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Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: March 02 2014 5:55 PM Title: Imprisonment

Ah so does what it does, I was right that it seems that they were trying to permanently shrink Alphas who comitted crimes against Betas and it failed, Kayla might have it. Claire can shrink things but it isn't permanent, it seems Kayla was working on something more permanent. 

Author's Response:

Oh no, it was effectively a portable version of the ability that Claire has shown. Think of it as a taser of sorts that happens to shrink something down to ~3 inches tall. Nothing about permanence, though...well, Kayla is never short for new ideas.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 02 2014 5:32 PM Title: Imprisonment

Dr. Everett is their aunt? Shocker!

I can understand why Abby hates Alphas and it would be interesting to see how she would react if Corey brought him an Alpha girlfriend. Betas really suffered under the Alphas but I still cling to the idea that just as there were really bad ones, there are good Alphas out there and that one day all three will be able to co-exist as equal.

@gadgetmawombo, I agree with you about Kayla.

  Kayla is probably the closest thing to a god, being able to consume that much power and not suffer any ill side effects is pretty disturbing, I wonder if her fellow Omegas are afraid of her. Telepathy and such control over energy is scary. 


  Back to Abby, it is tragic to see that she lost a brother and I think most of her family to sadistic Alphas and that how painful it must have been to see Claire bawling her eyes out when she found that Corey had been attacked. 

Author's Response:

You may just get to see such a reaction :)


I'm looking forward to doing things with Abby, especially given a scene I'm going to allude to next chapter. She has a lot more baggage to her than the Omegas we've seen so far, and obviously more than Alexis' parents have.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 02 2014 4:02 PM Title: Imprisonment

Woah, Kayla is ONE intimidating woman, even to people that have been friends with her for some time, it seems. The fact that you can't even THINK about certain things while in her precence makes her all the more intimidating. I'd prolly shit myself if I were in Abby's position! Marion should thank her lucky stars she hasn't had to come in direct contact with her, this woman is something else!

Author's Response:

I don't think many people could talk to such a being without soiling themselves in some manner :)



Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: February 23 2014 7:25 AM Title: Imprisonment

Damn, I'm so embarrassed right now, I thought it was about Marion. Well, it will be fun to see Corey and Melody's relationship. 

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: February 23 2014 6:34 AM Title: Imprisonment

Hmm, your response to my answer about Marion tells me a lot but I guess I will have to wait for an update to the story if I want to know whether I am right but something tells me I got it wrong. Very wrong. 

Author's Response:

That was actually in response to the kids thing.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: February 22 2014 7:03 PM Title: Imprisonment

Marion should be alive, Claire said she would vomit her back up after two hours since Omegas apparently have slow digestion.


 I wouldn't have expected kids from Melody and Corey either, Corey would have big problems trying to impregnate someone who is like a living mountain to him and he might not even survive the lovemaking. Even if it would be fun to see him try. 

Author's Response:

I want to say something but I also don't want to give anything away. It's the worst feeling.

Reviewer: pkong Signed [Report This]
Date: February 22 2014 4:42 PM Title: Imprisonment

Its rather amazing how you can pack so much character development into a chapter in which only one character was seen. I was going to point out all the clever points you raised but several people have beaten me too it, so I'll just make comments.

I liked the Alpha couple that we were introduced to. its a nice change of pace to see that all Alphas are not jerks (now we need a rude beta to even things out). But they do raise interesting questions about genetics. So far i was under the assumption that Alphas and betas were diffferent species and a mixed sibling family like stephanies were not related by blood. Now I see that Stephanie could really be that beta's actual daughter. Not sure if that makes the situation better or worse.

I also see that omegas are elevated from other races. i knew they were artificially created but i thought they now reproduced normally. Can Omegas even have children or are they all elevated? And from which size?

I feel like the more you reveal about this world the less I know.  I don't know if that is the mark of a good writer or just annoying! But if I could make a wish, I really to know more about mixed size couples, especially Alphas and betas. How do these couples even get together in what I assume is an atmosphere of racism, fear and hatered? And how does a beta go about raising a giant child? I imagine raising a child is hard enough when shes not big enough to step on you.

Finally even though its the most trivial detail in this chapter, i kind of want to know what they teach in these "Beta handling" classes. Is it really so hard they need instructional classes?

Author's Response:

The Alpha couple has been something I've wanted to do for quite some time. Just a nice couple that wants to do right by their child.

Expect a few more details on the genetics next chapter, along with how they were/are born.

One thing I really want to do sooner or later is a little anthology of short stories showing different lives, and I would definitely expect some mixed families in that if I get it going.

Think of it this way: Erica there has spent most of her life handling a Beta, and has gotten very good at it mostly because she started doing it at a young age. Jason, by contrast, has had almost no contact with Betas and needs to to be able to practice without risking harming one. They both ultimately need to get comfortable with handling an infant Beta.

I'd also expect a decent chunk of it to be etiquette (note, for example, how Claire allowed the two to walk onto her hand instead of just grabbing them like she's been doing with her girls). Establishing a certain mindset certainly goes into it.

Reviewer: smoki1020 Signed [Report This]
Date: February 22 2014 12:07 PM Title: Imprisonment

Great story! Just a little confirmation : Is Marion really dead?

Author's Response:

Thank you.


And no, as was mentioned by another commenter, she was regugitated after 2 hours.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 22 2014 5:20 AM Title: Imprisonment

Cool chapter, I liked the little "In the Life of an Omega" thing you did in this chapter with Claire...Really gives us readers some perspective as to how Omegas go about their daily lives, and the kinds of work they do besides punishing criminals. Oh, I wanted to know what the interlude means. Is that like your taking a break on this story or is it like a sidestory, or what? Sorry, prolly a dumb question, but yeeeeeaaaahh...

Author's Response:

Thanks for the review.


It's basically a little intervening chapter, and is for the most part separate from the main goings on. Some things will play back into the main action, but it will mostly serve to introduce some things for this universe as a whole.

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 18 2014 10:55 AM Title: Imprisonment

Man, to be honest, this universe would suck to live in if you were a beta. Even with Omegas backing them up, its unreasonable to think that theyll be around 24/7 to make sure nothing happens! I think the only real, long lasting solution is to change the minds of Alphas, about Betas. I certainly dont think that Omegas are tyrants but i dont think forcing Alphas to behave around Betas is a long lasting solution...I see it as more of a temporary way of keeping Betas alive and giving them a chance but I think the end goal should be Beta awareness and protection under Alpha laws. GREAT STORY, really makes for good conversation!

Author's Response:

Thank you for the comments, and expect a bit more on other things the Omegas do outside of policing and rehabilitation soon :)

Reviewer: AdamX Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 18 2014 7:37 AM Title: Imprisonment

I liked this chapter, a nice heartwarming scene mixed among the serious nature of most of it.

Author's Response:

Honestly couldn't have done most of the chapter without coupling it with the sweeter bits

Reviewer: Nostory Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 18 2014 6:31 AM Title: Imprisonment

Melody's risky move paid off and how could Corey say no to such a  lovely girl? I think Claire should be fine with it, she knows Melody well enough and the two do seem to have feelings for each other. 

  As for Marion, damn! She killed twelve Betas? What the-I can't even wrap my head around it. 

@pkong, that is how I feel about it but it might be useful to know how bad things were for Betas in the pre-Omega world, were they treated like animals or was it equality but with widespread discrimination and the Alpha government unable to enforce any laws protecting them.

Author's Response:

Expect Claire's opinion next chapter :)

Reviewer: pkong Signed [Report This]
Date: February 18 2014 12:53 AM Title: Imprisonment


So I don't usually take part in debates in review form, but since there have been so many people commenting on the justice system of this world I want to get one final word in. This is going to get a bit more philosophical than a fictional GTS story probably warrants but I want to make this point clear. Who knows maybe this will give the author some ideas :)


When I asked “What sets omegas apart from Marion” Some people responded that they only get physical against Alphas who broke the law and that they have a system that they are held accountable too. I get that, but it is besides my point. My point is about power and authority.


If you go out and commit a crime and get arrested by a cop, who gives that cop the authority to arrest you? Answer: the people. Cops answer to the police chief who answers to the mayor who answers to voters. The laws they enforce are likewise ultimately created by the people. That is where law enforcement is supposed to get its power: That Is Justice.


But where do Omega's get their authority from in this story? I doubt they answer to the alphas government and I doubt the laws they enforce were created by alphas. Can Alphas vote out the director of the Omegas? I doubt it. That is not justice.


It is beside the point that Omegas are likely on the side of right and their actions are stopping horrific violence against betas. My point is Omegas used their size to force their world view on Alphas. They decreed new laws that alphas had no say about and killed anyone who opposed them. They are tyrants whose authority comes from nothing but the use of force and violence: power that comes with their size. Their good intentions are irrelevant. Their “system” is meaningless because it is forced on an unwilling populace who have no say in its operations.


In the end this is the same thing Marion (and alphas in general) did to betas. She thought she was superior because of her size. She used her power to force her worldview on them. The fact that Marion did it for pleasure and Omegas do not is also irrelevant. They both wield power in the same way for basically the same reason: because they feel their size entitles them to tell smaller people how to behave and they punish any who says otherwise. That’s why I feel Omegas are hypocrites.

Author's Response:

I just want to respond to this to let you know that I read it. I don't feel I can actually respond in-depth due to the fact that I still have a lot of stuff to write, but I do want to acknowledge your opinion on the matter and to thank you for sharing it.

Reviewer: Cloud Signed [Report This]
Date: February 14 2014 11:17 AM Title: Imprisonment

Love me some gentle gts moments, I really enjoy the scenes with Corey the most. I hope you make a relationship between Melody and Corey. You're a very good writer, and I hope to see more chapters with Melody and Corey together ;).

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: February 14 2014 9:38 AM Title: Imprisonment

It would seem to be that way, Melody knows she will outlive Corey even if he dies of old age, so Omegas are practically gods here. They seem to age at the same rate as kids but I suspect if they do live longer then an Omega ages at a much slower rate than a Beta. 

   The justice system doesn't sit well me, there is always some part of it that makes me uncomfortable, it might be due to the fact that I prefer gentle to the more violent types of gts stories. 

Reviewer: sithlordnergal Signed [Report This]
Date: February 11 2014 12:15 AM Title: Imprisonment

Oh yes, oh yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! Hahaha, I have to say, Melody and I are exactly alike so far. XD I was hoping that she would take the money but not follow through on the bribe, like I would have done, and she did. Plus she's unable to go through with physically hurting others, even when punishing them, but doesn't seem to mind manipulating them. Haha, Marion just majority screwed herself over. Not that I'm surprised that she did. She's far too entitled, and has never been knocked off her high horse thanks to daddy. Glad to see she's getting a dose of reality.


I do share the concerns of the others though. I believe Claire stated before that Omegas naturally want to protect and care for Betas, and they generally are supposed to enjoy punishing Alphas. So what is there to prevent an Omega from going too far and turning into a giant version of Marion, or deciding the only way to protect Betas is to wipe out all Alphas?

Author's Response:

Glad you enjoyed Melody's little ruse.


As for what exists to make sure an Omega doesn't turn into Marion...


Well, there's Kayla Everett.

Reviewer: Nostory Signed [Report This]
Date: February 10 2014 11:38 PM Title: Imprisonment

I have to agree with you @pkong,  there is a really fine line between Alphas like Marion and the Omegas who are ALSO using their size to police the country with little restrictions, this is a pretty dangerous situation as all the Omegas could effectively create a dictatorship where they treat Alphas and Betas with no regard to their well being. What makes them better than the people they are punishing?

Dr. Everett might not be very different from the people she fought against in the first place, if she didn't start out that way she might end up like them. 

Reviewer: Nostory Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: February 07 2014 6:57 AM Title: Imprisonment

  Okay, I need to post a detailed review or at least as detailed I can make it.


 Firstly, there is a darkness in Marion that has made her enslave Naomi and exploit Stephanie's childhood trauma, she is truly a work of evil but I will see if like the other two girls, there is something tragic that lurks beneath the evil, giving it strength.

  I am not surprised after reading about how her father has bailed her out before is now doing the same, it has enboldened her, allowed her to think she can do whatever she wants, that she is above the law with such a wealthy and powerful father that he is now trying to bribe Melody into making sure that Marion gets an easier time that, that is really something.

  Now as for Melody, you've not mentioned anything else other than she was offered a bribe by Marion's father; I assumed you were implying that Melody had accepted but she has not rejected it nor has she accepted so it is still up in the air. 

  I would be very shocked if Melody did accept for two reasons:

1. She is friends with both Corey the victim and Claire who is in charge of the three girls and based on what you mentioned about Melody's job, it sounds like she outranks Claire, which makes sense since Claire seemed to finish bottom of her class so she probably was the latest to start her career protecting Betas. 

  This higher rank would mean that she could rein in Claire but I doubt it will happen.

   This personal connection is probably going to override the bribe itself, she would not go against Claire when the three need to be punished for hurting Corey.


2. It was stated that she might still have a crush on Corey, the thought of her being able to even consider allowing his chief attacker to get off lightly when she still might have feelings for the little guy.

   It would be shocking to see her accept but having said that, it would make for a very engaging story; Claire is trying her best to discipline the three girls but she has to deal with Jenna who may go too far and then there's Melody, the one who is sabotaging her efforts by restricting her attempts to deal with Marion; riveting story if it goes this way. 

 I am surprised that there are no Omegas who share Marion's views but applying it to include Alphas as well, there has to be at least one.

  Lastly, it seems that Omegas are already assigned jobs since Claire and gang are younger than Corey and already have jobs despite not even being 21 so their careers seem to be decided for them; the largest race may not have much in the way of freedom if this is how it goes and their life in the Institute can't be too easy either based on earlier chapters. 

  Keep up the good work. 

Reviewer: Nostory Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 29 2014 9:38 PM Title: Imprisonment

A little more on the chapter, took me a while to process it.

Claire needs to be careful with Jenna, this girl might push things too far and accidentally kill an Alpha, she has too much going on inside with the whole Vincent thing weighing down on her and seeing Corey probably would have led to her killing the three girls in a fit of rage, not someone you would want in law enforcement or warden.

  The fact that they were transferred from Jenna to Claire who has shown more control than Jenna so far despite Corey being her big brother shows that Jenna's track record is probably not too clean, too many accidental injuries or death with the people in her care. 

   Also, I don't know if Corey has ever been talked down to by Jenna but it seems she tried since Claire punched her really hard for trying to do it, she really hated the idea of trying to dictate his life for him despite the fact that she could, it is what makes me like Claire and Melody more than Jenna, the girl is unstable from my first impression. Claire better watch out, she may give her more problems than Marion will since Marion's size keeps her in check while Jenna is an Omega but thankfully one of the smaller ones since a fitter,taller, more athletic Claire can control her physically.


   I think it is a little disturbing that she seems to get off on seeing people use their power over others, I might actually feel sorry for any of the Alphas under her, regardless of the crime. Also, who polices the Omegas if they police the Alphas and Betas?

   I also think that she is right in that feeling sorry is not enough, Naomi needs to do a lot more but I think that when she is ready, she should meet Corey. This will have to be decided by Corey with some input from Claire and a little from Naomi if she is ready, it would help the two of them alot. 

 As for Claire, I hope she realises that she should not let her friends or at least Jenna near her girls again, could undo any of the progress she has made with them.

  I actually am surprised that she is the "worst" student in her class, the last to be certified as being fit to handle a Beta when she has a Beta for a brother, must have really hurt her deep when all her friends got them ahead of her when she of all people finished last. Might there be insecurities within her that are waiting to resurface? She may spend all her time gazing down at her three charges and probing into their minds and exposing all sorts of skeletons but she could unwittingly unleash her own inner demons from her childhood. It will be interesting, very revealing transitory chapter. Marion's one should be no less interesting. 

Reviewer: gadgetmawombo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 29 2014 6:31 PM Title: Imprisonment

Really great new chapter! I loved Jenna's backstory with Vincent, and some of her aruguments have valid points, Naomi saying she's sorry means shit...In fact, doing so in person may phychologically scar Corey even more! I'd also like to get some backstory on this universe if we can! Good job on this story, its one of my favs at the moment!

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