Date: November 16 2013 5:23 PM Title: Chapter 21: Persumed Dead
Finally all caught up after a few days of reading, really amazing stuff you have going here.
On the most recent chapter, looks like the girls just blew past Sanders, that's fine keeps us on schedule for the showdown back at the base!
Date: November 14 2013 8:02 PM Title: Chapter 21: Persumed Dead
Not the most exciting chapter, but it makes sence since the Lutice arc has ended, but the little tidbits od info we DID get are nice. So far I really like Morgan, I wonder how she will react when she finds out who REALLY attacked Sanders as I doubt Isabella will keep that tidbit to herself.
As for Sanders, it seems he's got himself a powerful ally in Pyrra; she seems to like him even more that she likes her master. Its a great little dynamic between Sanders feelings of guilt for hurting the catgirls feelings and his feelings or fear and hate towards them for what happened in the past.
I always look forward to updates from this, even at the lowest points with minimal action you still manage to keep things fresh and interesting. I really think this story deserves a lot more reads and praise than its gotten, its truly one of the better stories out at the moment.
Well enough of my flattery, I eagerly await the next update from this...PEACE!
Date: November 14 2013 4:28 PM Title: Chapter 21: Persumed Dead
First off: yay! I'm first, again!!
Secondly; it sounds like the A.S.S. (love that acronym, btw!) is up to something fishy. I mean; Swords running the Civilian Research Division, as well as co-directing MRD?
Definitely a conflict of interest...and never in a good way.