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Ah, yes, it was another Monday...

I was never really excited about school, and today was really not an exception, yet today, as my bus pulled up to the entrance, I couldnt help but notice something. I notice a shining coming from a bush off to the side. I go to investigate and see a shiny rock. I decide to take the rock and see what it does.

"Wow..." I said, unable to help scooping the rock up off the ground.

Just cradling it in my palm, I could feel it was very hot and the light it emitted made my face tingle a little. It was obvious this was no ordinary stone.

"I wonder what it does...." I asked myself suddenly.

Soon after I asked that, the rock flashed before my eyes and I felt my whole body feel tingly. When I opened my eyes, I had boobs!

I quickly duck behind the bush, hoping noone had seen what just happened to me....

It was quite obvious, especially when I turned to the side, that I had had breasts now... even without a bra on.

I glared down at the rock, and started shaking it vigorously, hoping it would somehow restore me to normal but nothing was working.... I was stuck with boobs...

"Great... now what do I do?" I sighed.

I got up as fast as I can, still not used to the new weight and decided to ask my friend Kim for help.

Maybe Kim could be of help to me.... or make it worse....

But nothing couldve been much worse at that moment than being a guy with breasts anyway, so I decided to suck up my pride and find Kim.

Finally, I find Kim, by the gym and run up to her quickly.

"Kim Kim Kim!!" I shout.

"What?" she asks nervously, not really sure what Im gonna say next at this point.

"You... you have to help me...." I said.

"On what?" she asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Look... I...." I quiver, struggling to find the words. I take her to the side and show her I have breasts.

"What?!" she screamed "How... but...."

"I know, I know...." I whispered "Dont say anything, just help me..."

"Im not sure how I could help you...." Kim sighed.

"Well I cant walk around like THIS all day..." I groaned.

"I COULD give you a bra, that might help..." Kim smiled nervously, not really sure what else to say. "Or maybe you could go to the nurses for help..."

Oh, great, some choice... I thought to myself...

"Oh alright..." I sighed, already having been ashamed enough of what had happened to me "I guess I need a bra..."

"Ok, hold on" Kim said, running off to the girl's locker room.

I patiently waited for her, and then I saw Ashley.

I ducked back as she approached me... but she apparently noticed my fear and came up behind me, jokingly giving me a tickle from behind but moving her hands a little too far up...

"Woah!" she gasped, pulling her hands away "What was that?"

"Uh nothing..." I gasped, backing away.

"That seemed odd..." she said suspiciously "But familiar.... wait a second,..."

I backed away from her but not fast enough. Knowing something was on my chest, she jabbed me quickly, long enough to feel my boob and laughed.

"You dont..." she chuckled "Its not possible..."

"Ok, its true..." I whispered, putting my hand over her mouth now to get her to stop laughing. "I have breasts"

"YOU?!" she burst out laughing again "Thats so hilarious!"

"No its not!" I sighed miserably.

"Oh cmon, you know Im joking..." she said "So how did you get em?"

"This rock I found" I said, showing her the rock.

"Hmmm... maybe you could... if you don't me, zap me with it" Ashley said, smiling at me flirtingly.

I look back at her with a look of questioning concern. "You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, I could use bigger boobs" she said.

So, I pointed it at her and zapped her with it. Her bust grew about 2 sizes and she seemed pleased with the growth.

"Thank you," Ashley said happily, "want to go to the mall?"


"We can get new bras for my new bust," she said.

I figured the day shouldn't be a total loss.

So, there we were, walking through the mall towards Victoria's Secret when I started thinking about how I would need new bras too, since I now had boobs. All of a sudden, I glanced towards Ashley and noticed her boobs were growing more.

"Uh... Ashley?" I said, in a panicked tone.

She looked down at her chest to see her breasts had expanded another full cup size and seemed to be growing a little more still.

At this point, her breasts were now just short of D cup and much larger than they had started. She gasps and glares at me, as if its my fault.

"What?" I asked.

"Youre the one who zapped me" she said "NOW look at me!!"

"Well, Im not doing much better either!!" I said, with my OWN boobs to worry about.

So of course, it was then I was hit with ANOTHER brilliant idea... let's try the stone again! I mean, that's what got us into this mess.

"Cmon" I said, whipping out the dull white stone, the glow hadn't been as bright. "Lets try this again..."

Something was wrong though, the stone seemed to be fizzling out, almost... its once majestic white glow was fading before our eyes.

"You dont think...?" Ashley started.

"Its losing its magic??"

"But we cant STAY like this!!" Ashley cried. "I was just joking when I said I wanted bigger boobs, I thought it would wear off!"

"Shhh, shhh..." I whispered "We'll think of something... we can try using it anyway..."

So I held onto it and felt it get a LITTLE warmer. I crossed my fingers hoping for a blast that would shrink our boobs, or get rid of mine altogether.

The rock continued wheezing and sputtering... and it was almost a pathetic sight, like watching a once great wizard lose his abilities.

"Ugh!" Ashley groaned "Cmon, work!!"

Ashley snatched the dull white stone from me and shook it. Then the whole thing sparked and it shot an energy beam that enveloped her and I.

Then, the next thing I knew, Ashley and I were still there, but we were 4 inches tall!

"Oh no!!" Ashley said, dodging a foot and holding onto me for any kind of protection even though I was tiny too "We're dead! What did I do??"

"Its fine..." I said, "the stone's over there, we'll get to it, and it'll change us back"

Still with my arms around her, I ran her over towards it, as she kept her head down the whole time so she didnt see the giant people. It was enough to make you faint, honestly.

When we got to the stone it was still sparking but it didn't seem like it would do what we wanted, even if we were big enough to activate it now.

"CMON!!" Ashley said, sobs in her meek voice "Change us back!!"

She sounded like a kid with a tantrum as she even began kicking the mountainous rock.

"PLEASE!!" she cried "I dont want to be small! Make me bigger, please... Im begging you"

"Ashley..." I sighed "It cant hear you...its a rock"

"No, but its magic" she said, panting and out of breath, shell shocked even "It'll change us back, youll see... if I ask it nice enough"

"ASHLEY!!" I said firmly, trying to keep my own cool "Its not gonna reply to you... its not a person... it..."

Just then, a little kid saw the sparking stone and scooped it off the floor.

"Mommy, mommy!!" the kid gleefully exclaimed, holding our stone in his hands "Look what I found!!"

"NOOO!" we screamed but to no use "Bring it back!"

"Well, thats it..." Ashley sighed finally, after the stone had faded off with the little kid and his mother. "We're done for..."

"Dont say that..." I sighed, feeling nervous myself "There's something we could do..."

"Oh yeah, what??" she asked "We'll be squashed, stepped on, maybe even eaten before that... we dont stand a chance..."

"Well Im not giving up!" I said as loud as my small voice would allow me to. I then extended my hand to her "Are you??"

"No... no of course Im not" Ashley said, putting her hand in mine "Its just.... I dont know how we can be restored... we could be this small forever..."

"I know, Ashley...." I sighed, almost wanting to cry myself "I know..."

"Dont you worry..." I said, bringing her under a mall bench for safety. At least it was now more unlikely we'd be stepped on. "Here's what we're gonna do... while the chances are against us finding that stone, maybe we dont need it"

"How else are we gonna grow again??" Ashley asked.

"We need another magic stone" I said, "Thats all"

"Oh yeah... theres SO many..." she remarked.

"Well there's not much of a chance, Ill admit" I said "But we gotta try... now there's a store on the other side of this mall that sells exotic stones, maybe we can get to one"

"Okay, but have you forgotten we're TINY??!" Ashley yelled "It could take weeks to walk that far!!"

"It could, but we have to try" I said again, "No matter what we cant give up..."

So, we crept out from under the park bench and began running, staying close to the sides of the walls.

Just across from us was the toy store, home to an old man named Artie Mendlemex.

"I need a new idea" the old man groaned "My business is walking out the door on me now, with all the new electronics and stuff, there just aren't as many kids who want toys... what I need is a NEW type of toy... something noones seen..."

Mendlemex stumbled towards the window and looked through at the mall outside, and all the customers that weren't visiting his small store, when he caught sight of us, the 2 miniatures walking the mall floor fearfully.

"Ah-ha.... whats this??"

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