Summary: I want a story about a medieval world where 20 century young and beautiful giantess stars to pop. Beside this initial fantasy I think to try a very reality based story.
The story will be around 5 years after the initial contact. In the beginning the giantess was suffering for starvation, because the world spend so much resource in wars that food was scarce. The first’s giantess usually rampage thought towns to find food. As a last resource they used some vore. The food becomes even rarer with the destruction and some of the giantesses perish in starvation.
The story changes when the giantesses change their approach. They knew that the tiny people were a necessity to raise food and try to protect the farm based lifestyle. In order to force the tiny people to work they can’t just destroy their cities because this will make things even worse. The giantess organized a society in which everyone has specific duties.
The diplomats: A few of the giantesses learn the languages of the tiny people in order to guarantee a better relationship. The English become a very secret language and their use was not allowed in the presence of the tiny people. The giantesses know that the tiny people can be dangerous and want to preserve a secure communication line. These diplomat giantesses have many tiny people working for them manly because the writing was exclusive of the tiny people. They can’t afford to have bigger papers and inks. These giantesses make the decisions about the destruction of the big cities, explained later.
The workers: This is the majority of the giantess. They can do many jobs like storage food, transportation, help in the farm, construction and many others. As a demand for food is extremely high, they need to cover a huge area and that takes a lot of work.
The Capturing team: These giantesses specialize in capturing tiny people. The capturing is a important aspect of the giantess society because allow them to make hostages and force the tiny people to work. Usually the giantesses just change the people of villages and towns. If a town cooperate they starts to restore the tiny people back. This mix of people also helps to different cultures know each one better and prevent wars. This team has specific abilities to help the capturing. They need light woman with big and soft feet and there is a reason for it. As the most part of capturing happen in the towns, it is not wise to stay down and use the hands because this can lead to destruction of the nearby buildings. It’s hard to prepare tools too because they don’t have a lot of material to waste in those. A tiny foot can make a lot of pressure and it’s harder to hold an adult without damaging it. Also in stand up position the arrows and aggressions of the tiny people can’t reach soft parts like eyes.
Feature of the giantesses:
The winter: As the giantesses have a massive body the ambient temperature is irrelevant to the corporal control. So the giantesses can walk throughout large hot deserts and snow storms with easy. As the winters go stronger there is a need to help the tiny people survive. The giantesses sometimes allow the tiny people to stay close to them to warm up and prevent deaths. This can be done in big caves. The warm urine can be of great help too. Usually the giantesses break the ice of the rivers and drink a lot of the water below allowing them the dilution of the urine.
The materials: The only materials appropriate for the giantess size are the clothes that they were wearing when they arrive. As many of the giantesses came a long time ago theirs clothes are now traps. So the majority of the giantesses don’t use a single piece of cloth. The shoes have some use and are much requested. The giantesses can use boots when they are destroying big buildings. The capturing team sometimes uses shoes when available to keep their soles softer and more sensitive. They sometimes make big tools but they are rare and expensive.
The big cities: As a city grows the demand of futile workers (in the giantess point of view) grows too. The tiny people need to farm to sustain the giantess. Usually the giantesses destroy all the rich houses and the luxury places, because they spend too much workers to maintain. There is no point in have noble people and the giantesses don’t allow them to explore the giantesses workers (all of the population). The expensive system of the big cities although can bring some use. When a giantess finds a big city they call the diplomats giantess. This giantess sees what that specific city produce in technology and decide if will be worth to maintain the city intact.
About the giantesses: They are all normal people that were dragged against their wills to this new place. In the start, almost all of them avoid contact with the tiny people and don’t try to harm them. Although everything change when they start to starve. At first they go to the cities to ask for food and help but usually this doesn’t work well. As the hungry goes stronger they realize that their only option to survive is to take the food of the cities which can lead to a huge conflict and massive rampage. The tiny people that work for the giantess try to find this new giantess and alert the giantesses to help the new one.
The army: The army of the tiny people is the major waste of resource in the giantesses’ opinion. They are very expensive and usually are of no use against a giantess. The reaction of the giantess varies a lot. The giantess can just ignore or start a mass rampage. The metal of armors and swords can be of good use making tools. Of course it’s the responsibility of the giantesses to ensure the security of the borderlands.
The religion: One of the goddess of the tiny people is the goddess of beauty. This goddess worked hard to make the beautiful things in the worlds. Her better works although are not the shine ones but the ones that are harmonic, useful and simple. The beauty of the woman body can represent these features. Some people believe that the giantesses are the avatars of the goddess of beauty because the goddess was angry that the tiny people were forgetting of the real beauty and stars to worship the gold, the silver and the human’s creations.
Ideas to start:
1) A new giantess emerges in a desert after she sleeps in the kids sand playground. As the desert separate the tiny people it takes quite a while to the giantesses know about this new one. Can it be too late? Can anyone be mentally saved after destroying so much?
2) A new giantess emerges but this one has same peculiar thoughts. How dangerous could be a sadistic giantess to the giantess lifestyle and mostly to the tiny people. How to stop her? Should the giantesses make an exception and take drastic actions?
3) A very talented tiny engineer was found in a big city. He can help construct ducts to irrigate the farms and increase the food production. How the giantess assigned to construct the duct will handle with a tiny arrogant, machist and authoritarian men?
4) A young knight was angry after know that your family castle was destroyed. He starts a hunt with a few selected warriors to chase the monster. What will happen when he discovers that the dragon was actually a princess?
I will try to bring more lately.
Sorry about my English, Word helped me a lot
Hope you enjoyed this world as much as I did.
Categories: Giantess,
Young Adult 20-29,
Body Exploration,
Feet Characters: None