Reviews For Deliverance
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Reviewer: contentwelike Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 26 2022 2:53 PM Title: Res Nova Part 3

This is extremely intersting. It's not even a story anymore; it's a book! There are multiple side plots, and a lot of characters with very deep characterisation. The world is well created, and everything falls into place. 

I especially love Tae 'being a monster'! So hot...

And that fox mask is such a great touch, it was extremely hot when she lifted it up slightly, showing only her lips, and swallowed her catch after the car crush!

I am really getting into this story!

It creates this strange feeling: a mix of nostalgy, sadness maby, excitement as well...

This is not always a pleasant feeling, but only best stories or books cause it! 

It's very impressive that you are sticking with it, it's also motivating me to try and create my own longer and more complex story! Stay strong! :)

And I really hope you are keeping an archive of this haha

Author's Response:

I loved this arc of the story, especially once Tae got a hold of the kitsune mask since it became a kind of alter-ego! I am almost at the finish line for this one and can't wait to share the conclusion with everybody, I appreciate you following for so long!

Reviewer: Carycomic Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: August 31 2021 1:13 PM Title: Res Nova Part 3

Well, these last three chapters certainly saw an unexpected turn of events.

Author's Response:

Those were the Res Nova Chapters I assume? Originally they were one chapter but I realized just how bloated it was and how twisty the story would quickly become to have it all be in one chapter so I decided to break it up at the cost of the last chapter being very short by comparison. I've also never really done a classic 'fight scene' before part three which was very fun! I hope you enjoyed.

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