Reviews For Tough Love
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Reviewer: NRawkGTS Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: February 13 2021 3:03 PM Title: Chapter 1

Great story!  I know I should be writting myself, but this is about my favorite Saberface and Artoria in her best form... how could I resist.

Was honestly hoping Buntoria would ignore Mordred's apology and shove her in that glorious booty, but shoving her son down her 'sacred lance' was a great alternative.  The only thinkg I'm not entirely sure of is if Mordred is still stuck in Buntoria's cock or her clothes at the end.  Either is fine, just wasn't clear with the wording.

Other than that, I was hoping to hear either Fater or Son comment, out loud or internally, specifically on how foolish it is for a Rider (or most other Classes for that matter) to fight a Ruler given the half damage they deal against them. Again though, that is a personal nitpick, and didn't lower the quality of the best parts for me.

Hope Mordred enjoys her new position in Chaldea, and here's to hoping DW fianlly gets around to putting Morgan into the game.

Author's Response:

Hey man, I can appreciate the input on this. To be honest, Artoria isn't my strong suit and with Mordred added in the *Father/Son* dynamic of it get's even harder to manage. Hopefully, it all flowed all right. 

I tried to reference the Ride/Ruler aspect of it in one scene with Artoria chastising her son that if she couldn't beat her as a Saber when she was a Lancer then she had no chance of beating her when their class advantages were swapped. I guess I didn't clear that up enough. >.< 

Also, in the end, she is indeed still shoved in her cock. Partial permanent CV until she learns her lesson at least... It could take some time. :p 

Thank you again for the review. It's great to get another's opinion on a franchise they took enjoy greatly. 

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