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For several hours, you had been stuck here, a mere tenth of an inch tall inside a centauress's rectum. Though the path to the exit was no longer a vertical climb, you had so far made little progress due to your prison's constant motion. Every time you made it a short distance forward, the ground would shift under you, knocking you to your knees. If you kept at it, you'd be out of here eventually, but for now it was slow going.


"Trudy, would you mind grabbing the jar of phoenix feathers for me?" Some time after the glow of their lovemaking session had faded, Juniper had gone back to work, fiddling with an enchantment for some client.

"It's always work with you, isn't it? You should take more breaks, read a book or something!" Trudy walked a short distance over to a multi-tiered storage rack located next to the bookcase of tomes. Struggling to reach the highest shelf, she stretched her front legs up as far as they'd go, her fingertips grazing and eventually grasping onto a small glass jar.

"I do read books! Oh, those are fire salamander scales. Bird stuff's on the bottom shelf."

"Now you tell me," Trudy said, replacing the jar where she found it with some difficulty, "and anyway, books about magic don't count. I mean like storybooks!"


Juniper hummed noncommittally, unable to come up with a snappy response.

"Tell ya what, tomorrow after I get done with work, we'll go visit Agatha. She's got so many books, I'm sure she'd let you borrow one!" Having bent way over to scour the lowest shelf for the needed ingredient, Trudy straightened back up and carried it over to Juniper's desk.

"Thank you, dear. I suppose I could stand to have a little more fun. Outside the bedroom, anyway." At this, they shot Trudy a smug look, which was met only with rolled eyes.


You weren't keeping track of how far you'd traveled, or how many times you'd been knocked over by sudden movements from your host, and there was virtually no light deep within Trudy's bowels, so you had very little reference for how much time had passed since you fell down here. At times you began to doubt if you were even going in the right direction. However, one particular jerking motion from Trudy's rear brought with it a sudden change in gravity, and before you fully realized it you began tumbling downwards.

As you clumsily fell down the intestinal walls, a distant light faded into view. You allowed yourself to feel hopeful as you realized this could only mean one thing: the exit! The walls eventually tilted back to their original orientation, but you were now only about a hundred feet from the anus, and salvation. You'd still have to figure out a way out of this woman's panties after that, but you'd cross that bridge when you came to it. For now, you got to your feet and started running.

You knew you shouldn't have been surprised. Clearly you'd done something unimaginable in a past life to deserve all this. But nevertheless, it came as a shock when the tunnel beneath your feet sprang into motion again, this time in the opposite direction from before. Mere yards away from reaching her anus, you were suddenly yanked backwards as gravity took its course, and you rolled all the way back down to where you had started. Unnoticed by your host, a small gust of gas blew past your defeated form as you lay on the ground, beaten. Your efforts had turned out to be completely inconsequential, your fate decided entirely by the unaware goddess who kept you trapped in her giant ass. If that was how things were going to be, you saw no point in moving from this spot.


After some time had passed, the world around you finally became still. Maybe she's fallen asleep, you thought. Waiting a few more minutes to be sure, you got back to your feet and began your slow trek once more.

The heat and moisture inside the rectum bore down on you, your lungs heavy in the thick atmosphere. Though not quite as intense as the three hour fart session you had endured earlier in the day, this was no cakewalk. The smell of waste was unavoidable in here, much stronger than it had been from the outside, and eventually it won out over your stamina. Your legs buckled, and you dropped down on your stomach. You knew you had to keep going, but you simply couldn't muster the strength. All you could think about was this centaur's horrible butt and the terrors it had put you through. Even if you somehow survived this, you knew it would take a long time for you to fully recover. Really this was all Sophie's fault. If only she hadn't tied you up in the first place...


"Alright, first up on my route is... oh, hmm. This is a lake, isn't it. Well, okay! I know how to solve this, at least!"

Partway into her first delivery of the day, Trudy encountered an obstacle. The house she was delivering to just so happened to be at the bottom of a lake. Though unusual, this was not the first time she'd had an underwater delivery, and she knew just who to ask for help.

"Oh, you're home early. No deliveries today?" Juniper looked up from the sword they had been enchanting, its blade glowing a bright red.

"Oh, no, I've got one, but it's underwater again..."

"Ah. Say no more. Give me a moment to wrap up this fire sword and we can head out."

A short while later, the centaur couple arrived at the lakeside, Juniper carrying their sorcerer's staff with them.

"Okay, now remember, when I begin the incantation, focus on the lake. Or water in general is fine too. Otherwise the spell won't know what medium to apply the breathing effect to. Oh, and remember to hold your breath towards the end, too."

"Got it! Thinking about the lake, holding my breath." Trudy held her body tightly together, trying to clear her mind of all thoughts but the lake she was about to dip into. Juniper began to chant the words of the breathing spell, their own mind deeply focused. The edges of Trudy's body began to glow a dull green, indicating the spell was being applied successfully. But as the spell neared completion, a sudden noise cut through the air, a loud, bassy blast.


With all her efforts focused on making the spell work, Trudy didn't realize she had been clenching her muscles a bit too tightly, resulting in a violent eruption from her rear end.

Juniper, unfazed, finished the rest of the spell, slowly opening their eyes. "Well. I see the shrinking spell from yesterday has worn off. Do you want me to reapply it?"

Trudy's face flushed a bright red. She opened her mouth to respond, but remembered she was supposed to be holding her breath and simply shook her head no instead. As her oxygen ran low, she trotted over to the lake and dipped her head underwater, grabbing a big mouthful. Her lungs having successfully adjusted to breathe underwater, she flashed Juniper a thumbs up.

"As always, I'll be right here in case anything goes wrong. Have a good delivery!"

Trudy smiled at her spouse, then turned around and walked headfirst into the lake. This job could be so much trouble sometimes, but she still loved doing it.


You had slept fitfully, but well enough that you had the energy to resume your journey. Your nap within the panties had been much more comfortable, though a lot of things were more comfortable than your current situation, to be fair.

Just as you started walking, the walls around you lit up, reflecting a strange green glow coming from your body. What was going on? You really hoped you weren't about to start shrinking again. Not knowing what to make of this development, you tried to shrug it off, when all of a sudden a massive burst of rotten wind blew past you, absolutely flooring you. Unbeknownst to you, while the shrinking spell from earlier hadn't worn off for you, Trudy's gas had returned to its original size, meaning it was now ten times as powerful as it had been yesterday. The violent strength and smell was so overwhelming that it was all you could think about in that moment. "Is this how centaurs' guts act all the time?" you wondered between coughs.

The smell eventually died back down to the normal background levels of Trudy's colon, but your coughing fit continued. Your breathing became more and more ragged, your chest seizing. You flailed around, barely able to keep your lungs under control. That is, until another burst of gas flew past you. The scent was unbearable, but your lungs greedily sucked in as much of the fart as they could. As the gas traveled beyond you, however, you once again felt your lungs struggling to function. Putting two and two together, you quickly realized you needed to get back within range of the gas, so you began crawling deeper into Trudy's rectum, figuring her gas would be more concentrated on that end. Sure enough, you soon reached another small pocket of farts, your body instantly reinvigorating as soon as you huffed them down.

You couldn't believe what had happened to you. First you fall into this centauress's butt, then you shrink and fall into her colon, and now you have to constantly inhale her farts just to be able to breathe?! Liz, Sophie, anyone... Save me...

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