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Reviewer: Aac101 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 12 2023 1:16 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

This is a wonderful beginning to hopefully a long journey. Feel like it's just taking off. Can't wait for more ant genocide. Maybe a mother daughter dual destruction. Along with of course unaware peril 

Author's Response:

Oh, I have already planned an outline for the next 10 chapters so believe me when I say it's going to be a long journey 😃

The ants are going to be killed in a lot of creative ways throughout the course of this story including lots of unaware scenarios 😁

Also Lucy's mother Rebecca is going to have a bigger role later on in the story (light spoiler) 

Thanks for reviewing! 

Reviewer: Miller2021 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 10 2023 2:50 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Chapter 4🥳🥳🥳. We are blessed with another chapter 

Author's Response:

Yep, I will probably have chapter 5 posted next week 😃

Also, an update on Lucy, she is a teenager, 11 to 12 years old for the majority of the story  

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 01 2023 1:30 AM Title: Chapter 3: An Unexpected Visitor

You deserve all the praise for this story. So far you’ve used writing to depict a story about different perspectives, showcasing complex themes like violence, love and sex, negligence, religion and speciesism with rich details, wraping everything within the pains and tragedies of your main characters. As far as I can tell, we have a splendid coming of age story in the making – with size and speciesism being central components to move the narrative.

Marvelous. I don’t know how to emphasize more the quality of your writing. And for the record: I knew it! I had a felling at least one of my favorite stories would be updated until New Year’s eve! The wait paid off. Thank you! Thank you!

About Divya, she played perfectly what I would expect from a best friend, offering layers to Lucy’s character and actions along the way. Even better: she went beyond my expectations and introduced Budhist concepts into the story. Could this be an explanation for the existence of Antopia? If yes… that 99.99%… is our boy Max already with a death flag on his head?

Man, now that Ithink about it, we don’t really know if its possible to bring Max
back to his original size.

I also want to talk about Max and where him meeting with Penelope might lead. but I also want to wait and see how they interact moving forward after our hero recovers from all the shock and violence.

Again, thanks for sharing. Wish you a Happy New Year! May 2023 be full of peace and inspiration for all of us.

Author's Response:

Divya is actually loosely based on a girl I know in real life so I am so glad you liked her character  😇

This story is going to have a lot more complex mature and political themes introduced to elaborate on a lot of characters' actions and motivations so I am very glad you enjoyed those concepts as well. Divya being a devoted Buddhist girl was used to explain the vast majority of her caring character towards insects but I plan to introduce some more religious themes and concepts as well later on in the story.

I also created Divya's character to be the polar opposite of Lucy to serve sort as a moral consciousness for Lucy to reflect on her own actions later on in the story   

I have the next 4 to 5 chapters already have an outline planned out so you have a lot to look forward to 

Bit of a spoiler alert you are going to find out a lot more about Princess Penelope soon.    

Wishing you a happy new year too! I love your in-depth analysis reviews 😀

Reviewer: SizeChangeLina Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 31 2022 3:20 PM Title: Chapter 3: An Unexpected Visitor

That was another really good chapter. I love the contrast between Divya and Lucy and also once again your descriptions. The way you describe those huge and immense sizes is so great. Also I love sock and shoe content so that helped too haha. Looking forward for more :D

Author's Response:

Divya's character is designed to be the polar opposite of Lucy's cruelty towards bugs so you can think of her kind of Lucy's consciousness to reflect on her own actions. I also created Divya because I felt there were too many stories focussing on giantess cruelty and not enough of other interactions so Divya's interactions are the perfect example of gentle interactions, especially the feeding ants the Oreo crumbs scenes. 

That being said I have already planned an outline for the next 4 to 5 chapters so you have a lot to look forward to 😎  

Reviewer: vicgiantessadmirer Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 18 2022 3:31 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

You might be one of the best writers on here, second... Those aphids... Who hurt you?

Author's Response:

Yeah I tend to give it a 110% for my writing before publishing to the public 🙂

The aphids were actually an ironic symbol of a mother aphid and her children being slaughtered by another mother of 2 children. I deliberately decided to depict one mother killing another mother to get an interesting reaction from audiences. 

Stick around because this story is far from over 😉

Reviewer: picjusbro Signed [Report This]
Date: November 07 2022 3:24 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

IF the ants  can shrink people, why don't they just shrink Lucy and punish her? What kind of relationships will the boy have with the ants?

Author's Response:

All your questions mate are literally going to be answered in the next chapter 🙂

Reviewer: DarcKage Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 06 2022 7:10 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Ignore the user below, not sure what his problem is. Great story so far, very similar to Ant Bully in a few ways and I cant wait to see where you'll take the story next!

Author's Response:

Yep that movie is where I am drawing the majority of the inspiration for this story 🙂

Yeah, fuck that guy he is clearly a troll account 

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 06 2022 3:02 PM Title: Chapter 1: The Beginning-4 Years Later

 I can’t describe my happiness when the first thing I saw today was an update on this story. I was worried you had given up and now… now I am anxious for the next chapter!

You have a very strong writing, describing the characters life, their moods, actions and their surroundings, all that enhances the experience and antecipation for what is to come – and I very much share Lucy’s disdain for fractions and math in general.

It’s also worth noting you don’t dismiss the parents figure in the story dynamics. With their parents absent, Max has to take responsibility and be the authority figure for his little sister, but he is also her brother and a teen.

Remember my last comment on Max behaviour? On how it striked how he didn’t act with glee when seeing Lucy get scollded and hurt ? He is someone who has had to grown too fast for Lucy’s sake too. I might be reading too much into it, but I think that’s why we see Max dismissing Lucy as someone who doesn't “know when to grow up”, while she herself tries to imitate his mannerisms.

Lucy is clearly going through puberty and, unconsciously, looks up to Max. Lets hope she also looks down. For his sake.

Thanks for writing and sharing with us.

Author's Response:

Nah, don't worry I hate to leave things unfinished, I just caught so caught up in engineering assignments that I had barely had anytime to update. But now that its summer holidays I will have a lot more time to write 😄

Yeah I felt the parents need a slightly bigger a role as well which I was why I decided to give the mum a bigger part in this chapter. 

Yeah I made Lucy a tween on the verge of becoming a teenager because I felt that was a pivotal age where behaviour and interactions are going to a lot more  interesting. 

Yeah things are going to get a lot more chaotic for poor Max very soon... 😂  

Reviewer: SizeChangeLina Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 06 2022 1:05 PM Title: Chapter 1: The Beginning-4 Years Later

Yes !!! I want to be honest,I thought the story was dead but I am so glad it isnt and that many more updates will come soon. Another great chapter. Its a really good setup for whats to come and I am really excited to see how she will dominate the ants. Also, the fact that she has a dog could open even more options for the story. I dont know if you have anything planned with that but I would love to see the dog as a massive threat too. Again , 10/10 !! Great work

Author's Response:

Nah, don't worry I hate to leave things unfinished, I just caught so caught up in engineering assignments that I had barely had anytime to update. But now that its summer holidays I will have a lot more time to write 😄

Yeah Lucy's dog we are also going to see some giant interactions later on in the story as well and I love to experiment so that will be very interesting as well  

Reviewer: Miller2021 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 12 2022 3:20 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

I agree with all the other reviews. This story is strong and I hope to see more. Additionally I love the detail from both perspectives and how detailed it was for the like goddess to have her fun.

Author's Response:

Well I have a lot planned for this story so things are going to get interesting very soon 🙂

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 31 2022 2:29 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Sorry for the long comment and if I am spoiling something, but this kind of story just gets my imagination going.

I liked your oneshot story (It’s just a bug) when it came out, so I am very happy to see you trying and sharing a longer story with the site – and I must point out you made a very good prologue.

We have Lucy’s character flashed – her frustration with her lack of power as well as how she is perceived by the ants. It’s interesting how this brought me back to the title of your oneshot – yes, Lucy is acting with ill intent by crushing ants for her own amusement, but she is also hurt after a fight with her family, especially her mother, and, from her perspective, they are just bugs.

Let me say I loved the scenes balancing between both perspectives. You managed to flash the size difference as well as the despair going on with every step, every move Lucy made.

But what about Max? We don’t see a loto f him, but, one thing striked me: even after her sister was acting like a brat about his graduation, he didn’t act with glee when seeing Lucy get scollded and hurt. This is, in my view, a striking difference between the two: Lucy reacts to violence with more violence on those weaker than her while Max seems to try to act more empathetic.

Maybe that’s the reason the general will choose him to be his “secret weapon” against Lucy since violence at their size won’t mean a thing against her. In fact, as I said, they don’t mean a thing to her right now, so the ants need someone capable of making her understand what she is really doing is genocidal level evil.

And I am not using the term“weapon” on a whim. We are talking about a whole world, so it’s bound to exist those who would like to fuel Lucy’s most toxic traits for their own agenda.

On that note, it’s a good thing your protagonists are related, young and not with a huge age difference. Max and especially Lucy will have to grow (no pun intended) as their lifes become entangled with this very tiny, very new world.

But all remains to be seeing. It seems more characters will still be introduced and the real game only begins when he actually shrinks.

Once again, sorry for the long comment, but that only goes to show how much I liked this first chapter. I can only thank you for sharing your story with us and encourage you to continue.

Also sorry for any misspelling. Although I am fluent in english, it is not my
primary language.

Thank you! Added this one to my favorites and will be eagerly waiting for the next chapters.

Author's Response:

First of all thanks for  the in-depth analysis my friend! 😎

But yeah you have captured Lucy's character arc perfectly, people completely good or completely evil like its black and white, they often a mixture of both. That's why I wrote to be taking out her anger on the ants because quite often sadness leads to anger. 

But yeah Max is a little more mature and has more control over his emotions that a lot the younger kids and has more understanding. That being said he has his own flaws and is not 100% perfect either, often his lack of action leading to other consequences. 

I have a lot planned for this story so it is going to get interesting very soon 😊    

Reviewer: zhangkui Signed [Report This]
Date: July 31 2022 8:54 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Very interesting story, reminds me of a previous movie, looking forward to the future development

Author's Response:

Well I have a lot planned so looks like you have a lot to look forward to 🙂

Reviewer: SirFarty Signed [Report This]
Date: July 30 2022 10:29 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Amazing story!! Favorited! 

Reminds me of that ant movie, forgot what it’s called.

Author's Response:

Yep, the majority of this story is actually inspired from that movie 🙂

Reviewer: SizeChangeLina Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 30 2022 2:30 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Oops, forgot to give a rating.Here you have it hehe

Author's Response:


Reviewer: SizeChangeLina Signed [Report This]
Date: July 30 2022 2:28 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Oh wow, that was awesome !!! We need more Giant kids in stories so I really love this chapter.Its really fascinating to think that a 7 year old girl can have so much power. Keep up the great work :3

Author's Response:

I tend to be a little bit more careful when writing about minors and adolescents but yeah I completely agree that interactions for teen kids are not as frequent on this site.    

Reviewer: Iunno Signed [Report This]
Date: July 30 2022 1:22 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Will this story have older gts scenes??

Author's Response:

This story is going to be quite long and I have a lot planned so there will be plenty of older female characters 

Reviewer: barabba9000 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 30 2022 12:40 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Wtf a 7 y.o. character.. 

Author's Response:

Yeah at first I did think of keeping her 7 years old for the whole story but later on I decided to make her slightly 4.5 years older, making her a tween/teenager for the majority of the story because 7 is a bit too young   

Reviewer: NUB Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 30 2022 10:16 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Amazing start so far!!

Author's Response:

Thanks! 🙂

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