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Author's Chapter Notes:

A maid is left unprotected as the Divine Management changes, and the locals take their chance. | Bondage, Torture, Overpowered Giant, Crush, Gentle



Priestess Tabitha

Tabitha lounged on her bed, lost in thought; she had been on Trinnian for nearly one hundred and fifty years. The world had missed a few tribute dates, and Handmaiden Alyssa had come down to punish them, removing a healthy percentage of the population, Alyssa had left Tabitha with a group of other Priestesses to guide the world back into the service of the Goddess. So much time had passed now, she was sure they were forgotten; the world had never missed a tribute and had since recovered from their punishment. Then when they finally heard back from the main temple it was only an invitation for an assembly and not a full recall, Tabitha had drawn the short straw and was left alone to make sure the upcoming tribute went through without an issue while her fellow priestesses attended the assembly. She was miserable and felt that something needed to change and soon or she would lose her mind.
 Swinging her legs from her bed she stood, stretching her arms as she looked out across the city built around the temple, Feeling the tapping against the side of her foot Tabitha glanced down to see the small 4-inch tall man trying to get her attention. Pivoting to place a foot either side of him she squat directly over him, bringing her nude form down close to him. “I’ve just woken up, I’m naked, and I need to pee, so what makes you think it’s a good idea to disturb me now?” She giggled as the small man turned and ran; She would never pee in her bedchambers, stupid little mortal. Standing back up she reached for her robes and sandals.

 The Priestess was not a malicious woman, stern enough to make sure the population kept their distance but she never intentionally killed people without good reason, not anymore. Tabitha found herself taking pride in the communities she had nurtured over the years, the governments she helped establish and well-mannered people that lived here. The morning air was sharper than she had ever experienced as she strode down towards the tribute grounds, the cold had never bothered her before, so this was a deeply unsettling feeling. Striding down to the tribute grounds, the volume of people picked up, and as her footing was lost in a stumble to avoid a group of people, her foot smashed through a tree, a sharp pain ran through her like nothing previously experienced in her many years as a Priest. Reaching down and gripping her foot the deep cut along her ankle was bleeding, She hadn't bled since becoming a priestess, nor felt this absolute level of pain, something was wrong. She sat down to tend to her wound, unsure how to go about it.

  Jess Del Toya

“I’m telling you, It's our only chance; the others have all gone! There is only one of them left!” she pleaded with her division commander to listen; The resistance had been growing in recent years and Jess was convinced that while Tabitha was alone, their time to strike had come. Division Lead Jacob turned to her; his face was red with annoyance. “We CANNOT take down a priestess. We need to focus on freeing the tributes. Achievable goals Jess; Priestesses are not viable targets.” Jess turned to the group, almost ignoring Jacobs words. “I know we can take her. We have nearly a hundred fighters, all capable. We can ambush her tomorrow when she leaves the temple, bring her low before she takes more of our people, more of our families into her temple and does who knows what to them!”. Jacob punched her hard, and she fell backwards to the floor. “Stop this madness Jess, Priestesses are invincible; Even if you get close to her you cannot hurt her, She will make an example out of you” Turning to the group assembled he raised his voice “OF ALL OF YOU!” Kicking his chair over he stormed out of the room. Jess recovered as people began to file out of the meeting. “Well that went as well as could have been expected,” she said to Wolf who helped her to her feet. His look was sombre as he looked down into her eyes, “You’re sure we’re still going to do this? Even without Jacob?”. Her eyes went hard, “She stepped on my brother, like a bug; that woman is going to suffer! Tomorrow we are doing it!”

 Jess and Wolf lay crouched under the tree line, over 70 rebels hidden around the area; they would wait until she reached the tribute grounds before launching their special weapons into the giant woman. The new harpoons were designed to penetrate steel plating and deliver a potent paralysing poison. The young rebel was sure she only needed one harpoon to land for the large woman to fall. As the Priestess stalked her way down the hill from the temple, Jess could feel her heart racing. This was her moment, she was going to try and take down the woman who had subjugated her people for over a hundred years, adrenaline kicked in as a loud cry erupted from the Priestess. Jess ran from cover to see what had happened, wondering if someone had fired too early. The Priestess sat before the walls of the tribute ground clutching her bleeding ankle. Jess lost all fear as she saw the red liquid between the  large woman's fingers, and she screamed into the air “SHE BLEEDS!” Large harpoon bolts flew from the forest either side and to everyone's surprise, they all penetrated her skin. The large woman screamed out in agony before falling back limp as the poison made her flop down paralysed. Jess spent some time walking along the massive frame of the woman as she directed her team to tie her down with large chains. Moving this woman would be too hard and out of the question, but they could at the very least keep her in place. She was now Jess’s prisoner, and she wanted to have some fun before they slit this monster’s throat.

Priestess Tabitha

The pain was all around her, all of her muscles were on fire and then nothing as she fell backwards. Tabitha was having a hard time processing the world as her body refused to move, her eyes were open, and she could see, she could hear, but she could not move or feel. A small girl about 3.5 inches tall appeared in her vision with a massive grin on her face. She was standing before her with her tiny hands on her little hips giving orders to men running in every direction. The girl approached and sat over Tabitha’s eye. She felt so vulnerable, exposed as this tiny creature leaned against the top of her nose and rested her combat boots on her eyebrows. She looked down between her small thighs into Tabitha's eye and spoke down to her. “Must suck to be you right now. You’re mine now, but don’t worry; the toxin will wear off soon enough; then we can have some real fun.” The little girl leaned back along her nose and said nothing as Tabitha could do nothing but lay there. Meanwhile, her mind was screaming in terror as she realised for the first time that she was genuinely helpless and that there was no-one to save her from this strange twist of fate.

 If felt like hours had passed for the Priestess, and yet she still couldn’t feel anything, let alone move out of her lying position. Occasionally she overheard the small people discussing her fate as they wandered past her ear, but she only managed to catch fragments of their conversations. But it was enough for her imagination to spin into action around words like “Burn” and “Carve” which she frequently picked out as keywords. Eventually her feeling slowly came back to her, but so did the pain; her body had puncture wounds where the harpoons had struck her. They had been left open and bleeding in the cold air, and as she slowly regained control over her body, it felt as if the waves of searing pain were pushing back at her numb muscles bringing them to life in agonising ways. As her throat, lips and tongue flipped back into action, she couldn’t hold in her terrified screams as she cried out for help. A four-inch man with a large spear ran across her writhing chest and climbed onto her face, straddling her screaming mouth he jabbed down with his long spear to silence the noisy giant. Her tongue split as his spear dug into her mouth. But she managed to flick the bruised organ towards him and hooked it under his leg. The man slipped as the 4ft tongue swiped at him, and he found himself staring at the sky as his body fell between two rows of terror-inducingly large teeth. Tabitha felt the man between her jaws and clenched down. Her body still writhed in pain, but as she felt his tiny bones crunch between her jaws she got to feel a little better. She was not normally one to eat people, but this felt justified and so she chewed on the man further to distract her from the wounds across her form. Large metal chains restrained her, and the most she could do was squirm, the bonds were holding her down against the cold ground. The female from earlier was back, having climbed her hair to stand over her eye once more. “About time you came back to us, I was getting bored.” The small figure stepped over one of the Priestess’s eyes, placing her boots in corner a corner each, to prevent her from reflexively closing it. She squatted down to look into the huge iris below her. “Now, give me one good reason not to dig your eye out with a shovel.” Tabitha almost choked on the remains she had been trying to swallow when the girl had appeared. The little woman offered no tone of sarcasm or play, she was deadly serious, attempting to blink, her eyelid got trapped on the girls combat boots and refused to close. “N..No..Please. What do you want from me?” her words came out hoarse and croaky. The girl threw her head back and laughed, standing up to her full height, she drew a knife from her belt. “You killed my brother. You took my people as a sacrificial tribute and pranced around like we were friends.”, she paused for a moment while giving the Priestess a menacing stare. “I want to watch you suffer and then..” she flipped her knife in her hand and threw it down in her eye. Tabitha screamed as she experienced a form of pain that she had never thought possible. Her neck pushed against the metal brace holding her down but she could not move and the blood started to flow down the side of her face. The little woman was sliding down next to her ear as her cries pierced the sky. “Then, I want to see you die.”

 As time was left to pass and her throat grew dry from her screams she eventually passed out into a nightmare fueled world where even sleep was no refuge. Visions of the tiny girl with her knife drawn, that last image of her standing over her eye and smirking down on her forever burned into her memory. Her mind had almost convinced her that the suffering was not real, that it was a product of her nightmares, but once she regained consciousness, she was left to realise how very real her pain was, her body still agonising, her vision blurry and out of focus. It felt like her existence was punished with torture. After calming down, even just a little bit, she noticed the small face resting on her cheek; The girl was still here, head in her palms gazing down into her right eye. Looking at the tiny girl Tabitha grasped for words, her throat dry and the speech painful. “Please… Please…” The mortal girl just grinned at her new plaything as she came back to the waking world. “You can call me Goddess Jess. Now, don’t worry; I am not taking both your eyes, I need to be able to see your suffering in at least one of them” the girl pulled her knife up for the priestess to see, slowly twisting the blade around in the skin beneath her eye. “Can you feel them? The others?” she said coyly watching her blade dances over the thick skin. Tabitha was trying not to feel anything, everything was painful, but as Jess spoke she felt them, hundreds of little sensations hardly noticeable beyond the agonising pain. Her eye went wide when she realised that her nethers were penetrated, how bad had the pain been that she had gone numb to such humiliation. The tiny girl giggled as she searched the eye for emotion. “Yes, you feel them. Figured we’d let the guys have a ride while you’re still warm, I’m sure you don't mind them living out some fantasies while you wait for me to live out mine?” Her eye started to tear up as she was no longer able to ignore the feelings in her most sensual areas, she couldn't move to see, but there must have been at least ten men humping various parts of her, humiliation ran through her as the tears slowly slid down the side of her face. “Please..” was again the only word she managed squeeze from her dry throat. The tiny girl jumped to her feet and stamped down with her boots. “PLEASE WHAT?” she screamed down into the giant eye. “Please.. stop..” The small girl pointed her knife at the giant’s eye as she repeated her question, a little calmer this time, “Please stop what?” Tabitha’s mind was working slowly, trying to process the girl's demands through the pain and sorrow she was experiencing. “Please… Goddess Jess… Stop.” To her surprise Jess sheathed her knife with a smile on her face. Placing her hands on her hips she looked down on Tabitha. “No.” Taking a joyful hop, she slid down the slick tear trail on the side of the large woman's head.

  Jess Del Toya

Jess was having the time of her life, Jacob had all but handed her the resistance after her successful ambush, and now they were breaking all of the rules of war with the horrors used against their prisoner. The massive oil cans were starting to come in from all over the continent; This was going to be the event of the century. She stood at her planning table next to the giant ear of their fallen enemy to plan the ceremony; The young rebel wanted her victim to hear every detail of her plan, anticipation was half of the fun. Wolf looked sombre as he went over the preparations. “So, you will give a speech from her nipple to the assembled population, declaring ourselves finally free from her oppression, then you will walk to her face and officially say goodbye from the Trinnian people? Jess, I have to disagree with you here. Don’t turn this into some sort of theatre play. You should just cut her throat and be done with it”. Jess scoffed as Wolf deviated from her designs. “No, I will drop a match into her eye and watch her oil-coated body slowly cook as she warms the crowd.” The older rebel shook his head in disgust “That's not how it works! In reality the smell of burning flesh will haunt us all for years, and her screams will forever echo into our nightmares. You’re making a mistake!” Her hands hit the table hard as she yelled at her second. “THIS IS MY PLAN, AND I WANT TO BURN THE WHORE!” Wolf recoiled from the outburst as a loud whimpering came from the titan laying next to them. The rebel leader beamed with happiness as she heard the large woman's mind breaking. Her second in command looked like he was about to try and argue further but then thought better of it. Nodding to his leader he excused himself from the command tent.

Wolf Ramino

He stalked up towards the temple lost in thought; This was wrong on so many levels. His family had always been proud of their noble bloodline, warriors across the ages, but there was no honour in what Jess was going to do to the Priestess, even if she was responsible for the wounds inflicted on his people. But there was another thought at the back of his mind that left him feeling uncertain over the rightfulness of the rebellion’s actions.His history painted Tabitha and her kind as the necessary evil that would keep the true demons away. His grandfather had lived through the Maids’ rampage, and while most people now believed it to be a tale spun by the Priestesses, designed to keep the people in line, personal exposure to the enormous footprints of the north told him otherwise. Pushing his way into the large temple, he made his way towards the tribute chamber; If he could do something to stop the second coming of Alyssa, then he would have to try. He had signed up to the rebellion to bring Tabitha to the negotiation table, but he had never expected Jess to actually capture her; it was all getting really out of hand.

 The world he stepped into was odd and seemingly changing around him. The walls were spinning, and the brownstones turned to white marble as he walked, and walked, and walked. The path beneath his feet stretched seemingly endlessly into the distance before merging with the featureless expanse of white sky above him. Wandering through this unbelievable infinite void gave him time to come to terms that Tabitha was not, in fact, a rogue power as Jess believed. She just stood between the Trinnian people and whatever divine power resided here. He considered turning back, but just then a voice spoke into his mind. “Are you lost, mortal?” The melodic tones of a female voice soothed his worries, and he felt that he could tell her anything. “I seek the council of the gods.” He spoke into the white void, unsure where the voice was originating. The sound of wings met his ears, followed by soft padding of what could only be barefoot on stone. A 20-foot tall woman strode from the void, huge white feathered wings on her back wearing gleaming white robes that blended like camouflage into the white void around them. She knelt down in front of him and smiled. She began speaking quietly for his benefit: “I am Lisa, Angel of Goddess Arianna. How did you come to be in this place?” He wanted to kneel, but the motion felt awkward as she was kneeling already herself. Looking up into the divine face of a literal angel he told his story and watched the amazonian angel struggle to hold her poise as he outlined Tabitha's current situation. He reached the part where he met her and requested advice on the future. She forced a smile as she stood to her full height. “I will inform my Goddess. You will return to your world, but you are part of this and so you will be judged as such. If Tabitha dies, Alyssa will come.” The forced smile was all she could offer as she flapped her wings and launched herself into the air. Then as quickly as it formed around him, the white void retreated with her and Wolf found himself back in the temple on Trinnain.

Priestess Tabitha

The pain had lessened as her mind started slipping from sanity. By now the small girl was back sitting over her eye, her legs spread over her eyebrow with her combat shorts around her ankles. She was slowly fingering herself over the large eye, Tabitha tried to close her eye from the lewd girl who was enjoying her torment but her eyelids were forced open while the rebel moaned and sighed above her. “Please...Goddess Jess...” Tabitha tried once more to beg her tiny torturess to stop. But she didn't stop her self pleasure as she replied “Stop what? Masturbating? Not just yet, I’m so close.” Whimpering in pain, she tried again. “Please, Goddess Jess. Just let me die.” As the words rasped from her flakey lips, the small woman reached her climax and let out a scream of pleasure that evolved into a satisfied giggle. She fell back to lie across the Priestess's cheek, basking in the warm afterglow of her orgasm. “Oh it’s coming don’t you worry, just a few more days.” she almost sang as was standing over the helpless titans teary eye, while pulling up her underwear. “I heard one of the men died inside you this morning. Did you like that? I told them to make sure you don't enjoy it while they get themselves off, horny bastards.” Tabitha thought back, she had clenched to force the man from her when she felt him go limp. It was the first time she had found the strength to resist, but the slashing that followed as they retrieved their dead friend brought the whole ordeal to a new level of horror for the bound woman. “Goddess Jess, please, have mercy! I am nothing to you.” Standing over the giant eye Jess felt herself burning with power as the 100-foot tall woman admitted to being even less than the ants she had to stomp out after she found them scurrying around her bunk bed in the nearby camp this morning. “Oh, I know; can you feel the oil we are using to baste you? I’m going to cook you nice and slow like the animal you are.” The small woman shifted a little further away, standing over the Priestess’s lips, as if daring Tabitha to part them and attempt to swallow her. The giant barely registered the girl anymore as her mind retreated deep into her own head. At this point she had no more tears left to cry for herself.

Goddess Arianna - Goddess of Love

Calmly the Goddess of Love hovered above the world below her. She didn’t dare to step down onto it, out of fear she might disturb it. As her gaze wandered over the landscape, she was overwhelmed by the amount of hatred that radiated from this place. Keeping her form invisible from mortal eyes, she drifted across the surface of the planet towards the dark hearts she could feel gathering. Not sensing any of her Priestesses was a terrible sign indeed. The laws that were slowly forming around their Universal Order had already outlined that any world that brought low a Priestess of the Pantheon would be subject to Alyssa’s judgement. The small crowd came into view as Arianna crouched down to see the tiny 1cm mortals swarming around a larger unconscious woman. She was shocked as she spotted the numerous short slices and wounds scattered over her skin, the groups of men that could still be seen abusing her womanhood, and most concerningly one of her eyes being nothing but a blood-soaked hole now. Breathing deeply she slowly exhaled, her fury threatening to break her usually gentle nature in response to the grim abuse on display. Pushing a finger into the ground, she traced a large circle around those assembled; She was not of the mind to punish the whole planet. However, those directly involved would need to answer for this atrocity. A light pink shield flickered into existence as Arianna trapped her culprits and dropped her invisibility. “Ahem! What are you doing with my Priestess?” As she spoke the crowd began to flee in every direction, bouncing off her shield and falling into piles around its perimeter. She smiled down on them at the humorous display. Carefully raising the doll-sized priestess she brought her into an embrace against her chest, whispering down gently to her. “There, there, my Angel. Everything will be fine now.” Letting her power flow into the small girl, Arianna scanned and read her emotions as she explored the nature of her heart. “Your destiny is no longer with me. Although it saddens me that I know it surely once was.” Her eyes flashed pink, and her small shield enveloped those trapped within. The barrier formed a sphere, and the residents inside were helpless against its power. The Goddess plucked the orb full of people from the ground and gently carried both it and the Priestess back to New Eden.

 Arianna strode into the dark purple corridor, lined with cages upon cages of trapped mortals, all screaming for release as she tried her best to ignore them. She hated what Alyssa had turned her domain into; Everywhere she looked there were Valkyries tormenting humans for seemingly no reason. Reaching Alyssa’s plush sofa she gave the Goddess of Death a small bow of respect, this was her domain after all. Alyssa looked up from her lounging position as Arianna approached, her curious dark eyes roaming over the pink-robed Goddess who looked so very out of place here. “Ari! What brings you to my little Den of Sin? I thought you hated this kind of stuff… Want a mortal sandwich?”, Alyssa said with a mocking grin as she extended her hand, actually offering her a long baguette stuffed with writhing trapped humans. Arianna visibly recoiled in disgust. “No. Thanks. I am here to offer you a Priestess; She has suffered torment beyond reason, and as I healed her, I sensed there is no love left in her heart. I’m afraid she might now be better suited for your domain.” Alyssa grinned; She loved a good torture victim. She quickly moved to Ari and took the unconscious doll from her dainty fingers and dangled it in front of her blackened eyes. “Oh she is broken alright. In fact she’s close to being one for Ella. I will take her though. ... Are those her tormentors?” she asked, gesturing to the pink sphere in Ari’s other hand. “Yes, I don’t want to know their fate. Here.” Arianna handed the container to Alyssa. As the Goddess of Death was about to tease Arianna with some details the Goddess of Love simply vanished, with only a small pile of pink petals fluttering to the ground indicating she was ever here.

 Priestess Tabitha

Opening her eyes, Tabitha breathed deep and fast. Her head was darting left and right as her hands rushed to her face, feeling her eyes. Talking to herself she padded herself down. “Okay. Okay... I am alive, I have eyes... Did I die? Is this death?” her panicked movements were interrupted as a sultry voice boomed down from above. “Yes, this is Death, and I am its Mistress. Hello again, Tabitha.” The Priestess’s mind raced as she looked into the sky. Maid Alyssa was staring down at her with her eyes blazing black. “Maid Alyssa?” she muttered as her life memories slowly came back, she flopped down onto a knee. “Goddess Alyssa now. You can serve me as my Valkyrie, a maiden of death. All you need do is amuse me with these."
The colossal woman dropped a small marble next to her. As it hit the ground, her former tormentors spilt out across the floor. Tabitha immediately recognised the tiny woman that had been revelling in her suffering for so long, and now her rage boiled into fury. Snatching the 3.5inch girl from the floor, she squeezed her hard in her fist as she violently dragged her towards her mouth. “You little fucking cunt! You wanted to burn me alive, huh?! You stabbed me in the eye!” She spat out these words, saliva literally spewing from her lips into the face of the struggling Jess. “Well, GODDESS JESS; You’re mine now. And I will teach how TORTURE really works.” Tabitha couldn't help but feel she had become a little unhinged as the struggling girl nearly drowned in the spit across her face. “You’re not going to die today; You’re never going to die. You’re simply mine now.”, she let these words ooze out bitterly. With the terrified woman in her hand she reached around behind her and spread her ass cheeks. Jess screamed in terror as she was pushed into the pulsating hole in front of her legs first until only her head stuck out. “We will have a lot of fun, you and I.” Tabitha snarled as she gave her ass a few small clenches to elicit a few more screams.

 Tabitha literally ripping and shredding the hundred or so people that had been abusing her over the last week could only be described as a massacre. The amount of blood, gore, and violence were on a level Tabitha had never thought possible of herself, but the image of Jess standing over her with her knife fueled her fury as she unleashed herself onto these men. As promised, with the stomp of the last life, Tabitha found her form warped into a larger, well-muscled woman. The Goddess gifted her with enormous purple raven wings that she felt tear out of her back. She couldn’t help but fall to her knees as she tried to adjust to the new shape of her body. Additionally she was graced with new armour made out of dark purple leather, as well as a mighty sword attached to her battle skirt that now adorned her her hips. She felt divine. Clenching one more time to check Jess was still alive, Tabitha pledges her eternal allegiance to Alyssa, the Goddess of Death.

Chapter End Notes:

Many thanks for reading Subdued! If you have any ideas for the Goddesses adventures please leave a review or contact me directly!

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