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Reviewer: Scarlett Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2022 8:49 PM Title: The Queen of Mars Pt 3

I commented on “ Procerita, the Glalan Champion” about how I love the setting because I do. You hit the ball out of the park with this!

Author's Response:

Thanks, I'm working on a general "appendix" post which is just lore and worldbuilding details for anyone else who wants to play around in this setting or just for people who are curious. It's a fun world, what's not to like about a universe of giant aliens?

Reviewer: DcZ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2022 4:59 AM Title: The Queen of Mars Pt 3

Another very nice arc of this story!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Octosquid11 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2022 3:30 AM Title: The Invasion

Thanks for the mention! It’s been fantastic having your feedback and as I have mentioned before, an honour to write in your universe. I can’t wait to see the crew go to space Vegas! 

Author's Response:

Thanks! It's an honor that someone likes it enough that they want to write in it

Reviewer: Lupin Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 10 2022 2:27 AM Title: The Queen of Mars Pt 3

This chapter is everything I hoped for and more! I really love Isstvell and Lyrei now. The internal struggle really fleshed them out, and that pay off when they met with the matriarch was one of the most anime moments in this series (and I loved it). The reckless willingness to die for the freedom of some humans really sold me on them. Im really enjoying the fact that at least some of their kind are evolving to be more "human" for lack of a better word. Gives me "Warm Bodies" vibes. I'm excited to see where this development/conflict takes the plot.

Also looking forward to the development of Elara's psychic powers now that their only lead is gone. Ngl I was kind of hoping she'd learn some powers like the size changing one because having Jim and Clara at the same size was pretty sweet and I feel like that would be a pretty handy ability both recreationally and in combat.

As always I'll look forward to your next update in whichever story that may be. Godspeed!

Author's Response:

Lyrei and Isstvell have definitely come a long way, and I think you could call them genuine friends now. While all the Aelmari will slowly become more "human" on continued exposure, not all of them reach the same conclusions, as Shaerra and Brandon show.

Also Elara might learn the size changing ability one day, but it's a fairly advanced technique. Still, Jim and Clara would probably enjoy it if she could figure it out.

Reviewer: Maned74 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 09 2022 2:43 AM Title: The Queen of Mars Pt 1

Love that genuine moment between Jim and Clara, first time it felt like an actual couple sharing a romantic exchange instead of a passive dominatrix thing.? 

And the developtment between Elara and the rest of the flock is adorable. 

Author's Response: Jim and Clara have a weird relationship, this story being more of an action oriented one romance isn't as much of a focus as it is in a couple of my other stories, but I still try. Glad you're liking the character development so far!

Reviewer: Octosquid11 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 08 2022 1:31 AM Title: The Invasion

Hello. I’ve been trying to get into writing lately and I wanted to know if I could set my story in your life in your universe. 

Your ideas are very well fleshed out and the whole world building thing is something you clearly do well.

I was imagining it could have something to do with the people who were captured, frozen and sold. 

This way it wouldn’t impact your story in any way while also setting a good set of rules (such as the aelmari taking a role as peacekeepers, Glalans being troublemakers and war-mongers, and weaponry being just futuristic enough for recoil to still be a concern)

anyway, before I write too much or go on a tangent I really do appreciate your story and I wouldn’t be offended at all if you wanted to be the only one in control of your universe, as I can see having multiple writers in it being a concern.

Author's Response:

Just go for it, treat the existing story as a basic canon and if you need to make up technology or species to make your story work then go wild. The only thing I ask is don't touch the Archons since they're mind "endgame" plot if that makes sense. Other than that I'm looking forward to what you come up with, I left the series as "open" so I think anyone can add to it, unless I've misunderstood how series work on this site.

Reviewer: Octosquid11 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 08 2022 1:30 AM Title: The Invasion

Hello. I’ve been trying to get into writing lately and I wanted to know if I could set my story in your life in your universe. 

Your ideas are very well fleshed out and the whole world building thing is something you clearly do well.

I was imagining it could have something to do with the people who were captured, frozen and sold. 

This way it wouldn’t impact your story in any way while also setting a good set of rules (such as the aelmari taking a role as peacekeepers, Glalans being troublemakers and war-mongers, and weaponry being just futuristic enough for recoil to still be a concern)

anyway, before I write too much or go on a tangent I really do appreciate your story and I wouldn’t be offended at all if you wanted to be the only one in control of your universe, as I can see having multiple writers in it being a concern.

Author's Response:

Just go for it, treat the existing story as a basic canon and if you need to make up technology or species to make your story work then go wild. The only thing I ask is don't touch the Archons since they're my"endgame" plot if that makes sense. Other than that I'm looking forward to what you come up with, I left the series as "open" so I think anyone can add to it, unless I've misunderstood how series work on this site.

Reviewer: Lupin Signed [Report This]
Date: April 07 2022 1:49 PM Title: The Invasion

(In response to your response). Yeah I get your point. I guess the main thing that would keep me from being happy is the fact that I would never truly free as long as I had to ask for permition to do amything. I guess I'd see Jim's adventures as optimal since they aren't carefully curated and are ironically more organic than anything I feel I could get clearance for. I just want to roam free like the mighty buffalo, the call to adventure is too strong to resist.

Also I feel like dating would be kind of tricky unless I got lucky like Jim. It seems like most other species hate the aelmari and I doubt they'd want to live in captivity with me, but if the rest of the aelmari become more 'organic' I guess they wouldn't keep me against my will anymore which would make me open to the possibility of actually getting to know one (assuming they develop the capacity to love romantically) since they would'nt be keeping me against my will.

Btw sorry for going on yet another tangent. This story and its setting are among the most engaging and interesting on this site. It's hard not to imagine yourself there lol.

Author's Response:

Your Aelmari Guardian(s) would set you up with some comically simple mission like "pick up the box" and it would escalate into some massive life or death scenario involving space bee-girls and foxes, then you'd have some alien giantess working for the space mafia who would have a Catwoman style frenemy relationship with you. That's just how things work in the Conquest of Earth universe.

Reviewer: Lupin Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 07 2022 6:36 AM Title: The Queen of Mars Pt 2

I'm really loving this arc! You had me at Jim and Clara getting more heart to heart time but I'm now hooked on the crazy plot developments with Elara and the gang. My favorite part of this chapter might be the fact that Isstvel and Lyrei are getting further character development which humanizes them enough for me to not resent them as much. Even with all the adventure in this story, I just felt like they kind of made me feel like Jim and Clara are not truly free to do anything without them looming over and reminding them  of their  (and humanity's) captivity.Even if Jim is going a little easy on Isstvel now that they're friends, I really love the fact that they're reflecting on the morality of their actions since it makes them way more likeable at least in my opinion. I'd be kind of resrntful if I were abducted and treated like a hamster but maybe that's me and I'm too much of a free spirit.

Sorry for going on a tangent here lol. I'm very excited for the next installment! Keep up the fantastic writing!

Author's Response:

Like I said in the end notes one of the big themes of this particular arc is the Aelmari, in particular Lyrei and Isstvell, evolving enough to realize exactly what they've done, and we're also seeing the fallout of how they treat other species in general. Isstvell and Lyrei are probably reaching these conclusions faster than most Aelmari given that their particular adventures were unexpectedly dangerous and the "inferior" species had to save them instead of the other way around. It's hard to say someone deserves to be your pet when they've saved your life that many times. Of course the question is now that it's all done, what do you do about it?

Also as a general thing, I think that most people who have visited giantessworld would probably take the Aelmari up on their "join us on the worldship!" offer in about ten minutes, those of us who were left after we all tried to join the catgirls anyway. I don't know if you've read the Culture series, but the Aelmari take a very similar approach to "free spirits," in that they definitely understand that some humans want excitement and wouldn't want to stay on their worldships in luxury for their entire lives, although as you noted they want to follow you around for it. If you lived in this universe they'd probably try to make you happy by setting you up your own space adventure, although hopefully it wouldn't go as off the rails as Jim's usually do.

Reviewer: Divediveburners Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 07 2022 6:09 AM Title: The Queen of Mars Pt 2

You're particular talent is fleshing out the tiny guy in each of your tales, from Impossible Bo- I mean Man, to Jake, and to Jim (lot's of J's eh?). Jim I would say is the blue-collar version of Jake. Or Jake is the white-collar version of Jim. It's still a fun archetype you've fleshed out, of the self-assured tiny, and it makes what's happening all around him all the more clever.

The Aelmari are very intriguing. At first, I thought their involvement was an unwelcome twist, since you've set up the catgirl invasion first and it was done all too quickly. But, seeing them develop, dare I say, some humanity, is an incredible caveat you've introduced.

My gripe is subjective, and thus, perhaps nothing significant to consider, but I tend to shy away from haram-like stories. Emotions tend to get scattered, and love polygons can get real messy. But once more, that's a stylistic preference, it's like me complaining that there are too many feet scenes in a Sheograth story. You get what you pay for.

Author's Response: I like to try to give the tiny some role in the story beyond the "along for the ride" treatment they get in a lot of giantess stories, at a certain point I like to give our giantesses some reason to rely on the tiny in most stories so the relationship can't get too one-sided. The Aelmari might be condescending as hell, but after everything that's happened they can't exactly pretend Jim, or humanity as a whole even, are just their pets. As for the harem angle, most of the genuine romance in this story is between Clara and Jim, not that the rest don't care about each other of course.

Reviewer: Octosquid11 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 07 2022 1:45 AM Title: The Queen of Mars Pt 2

GreenAnon back at it with the absolute bangers. I thought we lost you for a while there but this is great. The plot thickens and I like seeing Clara as a regular-ish sized human seeing what it’s like from Jim’s perspective. Anyway, keep up the good work! Can’t wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response:

This one took a bit longer than I expected to write, I'm hoping to get the next part out at a faster pace. Glad you like Amazon sized Clara, I thought it would be a fun change of pace, not that she gives Jim much of a break at any size.

Reviewer: Foxinbox Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 03 2022 5:26 AM Title: The Queen of Mars Pt 1

Gotta say human jewelry is up there on the list of things that freak me out and kinda turn me on, but I lean more toward freak me out. I'm really loving Elara as the new harem mate her psychic powers are super interesting. I wonder if her power would be stronger or weaker than a human since I'm assuming that she has some human DNA in her. Either way, I love the powers, I feel like it's kinda a trick up humanity's sleave, or at least it could be in the future. Lyrei and Isstvell and all the other elves too, I absolutely what you're doing with them, with how humanity is rubbing off on them and they are developing more as a species, becoming less like a robot and more like a person it's super fucking cool. Honestly, I'm surprised you don't take commissions or have a Patreon or something like that cause everything that's coming from your head right now is fucking gold.

Author's Response:

Glad you're having a good time with it. This arc is going to have a lot of jewelry confinement, but I think it'll be fun. The psychic angle is definitely important, though humans don't really know how to use it yet and the only friendly alien with psychic powers keeps accidentally using them to broadcast her dirty fantasies. Elara probably has less psychic potential than a fully trained human, but at the same time her powers are further along in development than say, Jim's. The Aelmari have definitely changed a lot, and part of this arc will hopefully be highlighting just how much they have changed.

Also I don't have a patreon or anything, I'm mostly just writing for fun right now.

Reviewer: Octosquid11 Signed [Report This]
Date: April 02 2022 2:44 AM Title: The Queen of Mars Pt 1

Always a good week when GreenAnon makes a post

Author's Response:

I've got a few stories I kind of jump between, if you like this one you might check out my other ones, I just wrapped up a story arc in Rise of a Supervillain!

Reviewer: Maned74 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 20 2022 12:46 AM Title: Unseen Enemies Pt. 3

Elara joins the MC harem- crew or whatever, Neat.  l've a blast reading this saga, you have talent making this up dude, great work like always. 

Author's Response:

Kind of a late response but yeah, Elara is with the main bunch now. The saga continues though!

Reviewer: Maned74 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 17 2022 8:05 PM Title: Space Adventures 2

Like the back and forth scenes with the Matriarch and her shenanigans trying to solve earth peace/maintain sanity among the ranks. 


Author's Response:

Yeah, I always love writing those, glad you liked them!

Reviewer: Lupin Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 17 2022 7:12 PM Title: Rest and Relaxation

Kind of went crazy and started reading your back catalog and I have to say I really like your style! This story is one of the most interesting and entertaining I've read by you. At first I was a bit put off by the fact that most of humanity and our protagonist kind of got forced into being pets, but the more I read the more I really started enjoying character interactions between Jim and Clara as their relationship progressed as well as the general epic sci-fi shit going on in the plot. I still resent the Aelmari because of their demeanor but Lyrei and Isstvel are starting to grow on me now that they're developing more human emotions. Maybe they'll understand why humans don't want to be owned and talked down to, as they get further character development. I'm currently rooting for Clara to end up together with Jim officially by the end of this. Really looking forward to the next chapter when or if you update this fantastic story!

Author's Response: I'm glad that you like it! Conquest of Earth is definitely the most plot heavy of my stories. Without giving too much away while the Aelmari initially see humanity as pets and "trophies" as they put it the general trend in the relationship is favoring a more equal and even symbiotic existence. After the events of Unseen Enemies it's hard for the Aelmari to pretend that Humanity is just a bunch of helpless primitives.

Reviewer: Maned74 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 17 2022 2:53 AM Title: Space Adventures 1

The world leader meeting is the definition of peak comedy. 

Reviewer: Maned74 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 16 2022 1:31 PM Title: The Invasion

Can't describe how awesome this introduction is. I genuinely laugh a lot at the characters antics and interactions, each joke was just perfectly timing/written. 

Author's Response:

Thanks! Pretty high praise. The first chapter "The Invasion" was originally meant as a one shot but people wanted more so I provided.

Reviewer: DcZ Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 06 2022 4:21 AM Title: The Invasion

Good to see your response on my review!

And like Octosquid11 said, and your response to their review, a full smut chapter will be very much enjoyed. 

Bit difficult to have real conversation through the reviews, so hope you on the site discord, and I can give more idea if you want. 

And I eagerly await the next chapter!

Reviewer: Octosquid11 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 06 2022 3:03 AM Title: Unseen Enemies Pt. 3

I love this story. If there was one thing I could ask for it would be to be more descriptive and make the smut scenes longer, but I really really enjoyed the “danger zone” and lightsaber parts. I just can’t help but giggle, I love it. 

Author's Response:

Thanks for the kind words! I'm considering doing a "beach episode" which would be mostly smut with the main characters, no real plot advancement just a beach planet and dirty stuff. I'm really glad you enjoyed some of the pop culture references, they're pretty self indulgent, but I feel they add a bit of fun to the story.

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