Reviews For There's A Planet In My Carpet!
Reviewer: 2KFSK Signed [Report This]
Date: March 21 2021 3:31 PM Title: There's A Planet In My Carpet!
Date: March 21 2021 3:31 PM Title: There's A Planet In My Carpet!
I like this story a lot! The only "problem" I have is that the ending felt pretty abrupt. It'd be cool to at least have an epilogue length segment expanding on what happened as the Parvusians acclimate to their new home. And what about Narovi, huh? I can see the appeal of leaving that to the reader, but I'd LOVE a sequence where she's stewing in anger and hate that Olivia shrunk her, only to go through acceptance and eventually love.
Anyway that's just me. Good story!