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Many instantly fell to their knees and vomited at the abomination their eyes beheld. A woman?! A black woman who stood larger than the total land area of some sovereign micro-nations?! This had to have been the work of a sick twisted God. No, there could not be a God. This was a bitter pill to swallow and in despair more than a few took their lives outright. Some parents even killed their children and then themselves in their inability to cope with this shock.

Every major TV and radio frequency on the planet had been by now broadcasting live feeds of the spaceship when the colossal doors suddenly parted, and an impossibly large figure could be seen within its immense interior. The figure was that of a powerful looking African woman clad in fitness wear. Citizens of the city of Radomsko and the nearby vicinity had to crane their necks skyward to see the face of their new and unwelcome neighbor. Far above the clouds they could see her looking around with a confused expression, seemingly uncertain of where she was. At once she began to speak in a loud booming voice that sounded like distant thunder in a language that no one could comprehend.

Yet it seemed as though she didn't even notice them at all. The people in her vicinity felt small and insignificant in her presence. Ironically, this gave them some hope that they would be unnoticed and that she would go back to wherever she came from without causing further destruction. This hope was soon dashed to pieces when she lifted her leg and positioned it over the countryside. Each foot was well over a mile in length, but fortunately the area it came down on was sparsely populated farmland and forest.

This was, of course, no consolation to the people like Stanislaw who were squished beneath her sole. Like everyone else, Stanislaw was in a panic when the enormous ship landed nearby. His fear was particularly bad since he was situated not far from the enormous door! Ever since the ship made its descent, he had been doing his best to pack his things and prepare to leave. If he had been calm and rational he would have taken his car, but seeing the doors open and the enormous black woman emerge from inside caused him to drop everything and flee as fast as his legs could carry him in the opposite direction.

Stanislaw glanced up in horror to see the sole of her sneaker above him - but only for an instant. Though he ran as fast as he could, the shadow that enveloped him was too large to escape, and within a moment the shoe came down with unimaginable force. His body, along with the bodies of countless others, became flattened into the soil. Perhaps their corpses were simply pushed deep into the ground and there remain forever entombed? Or perhaps they became temporarily embedded within the treads of the sneaker to later rain down on some distant land, or be washed down a drain? In any case, their bodies were never recovered. Luchanda never seen any of them or know they had even existed.

This single step, though not particularly significant from Luchanda's perspective, was powerful enough to cause a small earthquake in a region where such a thing was almost unheard of. For even more reasons his step had far greater significance than any other step in history. Columbus' first step on the New World, and the first step of the pilgrims at Plymouth Rock were insignificant in comparison. Even Neil Armstrong's famous first step on the moon now seemed trivial. Would humanity ever again look longingly to the stars and envision a future for itself among them? Luchanda's first step on Earth may have been one small step for her, but it marked a giant leap backwards for mankind.

Yet this only marked the beginning, as Radomsko's citizens watched in powerless horror as her attention shifted to their city. Could she see them? Would they even be distinguishable as human beings to her? These questions entered the minds of the inhabitants of the city at her feet. Compared to her they were much smaller than even the tiniest insect, but to every man, woman, and child in Radomsko it seemed as though her gaze was focused directly on them.

Ludmila woke up in her communist-era apartment to a tremendous quake that had apparently shattered the windows and many of her possessions inside. She had spent much of the previous night clubing with her girlfriends, and had been quite inebriated when she stumbled home to her bed. She had been out for most of the day and was not aware of anything that may have been going on in the world during that time. Her first thought was something big had exploded, but her head was throbbing so she tried to drift back to sleep. She found this to be impossible because all of her neighbors were shouting and screaming, so she sensed something bad was going on. A moment later there was another, albeit less powerful quake. With there being no other option, she decided to head to the window and see what all the fuss was about.

What she seen out there in the distance made her sick and soon her stomach contents were emptied onto the concrete below. Far in the distance she could see an unimaginably large sneaker below a proportionately large ebony leg. Casting her eyes skyward she could see the leg belonged to an enormous woman of a racial group seldom seen in her own country. Her screams joined those of thousands of others in the city as she scrambled down the fire escape to her car.

The car had been apparently stolen in the chaos, since nothing was left but some shards of broken glass where it had been parked. "Damn it!", she screamed. But it was just as well since she had forgotten her keys anyway. She also now realized she hadn't even dressed herself, and was wearing nothing but the panties she had slept in. Her large breasts slammed together as she ran braless and barefoot through the streets. Her partial nudity went largely unnoticed since everyone around her was in hysteria. Even if someone did look at her, she too was too hysterical to care.

She figured this had to be a dream, or at worst a hallucination. Perhaps she was still drunk? But a look backward confirmed the giant Negro woman was still there! Her gargantuan bulk filled the sky as she knelt down. Ludmila, like many of the others around her, became paralyzed and could only stare like a creature in headlights as the black woman's face with its large dark brown eyes, wide nose, and large lips came to within a mile or so above their city.

The face held a look of astonishment. It seemed to everyone who looked up at her that she was surprised to find everyone so tiny. Her large lips and eyes were both wide open. Ludmila shuddered as she looked into the mouth to see teeth that were each much larger than her apartment building, yet were as flawless as polished pearls. She had no doubt that these teeth could crush anything built by the hands of man. Beyond the teeth was a black abyss that she hoped she would never enter...

The large lips spoke in a powerful and deep voice that only vaguely seemed human, and the words were completely alien to her. She assumed it was some sort of African dialect, but was certainly no expert. Not long after the sound hit them, the citizens felt the impact of her warm moist breath wash over them like a tropical storm. Ludmila's long blonde hair fluttered wildly as she herself struggled to breath in the oxygen depleted exhalations of the astronomically larger woman.

Luchanda couldn't believe what she was seeing. The city looked very similar to historical images she had seen of cities on her own world, with concrete structures and paved roads. Everything looked authentically detailed, except it was all so tiny! She was a bit disappointed that the humans were too small to be easily seen, or to interact with. When realizing her her ship had the equipment that would enable her to do this, she wasted no time in digging her fingers underneath a large area of the city and easily ripping it from the ground. She tried to be careful not to damage the city and hoped that not too many of its citizens fell to their deaths, but she wasn't overly concerned if they did. The planet had countless other cities, and this one in her hands was nothing special.

The inhabitants of Radomsko who were left behind could only watch in shock as the black titan ripped half their city from the Earth and disappeared into her ship with it. Many of their friends, family, and coworkers were lifted miles into the sky and carried off, never to be seen or heard from again.

Meanwhile in Washington, the American president was on the red phone with the Russian president discussing how best to deal with the crisis in Poland. "God Damn it, Ivan. I said we gotta nuke her before it's too late. Put down that Vodka and launch now, or we will!" he shouted angrily.

On the phone, the Russian president was somewhat more composed, "Nyet! We launch nukes and it is lights out for all of us. Plus it may ignite war with the aliens."

President Chaffee shook his dead for a moment in disgust. He had easily won the election last November despite no previous experience with politics. He hated politicians and how they took forever to get things done. He promised himself and the voters he would get the job done and he fully intended to do that in this situation. "Listen carefuly, comrade! Ask the Poles if they are worried about igniting a God damn war! A giant nigger bitch is tearing their country apart, and you know something? You'll probably be her next target!"

"Da. But if we launch hundreds of nukes the fallout will kill us just the same..."

Jeb Chaffee's face turned beet red and he exploded with his notorious ranting, "God damn it you cowardly commie bastard! Don't launch all of them! Shouldn't take more than one nuke to skin a coon!" The Russian President began to reply, "Da. I..." But Chaffee slammed the phone down on the cradle before the Russian could finish.

He pulled out a bottle of Bourbon and poured himself a shot of it. Middle Americans loved him and seen him as one of them, rather than a career politician. Like most other recent presidents, Jeb Chaffee was a southerner, but he had a dark secret that he was rather good at keeping concealed. He held an intense hatred for colored people, just like his father and his father's father; from a long line of Chaffees spanning hundreds of years. Few outside his friends and family knew this about him, but it sometimes spilled out when he became angry, like he just did. Today had been a very stressful day, and he found it harder and harder to suppress his racism.

He decided that if the Russians were too cowardly to nuke her ass then he would do it himself. "One way or another that black bitch is going to pay for the white people that she killed", Jeb Chaffee thought to himself as he downed the bourbon.
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