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"Heyyyy!" a friendly voice shouted at Jack from across the parking lot. Thermos in hand, he stepped out of his truck, only to be greeted by Olivia. She was wearing tight yellow shorts and a white tee. Hot pink jogging socks peaked out from her jogging shoes. Certainly not work appropriate attire, Jack thought. She looked more prepared to hit the gym. She even had a gym bag strapped over one shoulder.

Jack hadn't seen her for over a week. Periodically, he gazed out his office window in search of her. Pursuing interns is bad for business, he often reminded himself. It's a good way to land in HR Hell, but since they'd first met he found himself rather captivated by her. 

"Oh hey, good morning," he said awkwardly, heart fluttering as he met her gaze. "How's your orientation going?"

"Really good! Today's the big day too!" She was practically glowing with pride, but lost her train of thought. "Is that your truck?"

"Yes. Yeah, it's uh, pretty old," he said, patting the door affectionately, "but-"

"It's really cute!" she said, cutting him off. She looked it over thoroughly, as if to glean any details she could about the man.

Jack tried to steer her attention away from the pile of fast food bags on his front passenger seat. "Yeah. You said something about a big day?"

"Oh!" Olivia said, regaining her train of thought. "They're going to put us to work on the reactor!" she said, pointing over her shoulder to the Edwards Reactor Building.

The building was monolithic, both to support the reactor, and also its occupants. Even outside the building there were picnic tables of various giant sizes. Normal-sized people were not allowed within most areas of the building, to keep them separate from the enlarged maintenance workers. Most of all, men were highly discouraged from entering. The all-female workforce inside were often scantily-clad in sports bras and shorts to keep cool. Environmental controls did their best to keep temperatures in the building down, but could only do so much against the heat radiating off the girls' colossal bodies. There was a time when men were allowed to enter, but after a dozen sexual harassment suits and a male employee getting his leg broken under the foot of a giant-sized 19-year-old intern he was chasing, HR laid down the law. No more boys in the building, earning it the nickname: The Girls Locker Room. Dr. Perry was taking a risk just parking near the building. He certainly had no business being down here, but he couldn't help himself. After a week without seeing Olivia, he knew this was the only place he even had a chance to bump into her.

"I'm gonna be huuuuge, Dr. Perry!" she said, moving her palms further and further apart for effect. "The next big thing, you might even say!"

"Just don't let it go to your head," he joked.

She smiled and looked at him conspiratorially. "Oh don't worry, I won't forget the little people in my life." She turned around and walked off, her ass swaying suggestively under those tight shorts. She didn't even bother to look back over her shoulder this time. She knew he was staring, and he knew that she knew. He was hopelessly trapped in her orbit now.

He spent most of the day in meetings, lost in thoughts about this girl, knowing that she would be spending the day as a titan. He might have a chance to catch this spectacle at lunch, if the giant girls chose to eat outside, but it wouldn't be today. He was trapped in a windowless, godless conference room. At the end of the day, she'd be reduced to her normal size. He might have a chance to catch her then, in the parking lot as they both leave work for the day. This brought him a little hope, which was soon dashed when the clock hit "5" and the meeting presenter announced he still had "just a few" more slides to go through. Goddammit.

He didn't leave work until 6:15. Walking back to his truck, his shoulders drooped in defeat. The girl would already be gone for the day. Maybe tomorrow he would see her. He walked across the empty parking lot, eyes scanning for any sign of her, however unlikely. Nothing. He got in his truck, about to turn the ignition, when he saw something out of place in his rear view mirror. Curiously, someone had left what appeared to be a blanket or a towel in his truck bed. He got out to inspect it. It was much bigger than what he expected, and resembled more of an over-sized sleeping bag than a blanket. It was hot pink. "What on Earth?" he said, grabbing the fabric to remove it from his truck bed. It was damp, and it smelled like-

Sweat. Foot sweat. It was one of Olivia's socks, and it was almost big enough that he could drive his truck into it if he tried. She must have draped it over the vehicle before being reduced to normal size for the day. Like a goddess, reaching down from the heavens, and bestowing a gift upon the mortal man. But also not unlike an animal marking its territory. Either way, the message was clear: you are mine. Jack had never felt so aroused in his life. His hands were quivering with adrenaline.

He raced home, carried the sock inside, closed all the blinds and curtains, and laid the massive sock over a coffee table. "God it's big!" he gasped. He grabbed the still-moist fabric and buried his face in it, inhaling her musk. Was she teasing him or did she have him pegged as some sexual deviant with a kink for feet? He inhaled again.

He trembled, knowing what he would do next and embracing the shame of it. He took a bundle of the sock and bit it, clenching his teeth tightly to extract just a taste of her sweat. He was rewarded with the salty taste of her foot nectar. Shame. Shame. The word pounded in his head, trying to prevent him from taking the next step, which was already in progress. He bounded across the room and into the kitchen, grabbed an empty glass, and returned to the sock. He grabbed the sock and squeezed, squeezing until the spot had gone dry, then squeezing another portion of the sock, until the sweat had filled the glass. He stared at it. The off-color water in the glass was pure, liquid shame. Shame. That damned word again. But he didn't care. He was going to drink it. He lifted the glass to his mouth and gulped it down. It was like drinking thick sea water, but he didn't care. Jack filled another glass, and drank that one too. Then a third. 

Another wave of shame hit him, but he muscled past it. He needed to know, all too desperately, what it felt like to be inside that sock. With craven lust, Jack hoisted the sock over his shoulder, and carried it upstairs to the bedroom. He threw it on the bed like a hot pink comforter, stripped down to his boxers, and climbed inside. It was humid, and the acrid scent of her foot filled his lungs as he breathed deeply. Each inhalation was pure ecstasy. The enlarged cotton was warm and inviting. Jack felt like he could just spend the rest of his life in here.

He would treasure this sock forever, assuming she wouldn't ask for it back. But what if she did? What if this was all some cruel joke and she was just toying with him? What if she was one of those twisted girls who gets off on playing the emotions of men, especially men with careers? This type of fraternization would almost certainly ruin his career too, Jack knew. The thought made him feel anxious, but another whiff of Olivia's sock calmed him down. He didn't even know what he would say to her next time they saw each other. She'll ask about the sock, surely. What would he say? "Oh I spent the night in it, masturbating my cock raw." Yeah, that'll do it. He sighed, burying his face further into the fabric, feeling like an idiot. Then he laughed, amused by the thought that maybe tomorrow she'll leave him a giant-sized pair of panties.

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