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When he awoke the next morning, he hoped it was all a dream. Hoped that he ahd somehow passed out in a drunken stupor on the train.

He ahdn't. He was still surrounded by the great walls of flesh that were Angela's ass-cheeks. She awoke soon afterwards and turned over releasing him from what could have been his fleshy tomb. She picked him up with fingers as big as he was and lifted him to her face. He noticed that she now looked about ten years younger. She spread him out on her hand and poked him all over with her index finger.

Finally, she poked him in the crotch, causing him to unload, so to speak. She lifted up the sperm-soaked finger and licked it off. She brought him into the adjoining bathroom. She got in the shower and placed him in the soap dish. She turned on the water soon her sexy body was dripping wet. She picked him up with the soap and began to rub him all over herself, clearly enjoying the sensation.

After she was done, there was a mysterious churning of flame on the floor. The flames then shot out of the floor and made the vague form of a seven-foot-tall woman. Suddenly, there before them was a towering, beautiful woman with long dark red hair.

Angela had a look of awe in her eyes and bowed to the floor with Sean still in her hand. "Lady Lucifer", she breathed.

"Call me Lucy", boomed the impossible woman. "Lady Angela, you have served me well for over a century. You a re highly admired among my succubae."

"Thank you, mistress," said Angela looking up from her position.

"But now it is the time," Lucy continued.

"The time?" said Angela with a little bit of a nervous quiver in her lips.

"Yes. It is time to use the Dagger to its full power, leaving everybody else too small to do anything about the Sisterhood taking over the world!" said Lucy, letting out an evil laugh. "I will also let lesser covens know of this though yours, as the largest and you with the position Keeper of the Dagger, you will rule over a large portion of the world, second only to my own. You may do with that pretty little blonde thing as you please."

"Yes, mistress," said Angela, "thy will be done."

"Good," said Lucy with an evil smile. Then, she vanished again into the flames of Hell.


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