Reviews For Galactic Pet
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Reviewer: 85cadian Signed [Report This]
Date: December 12 2015 6:11 AM Title: How to cure WBS

I know people that had PTSD and have suicided, leaving their wifes and kids alone. This is so fucking offenssive to anyone that has or had PTSD or know anyone that has. So i demand you to erase this bullshitting chapter, please.

Author's Response:

I'm sorry you find it offenssive. That is never my idea or intent. Once I can find away to show this side of Tina again is a simlar way, I'll type up replacement chapters. Untill then, however, the chapters will stand. I promise to move and write as quickly as possible, but keep in mind that I have a busy schudual, and Christmas is coming up, so it may be a few months or loner before new chapters are writen to replace the current ones. Once again I want to say that I'm sorry you found it offenssive that was not my intent. 

Reviewer: randomwierdness Signed [Report This]
Date: September 15 2014 4:50 PM Title: How to cure WBS

They don't know about rape?

Author's Response:

They know about rape, they just feel that humans are slave or pets. Imagin if you had a slave that you could anything to and not get in trouble for it. What would you do?

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed [Report This]
Date: September 08 2014 5:57 PM Title: How to cure WBS

Why did Tinas personality completely change in the 8th chapter, it was a bit odd? Anyway, the rest of this story has been interesting so far!

Author's Response:

Her personality change for the betterment of Robert. *wink wink*. I'll address that in later chapers. 

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