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Reviewer: zhangkui Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12 2024 6:20 PM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

I wonder if Max will come into contact with her mother or little sister in the future when he's the size of an ant or aphid, and maybe let him experience the giantess peeing

Reviewer: breastclimber Signed [Report This]
Date: June 06 2024 7:36 PM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

Wow, this chapter really impacted me in a negative way.   I had been so into the story and then this extremely violent and graphic chapter comes out of nowhere.   Poor Pilot/Squiggles suffers every little body part being destroyed in so many excruciating descriptive ways, that it just became too much for me.  I had to read parts of the chapter during different days because it just overloaded me too much.   I reached the story where the teacher was a young child eating the chocolate egg.   After that it was just all too much for me, and I decided to stop reading the story, as I just wasn't enjoying it anymore.

Sorry, that you lost me as a reader.  I super enjoyed the previous chapters, the exploration of antopia and all of that was great.

Author's Response:

Hi there

I must say I am very confused and baffled that the violent and graphic content put you off the whole story since I have already done several graphic and violent scenes before this chapter.

I will say that I went very into the pain and suffering of Squiggles and extreme violence to depict the harshness and cruelty of the real world. The scene with Darla as a little girl eating a chocolate Easter egg with the violent unaware vore scenes was not sugar-coated in terms of descriptive brutality and violence because I wanted to portray it as realistic as possible in terms of what would actually happen to a tiny or tiny creature when subjective to the sheer power of a macro.

The chapter did indeed have a lot more frequent violent and graphic scenes I will say compared to the previous ones.   

But the last chapter had a very violent sadistic rape and insertion scene with a 17-year-old teenage ant school girl with aphids and that scene is just as x-rated and disturbing as several scenes in this current chapter so I must be honest I am scratching my head in confusion when you say then ‘this extremely violent and graphic chapter comes out of nowhere’ because I have done graphic scenes before in this story so it shouldn’t be totally unexpected. Maybe it was the frequency of the graphic scenes in this chapter that shocked you?

But I think you are into the more gentle/nurturing macro interactions. I do want Antopia to cater to a wide range of people’s preferences and Gaia’s backstory is coming up very next chapter and will focus on gentle/nurturing interactions with the ants. If extremely violent/graphic interactions aren’t your thing, maybe you can skim over those interactions and focus on the gentle interactions and the lore/storyline. What I am saying hopefully you don't have to be put off the story entirely if this chapter wasn’t your thing.      

Reviewer: GiantessLover21 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 05 2024 1:49 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

Amazing the part with the stinky mother feet was so nice for me. It's just a bit too long two chapteur instead of one could be better. But this chapter was perfect anyway

Author's Response:

I can understand when you say this chapter was too long. I never wanted it to become this long but I wanted to experiment with all possible giantess interactions I could think of at least once and vore and graphic digestion were the hardest ones to do and really swelled up the word count. It's not the content itself which is the problem but the way it is presented. 

I did actually consider splitting it into parts like Chapter 7 Part A, Chapter 7 Part B, etc so that it would be easier to digest for the reader. However, I tend to classify my chapters based on a common element or theme. In this case, it is essentially 5 sub-stories revolving around the common theme of insignificance. In the end, I decided against it because it would look weird and awkward in terms of presentation when compared to the rest of the chapters. I did provide lots of spacing to make it easier to follow. 

Lol, I decided to give Rebecca Firewall (the mother) a more prominent role as a red-haired MILF giantess and feet interactions and especially barefoot crushing and foot odour are always my favourite to write. We will see more of her later on in the story as well. :)   

Reviewer: Aac101 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 02 2024 3:33 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Overall it's good. I would prefer about half the length, posted more often. It's hard to sit down and read it all or have to come back. I'm excited to see more human interaction, the inshoe scene was my favorite part. 

Author's Response:

I can understand when you say this chapter was too long. I never wanted it to become this long but I wanted to experiment with all possible giantess interactions I could think of at least once and vore and graphic digestion were the hardest ones to do and really swelled up the word count. It's not the content itself which is the problem but the way it is presented. 

I did actually consider splitting it into parts like Chapter 7 Part A, Chapter 7 Part B, etc so that it would be easier to digest for the reader. However, I tend to classify my chapters based on a common element or theme. In this case, it is essentially 5 sub-stories revolving around the common theme of insignificance. In the end, I decided against it because it would look weird and awkward in terms of presentation when compared to the rest of the chapters. I did provide lots of spacing to make it easier to follow. 

You can always download a PDF version using the print function above the chapter so that it is easier to bookmark to remember where you left off since this chapter is impossible to read in one sitting. No chapter will ever be close to being this long in the future. 

Thanks for saying that the insole smothering and crush scene inside cute Darla's pink Mary Janes with both ant troops was your favourite. That and the violent vore scene with the chocolate easter egg in the kitchen in 1960s Melbourne were my favourite macro interactions to write. 

I have both ant-aphid interactions, human-ant interactions and more interestingly human-aphid interactions and human-ant-aphid interactions planned in the next chapter.     

Reviewer: ProteinMan Signed [Report This]
Date: June 02 2024 5:05 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

I loved the new chapter.

I hope you can make the bext chapter as long and good as this one.

thought you gave up on the story for a while. 

Author's Response:

I just got so busy in real life that I barely had any time to update. But given the fact I wrote a 120,000-word chapter in 9 months and essentially provided you with 3 months of reading material you could say I provided a super update, hahaha. 

To be honest, though no chapter in the future will come close to being this long in the future because it is such a drain to edit. Writing it is really fun but editing 185 pages of text is really time-consuming.  

Reviewer: Ride Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01 2024 7:48 PM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

It's weird. It's the best chapter I've ever read, and it's also the worst. More is not always better, and this chapter has been too long. It would have been better if you had divided it into parts to create more tension. Also, there are times when many people's connections get reset, so it would be a bit annoying to search for the last thing you read. Still, it was fun and exciting to read.

Author's Response:

I can understand when you say this chapter was too long. I never wanted it to become this long but I wanted to experiment with all possible giantess interactions I could think of at least once and vore and graphic digestion were the hardest ones to do and really swelled up the word count. It's not the content itself which is the problem but the way it is presented. 

I did actually consider splitting it into parts like Chapter 7 Part A, Chapter 7 Part B, etc so that it would be easier to digest for the reader. However, I tend to classify my chapters based on a common element or theme. In this case, it is essentially 5 sub-stories revolving around the common theme of insignificance. In the end, I decided against it because it would look weird and awkward in terms of presentation when compared to the rest of the chapters. I did provide lots of spacing to make it easier to follow. 

On an ironic note, I was actually forced to split this into parts when posting this chapter on A03 because it was more than 500,000 characters. You can also read on there as well where it is easier to follow if you struggle to find the last thing you read. I can also suggest that you can use the print function on the website to download a pdf version of it and bookmark it or feel free to reach out to me via email and I can send you a pdf version.           

Reviewer: Barkinis Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01 2024 2:10 PM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

Greetings again from Turkey. Wow its finally here.I've been waiting for a new chapter for a long time, I'm going to finish this chapter slowly :) The story is getting bigger and bigger, and it's great to be in it. How many episodes do you plan to finish? 

Author's Response:

I just got so busy in real life that I barely had any time to update. But given the fact I wrote a 120,000-word chapter in 9 months and essentially provided you with 3 months of reading material you could say I provided a super update, hahaha. Take your time to read it. 

I have planned it to be around 30  to 35 chapters and by the time I am finished, I am certain it will make it onto the list of the top 10 longest stories on this site. 

Reviewer: zhangkui Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01 2024 6:32 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

I thought you had given up on the story for a while, but you've made such a great update! Have you ever considered making the max smaller

Author's Response:

I just got so busy in real life that I barely had any time to update. But given the fact I wrote a 120,000-word chapter in 9 months and essentially provided you with 3 months of reading material you could say I provided a super update, hahaha 

Max is going to become aphid-sized later on in the story and be in the hands of Princess Penelope. I am also going to introduce more human-aphid interactions which is going to be really cool.    

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed [Report This]
Date: May 31 2024 1:04 PM Title: Chapter 6: The Smallest Microphile in the World

Been a while without any updates. I know it’s not much help for anything, but I hope everything is fine and you are alright.

Author's Response:

Impeccable timing because the next chapter goes up this afternoon hahaha!!

Reviewer: Barkinis Signed [Report This]
Date: March 10 2024 9:20 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Greetings again from Turkey I look forward to your story and can't wait to see more lucy. When will your story be published? 

Author's Response:

Hi there 😄

It's hard to say exactly when but I have finished the draft. However, there is a lot to edit, and it's at a snail's pace with the new full-time job I am doing. 

For what it's worth there is a lot of Lucy next chapter. 😄 

Reviewer: GGTT Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 04 2024 2:18 AM Title: Chapter 6: The Smallest Microphile in the World

Hello again, LittleBigPlanet!

It's been a while since I submitted a review last year in the summer but I have in fact, been readimg the story and is up to date!

This chapter in specific is absolutely amazing. I was so shocked by the fact that Gaia was revealed to be a teenage human girl! What a twist... It was definitely an interesting and captivating  concept with ants having their very own microphiles.

On a side note, I am eager to find out what exactly happened to Penelope's father. A flashback to his story would definitely be entertaining or hell, maybe even a spin-off one day!

As always, keep up the good work and we absolutely can't wait to read the next chapter!

p.s. The title is Antopia: The Greatest Story Never Told, that led me to speculating: Something catastrophic is going to happen.. huh! I like to think that it could mean that Max won't live to tell the story or the entire Antopia will be.. wiped out. Or it could just be Max keeping a secret and Antopia never gets discovered, haha!

Author's Response:

Hi there 😄

I am slowly chipping away at getting the next chapter up which primarily dives into vore and graphic digestion (it's actually quite massive). I guess starting full-time engineering work really eats away a lot of your time....

Yeah at first I was considering making Gaia an ant but then I changed mind and thought it would be more interesting of she was a human girl!! We will get into her backstory and her relationship with the ants  very soon.....

Penelope's father I haven't thought about a backstory for him yet but it will definitely involve humans. I guess you will have to wait and see...... 

I won't spoil too much but I will say that I am definitely not killing off my main character😄. I wonder what will happen to Antopia..........   

Reviewer: Barbarizando Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 16 2024 3:48 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

certainly one of the best stories! the views, the description of the cosmic horror that is a child of 7 years!! it's perfect!! please keep the rhythm perfect!!!

Author's Response:

A lot of this story is turning a seemingly innocent cute sweet little girl in normal circumstances into a terrifying monster to the tiny lifeforms below her using vivid descriptions and perspectives so that rhythm is definitely not stopping hahaha 😂 🤣  

Reviewer: Barbarizando Signed [Report This]
Date: February 15 2024 5:23 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

i started reading the story now and I found the most!! I hope it continues like this! It is so rare to see young gigantas that I am happy to meet Lucy!!

Please continue !

Author's Response:

Hi there 🙂

Thanks for reviewing and I agree with you that kid giantesses are quite rare but in my opinion, they have some unique interactions to utilize which is what makes kid character development so interesting since they are still growing up. Lucy is a very interesting girl as you will see later on in the story😏.  

I am currently quite busy at the moment but I have actually finished the next chapter and currently reviewing it. It should be up by early March.    

Reviewer: breastclimber Signed [Report This]
Date: January 25 2024 5:30 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Ok, my face has turned from red to blue to purple.

Any idea when you will get back to this?

Not to nag, just a huge fan of the story!

Author's Response:

Hi there 😄

I have had some major life changes but I am slowly cracking away at the next chapter. I also have other short stories planned as well this year which should be exciting. 

The next chapter should be out in around 2 to 3 weeks (hopefully). It's my best chapter I have written so far and contains a range of macro interactions 😊. It will also be my longest, lol. 

Reviewer: breastclimber Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 21 2023 3:07 AM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

Hey there, I was going to wait for more of the story to be written before writing anything, but I have to say a few things about this story.

1) I love the imagination here.   I've seen some stories that use a mix of creature/humans to write some fun stuff, but you are using mostly unaltered insects here.  The idea of making an ant seem attractive somehow is really very good!

2) I love the scenery you have imagined.  Admittedly a lot of it is variants on real things, but you have put some very imaginative twists on how things are different.  Design/materials. etc.

3) I love how the information about stuff is being developed.   Gaia was a human, the ants are aliens.   Putting this kind of stuff in the story makes it interesting and adds a lot of great long term future story stuff into the mix.

4) I love that you finally had an erotic scene with the ant and the aphids.   I know it was a morality lesson, but hey I really do reading about giant/small interactions sexually, so I enjoyed that part of the story.   Maybe a gentle element can be added in later in this regards (flashback to Gaia maybe?) 

5) Keep up the pace.   I would be very happy to keep seeing updates on this story.   It is one that I will click on every day to see if an update happens.

One question, how long do you anticipate the story is going to be given what you have covered so far?  Any idea how many chapters you will have given your outline?

Author's Response:

Thank you for reviewing 🙂

I have always loved the concept of talking sentient animals in stories which is what led me to create talking ants that live similar lifestyles to humans but also combine real anthill structural hierarchy and society. Most people focus on human-human interactions or anthropomorphic animals but I like to get creative with human-animal interactions. 

With the attractive ant I am assuming you are talking about Princess Penelope, yes she is indeed very gorgeous 😍. We are going to get more intimate with her anatomy later on...

I like to get very descriptive since I am creating a whole new hidden world and society so I am very glad you love the scenery. 

Gaia is coming up very soon and we are going to find out exactly who she is and how she found the ants in a chapter backstory. 

I am happy you liked the sexually explicit scene with the ant and the aphids. Usually, I focus on feet, crushing and vore macro interactions but I like to expand into more hardcore interactions as well. The ants and the aphids and the humans and the ants were also there to show the true size scale of life and insignificance. 

The next chapter should come up next month, hopefully. I have some preparation to do since I graduate from university at the end of the year but the next chapter is already 80% done. 

I am estimating this story will be around 30 to 35 chapters and  I will be writing this for a good 2 to 3 years based on my outline. But things get interesting so I recommend you stick around for the long haul......     

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 20 2023 10:18 PM Title: Chapter 6: The Smallest Microphile in the World

I wanted to explore the idea of ‘hero’ a little further, but just coldn't manage to include everything on my last comment. However, less than 24 hours after, I stumble upon a piece of news that says the world is experiencing an epidemic of loneliness.

That's it! That's what it means for Max to become a hero: to be there for Lucy even if she chooses wrong and not leave her feeling lonely! Maturing in Max’s case is to abandon this pride and fear he has, to become someone able to still see a monster as his sister - as someone worth enduring, persisting and taking the fall for.

Since what is done can’t be undone, and even if unaware it’s true the damage would be far less if Lucy didn’t derived any pleasure from her power over Antopia, that's what means to be the hero of this story: to be the big brother of the "little monster", to not abandon her despite all that she has done or could do to him in the future. Family in a true meaningful sense.

Man, it took me some time to realize what I really wanted to say about Max and his future as the protagonist. And I might be spouting bullshit, but I am rooting for him since ch. 1.

That's the real good stuff: keeps you thinking long after you finish reading. Only time will tell if I am right.

Once again, thank you for all the thought and effort you are putting into
the story!

Author's Response:

Thanks for the additional review 😊

But yeah this story focuses primarily on sibling relationships (brother-sister). Even though they argue a lot deep down they love each other. This will be key later on as Max knows Lucy's mannerisms and personality better than anyone, unlike the ants who only know her sadistic side. 

You are definitely right when you say what is done cannot be undone but at least Max can prevent future destruction. And there will be a lot of forgiveness later on in the story which is why he will not abandon her since he wants to save her soul. 

Max is the centre of his story and we will be following his journey throughout it. 

Yep, the next chapter is going to be very fun 😉

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: November 20 2023 8:06 AM Title: Chapter 6: The Smallest Microphile in the World

Another psychologically deep and unsettling (in a good way) chapter. How you manage to keep pumping them with so much depth and consistency? The Ant Bully premise is a young adult sci-fi masterpiece in your hands.

Christine character wasn’t just a convenient way to deconstruct the idea of lawful good inside Antopia (other chapters already sent that message), but a good way to work the link between desire and fantasy in a understandable way. What makes Christine into a despicable villain is not what she has in common with Lucy – the desire to be big because big = powerfull – but the clear difference between the two: Christine is someone who would shrink and kill her brothers and sisters, her own kind, she would act on her power fantasies in a destructive manner – ultimately this means to become a predator and the destruction of oneself, like we saw happen with Jack Feeler in chapter 5.

When Christine pictures Max being killed by her own sister, Lucy is always unaware. That’s the point of her character. Not only because the chapter wants us to understand Lucy would never want Max dead, but also to highlight this difference – Chrinstine as unable to see beyond her pleasure, she is not just a microphille but a psycopath also - and because of that, in her twisted mind Lucy must always kill her brother in the most cruel way FOR BOTH brother ans sister: without Lucy knowing it at first.

Now, about the elephant in the room (in my opinion): is “Ms. Perfect” a microphile? Maybe. I think it’s likely she equally resents the fact of being born an ant – something that Max’s presence will help bring to the surface for her to finally work on it – The ants think of Divya as their “guardian angel”, and that might be reasuring for the masses, but it’s on Max’s shoulders to save Lucy and Penelope from themselves. Divya is the one hailed by the majority, but Max is the hero for these two microphile.

Who knows? In the past, did Penelope ever spotted Max from afar? Did she ever ventured inside the house with no one knowing? Maybe looking for sugar? Did she ever fantasized about having the big brother of the “little monster” all for herself? To be in his shoes? A lot remains to be revealed from behind Penelope’s maneirisms and quirks.

And when I say hero, I mean it. I don’t think Lucy and Penelope will reach balance without Max paying a hefty price – when we hurt the ones that love us the most in a irreparable way is the momment we realize we went too far. I am not saying this just to be dramatic, I love a good drama, but it’s the way things often work - how people more often mature, abandoning selfish fantasies of invulnerability to develop a deeper sense of love.

It’sthe oldest of stories and desires: being human is being guilty and forgiven. Forgiven, not by some larger than life goddess, but by our big brother after we’ve done something that horrifies US above all.

Yes, mother, father, friends, we seek validation from them as well, but these are often more distant figures, more difficult to rely on some times than an older brother or sister. My opinion.

God, your story makes me think... a lot! Any chance a new chapter comes out before new year?

As always, thanks for writing and sharing! Please, don’t stop! Please, stay safe!

Author's Response:

Thanks for reviewing 🙂

Yeah, I created Christine's character as cruel and abusive to the little aphids as well as some other ants that share similar mindsets to her as we will see later on since I don't want Antopia to be a perfect angelic society: I instead want it to be a realistic one where there are good people and bad people and yeah Jack Feeler as well as Christine who wish to exert their power on those who are helpless and who would wish to be bigger so that dominate more people. 

Lucy would never actually hurt her brother if she knew who and where he was. It will be primarily unaware interactions between them throughout the majority of the story. The point I am trying to make is that actions that we do for fun can actually have severe consequences on the recipients. 

You are absolutely right when you say that Max will have to pay a hefty price in order for Lucy to realise that she has gone too far and the gravity of her actions. It is only when we hurt the ones who love us the most that true understanding and regret can be made.  

About Princess Penelope, we will later discover her relationships with both aphids and humans and this will help tie nicely in with her size fantasies. We will also discover her history of sugar raids with her fellow ants including breaking into human nests.   

At the end of the story, forgiveness will become a major key player. That being said, the question remains, can some really terrible things ever be forgiven? 

The next chapter will be out next month (hopefully) it is like 80% done. I am actually graduating from university end of the year so it might be a bit hectic with everything going on but fingers crossed.    

Reviewer: barabba9000 Signed [Report This]
Date: November 19 2023 5:18 PM Title: Prologue: The Little Monster

yes, it would be fun to see it shrunking again, at the size of an aphid. Did you consider this?

Author's Response:

I think I will make him even smaller to aphid-sized temporarily so he can feel puny in the presence of ants and then make him feel even more insignificant by making him have microscopic interactions with humans 🤔

Reviewer: zhangkui Signed [Report This]
Date: November 19 2023 2:34 AM Title: Chapter 6: The Smallest Microphile in the World

I wonder if you'd consider downsizing the main character again

Author's Response:

Lol, who knows? Maybe I will make him even smaller to aphid-sized temporarily to make him have some sexy time with Princess Penelope😜 and microscopic interactions with humans 

Reviewer: Barkinis Signed [Report This]
Date: November 17 2023 5:14 PM Title: Chapter 5: Welcome to Antopia

By the way, I apologize for the bad translation. My English is not enough to write a piece:)

Author's Response:

All good. Impressive that you are reading such a long story in English 👍

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