Date: May 09 2014 4:35 PM Title: Work
Robert's past doesn't seem at all believable. Thrid World War? Second United States Civil War? A Thrid World War seems more plausable than the latter but it still a far fetched idea. The only scenario I can come up with for a second civil war is the (angry and uneducated) Christians of the Bible Belt (which taint the Christian religion) attempting to kill all the people they say will go to hell. There are too maney guns in the United States and too many rich lobbyists who want to keep cizitens uneducated because of the profit movtive.
People don't send themselves to hell. That's silly. Yaweh created hell so he's responsible for sending humans to hell. Yaweh has the power to destory hell. It's as if Yaweh actually enjoys seeing humans suffer. Hence why Yaweh doesn't interfere when somebody is kidnapped. It's surely better to take away the free will of the criminal then allow the victim's free wil to be taken away from them. Either way, one person's free will is affected.
If have free will I should not be penalyzed for not having 'fath'. It's like if a ciminal where to put a gun to my head and gave me the choice to give them my money, and if I refused they murder me. A threat doesn't seem like free will to me. If I am murdered people wouldn't say that I commited suicide.
Author's Response:
What you have to keep in mind is that these stories are what I can think of, and in most I try and keep the "that could really happen" feel alive. In this story, however, I slightly suspend likelyhood for a good story. If you have looked at the news lately you'll see that a 3rd World War, and a second Civil War/Revaloution in the USA are both highly likely. As for the 2nd and 3rd paragraghs in the review above, I will not release my Faith, however, I will ask that all futher review involve the story.