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Author's Chapter Notes:
Another commissioned Episode! This one's about everyone's favorite subject, OSHA violations! Or, really it's about a bunch of tiny coworkers who get smushed in various ways. Won't be for everyone cause it's got a bigger emphasis on SWEAT! Mostly of the feet butt thighs and boobs variety. I think it's still super fun though so if you like it lemme know!

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Nine months. It had been nine months since everything in Emma’s life had gone… wacky, almost. She couldn’t quite explain it, but she knew that things weren’t always like this. It was November now, and she’d been through this since sometime in February. Bizarre adventures and absurd happenstance had taken control of her life. She didn’t want any action-packed fights with supervillains anymore. She just wanted to lead a quiet, simple life.

New jobs were, ironically, nothing new for her at this point. She had to have gone through at least a dozen of them since the start of the year, and wasn’t quite sure how she kept getting hired. This latest place of employment held promise, though.

It was boring!

She’d held boring jobs before, of course. Everyone had. One that even came to mind was a recent stint at a pet store, which she’d been fired from after a fantastical incident that involved a box of pens. At the time she could only remember wishing for something interesting to happen. Something to shake up the monotony that her daily life had become.

Now she missed that. She liked the idea of waking up at the same time every day, getting ready with the same breakfast every morning, driving to the same building, saying hello to the same people, sitting in the same seats, and doing the same dull, uninteresting job for the day. Yes, it was boring, but it was also peaceful. Spending eight long, monotonous hours a day performing the same menial task was something she’d prefer over being given a lot more freedom. Freedom that could let her mind wander, or look over something important that would get her fired.

Life was dull, but safe. Yawning, she stretched both arms over her head and leaned back to get more comfortable. Being paid to sit in front of a conveyor belt full of packages in the unbearably hot backroom of a package delivery company was far from the most comfortable work environment, but it was predictable. And it meant she’d have no interruptions. And that there was no one bothering her for large swaths of the day.

Lifting the misshapen lump of plastic from its holster, she scanned a new package rolling by on the conveyor belt, applied a fresh sticker with today’s date on it, then pressed the rubber stamp she’d been assigned onto that sticker.

Only… the company’s logo wasn’t left behind on the sticker.

Emma frowned. Her stupid ink pad had run dry again. This felt like it happened at least twice a day! She’d petitioned her boss to buy bigger pads so she wouldn’t have to hold the line up as long to replace it, but her request had been denied. Then she’d asked if she could hold more than one ink pad at her desk, but due to concerns about stealing office supplies that request was denied as well. Thus she was forced to continue replacing the ink pads every time one ran out, and stop the entire service line every time she needed to resupply.

Having already slipped her shoes off thanks to the heat, Emma stood from the pair of seats that had been pushed together to support her massive form, and stretched. She slammed a button to stop the conveyor belt, fanned herself, then plodded out of the room with a grumble.

Unbeknownst to her, there was an adventure taking place nearby. Every single person in the building, aside from Emma herself, had been shrunken by some unknowable, cosmic force. As if the universe itself was unimpressed with how dull the woman’s life had been recently, and sought to correct it.

Willow, Trent, Alice, and Robin now stood roughly half an inch tall. They were lucky enough to be nearby one another when they’d shrunken. Once all of the panic had worn off they banded together, knowing they’d need each other to get through this safely. It was during this time they came upon the realization that one person hadn’t been affected by the shrinking. The woman who was already nearly twice as height as any of them at normal size. The new hire, Emma.

They’d made their way to the backroom together, and watched the gigantic woman perform her task robotically. Codes were scanned, stickers were applied, stamped, and the box was pushed further down the line to prepare for the next. She worked as if she were in a trance, making it easy for the group to get under her work station.

Now the group was at an impasse, unable to decide what the best course of action from here was. Willow, the boss, suggested that they simply walk up to her and try poking her. She had, after all, taken her simple flats off while working. It would be easy for the group to move as one and assault the big, sweaty toes and draw the giant woman’s attention downward.

Everyone else disagreed. The noise from the conveyor belt meant that they would likely never be heard! Even if they shouted together in unison!

Unfortunately, no one else was able to come to an agreement. Alice suggested they wait until she took her lunch break, as the break room was quiet, and would make it easier for them to be heard. Robin suggested heading to the bathroom, as it was the place she was most likely to be looking around her feet. Trent suggested that maybe they wait up at the front desk, as the building had only one exit and they could spend the rest of the day climbing a table for easy visibility when her shift ended.

The argument continued until Willow pulled rank, and demanded they take her suggestion or be fired once their sizes were restored. Not wanting to lose a paycheck, the rest of the workers relented, and continued with her plan.

“But why’s it gotta be me?” Trent asked, not liking where this was going. Willow had nominated him as the one to move forward and poke the giant toes that made the air underneath the station thick, and acrid.

“Because you’re the man of the group!” Willow argued. “Go show us how big and tough you are by punching those toes with your big man arms!”

“But you’re taller than I am! And probably weigh more, too!” Trent whined. He had been the second-shortest person in the building before shrinking, and certainly wasn’t powerfully built by any stretch of the imagination. That was why he worked the front desk! A soft, easy job for a soft boy!

Willow’s eyes narrowed at Trent’s remark.

Realizing he’d made a mistake, he quickly apologized, and scurried off. It probably didn’t matter anyway, did it? The differences in their size and strength after being shrunken were so minuscule it couldn’t have mattered, right? And someone had to go.

Each of Emma’s toes had to be bigger than his house. Standing so close he could feel as if the heat emanating from them was being absorbed into his skin, and clogging his pores. The thought of attacking the toes had been simple enough, but that he was standing before the massive things… he wasn’t so sure how to handle this. Should he poke the toe? Maybe under one of the nails? Step between two of the toes and attempt to tickle her? Or just assault the massive foot with a bevy of punches and kicks?

The rhythmic stamping from above stopped suddenly. As the front desk worker, Trent wasn’t sure what that meant. He also wasn’t sure what Emma’s job fully entailed. He wasn’t even positive he knew what day it was. But when he heard the conveyor belt shut off a moment later, he knew he’d lucked out! As all the loud machinery slowed to a stop, he made his big move, running straight for Emma’s chubby toes.

The heat and humidity seemed to be multiply with every step he took. His own eyes began to water as every one of his senses was overwhelmed, but he pushed forward. Balling his right hand up into a fist, he delivered the most powerful punch he could manage right onto the giant woman’s big toe.

His fist sank in ever so slightly, and the toe twitched. Making a mental note to thank Willow for her genius plan later, he hurried past the foot to make sure Emma would see him waving more easily.

Emma stretched again, before finally walking to the supply room. The thin layer of dust covering the entire floor only made the bottoms of her feet dirtier, but she paid it no mind. It’s not as if Willow was going to rush in, demand to see the bottoms of her feet, and judge her harshly if they were too dirty.

The moment the giantess stood from her seat, Trent’s heart sank into his stomach. Maybe the twitch had been purely coincidence, he thought. She made no indication that she was even aware of his presence as she stretched, and never bothered looking down.

Trent was well aware of how large Emma’s bust was, and knew he have to run rather far out in front of her in order to be seen. While certain he’d been noticed initially, that confidence wavered as she began to move. Now well aware he was standing out in the open with no good hiding place, he decided the best course of action would be to retreat. The shrunken man broke into a sprint as the giantess above him turned on her foot, and took a step directly towards him.

In denial up until his final moment, Trent pushed forward with every ounce of strength he held. Escape would have been impossible even for a star athlete, however. Emma was a giant of a woman at well over eight feet tall at normal height, after all. She likely could have crushed his body flat by stepping on him even before shrinking. At less than half an inch tall the size difference was so great that he had no chance of outrunning the shadow falling over him.

Emma’s massive, dirtied sole rose over his tiny body, burying him in a fragrant darkness. He knew he was doomed, but he continued to run. Maybe it was cowardice, panic, or maybe he held onto some minuscule hope that this was all just a game that she was knowingly playing with the tiny man.

With a step as casual as any other she’d taken, Emma crushed the tiny man beneath her left foot without even realizing it. His body vanished in an instant, decorating the bottom of her foot with his remains. Splashes of red mixed with the dark gray from the dust and her sweat to soften the image considerably. After that step he was so thoroughly crushed he no longer resembled anything human.

At most the giant woman detected a bit of moisture beneath her foot. A wet sensation that was no different from the one on her other foot, as the heat in the room was making her perspire heavily. Trent died as he lived, unnoticed by a woman.

“I don’t think Trent survived that.” Alice said, watching the giant feet walk away. In the brief glimpses beneath she saw what looked like just a dirty, moist splotch adhered to Emma’s sole, and surmised that it had to be what remained of their coworker.

“Yeah. He definitely didn’t.” She confirmed, looking back at her other coworkers. Robin simply looked angry, while Willow kept her arms folded in annoyance. They watched with grim fascination as Emma continued to the supply room, unaware of the drama taking place beneath her.

“WE HAVE TO MOVE! NOW!” Willow shouted, a new plan forming in her head. Robin and Alice looked back at her, unsure of what that was supposed to mean. Willow seemed absolutely determined though, and convinced the pair of her newly-formulated plan.

It was all very simple. While Emma was away they could climb the legs of the chairs she sat in, making it easy to be noticed when she returned. The giant woman would undoubtedly have to watch where she sat as, otherwise, they could be pushed apart and lead to her falling over.

Robin and Alice agreed that this was a horrible plan. Willow once again pulled rank, and the trio began to climb. The chairs were cheap, and made of a rough material that thankfully made it easier to climb. Maybe Willow was right on this one? Trent’s death beneath feet big enough to consume multiple houses effortlessly had just been an accident. There was no way he could have predicted where she would step, after all.

This plan might work!

While a new phase in the shrunken worker’s adventure was unfolding, Emma was growing increasingly frustrated. The ink pads weren’t where they were supposed to be. The heat was beginning to get to her as well, and she waved the bottom of her shirt to get some much-needed air inside. It didn’t help as much as she wanted, but she didn’t want to hold the production line up too long. That would just mean Willow would come in and “check up” on her again.

In the search for more ink pads boxes were overturned, flattened, and all manner of supplies discarded as she searched. Why on Earth did such a small store need a box of 5,000 pens? Was that just a thing that small businesses liked to spend money on? And why were there so many envelopes? Did people honestly need regular envelopes at a package shipping service?

Frustration mounted and just when she was on the cusp of heading out front to ask she found the ink pads. Or, rather, the ink pad. There was only one left in stock and it likely wouldn’t last the rest of her shift. That would mean she’d have to talk to Willow and…

Emma sighed. Predictable, but not ideal.

The walk back was uneventful. She opened the ink pad up, dropped it at her work station, slapped the button to restart the conveyor belt, and looked around the room again. It wasn’t all in her head, right? It was way hotter today than normal, wasn’t it? It wasn’t like anyone ever came back to check up on her. What if she were to just… cool off? In her own, unique way?

The thought was intriguing, but she would need to play it safe. Plausible deniability. A bunch of empty, discarded boxes nearby looked to be exactly what she needed, too! Before sitting back down she collected a bunch and stacked them up near her seat. The boxes needed to obscure her from view in case anyone just so happened to walk into the room.

Once finished, she grabbed hold of her shorts, and pulled them down. Though the air in the room was unbearably hot, it was still instantly refreshing for her exposed backside. A cool gust of wind caressed her thighs as she reveled in the improvement for a moment. It didn’t last too long, but it was enough to improve her mood considerably. Then, giving it no further thought, she dropped back into her combined seat to relax.

The short walk had been uneventful for Emma, but it was another matter of life and death for her shrunken co-workers. As the trio made it up onto the still-warm slightly moist seats, they looked around and wondered where they could best be seen. Willow took position near the back, where Emma would actually be sitting as she concluded it was the place they were most likely to be seen. Robin suggested they move near the front, to have a better chance in case the plan failed.

Another argument ensued, but Willow grabbed Alice by the shoulder and forced her to stand with her. She posited that the woman’s blonde hair would pop out more against the dull black chairs, and make being noticed an absolute certainty.

“You don’t have to do this, Alice.”

“You do.” Willow said, squeezing her employee’s arm painfully.

“Have you seen Emma’s butt, Alice? She has to sit in two chairs pushed together, and even then there’s a good bit hanging off the sides!” Robin argued. Alice didn’t answer, as she seemed to be lost in thought herself, to the point where a small bit of drool was pooling in the corner of her mouth. Eventually she chuckled, and smiled.

Emma returned shortly after, and began stacking boxes. An unusual task to be sure, but one that Willow in particular was perturbed by. She wasn’t paying the overgrown oaf to stack boxes! She was supposed to be stamping packages!!! The tiny woman was so angry at what was taking place that she paid little attention to her surroundings, or her strangely enthralled subordinate standing next to her.

When the giantess looming far above the shrunken trio looked down to take her seat, she failed to notice anything out of the ordinary. The chairs were a dull black in color, and the stacked boxes cast a shadow over them, muting the colors of anything on top of it.

“WILLOW!” Robin shouted. Emma had already slid her shorts down, and was taking her seat. Both of the tiny women in the danger zone gasped in surprise, and began to run. Emma’s ass may have been enormous, but they weren’t so tiny that making it to the safe area was an impossibility.

It would not have been overly difficult for both of them to survive, but Willow’s fight or flight kicked in significantly harder. Not wanting to adorn the drum-tight panties with her crushed remains, she pushed past Alice in an effort to gain extra speed. She did so with enough force to knock the poor woman over, and give her an excellent view of the descending behind.

The shortest person in the office even before being shrunk, Alice had always been wary around Emma. If the giant woman so much as turned too quickly she could have sent the petite woman flying with just the momentum of her giant body turning.

Now, she was a fraction of her former size, and each of Emma’s ass cheeks filled her view. Trying to stand up and run out of range felt as fruitless as attempting to outrun a planet. It just wasn’t possible! In some small way she was impressed, as the sheer scale of the woman about to crush the life out of her was something to be admired, or envious of. Her breath caught in her throat as she lifted only her head up, and watched Willow reunite with Robin in the distance.

Alice reached a hand forward for help, knowing none would come. Time crawled to a near-standstill as she lie on the hard plastic chair, and those round, jiggling orbs descend upon her. The humidity around her spiked immensely, and she found it hard to breathe. All of the air around her was tainted with the thick scent of sweat, and even now as the gigantic butt descended she could see it jiggle with every slight movement. Every slight, minuscule shift in her weight made the entire thing wiggle about hypnotically.

A lump caught in Alice’s throat. She swallowed, and tried to breathe again. The air was so thick she felt that just inhaling wasn’t going to cut it anymore. Her mouth opened wide, allowing her to swallow air the only way that seemed feasible now.

Emma’s butt continued falling in slow motion, and had come within arms reach. Raising an arm up, Alice watched as her tiny, pale fingers sank into the endless, soft, wall. The experience was transcendent, and she was almost glad that the giantess had failed to find a pair of panties that would fit such a colossal backside. Her final moments alive would have been marred if there were a layer of cloth separating her from the object of her desires.

Willow and Robin turned away as Emma sat down. The life-altering moment Alice had just gone through took place in a fraction of a second. Neither of the other two even noticed anything out of the ordinary as the tiny woman was crushed under an ass big enough pulverize buildings at their size. The tiny pair may have still been breathing, but they were effectively trapped. Being caged in by such enormous, sweaty thighs also did little alleviate the extreme heat.

The entire environment felt more like a steam room now. Neither woman could hope to escape as the only way down was a precipitous drop to the hard, concrete floor. To either side was Emma’s enormous, sweaty thighs. Too big and slick to climb, and impossible to walk around. And since Emma had taken her shorts off, the only thing separating them from a pussy big enough to devour both of them whole was a thin layer of sweaty cloth.

Neither was happy about this latest development. Robin, in particular. She wouldn’t have been here in the first place if it weren’t for her idiot boss’s plans. Trent wouldn’t have been crushed like an insect if Willow hadn’t come up with such a piss-poor idea. She’d watched as the panicked, cowardly woman shoved Alice aside, dooming her as well. Now she was the only one left, and she wasn’t going to just take this, anymore.

“Willow. I quit.” She said, fanning herself. It was growing increasingly difficult to endure the pheromone-laden air around between these legs. Robin even made the effort to turn away from the giant pussy clearly visible through the slightly-translucent panties, but it did not improve the situation.

“Robin I need your help if I’m going to get out of this!” Willow replied, beginning to sweat through her own clothes. Beads of sweat were already rolling down the woman’s face, making it so she had to wipe her brow clean. This wasn’t a glamorous situation for either one of them, and the heady scent of sex felt as if it were beginning to coat the insides of their throats.

“Oh? You’re going to help me like you helped Trent? And Alice?” Robin said, hand balling up into a fist. She was just about ready to attack the woman, though she knew it wouldn’t help anything.

“Those were accidents!” Willow shouted back, wincing as a droplet rolled into her eye.

While the dramatic encounter unfolded between her sweaty legs, Emma was in the midst of realizing removing just her shorts wasn’t going to cut it. There was already a wet spot beneath one butt cheek, signaling to her that the sweat was pooling underneath her. She could even smell herself she was so embroiled in a thick, steamy cloud. Maybe that idiot Willow had turned the thermostat up too high?

She contemplated going to check, but didn’t want to get up again. Willow would probably notice if she shut off the machines twice so close together. She would have to get creative in order to solve this issue.

Or, in Emma’s case, she would need to do something that would probably get her fired if it was discovered. She was emboldened both by the heat and the knowledge that it was rare anyone came through here anyway. So it would probably just be… safe to take of her top, wouldn’t it? It seemed crazy, considering she was already sitting comfortably in just her panties, but she couldn’t see any reason why not.

Taking a deep breath, she pulled her shirt up and over her head, then dropped it onto the floor next to her shorts. The garment was so thoroughly soaked with sweat it landed with an audible plop. Fanning her prodigious chest after, she felt a slight itching between her thighs, and idly scratched it, before scratching at her freshly bared chest.

Should she… should she take her bra off too? Would that be a step too far? While contemplating this she scooped her hands under her breasts and gently jiggled them. The slight currents of air that slipped between them felt rather nice, actually, and she squeezed the enormous masses of flesh together.

…Nah. It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to get fully nude. Even if she would have been significantly more comfortable not wearing the undersized thing at all.

While Emma was in the midst of cooling off further, the situation between her legs had escalated. Willow and Robin screamed profanities at one another, but it all went unnoticed as the loud hum of the machinery made it impossible for the giantess to hear them.


Robin was angry. She had showed a tremendous amount of patience so far, but she had reached her limit. Her body took over for her, and she shoved her boss.

Unbeknownst to Robin, Willow was significantly more angry. She was ready to murder the other woman, and after Robin laid hands on her the last bits of her self restraint melted away. Anger flashed in Willow’s eyes as she shoved Robin significantly harder in retaliation.

Not expecting such a hard shove, Robin fell back and landed against the sweaty thigh with a quiet plop. Her entire backside was instantly coated in thigh-sweat, and she slowly peeled herself away, shivering as she had to actively pull her head forward to unstick it from the moist skin.

“What the hell did you-”

Robin was caught off guard when Emma’s giant hand descended from above, and practically slapped her into the wall of flesh she had just separated from. Caged within the giantess’s fingers, she was helpless to stop from being pressed back into the sweaty thigh so the fingers could scratch at it, then carried away.

Willow could only watch what had just taken place before her with wide eyes. She turned her gaze up to watch Emma’s tanned hand carry her inadvertent prisoner up with her past her soft belly, and vanish above the overhanging wall of her enormous breasts. Surely the giant woman would notice her little stowaway, right? That had to be why she was carrying Robin up so high.


The other woman quickly discovered that she was not being picked up because Emma had noticed them fighting. The hand awkwardly cradling her came down to her massive chest, and began to scratch the top of one of her breasts, dropping the tiny Robin onto it in the process.

Shaken by the sudden transition, Robin looked around her, and quickly realized that her entire body now was drenched in the giantess’s sweat. The top of the giant woman’s breasts was sticky, wet, and so hot that she felt as if she had been dropped into a frying pan.

Making matters worse, she’d landed face first when dropped, and inadvertently swallowed a mouthful of her boob-sweat. Her taste buds revolted at the sudden acrid sensation dancing upon her tongue, and she began to violently cough. Emma’s hand moved away, while Robin climbed to her knees, attempting to recover from the quick trip and drop. As soon as she placed her weight onto the soft chest she only found her foot sink in, and fell a second later.

It was still a safer spot than anywhere else, she figured. Emma may have been a dense woman, but she would definitely notice a tiny woman resting on her chest. All that Robin had to do now was keep from falling off. A task she wasn’t sure she was up to as even now she was sliding down the tanned slopes on the giantess’s chest.

Crawling like a worm, she fought back against her steady decline, when the entire boob she was laying upon began to wobble violently. Her fingers dug into the soft flesh in an attempt to stay elevated, but the real danger wasn’t in falling off the edge of the tit and plummeting to a painful death far below. In attempting to avoid that grisly fate, she wound up tumbling head over heels directly into the massive cavern between Emma’s breasts. The chamber between was hot, moist, sweaty, and after sinking in for several seconds, impossible to move around in. She opened her mouth again to try and get the giant woman’s attention, to get her to look down at her big, stupid tits.

She only succeeded in swallowing another mouthful of hot boob sweat.

Too tiny to fight back in any significant manner, she continued to slide deeper into the cleavage until all light vanished. Panic was beginning to set in to the tiny woman’s heart, but it was almost instantly overtaken by a new sensation.


Emma’s chest had been an object of envy for Robin since the giant woman had started working here. During lunch breaks she had often tried to steer conversation towards topics that would give her information about the giant woman’s chest. Ranging from complaining about the underwire in her own bra, to sneaking peeks at massive cleavage every time the giant woman so much as leaned forward. It didn’t help that if the two were to stand face to face Robin would find her comparatively small face buried between the pendulous orbs.

She feared for her own life, but knew there was nothing she could do now. Not only would continuing to attempt escape sap the energy she still had, she had the distinct idea that doing so would only drive her to the point of insanity with lust. To be around Emma’s giant breasts at a normal size fully clothed had affected the woman’s behavior. Attempting to swim in the murky ocean she knew to be the woman’s tanned chest would likely break her entirely!

Parting her lips, she kissed whatever part of the chest was currently pressing against her face. She could never know where she was, as she existed in a hot, sweaty, marshmallowesque hell. Though her taste buds demanded she wash the flavor away with something clean, her lust had taken full control of her faculties. If she were to be die early, she couldn’t think of a better way to go out.

Emma looked down at her chest, wondering if she should take her bra off as well. The heavy orbs resting on her chest would likely have enjoyed the rush of fresh air between them, but if she were to be seen completely nude in the back she’d definitely be fired. At least she could make a case for why she was sitting around without any shorts or a top on. Should she really risk throwing away the most normalcy her life had seen all year for a moment to cool off?

Squeezing her breasts together, she felt a small squish between them, and grimaced. Maybe she should just finally check on the thermostat. It wasn’t every day that so much sweat had pooled between her boobs it made audible squishing sounds. So, with a heavy sigh, she readjusted her massive tits within the bra straining to hold them at all, and bent over to pick her top up.

Clenching her teeth, she pulled the still-moist top over her head, and stood from her work station to retrieve her shorts. Once those were pulled up as well, she hit the button to stop the machinery once again, and looked under her work station for her discarded flats.

The situation had gone south since Willow had watched Robin get carried away. It felt like less than a minute had passed before the giant thighs around her began to close together, without any regard for the safety of the tiny woman between them. She tried to push them away to save herself, but they weren’t even slowed by her tiny attempts.

Thankfully, they didn’t come together hard enough to crush her. Much like Robin, she had been adhered to the skin afterward, and could do nothing but watch as her giant employee stood up. And similarly to Robin, she did not remain stuck for long, flaking off the giant thigh and falling to the hard cement floor a moment later.

Injured, but not broken, Willow watched as the giant idiot put her clothing back on, and formulated a new plan. She was hired to this position for her ideas, dammit! She was going to use her problem solving skills to get through this, which gave her the grand idea of hiding inside of the giant woman’s footwear. Even if by some miracle she failed to sense the tiny intruder inside, she would be able to ride the shoe back to her home where a whole wealth of new options would open up for her.

Had Trent, Alice, and Robin still been around they could have told her why this plan would never work. Willow wasn’t the type to ever interact with her subordinates except to scold them though, and crawled into the humid footwear. Squirreling away into the very end where the toes would be, she waited for Emma to put the shoe back on.

She got her wish moments later, when Emma’s giant, sweaty toes invaded her personal space. One point of contention among everyone else who worked with the giant woman was how ill-fitting everything she wore seemed to be. None brought it up since they assumed it must be expensive to get clothing made when you stand over eight feet tall, but all were aware that this extended even to her footwear. She took her shoes off during work because the flats were too constricting and uncomfortable to wear normally.

Now Willow was finding out first hand when she was smothered on every side by enormous, sweaty toes. The musty air inside of the shoe was impossibly thick, and she realized her mistake once the shoe was on fully. The entire front of her body was being pressed mashed into the giant woman’s sweaty toes, and she knew she’d need to do something to get Emma’s attention.

Her tiny fists punched at the fleshy toes, but that did nothing to help her out. Her tiny feet kicked at the space between the toes, but it only made them flex and squeeze her painfully. Seeing no other option, she opened her mouth and chomped down onto the big toe mashing into her face.

The entire shoe began to move, making her think she’d had some sort of an effect. Elated, she waited for light to flood back into her dank prison, but was instead greeted with the sensation of movement.

Emma was walking.

The toes pressed against her even harder, and she felt her entire body get smashed into the tip of the toe behind her. There was nowhere else to go, though. The shoe had no extra give, and she braced herself for another step when she felt the entire foot move again.

Emma took another step, and this time her toes moved far enough forward to break several parts of Willow’s tiny body. She cursed Emma for her idiocy in ruining every idea she’d come up with. None of this would have happened if the giant woman wasn’t so careless!

Another step was taken, and Willow felt every part of her body crunch against the sweaty toes.

Finally dressed again, Emma fanned herself off and walked in search of the thermostat in the front entrance. Her shoes squished with every step from how moist her feet were, and she crouched to fit through the small doorway. Almost instantly she was blasted with a gust of cool, air-conditioned goodness, and she knew there was definitely something wrong with the temperature.

That, and the front of the store was completely empty. Trent wasn’t at the front desk to greet customers. Robin wasn’t filing paperwork out for deliveries. The main delivery truck was still around, and Alice wasn’t hanging out to pass the time. Not even Willow was around to demand everyone do more work and ruin everyone else’s day.

She… she hadn’t missed something, did she? Was there some sort of company field trip they forgot to tell her about? The thought saddened her, as she rather liked her co-workers, aside from Willow. Shrugging her shoulders, she walked back to the thermostat, and frowned.

Like so many other things in this stupid building, it was broken! It read that the room she worked in was set to 60 degrees, which it definitely was not! And there was a stupid C where the F for Farenheit should be!
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