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Reviewer: Barkinis Signed [Report This]
Date: November 17 2023 5:12 PM Title: Chapter 5: Welcome to Antopia

Türkiye'den 1 yıllık takipçinizden selamlar :)
Vay canına, bu okuması zor bir bölümdü ama aynı zamanda hikayenin oturması ve karakter gelişimi için de iyi bir bölümdü. Özellikle General Sting'in gelecekte Max ile baba-oğul ilişkisi olacağını düşünüyorum ve bu gerçekleşirse son derece mutlu olurum. Bu hikayenin daha da derinleşeceğini hissediyorum, özellikle yaşlı kralın arka planını görmek isterim. Şimdilik bu kadar, umarım sizin için her şey yolunda gider:)

Author's Response:

Wow, thanks for your review! Nice to know I have attracted fans from all across the world, including Turkey 😊

Yeah, this chapter was mainly establishing the ant society. General Sting is quite a complex character to understand and will have a father/grandfather standing. 

Lots of backstory will be in the next few chapters of the main characters including who the king was and how he died. This story does indeed get quite deep and emotional 😉 

Reviewer: Yoooojimboo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 04 2023 2:20 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Just wanted to say, I love the story so far. It’s really interesting to see the references to old kids movies like the  Ant bully and the interactions between the insects in the world and the humans are great and you can really feel the emotion. Can’t wait for the next chapter whenever it comes out!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reviewing! The next chapter is already completed but I still need to proofread it which I do shortly after resting from my exams. It should be up at the end of next week 

Yeah essentially think of this as the more intense version of Ant Bully which will be a lot darker and violent later on. Hence the R-rating 👌  

Reviewer: Pedroca045 Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: September 30 2023 6:27 PM Title: Chapter 2: A case of Mistaken Identity, a cigarette, a family of aphids and a violent beating

And now we get to the shrinking. I gotta say, you did a pretty nice job describing the "new world" Max has been transported to. I got the sense that I was shrunk with him.

As for the ants, they seem a bit too bloodthirsty for my liking. I understand that Lucy has caused so much pain and suffering to them, but some of the stuff they talked about doing to her... it gets on my "big brother" nerves.

Man, I feel sorry for Thorax. General Sting makes General Mandible from Antz look like a saint! It wasn't his fault that he shot the wrong kid. Like he said: his head looked like a girl from the back (that part was hilarious to me)!

As I've always said, smoking is bad for health. Not just to yours, but to any family of aphids that might just be trapped in a cigarette. Seriously though, that was a nice showcase of how small actions to humans can lead to disastrous consequences to bugs.

I can see now where Lucy gets her hatred of bugs. However, unlike her daughter, it seems that Rebecca mostly crushes them without knowledge. Still, my thoughts and prayers go to the families of these poor aphids... 😔

Back to Max, the ants once again have no chill! Good thing Princess Penelope was there to save him. So far, she's the only level-headed ant in this colony.

I don't have much else to say about this chapter. Next one though, things are going to get interesting...

Author's Response:

I did a lot of describing the new world since I wanted to emphasise how small Max has become. 

 As to why I made the ants so violent, I decided to make their behaviour as realistic as possible since from their perspective Lucy is a mass murdering genocidal monster who has killed hundreds of them and sees Max as her accomplice which is where they draw a lot of their anger from. 

General Sting is what we say all bark and no bite (most of the time....). He is a very serious man who takes his responsibilities very seriously which is why he shouts at others but he is not actually evil deep down inside unlike General Mandible from Antz. 

I decided to make Rebecca a heavy smoker to make her a stressed-out addict 

Yeah, poor aphids what can I say.... You can essentially think of this story as a darker more intense version of Ant Bully, Antz and all the other bug movies that you saw as a kid   

I think you love Princess Penelope's character later on in the story 😍

Thanks again for reviewing!    

Reviewer: Pedroca045 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: September 30 2023 2:26 PM Title: Chapter 1: The Beginning-4 Years Later

I read the whole story several times yesterday and I can say I'm loving it so far!

In this chapter, we got to see a bit of both Max and Lucy's school lives. They both dream of popularity, but in different ways: Max wants to perform a song in front of the whole school, but has trouble coming up with lyrics (I wonder if this will be important later wink wink 😉). As for Lucy... I'll get to her later.

Anyway, we also see both kids being bored in class and not having a good relationship with their teachers. This really exemplifies what you'll say later in the story, about younger siblings emulating their older siblings' behavior, even if unintentionally. As an older brother myself, it made me wonder if I was a good role model to my sister...

Which brings me neatly to my next point: the characters are extremely relatable! I've been on Max and Lucy's shoes in different moments of my life, so it's really interesting for me to look at this story from both sides: as the older brother and the kid who didn't want to grow up.

Jumping ahead to talk about their mom: she doesn't seem like a bad parent to me, just really focused on her job. At first I thought their parents had divorced or their father died, which would explain why Rebecca has to work a lot, but I'm glad this isn't the case. Still, Lucy's clearly been affected by this even if she doesn't want to admit it.

Now we get to Footstool: I love this dog! His interactions with Lucy were very cute, and it's nice to see her actually caring about a smaller creature.😅

As for Lucy's room, there's something there that caught my attention. You mentioned she has a huge painting of the Disney castle, so I was wondering: did she paint it herself? My headcanon is that Lucy has a secret talent, but hides it from others because she's afraid they'll find it "too childish". Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I think this would give more dimension to her.

Anyway, that's all I have to say for this chapter. I'll definitely be adding more reviews to this story, so I'll talk about other stuff later. Great chapter! Great story! Look forward to what the future holds for this characters.👍

Author's Response:

Thanks for the in-depth review! Here's what I have to say. 

Both Max and Lucy are essentially growing up and that's the main message I wanted to convey in this chapter when I gave an insight into their school lives. 

As someone who grew up with 3 siblings, I can safely say siblings imitate each other a lot, especially younger ones 😅 

Rebecca (the mother) has essentially transformed into the work-alcoholic mother who wants that extra cash so that was the main portrayal I wanted to show here.   

Footstool will become interesting later on in the story. I am not sure if you are into giant animal content but yeah Footstool is going to be seen as somewhat of a threat as well. I decided to include a dog that Lucy loves because I didn't want her to become completely one-dimensional... 

Lucy Disney's obsession is yeah by the age she is (11) has become childish to most of her peers. As for her secret talent well I guess we will have to wait and see...  

Let me know what you think of her best friend's character when you get up to chapter 3, I won't spoil anything if you haven't read it 😅  

Reviewer: Aac101 Signed [Report This]
Date: September 25 2023 12:06 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Where did you go?

Author's Response:

Sorry still here😄. Been a busy semester.

The new Chapter of Antopia will be out around late October/Early November along with two new surprise short stories 

Reviewer: iambeowulf Signed [Report This]
Date: July 11 2023 10:53 PM Title: Chapter 5: Welcome to Antopia

Nice stuff. Will there be giantess stuff later on?

Author's Response:

Thanks for your review! There is already some feet, crushing and mouth play in chapters 1 to 4 but yeah this one was kind of boring for me to write because it was just world-building and plot focus stuff.

But yep next chapter is around 25% done and will focus more on different kinds of macro/micro-interactions as well being a lot more action-based stuff. This is a long story and will have several different giantess interactions.      

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 11 2023 3:24 AM Title: Chapter 5: Welcome to Antopia

Oh and just as a supplement: about Lucy enjoying being treated as an all powerful entity, from my point of view the same can be said of Divya. She is clearly the gentler one, but if Lucy is a “devil” who kills and Divya a “goddess” who saves, is Divya also the one who will take responsibility for the actions of those who live?

This also could be a source of anxiety for Penelope at some point.

Now I have finished, I swear! Kkkkkkkkk

Stay safe and ultil the next chapter!

Author's Response:

It's nice to see that you remember Divya! Yeah, Divya will have more a prominent role later which involves her being gentle to those who she considers friends while aware but her unaware size and power make her quite dangerous to the tiny lifeforms. 😇🤔


Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 11 2023 12:54 AM Title: Chapter 5: Welcome to Antopia

Ok. fourth time i'm changing the text, this time to simplify and add/work more on some ideas. This always happens when I get invested on a story.

After months waiting, checking the site and the review section for news… totally worth it! The fable of Max, Lucy, Penelope and Antopia lives!

The only thing truly universal is a love story. Yeah, so can I start to ship Penelope and Max? Pemax! Or will it be Mia and Max? Should I call them Mix? I am joking with the names here, but Penelope infatuation might really hold more meaning, since her father, the late king - obviously her model for strength and kindness - was killed by a giant (a.k.a: a human).

And remember my last comment where I talked about feelings and desires at play and what their relationship would be if Max was his normal size and how I
wanted him to be ant-sized forever?Well, if I had to bet, Penelope would want the exact opposite – to see Max at his full height and power, the same power that took her father and she now at the mercy of her “former” friend… - I can see her having these kinds of desires and fantasies later on.

Yes, I am saying the princess has macro fantasies!

So… is Penelope a pervert like Karen said? No, Karen is the pervert. Penelope desires would or should have deeper roots, not simply being a wish to use Max as a tool for pleasure or to experience what her father felt. More like a confusion between grieve, a desire for pain, honest love and care.

Again, we are dealing with perspectives and I might be dead wrong too. For Karen, Penelope is what she herself is, and I am sure most would look at her
desiring Max that way – is Max just her “bitch” like the Mayor said? Or deep down Penelope’s fantasies are about it being the other way around? Maybe even the princess herself isn’t aware of this (ah the irony of ant royalty wanting to be dominated by a giant).

But… there is also the most important relationship: Max and Lucy. Max astonishment with the ant society and shame of what he and his family represent to them is understandable and relatable. But it’s all the more reason he can’t and won’t let Antopia shrink down Lucy. The “little monster” the ants want dead is just his little sister “playing” in their garden.

But why is everyone making Lucy the devil here? I, for one, am not 100% sure about Antopia time-line. For what we can tell, Antopia is fairly new and those ants might not be originally from Earth, explaining why no human found out about them yet. So, what are Lucy and Dyvia to them?

Religion never falls far from politics and, if I had to bet, Max will end up having to play the hole of the late king, and talk some humanity into his “little monster sister. She is still Lucy. But not to Penelope ans Sting. Would this sheltered princess agree to let Max go on a suicide mission and talk to Lucy after witnessing her people being slaughtered first hand? As she said, her objective is to make Max a ant… and that is what he looks to Lucy right now.

Or maybe he doesn’t even have to make her aware – someone else can make contact to tell about Max been a prisoner, aiming to enrage Lucy and use her against Dakota and Penelope. The end result will be the same, since that’s when Max will have to act fast - to stop the scientists from shrinking his sister too (if others don't first) and protect his captors (I love tragedy and irony).

Obviously his position is the most precarious. Right now is Max human or ant? And what are the ants – to him and the world at large? Actually, what are Lucy and Divya for the ants? Gods? Gaia incarnated? Lucy might like playing the role of an all powerful entity, especially if her brother is in the game (the girl is eleven after all), and some might be willing to let her if that means the fall of the queendom.

But it's not really just a game. Not for Max and Penelope and not for Antopia. My God, there is a lot to take in. 

Alright, enough theory (for now). How are you? Did you finish your exams? It’s incredible how you managed to make such big and detailed chapter. To express my gratitude for continuing writing, I would like to share that no family or friends know about my macro fantasies too and that’s alright. It’s something very personal I will talk if I want to, when and with who I want to.

See you next chapter. I hope my comment is usefull. As you can guess, I cant’t wait for Lucy and Max reunion! What will she think of his new girlfriend? Kkkkkkkkkkkk.

Author's Response:

Thanks for your really long review! Here is what I have to say about that. 

Max and Princess Penelope have an interesting complex relationship developing which will be expanded on further in the story. Interestingly Mac being an older teenage boy and going through puberty, he would have had sexual attraction and crushes on several girls already which will make for an interesting love triangle or hexagon which will further complicate things more. 

Ironically the Princess is already aware of macrophilla and microphilla and this will be explored as well, especially with the tiny aphids which are going to be introduced later on in the story.

This story relies heavily on perspective and power play so yes while his sister might seem to be doing something innocuous and childish 'playing with the ants', to the ants it is absolute war carnage, extreme violence and mass genocide. And with his newly reduced status in the world, that is something Max is going to have to discover the hard way. 

I left some historical teasers such as Penelope's dad (The King of Antopia) and the ant history stuff which will be explored in the coming chapters. 

But yeah the next chapter will be actually a historical flashback introducing the ant goddess Gaia and that will have an expansion of several different macro/micro-interactions and will have lots of action so that will be very interesting. 

Thanks for asking about my exams! Mid-semester exams are over and the next semester doesn't start until late July so I have had extra time to write 😊. 


Reviewer: barabba9000 Signed [Report This]
Date: July 08 2023 4:54 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Oh well after 7 months the chapter 6 is here. Hope to see the newest ones uploaded asap.. The story is sooo interesting. Did you finish your exams and have more free time? 

Author's Response:

Mid-semester exams are finished and it's mid-semester break for me so yes I have had more time to write. I planned out the next chapter already and that will be a lot more action-packed than this one and expanding on the macro/micro-interactions. I will try to have it out in a few weeks 👍.  

Reviewer: Glaazius Signed [Report This]
Date: July 07 2023 2:33 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

How the hell did this story managed to slip past me?

Its awesome!

Author's Response:

Happy to know that you like the story! 😊. I have a lot of exciting chapters planned further down the road.  

Reviewer: GGTT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 04 2023 5:16 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Hello LittleBigPlanet!

I've been following your story since the first chapter has been released and I gotta admit, this is THE story that keeps me coming back to this site. You inspired me to create this account, to write my own stories! (fun fact I had an account before but I deleted it 'cuz i was kinda ashamed of my fetish :/) Keep up the good work and good luck to you academically!

p.s. like what the previous reviewer said, more Asian Giantess content could be cool. I think you already have a potential candidate in the form of Max's classmate, Mei Lin Zhang! Would love to see her interact with some ants or, Max himself!

Author's Response:

Thank you for saying that this is one of your favourite stories on the site! I have a lot planned so you will be coming back to the site a lot more often 😅. 

I don't think having an interest in macro content is anything to be ashamed of. That's kind of why I have an anonymous username anyway. I kind of need more than anyone since my real name no one else quite has 😋. No family or friends knows about my secret macro fantasies  And I think you should embrace and express yourself.

Thank you very much for wishing me luck for the exam period. I have now finished most of my exams I have 2 more next week. Chapter 6 is ready to go I just need to proofread it so I am estimating it will be out by June 25th or 26th 🙏 💪

Reviewer: barabba9000 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21 2023 12:30 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Hope to see asap the new chapter, I'd like to see an Asian giantess character... Well, you have already written all the plot, but who knows

Author's Response:

Chapter 6 is actually completed now! 😊 18854 words. I just need to proofread it before I submit it which will be in Early-mid June, just after the exam period is over. 

Divya Bandaranayake is the main Asian giantess I introduced in Chapter 3 An Unexpected Visitor. However, I do plan to create more characters so if you want an Asian giantess with an ethnicity from a specific part of Asia feel free to email me. 🙂

Reviewer: barabba9000 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 19 2023 12:56 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Any news about the sixth chapter? 

Author's Response:

So I am around 75% of the way through the chapter and it is around 15000 words so it will probably be 20000 words again. The reason why it is taking so long is because I keep having to put it on hold from time to time to  prioritize school work.

The good news is that there is a bit of break in work coming up so I can finish it, proofread it then and get it out by next month. 🙂


Reviewer: harmonymotion Signed [Report This]
Date: April 14 2023 6:16 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

I've only read the prologue so far. You described the setting well, and I love the ant army and find it all very funny :)

Author's Response:

Let me know when you get to Chapter 3: An Unexpected Visitor and Chapter 4: Prisoner of the Ant People because that's when it starts getting really interesting 😊

Reviewer: barabba9000 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 28 2023 6:36 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Can't wait to read another chapter. 

Author's Response:

Well, the good news is that I have started on Chapter 6 of Antopia and am about 1/3 through it. 

The bad news is that uni semester has started so it is going to be a little while 

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 29 2023 10:51 AM Title: Chapter 4: Prisoner of the Ant People

Another amazing chapter filled with detail and character developement. From what I can tell it seems the ants have learned by observing humans and surpassed them already? Probably courtesy of Dr. Thorax genius. Will he be able to produce a growth formula? My gut says no: one because he will find out it’s easier to shrink but hard to reverse without killing the subject, two because Antopia has no need for such a disruptive technology anyway. Plus I want Max to stay ant-sized forever LOL

With development, comes change. The fact that govenment officials are suggesting to use Max as leverage points to opposing views inside Antopia. Some are like Sting and see Lucy as nothing but a danger. Others see in her a opportunity to overthrow the current structure of power. Hell, if we are talking about mimicking humans, at this point some ants might have built some crazy cult around her.

After this trials Max understands he can never let Sting capture Lucy, but call me crazy, I can see the ant general warming up to Max, coming to dote on him like a grandson. The great dillema if this happens is obvious, but again, the story is playing with perspectives – we have opposing view inside Antopia as well as in each character. Who is right? I don’t think that is the main issue when feelings and desires are at play and there is no need for a clear answer also. Divya and Lucy are friends and right in the middle of the struggle we have Max and Penelope.

I can totally understand Max frustration with Penelope, she seems to treat him less like a brother and more like a pet project to make her mother proud. The irony is that, if Max was at his normal size, what would this kind and naive princess be to him? Those two have a lot to learn with each other.

The queen… well, I agree with Max, Dakota is a badass and I really liked her, but. as any ruler, she is prone to manipulation and the fact that Dr. Thorax shrunk the wrong person (was it really by accident?) puts her in a thogh spot. She can’t just send Max back, she can’t punish him for what others did and (here is another irony), he more time she keeps Max, the more reasons she will give for Lucy to hate Antopia even more.

There is another issue. It’s a guess and I am repeating myself, but that’s the whole point of my theory: unless it’s possible to mass produce darts to shrink the entire human race, Max value as a hostage is unfathomable – the key to keep the entire family of giants roaming her land at bay  instead of just punishing one.

Talking about the Firewalls… It’s sad nobody noticed Max is missing yet, but is just a question of time now and it will be another shake to weight on Lucy’s shoulders ot top of what happened to Divya. I think some high-rank ants understand that and what it means – a chance to communicate.

I love the way you are keeping us updated on what is happening on both sides – Antopia and the Firewall residence – and I just can’t wait for the next chapters. Thank you THANK YOU for all the effort!

PS.: third time I am changing my comment. This chapter really gave me a lot to think :D

Author's Response:

I honestly think you must be one of the most in-depth analytical reviewers on this site! Wish you could have helped me with my school TEEL analytical essays back when I was in high school around 4 years ago...

 You are absolutely spot on. It is much harder to grow a human back than it is to shrink him so Max will be stuck for a while let's just say even if Dr Thorax wanted to help him.....

All the government ministers are essential based on different sections of parliament in the real human world so I tried my best to base the society of Antopia on that with a little bit of the Roman Empire thrown in as well.   

Many different ants have their own views of Lucy. Most of them hate her but some see this to use it to their advantage to fulfil their own agendas .....

Let's just say a lot of characters will be undergoing character development including General Sting.....

Later on, we going to find out why princess Penelope is so sympathetic and optimistic about humans.......  

Since Max was hard to punish since he wasn't doing any of the actual genocide I tried to portray the most accurate and realistic punishments and convictions based on his actions. So glad you liked the trial!

Yeah, those shrinking darts are a manufacturing nightmare so it will be literally impossible to shrink 7 billion humans. It would take millions of years...

Let's just say Max is leverage at this point......

The irony is that had Rebecca refused to listen to her husband's rant on porn and barged into the room they would have discovered the son was missing sooner. Let's just say it has been delayed a little bit...

You have to be my favourite reviewer on the site...😊


Reviewer: GTStation Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 29 2023 5:06 AM Title: Chapter 4: Prisoner of the Ant People

This chapter is so good!

Before the positives, there is one thing I didn't like and that's the excessive swearing. I don't have any problems with swearing, but almost every character uses it so constantly that it makes it feel like they speak the same way, which makes the dialogue sound a bit artificial.

It's justifiable since this is a tense situation and everyone there is angry, but it made the dialogue a bit tiresome to read, for me at least.

The rest is great!

Seeing the ant universe getting expanded is always a treat, some of the interactions are pretty funny (mainly with Max and Sting), and all the Lucy scenes are excellent!

My favorite is probably the painted nails story, with the magnifying glass scene being the second.

And I'm very interested to see how these characters develop and evolve through the story, especially the main three Max, Penelope, and Sting, I feel like they will change a lot, both themselves and how they interact with each other.

Also, one of the ants said "AMONG US" at one point which was epic.

Author's Response:

Looking back I kinda agree with you that, especially in the earlier chapters the word fucking was used way too often. I guess I did because I felt the story hadn't had much action yet but it still needed to earn that R (Ma15+) rating. Going forward I will try to use the swearing when it flows better in the story. 

Glad you like the interactions between our three main protagonists. 

The magnifying glass scene was actually heavily inspired by the animated movie  Antz. The painted nails were a creative touch as well in terms of how they can be used as a powerful weapon for the ants so I am so glad you enjoyed both scenes!  

Our three main protagonists (apart from Lucy and Divya) will be undergoing a lot of character development in the story 

The ant shouting AMONG US was a foreshadowing clue. I wonder if they have traitors among them? And who could they be? 🤔

Reviewer: Miller2021 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 28 2023 6:36 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Your work does not go unnoticed great one. We all appreciate the writing.

ps I love love to see another Lucy rampage or the dangerous footstool in the backyard. Maybe some inshoe  but still I love the work and keep up the good work 

Author's Response:

Lucy's dog Footstool is actually going to have a major role in one of the chapters further down the story and a couple of others as well 

Lucy is going to launch several attacks on Antopia so there will be no shortage of rampages 

Thanks for saying that my effort in my writing does not go unnoticed!

Reviewer: Unknown893 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 26 2023 6:56 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Absolutely incredible and amazing story! Your writing is fantastic, the plot is great, and basically just about everything is perfect! One of the best stories I’ve ever read and I really hope there’s more!

Also, hope that there’s some more butt action in the future. That scene with Jack almost getting crushed is hot. 

Keep up the great work!

Author's Response:

I tend to keep people interested in both the plot and the erotic elements. So glad that you have enjoyed the plotline of the story so far and believe me when I say it's going to get a whole lot more interesting very soon!

Nice to know that you enjoyed Divya almost flattening criminal scumbag Jack with her bum. I thinking of including more explicit butt action with older female characters later in the story  

Thanks for reviewing! 

Reviewer: barabba9000 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 26 2023 5:46 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Love this story, anything can hapoen

Hope to read more chapters asap. Definitely one of the best stories of the past 3 years

Author's Response:

Well I have an outline of several more chapters planned so you going to be doing a lot more reading, lol 😂

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