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    The warm, foil-wrapped burrito weighed heavily in Rachel's grip as the elevator rumbled its way up to the 24th floor. When she had taken this internship she had hoped she'd be doing something more fulfilling than fetching lunch for her boss, yet here she was. Whenever she complained to her mother about it she just got the same speech, "Stick with it sweetie! It'll be worth it for the references!" That was becoming harder and harder to swallow with each lunch order slapped onto her desk. It didn't help that the woman she worked for was a real hard-ass. She had made a small mistake on the lunch order once and been chewed out for nearly an hour about the how easily she could be replaced and how she should take more pride in her work. 

    She adjusted her top as the elevator pinged and the doors slid open. The receptionist gave her a passing glance as she strode past, which Rachel returned with a forced smile as she tapped her ID card against the security lock. The office was open concept, with clusters of desks grouping employees together in teams of people that worked on similar projects. She didn't hate the space, there was lots of natural light. Which was better than cramped, emotion-draining cubicles. 

    "Rachel!" A familiar voice called out as she walked past a tight grouping of desks. The intern stopped and looked for who had called her, spotting Dana waving to her nearby. 

    She had met Dana during training and they had become friends rather quickly. They shared a lot of the same interests and were around the same age, except Dana was a bit further ahead in her career than she was. Rachel had only been brought on as an intern while Dana was full time. 

    "What's Olivia got you fetching this time?" Dana asked, craning her neck to look over her monitor as Rachel approached with the hefty burrito in her grip. She winced as she recognized the tubular, foil covered parcel. "Burrito again? Glad I don't have a meeting with her today.." 

    "You're telling me.." Rachel replied, knowing full well what her friend was implying. "I'll circle back for lunch once I drop this off and take care of something else. You still good for noonish?" 

    "Should be. If Josh gets back to me that is. I swear he doesn't even know what he's doing over there." 

    "I'll cross my fingers for you." Rachel said, smiling as she continued her path to her boss' office. 

    Her fingers rapped against the glass door of the office, the name Olivia Caldwell emblazoned on the frosted surface. Rachel waited a second for the usual terse response allowing her to enter, but there was only silence from the other side. She pushed the door open slowly and peered inside, letting out a sigh of relief as she took in the empty office.

    "Must be in a meeting.." She muttered as she walked inside and shut the door behind her. The glass top desk was pretty bare considering the state it was usually in, so it wasn't much trouble for her to find a spot to plop the burrito down without endangering any important documents.

    Before she left she made sure to carefully unwrap the meal. She hadn't done that once and never heard the end of it. The warm foil peeled off easily, revealing an overstuffed and swollen pouch of meat, cheese, guacamole, and beans. She marveled at how all that was even being contained by the stretched tortilla, or how the food worker had even managed to wrap this monster without any tears or spillage. The tortilla was stretched so thin that she thought she could make out the chunks of ground beef and beans stuffing its interior.

    Rachel took a step back from the desk, hoping to get out of the office before her boss arrived and piled another heap of 'assignments' onto her shoulders. She paused though as a wave of dizziness caused her to lose her balance. It felt like her head was about to fall off. She caught herself on the edge of the desk, barely preventing a free fall to the floor. Blackness crept in from the edges of her vision. The last thing she saw before blacking out was the bulging burrito on the desk...

    Oozing warmth surrounded her lower body as Rachel stirred awake. Her head was pounding, her vision still blurred as she blinked her eyes and tried to determine what had happened to her. It didn't take long to see that something was terribly wrong. An off white landscape stretched out around her, beyond that was the office she had been standing in before, except it looked far away, slightly blurry as if she was looking at a distant mountain. Confused and disoriented, Rachel tried to stand up, but couldn't move. Looking down she saw that she was embedded in whatever ground she was standing on, everything below her waist submerged in the muddy earth that stained her clothes as it oozed out from where she had pierced the outer crust.  A strong, pungent smell of beef, cheese, and beans emanated from the below her jogging her memory and sending a shocking realization through her subconscious. This was the burrito. She was stuck in the burrito she had left on Olivia's desk!

    The panicked intern didn't have long to contemplate her situation before the door to the office flew open. She whipped her head around as much as she could, looking over her shoulder and watching with sinking dread as a titan stomped into the room. The enormous woman had blonde hair pulled back into a long ponytail. She wore a black blazer over a white blouse, the buttons undone to reveal a probably not office appropriate amount of cleavage. Her black pants hugged her legs and hips tightly, highlighting the plump, peachy shape of her ass for all the men in the office to take stealthy glances at. It was her boss, Olivia.

    "I told you David, I want that report on my desk by the end of the day. No more excuses! I don't care if your daughter has a clarinet recital, she's shit and you know it so I'm doing you a favor!" Olivia said to the empty room, talking into the Bluetooth headset plugged into her right ear. She wasted no time standing near the door after shutting it, quickly striding around the desk and pulling the chair back. 

    Rachel watched with dumbfounded terror as the gargantuan form of her boss stomped towards her. She was absolutely massive. Her voice sounded like thunder, her footsteps sent quakes through the desk that rippled the gelatinous form of the burrito she was embedded in. This was impossible... 

    "I swear to god David, if you ruin my lunch with this I'm going to have your ass later." Olivia growled into the earpiece as she sat down with a heavy thump into the leather chair. Her eyes glanced over the burrito waiting patiently on the desk for her to consume and her stomach growled along with her.

    Rachel felt cold beads of sweat running down her back and mixing with the beefy juices seeping out around her waist as her boss stared down at her. She waved her arms and shouted, desperate to get the attention of the titanic tyrant before something horrible happened. She knew in the back of her mind that if she didn't manage to be seen she would probably wind up being the lunch she fetched for her boss, but no, that was impossible. That would never happen. 

    Olivia reached out with both hands as she continued berating the unfortunate soul on the other end of the phone. She didn't notice the trapped intern as she grasped the heavy burrito in her grip, her fingers pressing into the malleable surface and threatening to tear the beast in two as she hoisted it into the air. She didn't hear her intern's screams as she opened her mouth and brought the pungent package closer to her waiting maw. 

    Hot, moist air billowed out of the gaping cavern as Rachel approached her doom. Her boss hadn't seen or heard her. The ivory teeth shone in the fluorescent light of the office as she drew closer and closer to entering Olivia's mouth. Shadow passed over her, followed by a sickening slicing sound as the teeth descended, cutting through the flesh of the burrito like a hot knife through butter. Rachel was freed from her prison as she tumbled to the wet surface of the tongue along with the rest of the incised food before being tossed as the beast beneath her undulated. Turmoil erupted around her. She caught flashes of chomping molars as streaks of light slipped through the pursed lips at the front of the cavern. Rachel could do nothing but pray that she wasn't masticated too as she had no way of regaining control in the chaotic mess unfolding around her. An incomprehensibly loud voice rumbled the air around her as the tongue flapped spasmodically while Olivia carried on her conversation . After a terrifying few seconds everything seemed to calm down. She was back on the tongue, sitting atop a mashed pile of what was formerly the front end of the burrito. She was covered head to toe in a mess of chewed meat, beans, and cheese. Smeared green guacamole clumps ruined her perfectly straightened hair. Her clothes were stained irreparably with salsa and meat juice. But at least she was alive. 

    The tongue shifted again, lifting up and tilting itself towards the back of the cavern. The mass began to slide on the damp surface. Rachel turned and shook her head slowly. "No.. No wait.." She muttered, unable to believe this was really happening. The darkness stretching before her was impenetrable, but she knew what was there. The pit leading to her boss' stomach, the point of no return. 

    Her screams were drowned out by the sound of muscles contracting and the wet squishing of chewed burrito. 

    Rachel tried to scream as she was carried deeper into the body of her boss by the rhythmically contracting esophagus, but every time she opened her mouth it was filled with the beefy mush traveling down the tube with her. A pounding heartbeat grew louder as she descended, singing in harmony with the whooshing expansion and decompression of massive lungs before fading as her descent continued. Finally the tube tightened, squeezing Rachel tightly enough that she worried about bones breaking before suddenly opening at her feet. She was in free fall, the sphincter that had squeezed her spitting her out into an open pit. She fell a short distance, landing in a pool of liquid, quickly joined by that falling clumps of masticated food she had traveled with. The food sizzled as they plunged into the pool, the acids already continuing the digestion began by the saliva soaking the mash. Rachel gagged on the acrid stench filling the cavern, the undulating walls leaking fresh acid to prepare for the meal it was about to receive. Dark burns appeared on her clothing as the acid began dissolving the fibers. She struggled to her feet, then slipped and fell into the pool. More clumps of chewed meat and cheese rained down around her, ejecting from the sphincter and splashing the caustic fluid as they plunged into the pool. She screamed into the darkness, panic overtaking her body, before she remembered something that could save her life. She still had her phone on her!

    Dana was sitting at her desk, waiting for Rachel to return so they could leave for lunch when her phone buzzed. She picked it up and read the text that appeared with confusion, then reread it. "Help. I'm in Olivia's stomach. Help help help please." She said under her breath, reading aloud in the hopes that the message would make more sense. She tapped out a reply, "In her stomach? Funny joke Rachel." 

    The reply came quickly, filled with typos and extra characters as if typed in a panic. "Not joking. I shrunk and she ate me. Get her to throw up." Dana read aloud again. She sighed and looked towards Olivia's office, then got up reluctantly walked over.

    "Enter!" Came the shout from behind the door.

    Dana swallowed nervously and stepped into the room, then was immediately hit a noxious stench that wafted out of the formerly sealed room. She stifled a cough as she took in a strained breath of air, her nostrils burning on the stink entering her lungs. The source of the smell became apparent very quickly as a trumpeting expulsion sounded from beneath Olivia's posterior. Dana had been hoping that she would be able to avoid her boss' infamous burrito gas today, but she had to play the hero.

    "What is it Darlene?" Olivia asked, the half finished burrito sitting on her desk oozing juices onto the foil wrapping beneath it. 

    "Well uh.. It's a bit of an odd problem.." Dana began, ignoring the fact that her boss didn't seem to know her name. "But I got a text from Rachel that said she's in your uh.. belly.. right now. That she shrunk and you ate her.." She realized how insane she sounded as the words left her mouth, her cheeks flushing red in embarrassment.

    Olivia stared back at her with a blank expression. Another hissing release whispered out of her ass, cutting the awkward silence. "I don't appreciate my time being wasted Darlene. How dare you bring that stupid story in here and waste my precious time!" 

    Dana gulped, realizing the danger she had put her job in by doing this. The fumes filling the room were beginning to make her dizzy as she stammered out an apology. Olivia's ass let out an angry sounding blast of gas, mimicking its owner's expression in the only way it could. 

    Meanwhile, inside the belly of the lecturing Olivia, Rachel was scrambling to stay above the rising level of acidic juices filling the chamber. Her clothes had all but disintegrated, only a few scraps of her bra and panties remained plastered to her body by the wet slime coating her skin. She was perched on a pile of chewed burrito, listening to the one sided conversation rumbling on above her. Olivia didn't believe her story. She wasn't going to try to get her out of here. She was going to die here. The stomach churned violently, seemingly confirming her thoughts as it tossed her off of her perch and into the sizzling liquid. She landed with a splash, the acid searing her skin a vibrant red color as she flailed, trying to keep her head above water. Her throat burned as she tried to breathe but was hit by a wave of chyme that filled her mouth. She coughed and sputtered on the bitter, burning liquid, fighting for even a single breath of polluted air as she struggled against the constant contractions of the stomach walls. 

    The enraged, gassy woman continued her lecture, chewing out the poor, woozy Dana for bringing such an inane and ridiculous story into her office. She ended her rant with a threat of termination and a short series of toots that pumped more toxic gas into the confined space. "Now get out of my office before you don't have a job anymore!"

    Dana removed herself from the dangerous situation, muttering apologies under her breath as she backed out of the office and drawing in a deep breath of fresh air once she vacated the toxic space. She couldn't believe that she had even considered doing that. It was clearly a stupid joke at her expense from what she thought had been her friend. She sent a short, angry text to Rachel before heading back to her desk, her head still swimming from the poisonous gas filling her lungs.

    Olivia leaned back in her chair, grunting as she pushed out yet another parcel of methane from her bulging asshole. She scoffed as she recalled the story her employee had told her. "What nonsense. In my stomach! Although if that useless intern was in there it'd serve her right for giving me so much gas!" She chuckled to herself as she grabbed the burrito and shoved another large bite into her mouth, chewed and swallowed, patting her stomach happily and forcing another bout of gas into the seat cushion of her chair. 

    The fleshy, wavy walls of the stomach she was trapped in illuminated for a moment as Rachel's phone buzzed. She was floating on her back in the pool of acid, barely holding on as the burning fluids lapped at her sides. With great effort she lifted the device up, wiped the chunks of half-digested beef from the screen and with dismay read the angry message from her friend. It didn't work. She wasn't going to be saved. She was going to die in here. Digested by her bitch of a boss. She dropped her phone, her grip failing. The illuminated screen sunk into the thick slurry with a plop, disappearing beneath the waves and plunging the cavern back into darkness. Rachel couldn't muster the energy to move. Her body felt drained. The painful sensation of her skin being eaten by the digestive enzymes had long faded into a numb tingling all over her body. Her once perfect hair was now a patchy mess of thin, burnt strands. Her skin was red and raw. She barely noticed as the level of fluid in the stomach began to sink, draining through the sphincter at the bottom of the sac. Her lungs took in a ragged breath, having double trouble taking in life giving oxygen since there was little of it left in the enclosed organ, and having had most of her lungs singed by acid as she nearly drowned earlier. She felt herself fading as her feet touched a tight orifice, sliding inside and being tugged firmly downward. This was it. She hadn't even been paid for this job. It was only for the references, for furthering her career. Was it worth it?

    Olivia continued her workday. She had finished the burrito a while ago but it was making sure she wouldn't forget it anytime soon by producing a constant train of pungent farts that routinely blossomed from her strained bowels. She had the pleasure of holding a meeting with one of her underlings, watching them squirm as he tried not to cough and gag on her gas was always a delight. The growing pressure in her behind signaled that she should probably head to the ladies room soon, but there was work to be done. She didn't mind having to release the pent of gas every minute or so if it meant she got more work done anyway. 

    The mass of compacted feces slid along slowly through the cramped tunnel. Rachel had been unconscious for most of the journey, but she hadn't been released from this nightmarish hell quite yet. As she stirred awake she found herself encased in compacted, grainy material that reeked of rotten meat and cheese. She tried to move but found her weak limbs unable to free themselves from the firm sludge surrounding her. The only thing saving her was that her head had wound up on the edge of the disgusting train. If someone had been able to see her right now they probably wouldn't even recognize her. All the hair on her head had been burned off. Her skin had been drained of all color, except for where it was smeared with fecal dirt. She truly fit in with her surroundings, reduced to nothing but byproduct of her boss' digestive system, to be disposed of later at Olivia's convenience. 

    A pulse of gas seeped past Rachel's position, flaring the temperature to searing heights and turning the stench factor up a few notches. Rachel let out a croaking gasp, her vocal cords burned until they were inoperable long ago. Not that anyone would hear her if she could scream. She was trapped in a log of shit in the deepest reaches of her boss' body. Waiting in the queue to be shit out into an office toilet and flushed away. Her brain began swimming again. That last fart had removed any remaining oxygen from the area. She was suffocating on the remnants of gas clouding her face. A small trapped bubble of flatulence that was smothering the life out of her. Her body twitched, convulsing in its last death throes as the life faded from the intern's body...
    "No! I told you for the last time David! I want that report on my desk right now!" Olivia screamed into her phone. A particularly wet sounding fart sputtered out of her ass as she lost control of her anus temporarily, distracted by yelling at her employee. "Ah shit.. David you just got lucky. I have some other business to attend to. But if I don't see that report on my desk by the time I get back you're going to be working over time in my office while I watch you type each word until you're done!" 

    The door to the women's restroom swung open, Olivia's shoes clacked on the tile floor as she strode towards the nearest stall. Her asshole was barely containing the shit building up behind it, she had waited a little too long yet again. A habit of hers since she was such a workaholic. Her ass hit the plastic seat of the toilet with a thump, spreading her cheeks wide and revealing the raw asshole to the empty porcelain bowl. It didn't take long before the rosebud bloomed open, spewing out a thick log of feces into the crystal clear water pooled below. Olivia let out a relieved sigh as she voided her bowels, the stench of her digested lunch filling the restroom. By the time she was done the bowl was filled with brown waste, piled high in the center of the bowl. If she had inspected the bowl she might've seen the faint outline of a tiny body on the left side of the bowl, embedded in a log of her shit. But she wasn't paying attention. Why would she? She simply wiped her ass with the disappointing thin toilet paper, tossed the wadded used tissue into the bowl, then half half-heartedly pushed the plunger. She didn't even stay to watch as the toilet struggled to swallow her mess before sputtering and giving up, leaving its mouth a disgusting mess. 

    "I wonder if I should just keep David after hours anyway.. Would be fun to torment him a bit with my farts.." She pondered to herself as she washed her hands and adjusted her hair, fixing a few stray strands that had escaped her ponytail, then strolled out of the bathroom, another quiet toot slipping out of her ass as the door swung shut behind her. 

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