Reviews For *Dangerous Encounter of the Giantess Kind*
Reviewer: Carycomic Signed [Report This]
Date: July 21 2008 1:49 PM Title: Chapter 2
Date: July 21 2008 1:49 PM Title: Chapter 2
Yes! Hit the "enter" key (aka the "return" key) whenever you want to separate your paragraphs and/or separate your character's quotes from the main narrative. And, for each time you hit the key, you get an additional space.
Author's Response:
Thank you I will input paragraph spacing in my stories next time.
Reviewer: Carycomic Signed
[Report This]
Date: September 06 2007 5:49 PM Title: Chapter 2

Date: September 06 2007 5:49 PM Title: Chapter 2
Sorry, dude. This was even worse than the first chapter!
Author's Response: What do you mean? Can you give me more of a detailed response. I really appreciate it.