Date: March 19 2017 6:03 PM Title: She Awakens...again
You have a nice story here, but it needs continuation. I've noticed that you still appear to be accessing your account as of January 2017. Can we expect, or even hope, that you will continue updating your other stories, like this one, sometime in the near future?
Waiting, and Hoping!!!
Author's Response:
Sorry for the long delay in this response, GTSW didn't tell me I had a new review. Well new being a relative term. I do intend to get back to these older stories, though this story I may be "ending". Ending in the sense that I will not be adding any more to it. It occured to me that this was a story I was writing mainly for's call it the "fap value". It doesn't really have any plot, everything is hypersexualized, and it's kinda at a dead end. What I may do is "end" this one and relase a new verison written with a plot, charater devolpment, ect. You know, write an actual story and not something to JO to. Also it does take me a long time to write each chapter due to my busy schedual. I've been working on a TV pilot for the past four months, and that took up a lot of my time. thankfully the pilots done so, hopefully, I can spend a load of time writing.
TL:DR I might be ending this story and relaseing a new verison. Don't worry, I havn't forgotten these older stories!
Date: December 12 2015 1:29 PM Title: She Awakens...again
Author's Response:
Is that a good review? lol