Title: Chapter 26
So glad that you´re back and continue this story.
It is absolutely fantastic!
I always love the brainwashing aspect an making the tinies accept their reality.
Please continue the story as you intend to tell it.
Date: November 07 2022 7:03 AM Title: Chapter 26
Alright, I'll bite the bullet and ask: Is this how the story is gonna go? Them being broken up like that? Or is it gonna go back to couple under the authority of a dominant mother?
Date: November 07 2022 1:31 AM Title: Chapter 26
This is perfect! Keep up the good work.
Date: October 12 2022 4:18 PM Title: Chapter 25
Excited to see what Tamiko does to Jennifer. I hope there will be a chapter showing what happen s between them.
Date: October 05 2022 7:06 AM Title: Chapter 25
Not so much boring as needlessly depressing.
Date: October 01 2022 1:25 AM Title: Chapter 24
I would like to begin with stating I truly appreciate your story. The pacing seems right and the plot/character development - believable, given the story's setting. The only troubling part is the statement accompanying the recent update...
It is impossible to satiate everyone's desires and trying to accomplish such a goal may very well result in the story's quality taking a hit. Surely, the Community is allowed to share views, but the story itself belongs inherently to its Author. Please, do not include content within your stories that would have never gotten included if not for external voices. - and especially should it negatively impact coherence of storyline and character development.
Best wishes,
Date: September 28 2022 10:04 PM Title: Chapter 1
Alright here is the deal. I enjoyed this story and all the chapters. It was very entertaining for a day's read. But I have to admit. I was kind of lost when you started to limit the characters. I was enjoying the interactions of other characters with Mike and Jen. Especially with the teenage girls. I hope that it isn't limited the rest of the way. But over all a entertaining read. Just giving my honest review.
Date: September 24 2022 6:14 PM Title: Chapter 22
Brainwashing is nearly complete. :-(
Date: September 16 2022 1:52 PM Title: Chapter 21
Will Jennifer continue to be dominated by Harumi? And Mike is completely bewitched by the giant Japanese? Thanks for this chapter! Loving this story so far. Can’t wait to read more! this is so exciting!!!!
Date: September 16 2022 1:00 PM Title: Chapter 21
Oh, brother! Harumi is more old school than I thought. True respect is earned by everyone BEFORE being given to anyone! No exceptions. What Harumi is describing sounds more like fear-induced courtesy based on intimidating size difference. Hence, the so-called "disrespect" notoriously exhibited by teenagers to their parents. After all, why continue looking up to your parents when you no longer have to look up AT them?
As to this form of enslavement being kinder and gentler compared to being lab specimens? That's debatable. I'm dead certain that was just a convenient rationalization for Ayumi and Harumi, right from the start. They had no intention of doing anything but enslave Mike and Jennifer as living novelties! Ayumi, especially, as she didn't want to miss any opportunity to move out of the old family homestead and gain her own independence (financial and otherwise). Hence, the indisputable abduction of two people with no other choice but to lavish attention on exchange for not being tortured.
Date: September 14 2022 8:47 PM Title: Chapter 1
It's a very good story. It describes the fetish perfectly, but I must confess that it makes me angry. See how the lives of two people who love each other are destroyed just like that. But what causes me the most anger is the mistreatment, the little ones obey and they continue to mistreat them even more. Only because they give him a house and food, with the absurd story that they cannot decide for their own wishes. They wanted to be normal people again and those two kidnapped them without being able to do anything. But hey, I guess it's all because of the fetish...
Date: September 14 2022 1:45 PM Title: Chapter 20
Hey, that's a good story! I loved it!
When are they meeting Tamiko? It would be nice to show it to Mike. Add a next chapter quickly, please!
Date: September 14 2022 6:57 AM Title: Chapter 19
Loving the relationship between Harumi and Mike. The sexual tension in the beginning and now this erotic display was fun to watch.
Jennifer and Arumi are great too, especially with their points about what they should do about their future.
The transition from people to pets felt pretty realistic compared to most stories. I also liked that discussion between Mike and Jennifer about taking them to Jennifer’s sister and wondering if they would be treated like family or a pet. It’s a great conversation and part of me did get convinced that they would be pets too.
I think Harumi is my favorite character in this story. She carries this elegance and grace as well as this dominant aura which I find fascinating.
I can’t help but feel connected to Mike since he also is falling for Harumi and I don’t blame him. I would love to see him push his licks bit more and see if Harumi punishes him.
With this latest chapter, I like how Harumi was feeling horny and wanted to use Mike sexually. I think it’s a great next step to their relationship and I’m curious how far they can go.
I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Date: September 14 2022 3:13 AM Title: Chapter 16
Hello SweetSalt! I'm loving your story. I hope that in the next chapters Jennifer is even more tortured by the giant women, maybe leaving her for days just feeding on fluids that come from the feet of the Japanese would be a good thing haha r03;r03;Congratulations for the speed in writing new chapters tooDate: September 13 2022 12:41 PM Title: Chapter 1
That's one of the greatest, hottest stories I've read in a while. Grasps the essence of the fetish perfectly...The whole domination/pet training concept is very well presented. Keep up the good work! (The submissive toe kissing instead of handshake, the only way to greet a giantess as shown in here was my favorite part. Perfectly described!!)