Date: December 05 2022 4:31 PM Title: Chapter 1
To be honest, one of the first times I’ve been very disappointed by a story.
This was the best new story and the one I had been looking forward to the most in so long.
After Ada believed her mom, I thought we’d see more.
After they had to pretend in front of the mom, I thought we’d see more.
After the soldiers were picked up by the other family, I thought we’d see more.
The way it was gearing up it felt like the rescue mission would fail with them stolen or dead, and you’d made yourself a lot of opportunities for easy content on “down weeks”.
But then, suddenly it ended without any warning.
I hope you reconsider an alternate ending and continue with this one, because it really was the best while it was going.
Author's Response:
Well, sorry to have disappointed you. Again, I refer you to my answer to the previous review: I have real trouble writing good smut scenes and I find myself repeating the same stuff over and over again. This is exhausting. If you watch carefully there is a pattern to my stories: The tension builds up, expectations are risen, everything is beautifully described but when it's time to reach the peak with a sex scene...then boom nothing happens, everything is left suspended. Don't know how to deal with that...
By the way, if you want good giantess futa/dominant content I refer you to Mr Z's work on As for this story, I don't see it having an alternate ending.
Thank you for the honest feedback.
Date: November 25 2022 9:50 PM Title: Chapter 1
Amazing story man, keep it up!

Date: November 06 2022 6:30 PM Title: Chapter 1
Hey! I've lurked for a long time, but I HAD to make an account just so I could review this story. I LOVE it! Keep up the good work I can't wait to see more :)

Date: September 29 2022 4:59 PM Title: Chapter 1
Very excited for this new story! I loved your last one, and this is starting out great! I am looking forward to more chapters!

Date: September 02 2022 9:10 AM Title: Chapter 1
Awesome, excited for more!

Date: August 30 2022 3:28 PM Title: Chapter 1
Not usually into futa but the plot here is off to a pretty solid start. Kind of hoping Ada develops feelings for Ian ngl. But most of all I hope you continue this!

Date: August 29 2022 2:09 PM Title: Chapter 1
Really great start! Hope you decide to continue this one, but would also be excited to see anything else you come up with.
Date: August 28 2022 8:13 PM Title: Chapter 1
Really great story so far! I can't wait to see what trouble/adventures Ian gets into