Date: July 27 2022 8:29 PM Title: Reveal Part 3
Simply magnificent! All the reveal chapters are great, and I loved Grace's power demonstration prior as well.
Date: October 20 2021 2:30 AM Title: Reveal Part 3
Masterfully poignant interlude.
Author's Response:
I aim to please!
Date: October 19 2021 1:57 AM Title: Reveal Part 3
Honestly. I don't know how I feel. I can kind of understand why you pushed Eren this way, but its also revealing of an unrealistic change in him. If he was vengeful he would've been vengeful after his parents died. He wasn't. His reaction to Mary(is that the girls name?) says such. He was indifferent. But now he feels vindicated to kill bigger people just because? No Thomas did not deserve to die. No justification they make is right. I feel you as the author understand that for sure, but I'd figure Eren would too. He's been written like that all along.
Overall I still like the story, I just see you're trying to force a relationship between Eren and Jisoo. It's fine, but its a recommendation to break ties then try to reunite them. I feel that would've been a better approach.
And honestly I think most people liked Thomas. He was a soldier, fought for his country and family. Was killed unjustly. Kind of like how most soldiers go, just left to die without a second thought; kind of like how specks are treated. So in essence Jisoo and Eren are hypocrites. Massive ones.
Also, I would want to make a spinoff when your story is done on it if that'd be alright. Cause well ngl Grace gets the loins going. But also because I feel like the backstory could be expanded in a weird way. Anyway it's up to you, and what you end up making of the story first, but yeah, good chapter, just feels forced though.
Author's Response:
The last line of the chapter is really important here: only a speck can understand. Eren like most specks is helpless to do anything about the injustices faced by his people, so in most occasions they don't lash out or seek revenge since it's a hopeless endeavor. Instead they keep all those emotions under the surface for their own safety. However Eren when around his own people is a bit more forthright with violence (hence his fight with Oscar which started over a rude comment, and history of fights according to Gabriel) so he's not indifferent when it comes to people who he can feasibly interact with. With Maddie since she was a normal person who he could not feasibly do anything towards, and she had also earned his admiration, he responded with indifference not because he is opposed to vengeance but rather there was nothing he could have done to her if he wanted.
And this is where we get to Jisoo. She is a speck who became human and also part of a very wealthy, influential family. So she is in the very unique situation where she actually can get revenge on people who have wronged her. Unlike Eren and pretty much every other speck. He stays with her for a couple reasons. The biggest is what she did was pretty much emotional manipulation by bringing up his parents, and asking if he would do anything differently if granted the opportunity. As a speck he is one of the few people who can understand why she's so violent and vengeful towards bigger people. Furthermore, he feels indebted to her since she not only saved his life but also has provided a wonderful new life for him. Subconsciously he knows that if he left her that could all come to an end, and his old miserable life would come back. I hope this explains the reason for why he for the time being chose to stay with her.
As for a spin-off, I'm flattered but this story is so far from finished I couldn't really consider one. Grace is definitely a character who might get her own fun spin off but for now it would be best to keep them all contained to this story.
I appreciate the thoughtful review!
Date: October 19 2021 12:11 AM Title: Reveal Part 3
I'm really hoping Eren actually catches on to Jisoo's manipulation because ooooh boy am I starting to turn against them. I guess Eren is an engineer though so he might already be suspecting something, as he should be a decent problem solver. I'm really excited to see how Eren's old boss will tie in to all of this and if they'll even actually reunite. I came for the romance but now I'm hooked on the conspiracy.
Author's Response:
Fingers crossed! We have not seen the last of Maddie, I can say that much!
Date: October 18 2021 7:03 PM Title: Reveal Part 3
While the backstory of Jisoo was nice, I think their judgment of Thomas was weak and hippocritical. Alice was a monster, true. However Thomas still tried to protect her out of familial love. He didn't condone her actions, he just still loved his sister and was reunited with her after a long ordeal only to be shrunken and tortured for trying to find a lost loved one. Thomas wasn't a monster, he was just misguided. I think that any amount of research into their lives, something that was almost certainly done would have revealed that aspect about him. To just lump him in the same category as his sister seems like a weak justification to do whatever they wanted. If they were as smart as you've written them to be, and with such a desire to make the world a better place I think they would've made an effort to reform him. Sure, he knew too much to be released, but he wasn't deserving of the torture and murde visited upon him. I like the story, but these last few chapters leave me feeling disappointed.
Author's Response:
So as for their justification with Thomas, in the previous chapter it was stated that one of the reasons Jisoo outright killed Thomas was to prevent him from sharing his side of the story, since she wanted to sculpt what Eren thought of her actions. She knew she could manipulate Eren with memories of the trauma from his parents murder, and he would be more receptive since Eren already feels so indebted to her as is. Moreover it is worth noting that the world that Jisoo and Grace want may not necessarily be a place where people like Thomas exist to begin with, both have shown themselves to kill people for even the slightest provocation. To them Thomas is not really a person to be reformed and more of a thing to be used and then discarded, and they will simply use whatever justification they need to do Eren will remain on their side.
As another reviewer noted for this chapter, it could be interpreted that Jisoo either lied or omitted certain parts of the truth. Remember that her entire goal with this conversation was to make sure that Eren remained at her side, so she would be incentivized to paint her actions in a positive light and downplay Thomas’s place as a protector to his sister. If she had simply admitted that she killed Thomas because she felt like it and she enjoys how it makes her feel, Eren’s reaction would have been very different, so she came up with an excuse closer to home he would agree with.
Bear in mind that Jisoo considers herself to be a ‘monster’, as she agreed with Alice when she called her such. She doesn’t really consider herself to be a ‘good person’. To her being a good person means doing what she considers furthering her family’s interpretation as the greater good, not anybody else’s. Furthermore she is a former speck who suffered for years as such, and makes choices based on her emotions before anything else. I’m sorry that you haven’t enjoyed these past few chapters but feel like it’s important to understand the characters motivations and perspective, since it drives their decisions and what they say to each other may lies or half-truths, which a lot of this chapter was.
Date: October 18 2021 3:50 AM Title: Reveal Part 3
Why do I get the feeling that lies have been told to Jisoo.
Still, they simply could have been captured and tortured. This is a mercy kill.
Grace's fun is now been taken away.
Author's Response:
In the last chapter, one of Jisoo's motivations was to ensure that Thomas's complete side of the story would never be told. It makes it a bit easier to lie when nobody can contradict you huh? : )