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Before I begin, allow me to briefly introduce the characters that will be involved in this, and future "Magic Stone Stories" I write.

I am of course the main character, Bobby, a shy and apparently curious guy who wants to egt ahead in life, but instead ends up getting the wrong end of the magic when the stone always backfires. He is a nice guy though who is loyal to his friends and always willing to help, even if he is absent minded and doesn't always know what to do.

My friends include,

Kim, a nice girl who's also curious and kind of shy. She has a secret crush on Bobby who is confused because he likes a lot of girls in this story, although he usually doesn't tell any of them. Kim is very helpful and unlike Bobby can take charge when she has to and at least comes up with ideas in crises, even if they dont all work out.

Ashley is another friend of Bobby's, but she doesn't get along with Kim, because Kim is jealous of her, because she suspects Bobby likes her. She is a very friendly girl, with a great sense of humor, who sometimes laughs at the wrong times, but doesn't mean anything bad by it. She's also very open to ideas which is why she usually likes the magic stone... until it shrinks her, of course.

Stan is a very smart kid who isn't seen much but is one of Bobby's best friends. He's not very popular with ladies or really anyone, but he does have his share of friends as well. He also has a deep dark secret that connects him with the appearance of the magic stone.

Others in the series...


Brittany K. And Brittany S.

Both of these girls are very attractive cheerleaders, that aren't love interests for Bobby so much as fantasies. He doesn't expect either one of them to ever talk to him, let alone date him, but there is one major difference between the 2. Even though they're both friends, Brittany S. (the blonde) is a very nice girl at heart whereas Brittany K. IS as mean as she acts, she's generally a bitch who will laugh if something bad happens to an unpopular kid, especially Bobby.

There are also a couple other "love interests" of Bobby's who appear in stories from time to time, but it's not really nessecary to get into them, because they appear so rarely. Then there are a few jerks, Glen, Anthony and Brian who bully Bobby occasionally.

Anyway, on with the story. This is the story of how Bobby finds the magic stone for the first time and gets more than he bargains for.


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