Date: June 12 2023 10:03 PM Title: Chapter 51: A Quick Visit & A New Visitor
Great to see you come back...just took your time bro nothing wrong with it, your story are fantastic so its worth the wait.
Although i wish that you can continue again with freezing 😅🙏
Author's Response:
I'll see what I can do. For me, it's something of a mix between plot progression in my stories as well as them vying for attention in my head as to who to write about next. In a sense, I have my own harem of harem-themed stories competing for my attention and focus, so it's sort of akin to juggling with them so to speak.
Regarding my Freezing fanfic, I've got an idea on where to proceed next, though I'm not sure if it'll jive with those who have been following it so far, and I'd rather not crank out another chapter if I think it's not up to snuff (I'm borderline OCD about that sort of thing).
Anyways, I've petered on enough about that stuff. I'll try to put out another chapter for either my Freezing fanfic or my Witchcraft Works fanfic in the coming days. Appreciate the love!