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Reviewer: silentsilent17 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 25 2024 1:51 AM Title: Chapter 52: Seta's Arrival

Will you continue this again and also the other series?

Author's Response:

I'll try. Between clinical depression and the humdrum of my day job, I confess that the drive to continue my own stories has left me as of late. I appreciate that my stories have grabbed your attention, but the will to continue has been squeezed out of me for some time now. I'm sorry if that's rather depressing to hear, but it's one thing to read stories and another thing entirely to write them. That being said, I'll try to find the strength to carry on and continue one of my stories in the near future. If it comes down to it, I'll put out an edit declaring them discontinued or on permanent hiatus. Time will tell if it comes to that. I appreciate that my stories grabbed your attention enough that you felt compelled to post a review about them.

Reviewer: theharper Signed starstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 20 2023 6:12 AM Title: Chapter 52: Seta's Arrival

Ok let's see where this goes. 

Author's Response:

Dunno if you'll like it, but I appreciate the review all the same.

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