Date: January 15 2023 6:37 AM Title: Chapter 7
Mara's are always lovely and ready to deal with intruders.

Date: December 04 2022 10:40 PM Title: Chapter 6
I’m loving this story so far. This world you’ve set up is interesting. The descriptions of Mara’s monstrous feet and their actions are so good. It’s almost like her feet are a character of their own. I can’t blame Lenny in the slightest for wanting to return so badly haha. Here’s hoping he and Mara can get up to some mutual fun!

Date: September 06 2022 3:31 PM Title: Chapter 2
Your characters are so well-realized and so much fun! Your story-telling, too!
Can't wait for this to continue! I haven't enjoyed a Giantess story this much in a long, long time!

Date: September 03 2022 2:48 PM Title: Chapter 2
Good story so far, though it’s a bit disappointing to hear that you intend to release the chapters “very slowly”. But so far it seems worth waiting for.
Author's Response:
The disappointment is understandable. Very slowly might not have been the right phrase, don't despair! "Gradually" is more fitting. One intention is of course to get the shop on gumroad going and welcome an audience who would support me financially. But more than that, now as studies have begun again and time for writing is constrained, I'd rather have a persistent presence on this site with the bank of chapters I've prepared than to seasonally dump them all at once and go silent for longer periods of time. I've merely opened the instant, get-all option to the side for those interested.

Date: August 30 2022 2:28 AM Title: Chapter 1
Nice beginning. Will be interesting to see where this story goes.
Odd they did not take the previous stepped upon / crushed body as a portent.
Overall, a really good concept so far.