Date: December 31 2022 9:34 PM Title: Chapter 8
A fun story and fun concept. While the abrupt ending was a sad surprise, I like to imagine the story is not over yet.
Maybe those experimental devices the humans used left larger "holes" in the magic barrier between worlds and that causes more humans to appear in the giant world. The "holes" keep growing until they are big enough for giantesses to squeeze through into human world. Stuff happens, Ada goes to human world to see if she can find Ian and protect him from the other giantesses, they reunite, etc. Meanwhile, human world is beset by a plague of horny, playful giantesses.
Like your beanstalk story, I'm left wanting more.

Date: December 05 2022 10:10 AM Title: Chapter 8
good story, hope for a sequel
Author's Response:
Thank you, glad you liked it! As for a sequel, we'll see about that...

Date: December 05 2022 7:02 AM Title: Chapter 8
After reading your Jack and the beanstalk story, this felt very short in comparison. I thought the story was just getting started. Feels like it just suddenly ended.
I was expecting more plot with Ada, Ian and Samantha, but these latest chapters was mostly about the rescue. I guess I thought the soldiers would fail their mission since I assumed the story was still early.
Also, I agree with the previous review. You left us on a great cliffhanger with those girls taking the soldiers to their mom. Certainly a fun possibility there.
Well, I suppose there must be a reason for the sudden ending of this story. I’m not sure what but it felt like you wanted to end it all at once.
Either way, I’m excited for your next story!
Author's Response:
Yeah, you're right. As I read the whole story from the beginning the last chapter seemed to be a bit in a rush. Sorry about that... I don't know but I felt myself repeating things over and over again, that's why I decided end this. I didn't want this to be boring, spamming the same themes repeatedly... As a non native english speaker I find it very difficult to provide cool smut scenes (vocabulary is too limited) so, all I do, is describe the giantesses, have them meet the men but when it's time for the hotter stuff I hit writer's block. That's quite annoying as a matter of fact.
But anyway...Thank you for the review. You're the most consistent reviewer and I'd like to specifically thank you for that!
Author's Response:
Yeah, you're right. As I read the whole story from the beginning the last chapter seemed to be a bit in a rush. Sorry about that... I don't know but I felt myself repeating things over and over again, that's why I decided to end this. I didn't want this to be boring, spamming the same themes repeatedly... As a non native english speaker I find it very difficult to provide cool smut scenes (vocabulary is too limited) so, all I do, is describe the giantesses, have them meet the men but when it's time for the hotter stuff I hit writer's block. That's quite annoying as a matter of fact.
But anyway...Thank you for the review. You're the most consistent reviewer and I'd like to specifically thank you for that!
Date: December 05 2022 5:30 AM Title: Chapter 8
You really know how to do Futa Giantesses so well. Another amazing story and can't wait for the next one. Honestly all I would request is maybe one more chapter of what happened to the soilders who got captured by the kids in chapter 7. Just generally curious what happened to them.
Author's Response:
Thank you for the constructive criticism. As for the missing soldiers, the whole situation was more or less like a teaser. True, the story left this part a bit unanswered but that was intentional from my part. That's how I imagined it from the beginning. My sole focus was on the main protagonist and his endeavors. The rescue team was just a side story. I apologize if it was a turn off...but I don't think I 'll be adding new chapters in the future.
Thanks for the feedback!