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Reviewer: zhangkui Signed [Report This]
Date: October 23 2024 6:31 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

I think this video is similar to the world your story builds

Reviewer: narisajt38 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 15 2024 12:19 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

Hi again little big planet 

I wanted to put another review in the story to let know my thoughts on it, also sorry if is a big long.

I'm surprised by gaia character on the story i thought she was goin to by some kind of myth being but i'm glad she is real and i'm kind of curious to see the interactions to her with the cast, for what i see on her she kind of reminds me to both Lucy and Divya like if she has divya personality but having at the same time Lucy attitude specially when she talks abouth antlasia, to be honest gaia first appear in Lucy stomach kind of reminds me to one episode of Futurama where they go to a desert planet and Fry the main character drinks a bottle of water that he find just to find out that the people in that planet where made of water and he drink his king and become the new ruler of the planet just to later find out that the king was alive inside him and his followers now wanted to opend Fry to free his king, at least Gaia subjects din't wanted to throw Lucy into a giant squeezer...... yet.

I fell that Divya will have some paralelism with gaia, some ants already see her as the goddess and Lucy the devil but the question is if Divya is some kind of representacion of a modern Gaia and Lucy the devil then who or what was the devil from Gaia, we already have some answer of what happend to the ants real home including a name of the person behind his doom prince Aryan but i fell that there's somenthing more deeper than that i mean if you already introduce a literal ant goddess i will not surprise to see some kind of ant devil similar to her.

Lucy and Rebecca relationship is one i find curious but i saw that they have somenthing in common that is that they din't measure the small thinks they due can affect others like for example the same way Lucy kill the ants and causing that his brother got kidnapped Rebeca case could be with his cigarattes, Rebecca saw his cigarattes the same way Lucy saw attacking the ants “not a big deal” and we already saw that Lucy not big deal was a big deal that affect his brother and later the rest of his family also the same case could be say to Rebecca, we saw that his cigarattes already hurt the small life but somenthing that she has not see yet that is hurting Lucy. Smoking in front of her could cause her probably problems to bread specially considering Lucy diet. I don't see Rebecca as a bad mother but not also as a good mother more like a irresponsable mother, the same way we saw that Lucy is not a sweet inocent little sister we also saw that Rebecca is not a sweet inocent mother, Rebeca loves his childrens specially if she had them at young age but the same way Lucy could not control his emotions she can't due the same, it could be see in the prologue how she hit a 8 year old Lucy just for say a bad word, she regret it instantly but i fell she did more or similar to that even before she got his new job. Lucy and Rebecca relationship is more like a vicious circle basicly Lucy made Rebecca angry she hit her or due somenthing that she will regret and Lucy leave all his frustation to the ants over and over again until it fall to Max, i fell Rebecca arc will be that she learnds that she is not always the good and inocent mother that she write on his blog now that Max is ant sized and for her missing right know and that his cigarattes actually are hurting someone who she loves, i hope that soon the firewall family find out abouth Max is missing to see how they manage that.

For Lucy i fell that from the firewall family she is one who will suffer most in the storie, if the goal is to stop her attacks she will have to know abouth antopia and how she literal has being murder conscious beings similar to humans and his brother that i fell that she will have a few unaware encouthers with her thinking that he is a ant will tried to kill him just to find out who really is and live to know that she almost kill his brother and Max will not see her with the same eyes anymore, yes Max is trying to save his sister but if he make it he deep down will saw her as how the ants see her, like i say before in my last review i don't know the understanding that Lucy will have with antopia but after all that i say is probably that understanding will make her due somenthing that the ants wished to happend to her since the begining.

I know that Max wants to avoid Lucy got shrink but i fell she needs to get shrunk because if Max just told her the truth with enough evidencie is she is big it would not have the same impact that get shrink and see the consequences by yourself, i fell if Lucy got shrink Christine could be the perfect antagonist to her, both of them are kind of similar but Lucy is in a lower level compared to her but i fell that Lucy path of becoming popular will take her not to a same level to Christine but similar. Lucy could belive that she will become like her and that could horrifying her and specially thinking that she hurt Divya and steal 50 bucks from his mom and dealing at the same time that she is some kind of demon child to the ants and the same time she tried to paid for his sins, Christine could be the perfect villain for his redemtion arc.

Abouth the 2 stories a thing that caught my eye was loosely based on true events because it has a point, the ants in that time where not so advance like in the actuallity they don't have the aphid cameras to know what really happend, i fell that what really happend is that the ants decide to exaggerate a little what happend or put some exaggerating lies to warning the others abouth humans, i fell those interpretatations or lies got update over the time because how they could know Jurassic park 3 if is suppose to be realize almost 50 years inspired from a book that will been written in 27 years or how the ants could know the name of all the stomach parts inside Darla if they din't have access to internet to that time o less to a biology human book on that time. I fell that all the ants got missing in both operations and they decide to invente what happend or some of them return and for what they told abouth the mission they decide to exaggerate the thing or invent stuffs so they could warning the other ants abouth the humans, i also fell if that was the case the storie of the 5 teenager girls was probably made up so kids on that age could not go to see humans.

Max has a point on the ant society, although they act similar to humans they are more blood thirsty that the humans, i fell that is somenthing that the ants will have to learnd here is that not all the problems can be fix with violence, yes i understand that they needed to act to stop Lucy rampage but punish someone who has nothing to due and have probably zero influence in what Lucy is doing will make the things worst because sometimes when we wanted to hurt someone who is hurting us and that way is hurting someone who has a connection with him but has nothing to due on how they hurt them will only make it worst, in fact it could let to created somenthing worst that the person who is hurting you.

Well thats all for know anyway due you know when the next chapter will be ready no pressure just curious or how much have you advance on it and also how much this tour to antopia will continue? I like the world building but i fell that we being in that for a long time, anyways i hope that you are good and....

Bye. :)

Author's Response:

Hi there thanks for very your long review

Yes, Gaia is definitely real and not just a myth. She has a bit of both Lucy and Divya inside of her, Lucy’s cocky aggression and cheekiness along with Divya’s gentleness. Soon we will find out her exact origins as well as how she ended up being the goddess of one billion colonies.

Yes, Lucy is supposed to be the devil and Divya is meant to be the angel and this will play into how Gaia came into play and how she was created.     

An overall theme of the story is that things that don’t seem to be a big deal to some people end up being a massive deal to other people. Nice comparison with Lucy killing ants and her mother’s addiction to cigarettes. Lucy's enjoyment of squishing ants resulted in getting her brother kidnapped and this can applied to Rebecca’s cigarettes as well. Rebecca’s smoking is already killing unfortunate insects but she doesn’t really care about them since they are insignificant and her daughter appears to be completely fine. However, later on smoking will cause breathing problems for her due to second-hand smoke and only then will Rebecca look at cigarettes as a problem.

Rebecca did get pregnant at 17 and gave birth to her first child at 18 (Max obviously) so I completely agree with you that she was not a bad mother but not a perfect mother either, more like an inexperienced mother since she became a mother at such a young age it was difficult her to navigate the motherly responsibilities which is why she can become quite emotional sometimes.

Lucy will definitely mistake her brother for one of the ants so that relationship will have a massive spanner thrown through the works and the way Max will suffer at the mercy of his sister will be very chaotic. As for her reaction when she finds out what she almost did and her becoming shrunk herself let's just say we will have to wait until the end of the story……….

Christine the depraved microphile will be returning later on in the story……..

As for the 2 stories involving Darla Fitzgerald that took place in the 1960’s you right when you say that several details have been have been exaggerated. It is loosely based on a true story since two ant parties from Antopia did indeed go missing on the same day but it is impossible to know so much detail about Darla unless they have access to more advanced documentation technology which is unlikely since it took place in the 1960’s or there was at least one survivor. There was a lot of speculation so you can think of it as those legends similar to King Arthur, Robin Hood or the Greek Odyssey which are loosely based on true events but have a lot of exaggerated and made-up details to make it more exciting.

Ants have a long history of violence and war as Gaia’s backstory next chapter will very clearly show but they will soon learn violent revenge doesn’t solve everything. You are right that their original plan of killing Max and using him as a scapegoat would probably made things so much worse.

This story will be guaranteed to make it on to the top 10 longest stories by the time I have finished since I have a lot of world-building to do lmao. 

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 03 2024 1:57 PM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

I am so sorry for taking this long to reply. Been having a very rough time… well, not as rough as Max but still… lol. I went back and read chapter 7 again and OH MY GOD! So many details that I simply left out on my last comment!

The hearing aid enhancers, with these communication is possible and an ant with them is now stuck to Lucy! Yes, they might be damaged but they also work via bluetooth, maybe they end up pairing her own earplugs with the ants waves! And the fact the soldier was the head of Queen’s Dakota Royal Guards! Thorax and Claw kill two birds with one stone: they create a way to communicate with Lucy and manage to get rid of a huge obstacle! Dr. Thorax could even make the pairing remotely.

Gaia being a real metaphysical entity was a surprise. But it’s complicated, I am skeptical and everytime I try to formulate a theory… well, it gets messy. If she is a goddess, Gaia is a complex device inside the story. She could solve all the problems (I hope not) or be the source of all problems. Right now I think her real name can’t be Gaia! But, since she is real and alive, her relations with Lucy and Penelope definitely peaks my interest. You see, gods are fickle and like to do things in a roundabout way, giving us something we wish for... to make us regret later.

Oh yes! Very little Max and a gigantic Penelope! Maybe a side effect of the shrinking formula is his size isn’t stable – he won’t grow to full size but will keep oscilating between ant size and alphid size. Or maybe Gaia will play with his size along the way for different reasons – like to teach him a lesson and advance her agenda on him… or just to make his family and friends suffer more and having to relly on Penelope and other ants to find him.

Gaia seems able to be mischievous but Fate is cruel and bends even the gods.

But why I said family and friends? Because of Darla Fitzgerald. The morals of the stories and the fact when she was introduced she was lecturing about a very particular moral tale… But not only Fitzgerald - during our brief insight of Max’s school life, another character was introduced by name: Mei Lin Zhang, his classmate. Coincidences?

Again, sorry for the long delay in responding. Thanks for writing, for sharing and for taking the time to answer or comments!  

Author's Response:

Hi Mr. In a Suit

Yeah, the chapter is absolutely massive and it's easy to miss some details out lol.

The hearing enhances devices I created to overcome the obstacle of ants communicating over vast devices. But I can see how they could connect to Lucy’s earphones as well!! That’s a great idea!!

As for the head of the Queen’s Dakota Royal Guards that is stuck in between Lucy’s toes let's just say he was set up to get rid of him since he was loyal to Queen Dakota by certain individuals who don’t like her. He’s in for one hell of a rough ride……

Gaia is a very interesting character and we will see exactly who she is very soon and her origins. As you can see she is not just the goddess of Antopia, she is the goddess of billions of ant colonies!!

Yeah, Max will definitely be in Princess Penelope’s hands very soon aphid sized and lets just say his family and friends who struggled to see him at his ant size will be impossible to spot him now and will have to rely on the black dots to tell him where is lol.

Darla Fitzgerald stories as a child in 1960s Melbourne and her first introduction as Max’s 10th grade English teacher shows how everything is intertwined in this whole chaotic mass. As for Mei Lin Zhang returning to interact with the ants we will have to wait and see.

Thanks for Reviewing!!

Reviewer: narisajt38 Signed [Report This]
Date: August 02 2024 4:54 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

Hi little big planet 

I been following your story since the realize of chapter 5, i never planned to created a account here and just being a reader but your story really tied me up, i was shy at first but like i say before your story really catch me up.

A thing that i really liked abouth Max is that from difference to other stories that i read is that he acts like a realistic 16 teen boy with flaws that some of his age have and it would never be written like his secret hentai dvd hidden in his closet, drinking underage and goin to the forbidden section of a library to see ant porn with a 11 year old child, that part make me laught at lot. Sometimes i fell that you put a little of your personality on him like if he is a loosely version of yourself in that world.

A moment where i could identify a little of Lucy behavior on Max was during the trial when he was yelling and cursing to the ants and Penelope, i understand why he did it but yelling and cursing to the people who are deciding your fate and the only person who wants to help you it will not goin to let any good sign to you, Max is a person who can control his emotions but when somenthing so big like this happend he can't control it anymore but later he understand that he should not be so mean with the ants because they have suffer worst that him or any other human and specially to Penelope the one who wanted to help him. Lucy in the other hand she doesn't have that control and let his emotions take the control of most of his problems and decisions, i don't know if she will have the same understanding that Max have with antopia or she will have it and that understanding will make her due somenthing that the ants wished to happend to her since the begining.

Max journey will be a hard one and i don't fell that the only threads that he will face will be his family but somenthing from his new size, i fell that Penelope or the ants will have to make him a armor to defend and protec his body similar to the ones the characters from grounded use, i also fell that Max will not goin to be unjured during his journey i don't say that he should lose a arm or a leg but i fell that he should have a few scars on his body or face or lose 2 or 3 fingers from one of his hands or in the most extreme case a eye.

A thing that caught my attention was the human books that Max found in the library because most of the protagonist from those books have somenthing in common with his situation, you see some of the books are abouth the main characters finding abouth a hidden world on they on world that they thought they will only found on dreams and imagination and changing the perspective of his world, other books are abouth the protagonist goin to a quest or a challenge to save someone they love like in Percy Jackson Percy have to save his mom and in The Hunger Games Katniss have to save his sister, thats somenthing that Max have in common finding a new world and trying to save Lucy and maybe his family, but the real thing that caught my attention was that most of those protagonist from those books later on in there stories they become in somenthing similar to a chosen one the one who will save the world and and have the fate of the world on his shoulders and every decision they take will affect it, Max right know have that in common he knows belives he is some kind of a chosen one to the ants, he belives for what he read in the book that he is the most important thing that happend to the ants since they arrival and is true, he see to himself as the one who will save his sister and bring peace betwen ants and humans but well....... i been thinking abouth the posibilites and paths of Max bringing the knowledge of the ants to the humans and well..... most of those paths ends with the spongebob meme of “we did it patrict we save the city” i fell that Max more easy path right know is to stop more future destruction to antopia and have divya attention, i also fell that Max will become in some kind of a chosen one but not like in the books he saw but more like Paul atreides from dune and Eren jeager from Shingeki no kyojin someone who has the weight of the world on they shoulders and to save the people they love and who follow him they will have to pay a big price and become in somenthing that they hate and it will hurt the people who they love and for the people who are follow him they will saw him as some kind of messiah, but the question is if Max becomes that who will hurt?, his family?, the ants?, or both?.

A thing that i found curious was the similitudes that Max and Penelope have with Max parents when they first meet, basicly that Rebecca was 17 a year older than his son and Robert his dad was 21 a year less that Penelope and speaking abouth Max and Penelope well...... since Penelope and the ants are aliens technically it would not count as bestiality or insectophilia but more like that scene from invincible but when Max parents meet Penelope and i hope they will due because it would be interesting and awkward well..... Robert will start wishing that his son was gay.

I hope that the next chapter comes out soon i have a theory of how gaia powers work but i will not goin to post on here because i fell that it would be a hug spoiler so i will let you know in private if you are interested or you want, until then congratulations for survive uni i hope that the next chapter comes out soon and i see you again when i have another review which it could be sooner because i have a lot of things i wanted to say abouth this story until then......


Author's Response:

Hi There

Yeah, I wanted Max to behave as realistically as possible to act as a 16-year-old teenage boy would. Too often I see mistakes with other stories like 12-year-olds who act like 6-year-olds so I gave Max attributes that I was somewhat doing at 16 lol

Max was enraged at first when the ants kidnapped him but he soon realised that wasn’t achieving anything. You are right when you say he can control his emotions for somewhat normal situations but when something as shocking and life-changing as this he reverts back to emotional outbursts. His sister on the other hand tends to have more emotional outbursts more often.  He is lucky Princess Penelope actually wanted to rehabilitate him because if she didn’t it's fair to say he would be rotting in prison or executed by being dosed in Mortein.  

Max won’t die but let’s just he say won’t be going home without a few battle scars……

As for the reason I had human books in the human library I wanted to show that despite the very poor treatment by humans, ants are somewhat secret admirers of humans which is why they try to copy them and steal some of their stuff.  I also wanted to break the 4th wall a bit by showing that this story takes place in a world identically alternative to others. But I really liked how you drew parallels from the characters in the books to Max’s situation!!

Max’s parents have a 5-year age gap and met when they were 17 and 22 respectively and Max and Penelope have a similar age gap respectively. Their relationship will develop further and yeah, the interspecies gap will probably make his father Robert think about his gay joke and how little it pales in comparison to this lol…...

Gaia’s backstory will be very interesting I have two short stories that will be coming out soon. Until then I will keep it a surprise!

Thanks for reviewing!! 

Reviewer: Mr in A suit Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 26 2024 7:05 PM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

Better late than never, right? Sorry. Aside from work and the cher length of this chapter, I went down with a very strong flu the same day I wrote my last comment.

Rebecca’s reaction upon finding her baby boy is among the dots at her feet. That is something I want to see. And although the general took Max’s phone, theoretically the message is still there and, if someone turn it on for whatever reason, it will finish the sending process.

You see, this later chapter does a great job at developing Rebecca’s character. She can’t take care of her children when they are normal sized and so I can’t imagine her managing to keep an ant sized Max safe. And that might be the real problem. Max dreads he will be treated as a lesser
being, but love also has it’s dangers. To Rebecca Max is a very very very important existence but a very very very very fragile one now. She will try to keep her son safe despite not being able to. I am not talking about herself alone. Yes, she is most dangerous and this danger she represents, this power she may come to know over everything beneath can be misleading - since no matter how much she rampages around, she won’t be able to crush and kill every threat coming Max’s way. Even more if all this is something planned in some level by a goddess or time travellers.

In fact, this misconception about power is something Lucy could have inherited from her mother. Mortein? I think Rebecca would stomp entire countries to reunite with her son. All while drunk (on power and liquor) or
smoking like never before.

Power that Max had and lost. Penelope’s arc adds a twist in this lost by revolving around a ant being loved by a former giant. Insignificance is the
begining. Everything starts from insignificance, it’s from there any sentient being wants to escape. This is not about hard science, but a problem of the heart. Ants look at humans and humans don’t. Throug the last part of the chapter, my conclusion was the same as Max: ants admire humans. They worship a human girl and long to be like the one they worship.

That begs the question… was Max also worshiped and feared by anyone Did he ever killed or made someone from Antopia lose it’s mind, it’s heart or life? How would he react upon seeing his own actions at his original monstrous size? What about the princess, did she ever interacted with him before the shrinking? Maybe not since Penelope seems to have lived the easy and sheltered life. Which, again, makes me curious to see how Penelope would react before a gigantic Max.

And even more about how Max would react upon seeing his homungous self in front of Penelope, Squirt and General Sting – Would that really still be Max Firewall? A monstrosity so big his pink toe speels death upon those people he is learnig to love and care. Such uncontroled force, such unaware destruction… what kind of power is that? What kind of Max is that if not a monstrous one?

Which brings us back to the title of the first chapter: The Little Monster. It gives it a whole new perspective, a whole new depth, doesn’t it?

Overall, I can’t wait for more. The more, the best since I can’t wait for the family to find out what is really going on.

About the gruesome and graphic content, I understand it’s not for everyone. I myself had to stop reading to resume later several times. That’s all right, I am sure you didn’t wrote all this in one night and that’s the point: the detailed descriptions (not only the violent parts but everything), the realism you try to imput and the fact you won’t shy away from sensitive topics shows a level of dedication. Those who don’t like the story because they can’t handle the content can simply not read it (and that’s all right too). 

Hope everything is ok. How is writing going after such huge release?

As always, thanks for writing and sharing!

Author's Response:

Hi Mr In A Suit, thanks for your review!!

Yeah, I decided to give the mother Rebecca a larger role and expand more on her role as a mother and her relationship with her children. I showed an insight into Max’s mind and let him worry about how the rest of his family and friends would react to his diminutive form.  Rebecca tends to be a clumsy ignorant individual who doesn’t take care when exerting her gigantic form on insects on the tinies down below which is a different danger rather than his sister Lucy who is sadistic and enjoys toying with them. Even if he managed to get her attention, she is not the most careful individual so I agree with that Rebecca will really struggle to keep her son safe at ant-sized, ironically mostly from herself.

As for the message Max tried to send on his phone, I guess we will have to wait and see what will happen and what General Sting does with his confiscated phone lol.

‘Ants look at humans and humans don’t’ is pretty much the entire vibe of the story.

As for the focus of a gigantic Max since giant males and giant male content isn’t really my thing in general it’s something I won’t focus on too much. However, I am planning Max even smaller to the size of an aphid temporarily to being handled by Princess Penelope later on in the story.  You are right about Princess Penelope living an easier sheltered life.

As worshipping the human girl Gaia I would really love to see your thoughts of her first appearance spiritually inside Lucy’s stomach. I would also like to hear your thoughts on what you thought of the 2 flashback stories with Max’s teacher Darla Fitzgerald in 1960s Melbourne!!

I don’t sugarcoat anything including especially violent and graphic because I want to show it as it is and give a realistic depiction of what would happen to a tiny when under the sheer power and interaction of a Macro.

This chapter took me 9 months to write hahaha and it's incredible I managed to do it with me starting full-time work. But in the future, I will never write a chapter so long because editing 185 pages of the text is a pain in the ass.

I actually have a new short story coming out soon as well so I suggest you keep your eyes peeled in the future.

Reviewer: zhangkui Signed [Report This]
Date: June 12 2024 6:20 PM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

I wonder if Max will come into contact with her mother or little sister in the future when he's the size of an ant or aphid, and maybe let him experience the giantess peeing

Author's Response:

Hi there 

To be honest with Lucy and Rebecca (mother) I think I will stick with feet, vore and some body exploration interactions mostly for now.  However, I do have some more urine/ golden showers scenes planned with Gaia and the ants next chapter during her backstory. 

Reviewer: breastclimber Signed [Report This]
Date: June 06 2024 7:36 PM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

Wow, this chapter really impacted me in a negative way.   I had been so into the story and then this extremely violent and graphic chapter comes out of nowhere.   Poor Pilot/Squiggles suffers every little body part being destroyed in so many excruciating descriptive ways, that it just became too much for me.  I had to read parts of the chapter during different days because it just overloaded me too much.   I reached the story where the teacher was a young child eating the chocolate egg.   After that it was just all too much for me, and I decided to stop reading the story, as I just wasn't enjoying it anymore.

Sorry, that you lost me as a reader.  I super enjoyed the previous chapters, the exploration of antopia and all of that was great.

Author's Response:

Hi there

I must say I am very confused and baffled that the violent and graphic content put you off the whole story since I have already done several graphic and violent scenes before this chapter.

I will say that I went very into the pain and suffering of Squiggles and extreme violence to depict the harshness and cruelty of the real world. The scene with Darla as a little girl eating a chocolate Easter egg with the violent unaware vore scenes was not sugar-coated in terms of descriptive brutality and violence because I wanted to portray it as realistic as possible in terms of what would actually happen to a tiny or tiny creature when subjective to the sheer power of a macro.

The chapter did indeed have a lot more frequent violent and graphic scenes I will say compared to the previous ones.   

But the last chapter had a very violent sadistic rape and insertion scene with a 17-year-old teenage ant school girl with aphids and that scene is just as x-rated and disturbing as several scenes in this current chapter so I must be honest I am scratching my head in confusion when you say then ‘this extremely violent and graphic chapter comes out of nowhere’ because I have done graphic scenes before in this story so it shouldn’t be totally unexpected. Maybe it was the frequency of the graphic scenes in this chapter that shocked you?

But I think you are into the more gentle/nurturing macro interactions. I do want Antopia to cater to a wide range of people’s preferences and Gaia’s backstory is coming up very next chapter and will focus on gentle/nurturing interactions with the ants. If extremely violent/graphic interactions aren’t your thing, maybe you can skim over those interactions and focus on the gentle interactions and the lore/storyline. What I am saying hopefully you don't have to be put off the story entirely if this chapter wasn’t your thing.      

Reviewer: GiantessLover21 Signed [Report This]
Date: June 05 2024 1:49 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

Amazing the part with the stinky mother feet was so nice for me. It's just a bit too long two chapteur instead of one could be better. But this chapter was perfect anyway

Author's Response:

I can understand when you say this chapter was too long. I never wanted it to become this long but I wanted to experiment with all possible giantess interactions I could think of at least once and vore and graphic digestion were the hardest ones to do and really swelled up the word count. It's not the content itself which is the problem but the way it is presented. 

I did actually consider splitting it into parts like Chapter 7 Part A, Chapter 7 Part B, etc so that it would be easier to digest for the reader. However, I tend to classify my chapters based on a common element or theme. In this case, it is essentially 5 sub-stories revolving around the common theme of insignificance. In the end, I decided against it because it would look weird and awkward in terms of presentation when compared to the rest of the chapters. I did provide lots of spacing to make it easier to follow. 

Lol, I decided to give Rebecca Firewall (the mother) a more prominent role as a red-haired MILF giantess and feet interactions and especially barefoot crushing and foot odour are always my favourite to write. We will see more of her later on in the story as well. :)   

Reviewer: ProteinMan Signed [Report This]
Date: June 02 2024 5:05 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

I loved the new chapter.

I hope you can make the bext chapter as long and good as this one.

thought you gave up on the story for a while. 

Author's Response:

I just got so busy in real life that I barely had any time to update. But given the fact I wrote a 120,000-word chapter in 9 months and essentially provided you with 3 months of reading material you could say I provided a super update, hahaha. 

To be honest, though no chapter in the future will come close to being this long in the future because it is such a drain to edit. Writing it is really fun but editing 185 pages of text is really time-consuming.  

Reviewer: Ride Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01 2024 7:48 PM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

It's weird. It's the best chapter I've ever read, and it's also the worst. More is not always better, and this chapter has been too long. It would have been better if you had divided it into parts to create more tension. Also, there are times when many people's connections get reset, so it would be a bit annoying to search for the last thing you read. Still, it was fun and exciting to read.

Author's Response:

I can understand when you say this chapter was too long. I never wanted it to become this long but I wanted to experiment with all possible giantess interactions I could think of at least once and vore and graphic digestion were the hardest ones to do and really swelled up the word count. It's not the content itself which is the problem but the way it is presented. 

I did actually consider splitting it into parts like Chapter 7 Part A, Chapter 7 Part B, etc so that it would be easier to digest for the reader. However, I tend to classify my chapters based on a common element or theme. In this case, it is essentially 5 sub-stories revolving around the common theme of insignificance. In the end, I decided against it because it would look weird and awkward in terms of presentation when compared to the rest of the chapters. I did provide lots of spacing to make it easier to follow. 

On an ironic note, I was actually forced to split this into parts when posting this chapter on A03 because it was more than 500,000 characters. You can also read on there as well where it is easier to follow if you struggle to find the last thing you read. I can also suggest that you can use the print function on the website to download a pdf version of it and bookmark it or feel free to reach out to me via email and I can send you a pdf version.           

Reviewer: Barkinis Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01 2024 2:10 PM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

Greetings again from Turkey. Wow its finally here.I've been waiting for a new chapter for a long time, I'm going to finish this chapter slowly :) The story is getting bigger and bigger, and it's great to be in it. How many episodes do you plan to finish? 

Author's Response:

I just got so busy in real life that I barely had any time to update. But given the fact I wrote a 120,000-word chapter in 9 months and essentially provided you with 3 months of reading material you could say I provided a super update, hahaha. Take your time to read it. 

I have planned it to be around 30  to 35 chapters and by the time I am finished, I am certain it will make it onto the list of the top 10 longest stories on this site. 

Reviewer: zhangkui Signed [Report This]
Date: June 01 2024 6:32 AM Title: Chapter 7: The Origins of Everything and the Meaning of True Insignificance

I thought you had given up on the story for a while, but you've made such a great update! Have you ever considered making the max smaller

Author's Response:

I just got so busy in real life that I barely had any time to update. But given the fact I wrote a 120,000-word chapter in 9 months and essentially provided you with 3 months of reading material you could say I provided a super update, hahaha 

Max is going to become aphid-sized later on in the story and be in the hands of Princess Penelope. I am also going to introduce more human-aphid interactions which is going to be really cool.    

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