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Reviewer: Parajake32 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 20 2024 9:25 PM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

Well I've given up not trying appearing a pain in the ass by commenting everytime there's a new chapter on this, or asking for more chapters HSHSGWHWHWA. 

Not gonna lie,I've been skeptical about the fly thing. At first it appeared very random to me. But with this new chapter I liked the topic was used. The mother has been imo a little too carefree with her son for my taste in the last chapters. Like he is shrinking and is really tiny, but left him on the dresser and kinda ignored him about the fly.

But now she realizes that for him is not just a harmless fly, it's a disgusting flying creature. And with that realization, she tries to protect Rick in an awesome and sexy way. It's good to see Rick having some agency by asking his mom to pick him up, asked her to protect him or when he jumped into her cleavage. I liked this because it addresses maybe the only criticism I have about this story, that the characters should talk more. I really love the unaware stuff, or sequences when Rick just goes with the flow and his mom just pick him place to place everywhere. BUT I think some dialogue between them would really spice this story up. Maybe Rick opens up o how he is feeling, or Sara just teases/play with him or something like that. Of course, I know the point is that Rick is loosing control, becoming more submissive and stuff, and it is great, should totally have more of that psychological stuff.

All in all, like the guy below me said, you should totally writte more often! Also following this story for years and the writing is just very good. This last chapter felt like a "return to form" for me, like the same feeling when I first discovered this story.

Great work as always V11

Author's Response:

You're not obnxious because you comment. Not at all. I am dealing with a lot of stuff atm and I'm writing when I can. This story in particular is difficult for me for some reason. Yeah, I should write more often, but it isn't the easiest thing to do when I can find the time. It's a slog. Hopefully I'll be able to add to this in the future more. Thank you for the comment!

Reviewer: muammar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 09 2024 12:54 PM Title: Chapter 19: Safety

I've been following this story for years. Please write more often!

Reviewer: Parajake32 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 21 2022 6:46 PM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

Been re-reading this story again. Don't know if it will continue, but I have a few ideas for it. First I think it would be cool to have more conversations between Rick and his mom addressing the situation. For a while Rick's just being drag around everywhere with little to no agency. I know the hole point is to show his continued submission towards his massive caretaker. But more dialogue between then could do that and keep things fresh and interesting! Maybe he finally talks about his new feelings for feet with his mom, or just tries to be the best son for her even at his tiny size. The mom could also show a little more genuine worry for Rick just like the first chapters, even tho she's liking her new son shrinking, specially bcof that dream where she dreamed about him worshipping her. This could be nice topic for conversation between them too! Also, very curious about that bit of lore when the out says "it takes you back right Danielle?" or something like that. Back to where?? So many questions and possibilities!

Sorry for the long text. Just like this story so much and got some wishful thinking here if it ever continues.

Hope everything is well with you v1. We really missing your writing 


Author's Response:

I see what you mean. As DanceDance and I worked on this I heavily corrected it to remove spelling and gammatical errors that he did. No blame or shade intended on DD- he wrote quickly and was probably doing it on a phone. I'd love to go through it all and add stuff now that it is just me doing it. My issue is that DD brought several really cool things to the table that I don;t want to alter much. He had the mother be very likeable and was amazing at building tension. As you know, I'm better at psychological destruction and idiotic levels of detail. It's easier for me to rewrite and massage something until it's too complicated and over the top. It's harder for me to keep it simple. This is why I've struggled with this story. Good ideas though. It gives me some stuff to think about. I keep meaning to get back to this, but it is sometimes hard not to cover the same ground again. Hopefully it isn't done yet. Be well, Parajake!

Reviewer: cixelsyd Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 12 2022 7:49 AM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

Another phenomenal update, and I hope to read more from you soon!

Reviewer: muammar Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 12 2022 7:47 AM Title: Chapter 18 - Dream Stroll

Hello! I often reread your stories.. I keep track of your edits and updates.. Please write more often!!!

Reviewer: Parajake32 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 06 2022 1:04 AM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

I'm really glad to see you back V11! Liked the new chapter too. Thanks!

Reviewer: Littlelee Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 05 2022 9:20 PM Title: Chapter 17: House Call

So awesome to see you back at it, V11. Can’t wait to see where you take one of my favourite stories ever. The bug stuff was left field but hopefully not too much of a focus going forward. Can’t wait for the next chapter. 

Reviewer: cixelsyd Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 04 2022 8:12 PM Title: Chapter 17: House Call

Hallelujah, V11 returns!

Thanks for sharing this update, it's much appreciated given the circumstances, so no worries re: update frequency.

Excited for the potential consequences of this at-home pedi. I can only hope that his Aunt will arrange a 2nd one for both sisters, and ensure that he is an unwilling witness (or accessory?) while their feet get pampered.

The literal bug encounter stuff caught me off-guard, so we'll just have to see where that leads.

Hope you stay safe as well V11, ciao!

Reviewer: cixelsyd Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 28 2021 7:28 PM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

Really hope you feel inspired to conclude this tale V11!

Would be wonderful to read how his Aunt conspires to shrink him further, perhaps even manipulating his Mom into making him eternally microscopic.

Reviewer: Parajake32 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 12 2021 2:32 AM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

Wow what a christmass miracle! Or almost a christmas miracle anyway kkkkkk. Been some time I've been here, what a coincidence! Since you replied today! Don't need to apologize, life can get pretty demanding sometimes. But I'm REALLY glad to hear from you again and you're considering to continue the story. I of course encourage you to do it, and even write many others since your writting and ideas are so good.

Anyways, I'm glad, hope to see more of this soon :)

Reviewer: Parajake32 Signed [Report This]
Date: March 27 2021 12:38 PM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

I was talking to you V1! But it goes to DD aswell! And yeah, I know. I'm not a writter, (though I want to start writting more), but I'm a photographer and ocasionally blog/social media designer. I think we all on the artistic field have some lack of inspiration from time to time. Or most of the time lol. But yeah, looking forward to see what you (or DD) comes with next! Be the next chapter of my favorite story on this site (praying to the gods of writting and inspiration here XD) or some new project!

And though I could not tell (I would have to read the story again) I'm happy that you made some minor edits recently ^^

Author's Response:

Sorry to respond so late to you! I have done a few more edits and I am considering whether or not to continue this. Still thinking...

Reviewer: Parajake32 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 10 2021 8:01 PM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

Its meeeee again. Just want to say that even if you don't continue this story, I would love to see some new works from you. Been reading a couple of other stuff and loved it as well.


Well that was it. Hope you're doing ok and that spook you mentioned has already been sorted out. Cheers 👍

Author's Response:

Not sure which one of us you are speaking to, but I assume it's me (V11). I have some other ideas for stories, but as you might well know, writing is its own form of hell. I will eventually get to new things. I also have a few ideas for this story here, but they are really snapshots in my mind. Not sure where DanceDance is, but last we spoke he was well and considering adding a chapter or two to this story. Life is a grinding limbo and writing is as well- eventually life will be easier and one of us (DD and I) will get around to new content. Be well! Thank you for the kind words!

Reviewer: Underfoottiny Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 05 2021 4:17 AM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

Incredible story so far. Love how this is going. Looking forward to your next installment!

Author's Response:

There may or may not be a next installment. Thank you!

Reviewer: Shrinker82 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 04 2021 9:37 PM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

So glad to see this story back. My favorite part is still the interaction between Ricky and his sizable aunt Wendy. I’m really eager to see what happens when she finds him even smaller…and threatening to squash him like a bug beneath her bare foot.

Author's Response:

I see you;re a man of taste. I appreciate that.

Reviewer: cixelsyd Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2021 8:31 PM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

Glad this was re-posted!


V11 if you have ideas for continuing, perhaps write them as a parallel outcome to DD82's conclusion?

Author's Response:

Hmm... I do have some ideas... No promises though.

Reviewer: Gokuto Signed [Report This]
Date: January 04 2021 4:02 PM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

I know you said you were going to leave the story alone for now, but ai personally think you should just continue your own version, and then if Dance ever does come back, they can just make a seperate set of chapters or make another copy of the story. Also, not trying to be rude, but why don't you break up your stories into different page chapters that you scroll through like other stories. Personally, I find that it makes a story more daunting to read because its just a large, dense wall of text, and if you lose where you were, it's a nightmare to try and find it. Anyways, good story, hope to see more.

Author's Response:

I had to go through a copy I had and manually edit out the website code, therefore it's a wall of text. Sorry about that. This is an artifact of reuploading all at once instead of uploading single chapters.

Reviewer: Parajake32 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2021 2:11 PM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

Thank you so much for the reupload friend. Replying from the other story, I did not know it was him that took the stories down. Thought it was the site for some reason. In that case yeah, better wait a little longer at least in case he comes back.

But I'm glad for this reupload. And thank you for all the time and effort you put in your stories. They are really the best.



Author's Response:

Around election time I got spooked by real life happenings and took my stuff down. He and I talked a bit about it and then he yanked his stuff and disappeared as well. I was contacted on multiple platforms by a few readers asking where everything went. I decided to put my stuff back up. I didn't realize that many people do not download copies of things they like and rely on stuff always being accessible online. I thought most people today had an archive like I do- my bad. So I have put things back so peeps can access. You're welcome!

Reviewer: vegetaboy Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 04 2021 11:03 AM Title: Chapters 1 - 17: The Origins

Thank you so much for reposting this. I loved this story when it was up, and was saddened it got taken down.

Thank you again for the reupload, and excited to read this story once more. 

Author's Response:

Excellent! I am glad to be of service!

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