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Author's Chapter Notes:

One of Sarah's Priestesses talks about her new life as a divine fairy. | Mini-GTS, Hard-Vore, Soft-Vore, Fatal



Priestess Ying – High Garden

“… Life is a cruel joke. Both my own and the Goddess herself. I mean look at me now! I had been in service under back then Headmaid Sarah for decades! I towered over almost everyone in the temple! And when Goddess Sarah asked for disciples to follow her, I remained loyal! And what do I get in return? A pair of glossy wings, a degrading, almost transparent green mini dress, and oh yeah! Not even a quarter of the average mortal size. I must look like a fucking firefly to the Gods!” The man between my fingers had passed out by now, I guess I was shaking him a bit too much. Not that it really mattered, I don’t need anyone to listen to my rambling – there’s nobody who could do anything about these problems anyway. Especially not the finger food I caught just a couple of minutes ago; even if him complaining about oh how hard he has it after he watched me eat his friend set me off on a tangent.

Without another thought I carefully put the man, barely larger than the tip of my finger, on my tongue and pulled him inside. I wanted to make sure I didn’t accidentally harm him, as unlike most of the others, I absolutely hate the taste of blood – it’s just so bitter and having that warm goo spray through my mouth; ugh, disgusting. But shrinking these people is just so hard when you have to find a balance between them being small enough to be swallowed whole, while also not being too fragile. Well, I guess that’s just my problem, all the other faeries just mash them into smoothies or something… Either way, him not struggling was a welcome change of pace, it made the next bit so much easier. I tossed my head backwards and let him slide to the back of my tongue – I could feel his limp body passing underneath my uvula, and so I prepared to swallow. But the moment his fragile form slid out of view at the back of my mouth, my throat muscles must have pressed into him too hard, as he burst like a grape. Blood shot back into my mouth and partially even up my nose. Which was. The. Absolute. Worst.

I spat out as much as I could, but I was already stuck with the taste. This was so infuriating; his friend made it down easily, but I guess he was a bit more muscular. Anyway, even though I already knew what this was like; I had humans burst against the roof of my mouth or get cut by my teeth quite a few times before; but squishing them with my throat was almost bad enough to make me go back to the awful grey goo they served around here. That stuff has virtually no substance; no matter how much you eat, you’ll never get rid of the hunger. Really, humans are the only other edible thing the Goddess would let us have in High Garden... And even if she would allow us to have access to the fruits in her private garden, I doubt anyone would want to visit that place anyway. As another twisted joke she made everything up there poisonous and deadly to anyone but herself and the other gods.

I tried to shake these infuriating thoughts out of my head and started fluttering towards one of the other dome cities. Little mortals who were dumb enough to leave were usually extremely easy prey, but it seems today would be even easier! The Goddess had emerged in the distance and was walking towards the gateway to New Eden – I could hear her heavy footsteps cracking the paving of the main streets, but more importantly to me, her enormous form was now casting a vast shadow across the outskirts surrounding the domes. Anyone who doesn’t already know the unwritten rules of High Garden will get startled by her shadow and end up staring into the sky to gawk at her or something. This was dumb even if I weren’t out here looking for people – I mean Goddess Sarah is so tall and far away, you can’t really make out any details. Plus, we all already know what she looks like anyway.

And right away I spotted one of those idiots just standing in the middle of the road – some tanned girl with shoulder-length black hair, wearing shorts, a tank top, some heavy boots, and a backpack? Oh, she clearly wasn’t from here! Wandering out here with your heavy belongings gets you caught really really easily. By now Sarah’s shadow had passed, so before she could compose herself I took a nose-dive and glided down towards her.

Amelia – Subject of Arianna’s Heaven

Wow. The Goddesses all look so amazing. But now standing in a place like High Garden it was even more mesmerising to see their scale when comparable to something normal sized – Goddess Arianna didn’t really have many human-sized structures, so seeing this mountainous colossus move was even more awe-inspiring. The woman in her green dress disappeared behind the horizon just as quickly as she emerged, so I adjusted my backpack and set off walking again; I was on a mission after all! I know the Angels warned me not to go, but so far, this whole trip was fairly uneventful! And really, how hard could it be to find Goddess Arianna when she’s this large! I was imagining how one of the nearest dome cities could be “held down” by just her toes spreading over it, when I felt something bump into my backpack. Surprised, I spun around to find a little woman hovering behind me, rubbing her forehead; her little green dress resembled something made out of thin leaves; but really it was the glossy wings that made her look like a magical little fairy to me. She tried to ask me something about where I came from, but she just looked absolutely adorable! She was so small, she’d probably have to stand on her tiptoes to reach my knee, and I just can’t resist hugging something so cute! I grabbed the pretty little thing out of the air and ran my finger over her smooth body. It was fascinating how squishy the little thing was, but there was undeniably a firm body underneath the soft surface. I never got to hold anyone smaller than me. All of Arianna’s Angels usually stood taller than almost everyone else, so this was exhilarating! I just wanted to rub her all over my face and never let go!

“What the hell are you doing?! Let go of me!”, the fairy screamed at me, but really that sounded more like someone so grumpy they needed a hug. Despite her wiggling and flailing I held her tightly against my chest and nuzzled my nose into her hair, which in heaven usually ended any argument. She however seemingly got closer to screaming bloody murder, and actually managed to grab onto my hair. I wanted to gently hold her in place, but she pulled herself out of my loose grip and clambered over the top of my head. It hurt a little, but at least I was still able to keep her in place by gripping her slipping legs more tightly. This kinda left us in the awkward position where she was trying to kick her legs free, while the rest of her body was just draped over my head. I didn’t hear it at first over her just pounding my ear with her fists, but with her belly being pressed against my other ear I could hear a faint voice … coming from … inside her? Screaming for help?

In shock I pulled her away from me and held her at arm’s length. She was still gripping onto a few of my hairs, which helped her balance herself. I stared up at her face, trying to think of what to say … what to ask … but I guess in the end I just stood there with my mouth open. Meanwhile the little fairy was staring daggers at me before she spoke up again, “Yeah, fuck this! I don’t even want to know you now.” Without warning she yanked at my hair and slapped her hand against my forehead, which produced some glittering sprinkles that cascaded down my face. What happened next just went by so quickly I didn’t really understand it. All I know is that I quickly lost my grip on her bare legs, as they seemed to get thicker, followed by the feeling of falling, despite still having both my feet firmly on the ground. But just a moment later I found myself tripping out of my shoes while most of my clothes started slipping. It was all very disorientating, but in the end I realised I sat in a pile of my own clothes, with this little fairy now towering above me. I started to scream while trying to climb out of my shorts.

The now from my perspective giant fairy frowned and pressed a finger to her lips in a hushing motion. “Shhhhh. I hate it when my food screams at me!” Only now I realised what a calm and relaxing voice the woman had, but what she said, paired with what I heard earlier inside her had the exact opposite effect on me. I began to shiver and cry as her hand came down to envelop me. “But… but… but you can’t just eat me! Please! I'm a person. Goddess Arianna wouldn’t want this for us. I don’t want this! I don’t want to die!” She didn’t sympathise. She frowned and sneered at my plea, “Look. You’re annoying, and a bit too large, but I’m hungry and larger! I will eat you just to shut you up! Even if I’ll choke on you!” How could Goddess Arianna let something so sinister live? By now my eyes were fixed on the giant lips which had been covered in drool by a retreating tongue. I panicked, and even though both my shoulders and half of my legs were able to wiggle outside of her balled fist, there was nothing I could do.

She opened her mouth, revealing two terrifying rows of massive teeth and the rippled surface of her throat halfway hidden in the distant dark. Her breath washed over me; and the putrid smell of death made me gag, but I quickly tried to shut my mouth again as she pushed my head into her tongue. I could feel thick strands of saliva connecting with me, clinging to my body, and I couldn’t help but shiver and sob again. This all had to be a terrible terrible nightmare. I would wake up among the clouds again at any moment. The Goddess would save me. But the sensation of the fairy’s lips closing around my shoulders, slowly replacing the grip of her hand with the sucking of her mouth, it became painfully obvious that this was no dream. I felt her other hand press against my feet, pushing me inside further, while she worked her tongue to press me against the roof of her mouth. I wanted to fight it, and while I managed to pull one of my arms free I couldn’t get a good grip on anything inside the glistening wet world I was trapped in. Her cheeks just gave way when I pushed at them, and her teeth were too slippery to hold onto. Not to forget that pushing against those sharp molars was eerily terrifying in its own right.

I could already peer down the abyss at the back of her mouth by the time she had pushed me far enough that her tongue could wedge itself between my legs. It felt so very wrong, but I quickly realised that she only tried to get a grip on my pelvis, using it to push me down further. However, with her tongue loosening around my torso, I managed to push my arms forwards, pressing them against the back of her throat with all my strength! I thought I could survive! I had a chance to win! But then gravity began to shift, when she tilted her head back. I slipped and plummeted towards her gullet. It was surreal, my whole upper body was being squeezed by the wet walls of her throat; it almost felt like a very gross and terrifying full-body hug. Besides the calming pulses of her heartbeat I could also hear her trying to swallow me, and every gulp was accompanied by my entire world trying to squeeze the life out of me. It was even more terrifying to feel myself slipping further down with every convulsion around me. I could feel my feet pushing against the roof of her mouth, but at this point I had lost the strength to flail, so my kicks must have felt more like barely noticeable wiggles to her. And then I began to slide further and further, passing by the deafening loud source of her heartbeat, until my hands eventually pressed against the sphincter of her stomach. It opened with a gut-wrenching squelch which send the more intense version of her rotten breath into my face.

I fell headfirst into a pool of tingling liquid, her stomach acids presumably, and while I tried to push myself out of the puddle, the rest of my body being forced inside pretty much shoved me back into the by now already stinging water. I wanted to scream, but I also didn’t want to swallow any of it, so I just whimpered, hoping again that this terribly dream would end soon. By the time my feet splashed down, I could already push my hands against the opposite wall of her stomach, but something was off about it. As I retracted my arm I felt something limp fall into my palm. It was too dark to see anything, but after running my hand over it, I quickly realised that it was a small human, barely larger than my hand – the voice I heard earlier! My hand began to shake in shock. I wanted to say something, but the air was already so thin. But when I could feel a thick warm liquid excrete from the limp body I began to scream and threw it as far away as I could. It splashed into the acid, which spilled onto me; by now it was burning on my skin, which was getting too much for me! I tried to stand, to get as far away as possible, but I immediately hit my head against the top of her stomach and slipped back into the pool at my feet again. I couldn’t stop screaming as I tried to hold onto the constantly moving, pulsing walls surrounding me. A part of me felt that it was over, but instinctively I kept pounding my fist against the rippled muscles that made up my churning and gurgling prison, which elicited an all-encompassing laughter from the world around me! It was demoralising, but my survival instinct didn’t want to let go. Though as I kept on punching I felt myself growing weaker; the air was getting too thin for me to breathe properly, and eventually I just passed out…

Priestess Ying – High Garden

I patted the upper part of my belly as I felt the struggles inside me die down. I tried to push against my stomach, to maybe get her going again, but I couldn’t quite reach her. Still, this was … very interesting! I didn’t think I could swallow something that big, but once she actually went down, it started to feel really nice! Like, damn, her massaging me from the inside; by the Gods! It’s like … scratching an itch that sits so deep you could have never reached it … and I think this feeling might become addicting! Not to forget that meals that big are also really filling! I definitely had to try that again, but first I needed to take a nap … just to pass some time until this annoying girl had finished digesting. I leapt back into the air again and began to flutter towards my home dome. Though to my delight, with every flap of my wings, more acid was splashed onto the girl inside me, which still got her going every now and then. As I was flying on I tried to suppress a burp, which ended as a hissing noise of hot air escaping around the fingers covering up my mouth.

Amelia – Deceased Soul in Purgatory

“… growing weaker; the air was getting too thin for me to breathe properly, and eventually I just passed out. I’m pretty sure I had some nightmare about burning alive, but really my memory kinda got blurry at that point. Anyway, after a while I woke up again, and I was kinda just floating around in some cold darkness, until I eventually dropped into the waiting line over there.”, the tiny nude woman, scarred by missing skin and partially visible bones, turned around and pointed towards the other end of the white expanse, where there was still a long line of other souls standing. “And when I finally got up here, you were all like ‘Woah, what happened to you? You look like a burned mess!’, and then I told you what happened to me! So yeah, that’s what happened.”

The Goddess of Destiny pinched the bridge of her nose before sighing heavily. “As I’ve tried to tell you MULTIPLE times already. That was a rhetorical question. RHETORICAL! I can see through time! I already knew what happened to you by the time you opened your mouth!”









Chapter End Notes:

This was written in response to an earlier review in the original GCU story. I know that JustForTribute already wrote something with these themes in Handmaid's Tales, but I wanted to see how I'd do with it myself.

Anyway, if you'd like to have your own idea written out in a scenario, please feel free to leave a suggestion down in the review section. (If you could also give us some feedback while you're at it, that'd be wonderful, but of course you don't have to.)

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