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Author's Chapter Notes:
Quick, teasing chapter. No actual Giantess content here. The next one will be similar, then back to the good stuff!
Tom awoke to the smell of cooking eggs and bacon, which was a pleasant change to the other odor that seemed to cling to him: feet. The memory of the previous day came flooding back: his mother, shrinking him, playing with his tiny body with her monolithic feet.
Even her friend coming over and getting in on the action.
He looked down and pulled back the sheets, realising he was hard again.
What the hell was wrong with him?
‘Tom!’ he heard his mother yell – that beautiful creature who had so mercilessly toyed with him yesterday. ‘I’ve made you breakfast. Come down.’
He didn’t know what to do. Facing her again after what happened was the last thing he wanted to do, and his stomach was in knots. But he couldn’t hide away up here.
‘Hurry up, sleepy head!’ she yelled up.
And he knew he had no other option, as his mother had a perfect way to punish him if he didn’t listen. Seeing yesterday’s clothes piled on the floor, he quickly dressed, and left the guest bedroom. Tom wanted to shower, and quickly, but did not want to keep his mother waiting, so he nervously descended the stairs, feeling his heart race and palms sweat.
Upon entering the kitchen, he saw his mother setting down two plates of food. She looked up at him with a grin.
His mother was already dressed for work: hair up in a tidy bun and a dark-blue pants suit on, with flowery blouse beneath. He saw on her feet she wore her thick, fluffy slippers, but could just make out a tan nylon stretched across the top of her wide foot.
The foot he stared at started to tap, and he looked up to see his mother staring at him with a wide smile.
‘Can’t keep your eyes off them, can you?’ she teased. ‘Honestly, a few hours tiny and in their presence and you are infatuated.’
She laughed, and Tom felt his cheeks flush read. He knew she was just kidding and teasing, but he worried that there may be some truth to it.
‘Sit,’ she commanded, pointing to the table. He did, and she joined him, shovelling a forkful of eggs into her mouth, lips perfectly adorned with red lipstick.
‘Well, eat something,’ she said, as he just stared, dumfounded. He quickly picked up his fork. Though he was starving, especially given he missed dinner the night before, the anxiety that coursed through him made eating difficult. He forced himself to gulp down some eggs, however.
‘So,’ his mother began, don’t keep me in suspense.
‘What do you mean?’ he asked.
She rolled her eyes. ‘I want to know what it was like. You know, last night, when you were tiny. You’re supposed to be feeding me back all of this info, remember?’
He tried not to think about the details too much, such as being totally helpless at feet so enormous as to be his world. And the smell, so unique and powerful.
‘It was scary,’ he said, earnestly, which only made her smile more. ‘I was terrified for the most part.’
‘That’s good,’ she said. ‘Sounds like a perfect punishment. Was it ever painful?’
He thought about that, then shook his head. ‘I thought it would be, but not really. Parts were claustrophobic. And hot. But I don’t think it ever really hurt.’
‘Excellent,’ she exclaimed. ‘I guess I’m good with my feet. And how did it make you feel?’
‘Worthless,’ he admitted, straight away. ‘Less than a person. And it was worse the smaller I was.’
His mother nodded. ‘That is good to know. I guess the more difficult to deal with cases will just need to be shrunk smallest. This is excellent, hun, really good work.’
Tom felt strangely proud at the compliment. Like he was actually useful. But he didn’t know if he could go through the whole ordeal again, as he wasn’t sure his sanity would take it. It was just so… wrong. And Tom still couldn’t understand how he was capable of having so many forced orgasms.
‘So… do you have enough info now?’ he asked. ‘You know, everything you need to use to get the job?’
His mother cocked her head to the side. ‘What do you mean?’
‘Well… it’s just really scary. I’d prefer not to have to go through it again. In fact, I’m terrified.’
‘Oh, baby,’ she cooed, ‘it’ll be fine. I still have plenty more to try out with your little body, unfortunately, but I promise you’ll be perfectly safe.’ The tone in which she spoke was final and absolute. She checked her watch. ‘Oh, I have to leave. Don’t want to be late, especially if I’m aiming for a promotion.’
‘But, Mom…’
‘No buts,’ she said, sliding her chair back. ‘You clean up the dishes for me, like a good boy. I’ll call to your place on my way home, and pick up some more clothes for you.’
‘Why?’ he asked.
‘Well, you might as well stay here, as I’m going to be shrinking you again after work.’
His eyes went wide. ‘Mom, no…’
She laughed. ‘Oh yes,’ then he heard a dull thud on the tile floor, which he realised was her slipper. Then, she swung her right leg up, revealing her thick, nylon sole to him. Tom noticed the puffiness of the skin, the wrinkles, and saw the strong toes wiggle within the tan webbing. ‘And I’m wearing nylons to really get my pretty feet good and smelly for you tonight.
He couldn’t look away, so enraptured by the dominant foot. He couldn’t talk either, unable to summon a reply.
‘Just something for you to look forward to,’ she teased, pulling her foot away. ‘Now, you be good, and tidy the place up for me.’
She got up and left the room, reappearing a short time later, with her coat on and bag in hand. She also had a pair of black heels hooked over one finger, and her nylon feet, toes painted red, were unadorned.
She dropped the shoes and slipped them on, her thick toes and wide foot slipping gracefully into the awaiting mouth of the shoe.
‘I’ll be honest,’ his mother said, ‘I was going to shrink you while you were still asleep, and just take you with me in my shoe. Or, even better, in my stockings, but figure you deserve a little bit of a break. So feel free to have a little more rest after you’ve tidied up for me.’
She then bent down and kissed his cheek. ‘And Tom, she said, with her face close to his. ‘If you even think about leaving, then I’ll come and get you, and you might just stay small for a VERY long time.’
She laughed again, and he could honestly not tell if his mother was being serious. Then, she left for work, leaving him scared and confused, and painfully erect.
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