Reviews For After Shrink High Act 1 Only a Fool's Hope
Reviewer: KazumaR1 Signed [Report This]
Date: January 10 2014 11:19 PM Title: Chapter 25: Mystery Solved
Author's Response:
Date: January 10 2014 11:19 PM Title: Chapter 25: Mystery Solved
The plot thickens....
And what's up with the lack of chapter names now? :p
Author's Response:
Me being lazy,
Reviewer: Carycomic Signed 

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Date: January 10 2014 11:12 AM Title: Chapter 25: Mystery Solved

Date: January 10 2014 11:12 AM Title: Chapter 25: Mystery Solved
Man! Who ever wrote that Society article must've plagiarized Cold War-era Russian propaganda about "agricultural collectives."