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Author's Chapter Notes:

The first advanced civilisation makes contact and the Goddesses muse over the possibilities. | Micro-Crush, Terra Scale, Masturbation, Destruction, Living Lipstick



Redmine Prototype Scoutship

Twenty-two Percent, the indicator flashed from orange to red as the life support indicator slowly ticked down. The ship's pilot rushed to redirect his ships power to get him to safety before his time ran out. Keenan Dar was a prototype test pilot for the Redmine Federation. His mission was to pilot their most advanced scout ship out to the spacial rift and bring back as many scans as possible to allow identification of the new anomaly. Everything had gone according to the mission plans, the new engines and shielding allowed for exceptional sublight speed and the trip that would have taken their usual craft months had taken him only a couple of days. It was once he had approached the rift that everything had started going wrong; Gravity pulled his ship from the stars and sent it into wild revolutions through the rift’s event horizon, the inertia alone nearly managed to tear his hull apart. But by now the atmospheric thrusters had kicked in to counter the spin, which ultimately was the only thing that held his small ship’s superstructure together. As he gained control of his craft once more and slowed his descent into the dark abyss of the rift, his scanners picked up a large platform below him - a place to land and make repairs. The landing site was a perfectly flat slab of dark stone; Keenan made a note to get some samples once he had assessed the damage. He was just about to put his suit on to go for a spacewalk when a light knocking echoed around the interior of the ship. Confusion painted across his face, Keenen crept over to the airlock and peered outside. His confusion turned to shock as a woman was looking back at him, whose bright red hair framed a fair smiling face. She stepped back as he appeared. The woman was not wearing a spacesuit; in fact she seemed to be wearing nothing more than a tight-fitting blue tube dress, and a loose-fitting cowled cloak. The sight of the solitary figure standing outside his ship, framed by the dark platform and backed by the stars was so surreal; he found himself enchanted.

 Keenan checked the readings from his external sensors, which made absolutely no sense: Breathable atmosphere and acceptable gravity. He looked out at the woman again and decided to strap his pistol to his thigh while also charging up his laser rifle. Opening the scout's airlock, he raised the gun to his shoulder and aimed it at the calm looking woman. “Okay Lady. Who are you and where am I?”

The elegant woman cocked her head slightly and smiled. She made a welcoming gesture that indicated he should follow along as she calmly walked away. As she spoke Keenan noticed that her voice was just as soft, as her calm demeanor would suggest. “I am Watcher Hannah, and you are at the end of your pilgrimage.” Tracking the woman with his rifle, Keenan debated following the woman; She was incredibly calm for someone held at gunpoint, which bothered him more than he cared to admit.
As she got further away with no sign of stopping the pilot finally dropped his rifle over his shoulder and jogged after her. “Wait, wait. I have more questions for you!” As he moved up alongside the woman she glanced over at him still smiling, her voice gentle and relaxing; “I will answer what I can, but we should not delay. You need to bathe; the travel has left you less than fresh.” He caught himself sniffing his flight jacket as she wrinkled her nose towards him, then he caught himself actually considering the idea of a bath a good idea. “Don’t play with me! Where am I?” The red haired woman stopped and raised her hand in front of her. Her fingers pushed, and space folded, revealing a doorway. “You are at the end of your long pilgrimage. The very first one to reach us too! This is an extraordinary occasion so you will want to look your best.” She stepped through the door into a long corridor. Keenan moved to follow her, but found himself looking back towards his ship, unsure whether he should be leaving it. However, he was an explorer at heart, and this was an adventure his friends would never believe. Determined, he turned around again and followed the beautiful woman into the long corridor. “Okay, so you speak in riddles. Since this is the first contact I will keep an open mind about such things. Now, where are you taking me?” The Woman stopped next to a sleek door in the corridor, which slid open on its own at the woman’s touch, revealing four other people, two men and two women dressed in simple white tunics and shorts behind it. As they spotted this Watcher woman, they all fell to one knee. “These four will assist you in getting cleaned up. They live to serve so ask of them what you will before I return.”, turning to the four she spoke with a more stern tone; “This our guest! He needs to be fit for audience. Call me when he is ready.” In unison the four kneeling people replied “Yes Watcher.”, and the woman in blue strode from the room, the door closing behind her.

 The four attendants moved quickly to disarm and disrobe him. Initially he fought them but it was clear that they were no threat. They were meek, subservient personalities that evoked a feeling of deep sympathy within Keenan. “Are you..slaves?” he asked trying to get any of them to make eye contact with him. They all carried on with their work, but the man motioning him to sit down replied, still without looking to his face. “No. Not slaves; we serve a higher power. They call us tributes. We call ourselves the chosen.” As his clothes were taken away, the test pilot felt vulnerable for the first time. The two chosen women seemingly admired his naked form as the men ushered him towards a wall of water to clean himself. “Okay, Chosen; Is that the name of your people?”, Keenan kept peppering them with questions and the answers he got only confused him further. The four were all from different worlds, different peoples and all of them admitted to not knowing what Watcher Hannah had planned for him. Finally, they had dressed him in a dark blue tunic and dress pants, while informing him that his clothes would be waiting for him in his ship when he returned. Keenan felt like a noble dignitary about to attend a diplomatic summit. The thought of being the first member of the federation to make contact with an alien government was a little overwhelming. He was equal measure thrilled and terrified. The redhead returned after he had finished dressing, her face beaming in a bright smile as she looked him up and down. “Wonderful work. You four can have level two tribute rooms when you return home. As for you Pilgrim, the audience chamber awaits you.”

Keenan Dar - New Eden

Watcher Hannah pushed open a set of double doors before stepping back, being very careful not to cross the threshold herself for reasons unknown to him. As the beautiful woman shifted to the side, she gestured for him to enter the room. Keenan’s jaw dropped as he stepped into the vast expanse that they called an audience chamber. As he slowly stepped forward he thought over the instructions Hannah had been preaching to him on their way here. “Walk straight to the centre; do not meander. Once there you take a knee and wait to be addressed.” He found his vision wandering around as he recalled the instructions, the light flapping of fabric caught his attention. Above him a huge curtain of blue cloth shifted, revealing a massive pillar of peach behind it. Letting his gaze follow the colossal structure his eyes were drawn down to the natural curves of the pillar. Though when the whole thing just shifted towards him ever so slightly, he fell backwards in shock. Lying on his back, he noticed a second pillar of the same design on the other side of the fluttering blue fabric above him. As his eyes followed both of them down to the ground and noticing them stretch along the floor as towering pink walls besides him he eventually realised that the structures around him were actually a pair of legs that were connected to huge sandal-clad feet. And both of them were placed around him, though not nearly as firmly as he had liked. Running through some rough calculations in his head he estimated himself to be about 1 inch tall in comparison to how high up the ankles were from his position. “What the hell…”, he exclaimed before looking back to the door he came from; It had vanished. “Okay then...Let’s play this out.” Pushing himself back to his feet and resuming the walk towards the centre of the room he slowly started to fear what he may see when he turned. Ascending the staircase in the middle, the pilot was finally able to take in the whole room: There were 6 massive empty chairs spread evenly along the walls of the gigantic rounded chamber. Being easily 400 ft tall their size indicated that the residents of this place were genuine titans. But by now he was now starting to become acutely aware of the fact that the chair directly behind him was not empty. Recalling his instructions, he was not told to turn, only kneel, so that’s what he did. “REALLY?” a loud feminine voice proclaimed, her piercing voice reverbing from the domed ceiling. The pure volume of the statement confirmed she was as huge as the feet he had walked past; he knelt frozen in fear of the huge entity. The sigh of annoyance that followed made him feel slightly worried that he had caused more offence than he could have anticipated. “LOOK, YOU’RE MY FIRST AUDIENCE; CAN YOU AT LEAST LET ME HAVE SOME DECORUM AND NOT MAKE MY FIRST WORDS BE ‘TURN AROUND’.” The voice sounded frustrated, similar to the tone of someone who had just been cut off in traffic. Keenan interpreted this, incorrectly, that the large woman was trying to put him at ease with humour. He awkwardly shifted around on his knee to slowly rotate towards the voice, while making sure to stay on the spot and not look up from his kneeling position. Though he was interrupted when another frustrated sigh flooded the room. “JUST STAND UP AND LOOK AT ME.” It sounded like the command had an edge of anger to it instead of the playful humour he had been hoping for. Rising from his knees he looked up towards the monumental woman sat in front of him. She was gorgeous, her flowing brunette hair framed a youthful face, though his eyes immediately fell to her chest. Her cleavage, framed by the deep blue robes that hugged the titan’s sitting form, had a tantalising effect on the small man. Her clothes flowed loosely between her legs, hanging over the spot where the door had been. Returning his gaze towards her eyes; he noticed that she was staring icy daggers into him. “ENJOYING THE VIEW?” Unable to find words for a reply he awkwardly nodded his head towards the irritated woman.

Cassi - Goddess of Wisdom

 This human was a mess! She was hoping to make an impression of a composed Goddess for the first mortal to pass through a rift, but instead she got a bumbling clown. Still, he was the one his people had decided to send on such a dangerous mission, so maybe there would still be some hope for him once he knew the risks. She composed herself and began to speak in as formal a tone as she could manage; “There is a lot that you need to know before you answer me, so keep your jester's mouth shut and listen to the stakes before you embarrass yourself. The first thing you need to know is that I am a Goddess.” To punctuate her point, Cassi waved her hand, and the vista of the whole chamber was replaced with the images of twinkling stars, leaving just him and her in the dark abyss. Though suddenly another voice intruded on the awe-inspiring atmosphere. “OOOO STORY TIME! IGNORE ME I’M JUST HERE TO LISTEN HA HA!” Cassi’s face went red with rage as Alyssa skipped through her illusion and flopped into her throne, swinging her legs over the arm as she reclined into it.
The tiny human's face turned white as the huge Goddess pranced over him on her way to her chair. “Alyssa! Please! I am just explaining our new development allowance process to this ambassador from Redmine. I didn’t think politics were your thing?” Cassi’s voice was almost pleading as she attempted to lock eyes with the Goddess of Death. Turning back the new entry just smiled and waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “I’m not, but, if your process goes south then I wouldn't mind being part of the snuff, I think it's the only exception in our whole no-planet-destruction law.” The human on the pedestal started to show genuine worry as Alyssa spoke. Meanwhile Cassi was visibly annoyed that her presentation’s big finish had just been so casually ruined by her sister. Gritting her teeth the blue-robed Goddess turned back to the mortal in the centre.”Where was I? Oh yes, I am a Goddess.”, as she spoke the room shifted back to stars, but Alyssa immediately interrupted again by cooing “So am I!”, from the other side of the room. Cassi could feel her temper flare as she resumed. “YES! WE, we are your divine authority. For time immemorial this universe has lived under a technological advancement restriction. Put simply; It was not permitted for a civilisation to become space-faring.” As Cassi let the words hang in the air another voice joined the conversation. “Yea, we snuffed them out, like insects.” Winking to Alyssa, Fiona strode in and taking her throne; “I’m here for the chance of a civilisation snuff too.”  The miniature man in the middle was spinning on the spot as the now three titans looked down on him. He turned back to Cassi; his squeaky voice was barely audible to himself; “You plan on wiping out my people?” The Goddess of Wisdom sighed in resignation as her awe-inspiring presentation fell apart, trampled by her divine sisters. “No, that is not the plan. Now let me continue and don’t run your little mouth.” Making her statement as matter-of-fact as possible. Alyssa giggled as she played with her hair, “No please, speak your mind little man. Let's hear your grovelling!"
A loud smack echoed across the room as Cassi stood and stamped her foot down. The massive shockwave caused the human in the middle to lose his balance, leading him to falll. “THIS IS MY AUDIENCE! YOU WILL SHOW ME THE SAME RESPECT YOU WOULD EXPECT DURING YOUR AUDIENCES! NOW BE SILENT OR LEAVE!” Alyssa could feel the waves of power radiating from Cassi as her eyes flared up in a vibrant blue accompanied by a visible aura of power that surrounded the woman she shared the Pantheon with. She sat up straight in her chair and adjusted her loose black robes. “Of course Sister, you only had to ask.” Alyssa said, as a coy smile played over her lips. Cassi’s searing blue eyes shifted to Fiona who sunk back into her chair under the powerful gaze of her superior sister. She gestured zipping her lips, which seemed to have calmed Cassi enough for her display of power to dissipate, as she slowly sat down again. “Now, Where was I?!”, she exclaimed again as she returned her gaze to the mortal … who was gone by now. Sighing again she scanned the floor, seeing the minuscule figure running towards Sarah’s throne. Raising her hand to her forehead she mumbled frustrations to herself. Then with a sweep of her hand she opened a small dimensional portal in front of the running pilot; caught by surprise the man simply fell through and found himself landing flat on his face in the middle pedestal once more. “Please pay attention. As you may have gathered the fate of your entire race is on the line here.” Ignoring the small giggle from Fiona, Cassi sat up straight again and resumed with her story.  “The policy of not allowing any space-faring races to emerge has recently been subject to change. You should know, part of my role is the maintenance of the Stellar Mechanics of our universe. Once intelligent life emerges on a world I make sure that the universe doesn’t snuff you out on accident. I keep meteors away from you, and I make sure exploding stars don’t snipe you out of the sky.” Cassi paused for a moment, “I feel that this kindness deserves some devotion from you people, don’t you agree? … Anyway, once you leave your home star that sort of premium is no longer on the table, and you’d have to survive on your own. As such I have created rifts just beyond the edge of every inhabited and civilised solar system. These rifts are a test of sorts; races who reach them earn the right of judgment; should you pass my evaluation, you will be permitted to continue into the universe at your own pace. However, should you fail…” She gestured to the red and black sisters with both her arms and shrugged a little.

Keenan Dar - New Eden

 He was not qualified for whatever was going on now; He could feel his heart bouncing around in his chest as his stomach performed full gymnastic routines within him. These titans were claiming the fate of his entire world rested on what he had to say; this wasn’t happening, there was no way this had fallen to him. With his mind racing he looked up into the eyes of the blue-clad beauty who returned the gaze with an almost sympathetic expression, though he quickly realised he didn’t know what to say. “OKAY, LET ME GET YOU STARTED.”, she thundered down to him. Lifting her fingers he could see a surge of dark blue energy pulsing from her fingertips; as the light hit the ground near him an image of his home planet of Redmine appeared above him. It was labelled with cities and their associated political factions and leaders. “WHICH ASPECTS OF THIS WORLD WOULD BE LURED BY THE IDEA OF INTERGALACTIC WAR?” Keenan scanned through the huge hologram ahead of him while he processed the request from the divine being. “The... Garnians...They have been looking for military superiority in space for decades.” The image shifted and zoomed towards the cluster of islands that made up Garnia. It was only then that he realised his mistake; glancing around the enormous room he saw the grinning faces on the other two women. They were not looking at him though, they were looking at the Blue Goddess. The black-haired woman was even licking her lips in anticipation. “Oh No no no no, please don’t do anything to them! They are no threat to the Redmine federation in their current form.” As he spoke he was unable to cut the quivering form his voice. He wanted no part in sentencing people to their deaths. “RIGHT ANSWER!”, a melodic tone rang through the room, as another voice joined the assembled women. As Keenan turned a gliding pink robed woman floated into her throne smiling down to him kindly. The Blue Goddess sighed again in resignation. It was obvious to Keenan that she did not appreciate the company. “COME WITH ME; WE WILL DISCUSS MY JUDGEMENT IN MY CHAMBERS.” The great giant rose and turned towards the wall next to her throne. He barely heard the complaints of the other women, who called after her as he was lifted from his feet and began to float through the air, following closely behind the leaving titan.

 Everything went dark as he crossed the threshold into the Goddess’s Domain; The starry sky that now adorned the invisible ceiling and walls above and around him stretched out into infinity. It really looked as if they were walking through the emptiness of space. He felt particularly odd in his weightless state, but once his body was suddenly swung around to fall into an orbit around the large head of the Divine who kept him under her power, his stomach turned slightly. “THAT'S BETTER, NOW, IF WE REMOVE THESE GARNIANS, YOUR SPECIES WILL BE ALLOWED TO PROGRESS INTO THE FUTURE. I ALREADY MADE MY JUDGEMENT LONG AGO. YOU JUST HAD TO CONFIRM BEFORE I WOULD PERMIT IT.” Keenan yelled into her ear everytime he orbited past one of them. “Can we not…….Make an Alliance…….Now we know…...You exist?” The huge woman was sighing again as she replied. “I CAN HEAR YOU, SPEAK NORMALLY.” Feeling stupid he tried again. “Now that we are aware of your existence; maybe we can unite the planet?” The titan was sitting herself down at a large black desk as she gave the small figure a sly smile. “NO, THE OTHER CONDITION IS THAT YOU WORSHIP OUR PANTHEON AS YOUR TRUE GODS, WE EXPECT TEMPLES; PRAYERS, SONGS, ALL OF IT." As the words boomed around him, he felt his floating pattern change; he descended to the desk in front of the Goddess’s looming bosom. “I See... Well, no need to convince me of your power but how will I convince my people? They’ll think I’ve gone mad.” Her smile grew, and the detail of her shiny white teeth that so far had been hidden by distance and her lips had a chilling effect once laid bare. He couldn’t help but think how easily they could grind him to nothing. “I’LL HANDLE THAT, DON’T YOU WORRY!” Keenan felt pushed to the side as a sizeable 3d Map of his world appeared on the desk of the Goddess. The map began to shift and spin around his world until it settled on Garnia. The Titan waved her fingers, and the map zoomed in close onto the capital city. The long fingers kept swiping and moving until most skyscrapers began to stand slightly taller than him on the table, with the tallest building reaching four times his height. 

Cassi - Goddess of Wisdom

Her fingers manipulated space-time with perfect precision as she located her target. She couldn’t help but blush as her insides tingled with excited anticipation of what was to come. The tiny city and its population were unaware of their fates as she scaled them to purpose on her desk, though as soon as she locked the location in, the 3D image began emitting sounds and smells. Her tiny guest had backed away in shock as she took in the sense of power she felt over the confused masses. “Mmmmm,” she let out a deafening moan as she loomed over the city. She began slowly by just letting her delicate fingers run over the fragile buildings, enjoying the sensation of the tiny wobbles and cracks that formed under the tiniest bit of pressure. Cassi spent a few minutes just running her hands over and around the city, careful to avoid significant damage as she revelled in the powerplay. The tiny population below was now consumed with terror as they scattered and ran. She brought her index finger to her mouth and sucked on it seductively as she made direct eye contact with her tiny ambassador. “I think you’ll find convincing your people surprisingly easy.”, she cooed down to him as she brought her wet finger down to the city and slid it along the main street. Tiny speck-sized mortals simply stuck to her wet fingertip as she dragged it along the ground. “After all, how else will they explain this?” She  brought the large finger up to her lips, wettened by a recently retreating tongue. Her digit was sensually dragged across her lower lip as the struggling people were transferred from finger to her lip. As she retracted her finger they were just left there, squirming on her vast pink expanse. The titan very carefully closed and opened her mouth in an effort to spread the mass of life evenly between both of her lips. Satisfied with her own work she smiled down to her little pilot. “Does this lipstick look good on me? I call it Garnians. It's rare, one might even say, last of its kind brand.” Her fingers traced her lips as she spoke, feeling for micro-movements between her tip and lip. “Mmmmm, I’m going to need to get off after this I think.” Returning her fingers to the city, she slowly began to push the small buildings over, feeling them buckle and crunch under her fingers as he moved them through the buildings and streets. “It’s the small things that make me smile, like that man over there saving his family from the falling building.”, Cassi tried to demonstrate what she meant to her audience by pointing towards a particular spot between some buildings, though except for the man in question, nobody could really tell who she meant. “It's cute, but as I roll my finger just a little….pop..there she goes and now he's trapped with no-one to save.” She noticed her pilot had turned away from her display and was pacing around in distress.  “Oh Cheer up! You saved your world today, and you managed to piss off both the Goddesses of Death and War, so I imagine your life will get more interesting before long.” Cassi couldn't hold in the giggle as his face drained of colour at the mention of her sister's aspects, nearly dropping her second application of Garnian lipstick down between her breasts.  “Here, Take this portal back to your ship and spread the good word to your people, I’ll finish up with Garnia so you’ll have all the proof you need.” Flicking her wrist a small portal opened behind the terrified mortal as she turned back to the city like a hungry school girl looking at a hot dinner. “Nope, I thought I could get through this without getting sexual, but I just can’t do it”, she confessed to herself as her hands worked to remove her panties. While she carefully stepped up onto the desk, she lightly kicked the tiny pilot into the portal as he was still standing by it to ogle her. “Okay, as Your Goddess, I would appreciate it if you all screamed in unison as I do this. It helps me feel the effect.”, she casually remarked down to the people, while her hand moved to resize her rift to fit all of Garnia. She shifted the whole cluster of islands to fit into a 1 inch square portal on her desk as she sat down over it. The scent of her wet labia washed over the now microcontinent. “Oookaay, here we go folks. Scream for me.”, she spoke down at the nano civilisation as she slowly rolled herself forward, her hand pulling back her clit hood as she eased forward into the portal. The huge pink nub was descending painstakingly slowly for the population before it was suddenly all over for them. “Aaaah!” Cassi cooed as she tried to catch her breath between deep moans. “That...was...a lot..of people snuffed ...under my clit.” She slid forward slowly dragging her whole nethers across the portal, levelling that patch of Redmine to a barren swipe of dirt. Her little rift closed as she flopped back on the desk with her fingers already working to finish what Garnia had started, turning her mental focus to lives still trapped on her lips as she worked herself out of her lust.

Chapter End Notes:

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