Date: August 04 2020 8:20 PM Title: Better Days
:( It's so bad you just ended this story! I started reading it today and couldn't stop until reaching its end! I actually loved this story and I know what you're feeling by having little reviews about it: it's a very well developed story and it really deserved all the positive reviews.
I liked it very much the way you wrote about the 70's and the 90's, and liked mainly the music references: I'm born in 2002, but my musical taste was heavily influenced by my parent's and older brother's taste, so I like most eighties and nineties music too. Anyways, New Radicals rocks! :-)
I didn't understand well how Ben wasn't digested inside Kimberly, but reading one of the comments I realized that the protagonists in your stories usually are shrunken with 'indestructible' bodies, so they aren't digested at all and this explains why Ben wasn't reduced to gooey remains in Kimberly's bowels. I also didn't understand well how he managed to understand almost everything Kim was doing when inside her belly. Maybe another superpower your characters do have? I don't know, but it actually added positively to the story, as it did let me know what was happening outside Kim's belly. What I totally disliked was, as other reviewer said, the abrupt endings. The story's very nice and good to read, and is already one of my favs. It didn't deserve an ending like that, but at least you made an extra chapter with a possible continuation; let's see what happens from now on.
Btw, if the story was to be ended anyways, why wouldn't it ended with Ben being finally fully digested inside Kimberly? She's cute and deserved to digest him (ok, maybe not, but it's still better than the end Ben actually had). Anyways, I LOVED (yes, this is what I mean) your story. And please, don't mind the lack of reviews, unfortunately many good writers and many good stories in this site don't get all the reviews they deserve, this indeed happened with your great story. I'll read the other stories you do have, I'm interested in what else you wrote down here.
Author's Response: Thanks for your sympathy, and also sorry about the late response I wasn't expecting to get anymore after I finished haha. I usually use music to really showcase the setting, so that's why I always at least shoehorn one in a chapter. The whole superpower thing is the side affect of what causes them to shrink (my very first story is set around this, which I deleted a little bit before writing the first story you see on my account, long story lol). I usually wrap things up at the end of the last chapter of my stories, so this is only a one time deal, I promise. I thought about it actually Ben being digested as his demise sometime around the 7th chapter, but I really didn't wanna go into that territory. Thanks for your review, I might have another story out sometime in September/October, depending on how busy I might be then, and if not then, then next summer. Feel free to check out the rest, they're pretty good, besides Just Like In The Movies, that one I feel like I could of done a lot better on when looking back at it. Again, thanks for the review.
Date: July 27 2020 11:23 PM Title: Better Days
Hey, yeah, like the other guy said, this story has been pretty good, and I think we were all expecting more interaction with at least the previously mentioned characters, if you didn't plan on introducing new ones. In my opinion, the dark ending could be an alternative, just for the people that dig that kind of thing.
Author's Response: Thanks man, I'll keep that in mind. I'll doing a epilogue involving Ben's son ten years later, which will make up for the ending and also leave room for a possible sequel.