Reviews For Love Hina: Keitaro's Big, Growing Harem
Reviewer: theharper Signed 

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Date: February 26 2023 7:52 AM Title: Chapter 48: More Love Drama
Author's Response:

Date: February 26 2023 7:52 AM Title: Chapter 48: More Love Drama
Keep it up you are doing great.
So if you don't stop the girls from getting taller soon. You will need to make him more of a man to keep up with ten super tall women. Food for thought.
Author's Response:
I confess that even up to this point that I haven't made up my mind over how tall I want the Hinata women to end up becoming. It won't be as mile-high giantesses, that much is certain. And as for Keitaro keeping up with so many amazonian beauties, I have Kaolla serving as the deus ex machina to that sort of problem, being the scientific wiz kid that she is.
Anyways, thank you for the review.