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Story Notes:

Disclaimer: This story is of pure fiction and it is not a real story. All properties is of their respected properties. All rights reserved. No Copyright is intended.


NOTE:  Although this the fourth part of the Trapped in the Queen's Clutches series, it takes place 300 years after the third story. This version of Roberta is actually a descendent of the Roberta from the previous stories. It is also focusing more on a growth story as opposed to a shrinking one, like the previous stories. All characters are 18 and over. This is a non-porn story, so if you are into that, you won't enjoy this, trust me, unless you like breasts, butt, footwear and feet.” This is the TRUE final part of the story, which is the grand finale. I suggest you read the first three stories before reading this one.

It was almost the end of the day, which was a Friday at Robertanari University. The weekend was about to start, and Roberta Giantesse and her cousin were finishing up their quiz, ready for their weekend to begin. “Oh, this exam is hard! I tried to study for it all week long. I hope I get a good grade for this.” Lyla whispered to her cousin. “Don't worry, you will, sis! I have faith in you!” Roberta whispered back, encouraging her. “Thanks, sis.” Lyla replied. Then their teacher looked up at them, telling them to be quiet! Roberta and Lyla then went back to doing their exams. 30 minutes later, everyone finished their quizzes, including Roberta and Lyla. Moments later, the bell rang and school ended for the day. Everyone began to leave, including Roberta and Lyla who met up with their friends, Sophie and Thomas. “Hey, Sophie, Thomas! How are the two of you doing?” Roberta called out to them. “Oh we are doing fine, Roberta and Lyla. We just got from biology class, from doing an experiment about plants.” Sophie said. “Yeah, Sophie and I have a project that we got to do this evening about ancient civilizations.” Thomas replied to her. “Wow, that seems like a lot of work!” Lyla replied to her. “I hope you two can finish it. Lyla and I would be happy to help you guys with it.” Roberta said confidently to them. “I agree with big sis! I would love to help you guys out in any way that I can.” Lyla said in all honesty. “Of course! The more, the merrier, hahaha! I would love to work with you ladies.” Thomas replied with a deep, happy grin on his face. “Yeah, we would be happy to have you two help us with this project!” Sophie said excitedly. “Awesome! We would be happy to help you both!” Roberta said with confidence. “If my big sis is gonna help, I will too! Heeheehee!” Lyla said cheerfully. “Cool, where should we meet up at?” Roberta said. “Let's meet up at my house tomorrow. I want to go check out those ruins.” Sophie said with anticipation. “What ruins?” Roberta said. “At the south of the outside of the city, at the old, castle ruins.” Sophie suggested. “I wonder if they are safe?” Lyla said nervously. “I hope so. I do not want to get trapped in there!” Roberta said nervously. “Not to worry, ladies! I will keep you all safe!” Thomas said with confidence. “Anyway, we shall meet up at my house, before noon. Then we will go to the old castle on the outskirts of the city.” Sophie suggested. Then everyone had nodded and went their to their homes.


Later that evening, Roberta and her cousin had a delicious dinner. “Are we really going to the ruins, big sis? I am scared.” Lyla said nervously. “Yeah, I have been thinking about that, sis. This will be a chance to learn about the castle and why has it survived for this long. Hopefully, it will be a chance to study the castle and its inhabitants. If anything happens, I'll protect you, Lyla.” Roberta said as she was encouraging her. “Thank you, Roberta, sweetie. I really appreciate it.” Lyla said. “Anyway, let's get to bed, big sis! We have to get ready early so we can head to head to the ruins with Sophie and Thomas.” Roberta said. Then they went to pack some supplies and equipment for their trip to the ruins before heading off to bed, and quietly went to sleep.


The next morning, Roberta and Lyla woke up early to prepare themselves for their quest to travel to the castle ruins. Roberta and Lyla both wore their school uniforms and reinforced Mary Jane Platform Wedges. Then the phone rang. “Hello?” Roberta spoke as she answered the phone. “Good morning, Roberta and Lyla.” Sophie answered back. “Are you two ready to head to the ruins? Thomas is already here. “Hey, Roberta, Lyla!” Thomas yelled from the other end. “Yeah, Lyla and I are definitely ready! Lyla and I will arrive soon! We are on our way.” she said to her friend. Then, the girls left their home and made their way to meet up with Sophie. “We made it on time.” Lyla said. “Yeah, you ladies made it! I was getting worried.” Thomas said as he was concerned for Roberta and Lyla. “Well, now that we are all here, let us all head to the ruins.” Sophie commanded. “Then, the four friends caught a cab and rode all the way to the edge of Robertanari City, where they walked the rest of the way on foot, to the Robertanari Castle ruins. “Well, here we are! Isn't this exciting, guys?” Sophie said as she began to get excited. The others agreed, except for Thomas, who was nervous. “T-This castle is very old and creepy. Are you sure we are gonna be okay here?” he said nervously. “Don't worry, Thomas. We're gonna be fine, trust me.” Lyla said as she began to encourage him. “Yeah, nothing is gonna happen. If it does, I will protect you, Thomas sweetheart.” Roberta said to him, giving him a lot of encouragement. “Okay, Miss Roberta. I feel better in your hands.” he said weakly. “I will protect you as well, Thomas darling.” Sophie said to him. “Thank you very much, ladies. I feel much better now. Let's get going!” he said, regaining his courage.


Then the four friends approached the ruins, but the door was sealed, so they were unable to get in. “Oh man, what's up with this door?! It won't open!!” Sophie complained. “I guess we can't get in, then.” Then Thomas and Lyla both approached the door, punching and kicking it, and it would not budge. “Wow this door is strange! It is not opening up!” Sophie said. Then a mysterious voice was speaking to Roberta into her head, which caused her to become unconscious. “Roberta? ROBERTA!! Wake up! Open your eyes, big SIS!!” Lyla yelled as she ran to her side. “Hey guys! Come quick! Something's wrong with Roberta! I can't wake her up!” Lyla yelled out! Sophie and Thomas both rushed to her side, trying to help wake her up, but it was no use.


Meanwhile, as she was unconscious, her ancestor was speaking to her. “Only you can open the door, my descendant.” the voice said. “Who are you?” Roberta asked in confusion. “My child, I am the Queen Roberta Giantess, of the ancient Queendom of Robertanari. I am here to lead you to the Stone of Robertanari, so you can become an eternal goddess. Many of my servants have found this special power when I needed it. Me and my servants tried to use it, but it wouldn't let me or anyone else use it, so I sealed it in case I have a descendant. I believe this power is meant for you and, if you wish it, your three friends, but it won't grow the boy accompanying you, but it will give him all other powers at least, Roberta, my great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter.” Queen Roberta Giantess said to Roberta Giantesse. “So your name is Roberta too, great grandmother? What a coincidence!” she said with a surprised look on her face. “Yes, it is, my child. It seems your parents named you after me, because you resemble me. You and your cousin both may have my blood, but the history books say that only a descendant can use the Stone of Robertanari and open the door. In other words, only you can open the door and obtain the stone, my child, as part of my soul has been reincarnated into yours.” she said to her descendant. “I understand, great-great-great-great-great-grandmother Roberta. I shall use this power with great care.” Roberta explained to her. “Also, there is one last thing.” Queen Roberta added. “What is it, great-great-great-great-great-grandmother?” Roberta asked her. She also added, “Keep in mind that once you use the Stone, you will be able to grow into a massive goddess and will be unable to return to normal size, but you will receive eternal youth and immortality. Do you understand, my child?” Roberta Giantesse replied, “Yes, I understand, great-great-great-great-grandmother. I am aware of the consequences. I also understand that it is also my destiny. My parents have told me of this moment when I was a child and that I should be aware of my destiny of ruling over billions of people.” Queen Roberta Giantess, “Good, my child, you are aware of your new situation, and with that, you should return to your friends and cousin as they await you in the real world. Also, you know, you remind me of my niece, Ambrosia. Like you, she was so full of life when she was your age, and she was very energetic, like you.” Queen Roberta added. “Really? I do?” Roberta asked. Yes, you are very similar to her, so young and energetic. Anyway, I have rambled on enough and I shouldn't keep you here any longer. Your friends are waiting for you to awaken. Just believe in yourself and your friends and you will be fine. Farewell, my beloved granddaughter.” she said to Roberta, sending her back into the real world.


“Hey, she's coming to.” Sophie said to both Lyla and Thomas. They both ran to her side with tears on their face. “Oh Roberta, you had us so worried! Don't scare us like that, big sis! We thought you were dead!” Lyla said as she gave Roberta a big hug, with tears running down her cheek. “Don't worry, everyone! I am fine now and I am sorry I made everyone worry.” Roberta said with tears. “But I did get knowledge on how to get past the barrier. In the dream, where I was unconscious, Lyla and my great-great-great-great-grandmother said that only I can open the door and claim the Stone of Robertanari.” she added. “What? For real, Roberta?” Sophie asked calmly. “So if I didn't ask you to come, Thomas and I would never have gained access, correct?” she added. “Yes, that's correct. I am surprised myself that I had a connection to this castle.” Roberta said gallantly. “Well, I am glad we have asked you to come, Roberta.” Thomas said with relief. Roberta giggled brightly. “Well, enough talk, we have got a door to open!” Roberta said excitedly. Everyone nodded in agreement. Then Roberta got up and placed her hand on the doors, and the seal broke, dispelling the barrier. “Wow, it is opening!” Lyla said in excitement. “Come on, everyone, let us go!” Sophie said.


Roberta, her sister and their friends proceeded into the old castle. There were traps and dangers in the ancient castle at every turn, but they managed to avoid them all. After an hour of dealing with old traps and pits, they finally found the room, but it was too, sealed up. “Allow me,” Roberta explained to her friends as she approached the door, breaking its seal. Then the four friends proceeded to the sacred chamber where the Stone of Robertanari layed upon the altar. “There it is. This is the artifact we were looking for!” Lyla said in excitement. “It sure is! Roberta added. “Wait, according to Great-great-great-great-grandmother, only the chosen one can touch and wield the Stone, Let me touch it, trust me. “Alright, Roberta. I trust you.” Sophie, said. Lyla and Thomas agreed and nodded. “Thanks.” Roberta said, as she slowly approached the altar. Then, she reached out to the stone, and grabbed it, holding it in her hands. Then the stone started to glow white, as the power radiated, causing her to glow as well. “Roberta! What is happening to you?” Sophie called out! “Big sis!” Lyla called out to her as well before rushing to her side along with Sophie and Thomas, holding her as they all began to hug her, all glowing as well, receiving its power. Then , after a few minutes the Stone of Robertanari shattered and everything went back to normal. “Whoa, what was that?” Thomas asked. “I never felt that kind of power before! But I don't feel any different.” Sophie said. “Me neither. I felt a light coursing through my body, but I don't feel any different.” Lyla said with a perplexed look. “I felt the power while holding it, but it made me glow, but nothing happened. Could my great-great-great-great-grandmother have been wrong? Roberta said as she too was confused. “Well, it is getting late, guys. We should be getting home, everyone.” Roberta suggested. The others agreed and made their way out of the castle ruins. Then the group caught another cab to their homes and went their separate ways to take a rest.


Later that night Roberta and Lyla went straight to bed, in their school uniforms as they were both tired. Then, during the middle of the night as the girls were sleeping, the stone's power began to activate, causing Roberta and Lyla to grow instantly to 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, up to 500 feet tall, and unaware of the destruction that they were causing. Meanwhile, the same thing was happening to Sophie too, making her grow at the same height, as she too was sleeping as she was causing the same kind of destruction. “Huh? What was that sound?” Thomas said as he heard a loud crash that woke him up from his bed. Then he rushed to look out his window, he noticed from his bedroom window that the destruction around him was caused by his friends. “Oh wow, they have become gigantic!!” It seems that stone's power has worked after all! “I better go find them!” he said to himself in his surprise, as he noticed he had powers too. He started to fly!! “Wow, I can fly?! This is great!! Too cool!!” He said excitedly. And then, Thomas descended to the floor and then went outside to resume his flying around the neighborhood.


Roberta and Lyla began to wake up from their sleep the next morning, noticing that there was the sky above them. “Whoa, we are gigantic! What happened to us, Big Sis?!” Lyla asked as she was surprised of her new height. “I believe it's the effects of the stone that caused us to grow like this. So this is what my ancient grandmother meant. Looks like she was right after all! We are now giant goddesses! We can dominate this world, like my ancient grandmother intended us to. Then they looked at the destruction their gigantic bodies caused. We destroyed our neighborhood in our sleep! Look how much more damage we can cause!” Roberta said in a logical sense. “Anyway, let's find Sophie! I bet you she is a giant goddess, just like us! And she will want to join in on this fun too!!” Lyla suggested. And so, off they went to find their friend, which was closer then they think. Then, a loud voice called out to them. “Whoa, what happened, you guys? Why am I so huge? Scratch that, you guys are just as huge!” Sophie smirked. Then, a small flying insect-like creature flew towards them as they became startled a bit. It was Thomas. He was like the size of a fly to the girls. “Wow, you are tiny to us now, Thomas. But you are now flying! Although you didn't grow like the three of us, you were given the power of flight instead.” Roberta pondered as she looked at her friend, who was tiny compared to them. “Don't worry, we shall protect you!” Sophie said with confidence. “I wanna take over this city and make the people bow down to us!!” Lyla excitedly suggested to the others. “Hmm, not a bad idea.” That sounds like fun!!” Roberta said with a happy grin on her face. Sophie, then grabbed Thomas and placed her in her massive cleavage. With that heartfelt decision, they went to the city and began their domination.


Meanwhile, in the city, the people were normally going about their daily lives, heading to work, school, and other places, enjoying their day, that is, until Roberta and her companions appeared in the city. Then Roberta made an announcement. “People of the city of Robertanari!! We are your new leaders! Bow to us or we will destroy Robertanari piece by piece! Surrender now or be eliminated! The choice is yours!! Roberta demonstrated by sitting her massive butt upon the park, smashing it to rubble. “You think you can intimidate us, you giant brats? We will never submit to you!” one man cried out. “Yeah, you may be giants, but you are still human! We won't sacrifice the city for your sake!! “Surely you don't mean that, you coward?” Sophie said to the man as she grabbed him. “But I do! You will never succeed!! Take my life, but you will lose!” the man yelled back. “I had enough of you, idiot. Goodbye!” Sophie said to him as she tossed the arrogant man and swallowed him down her throat.


Since the citizens refused to surrender, Roberta, Lyla and Sophie decided to destroy their city, so they felt another growth surge, making them shoot up to 1000 feet, then 2000 feet, then 3000 feet tall, making the trio even more gigantic than before! Roberta grabbed a few skyscrapers, dropping them into her big breasts. Lyla had some fun herself, smashing buildings with her thick butt on another part of town. She began to fart on the part of the city she sat on, releasing her gas on that part of the city. The people below her began to get sick from her fart, as her fart poisoned everything around her. “Haha, I love this feeling! Look at them run like little ants!” Lyla said as she was having fun. Sophie, on the other hand, began to smash the other end of the city with her colossal-sized feet, flattening an entire block! “Run, you little mites! You are no match for me and my besties! Ahahahaha!!” Sophie laughed. The trio kept damaging more of the city, demolishing everything in sight. The people, little black spots to Roberta and her frin, ran in fear as they continued to destroy the city, until it became a massive ruin. Thomas, sitting in between Sophie's breasts. excited at the girls' actions, was excited as they got bigger. “This is great, ladies. Those people are so frightened of you all. They really should have listened to your warnings!” he bravely said to them. “You damn right they have, sweetheart!” Roberta replied back to him. In that instant, the goddess trio began to grow yet again! “Looks like we are growing yet again!” Lyla replied. “I can feel it, too!” Sophie said as she began to moan in pleasure from the growth.” “Ah, this is brillant! Nothing can stop us!” Roberta smirked.


After they destroyed Aldholt City into the dust completely, the goddess trio began to really expand to 1 mile, 5 miles, 25 miles, 50 miles, even 500 MILES tall, which made them now MUCH, MUCH bigger than the entire country of the Robertanari Republic, the planet's richest country, smashing other cities, in their paths, smashing each one with a single step with their massive schoolgirl platform wedges, leaving deep, massive shoe prints in the ground, creating shoe-sized craters in the ground as the goddess trio started to traverse to different corners of the planet, having their own individual activities in different sections of the planet, .


Lyla made her way to the southern por and flattened it with her butt, releasing a deadly fart. “Stupid little bugs! Let me see how you can handle my fart!” she said as she kept farting and laughing at their plight! The people below her butt started to get sick from her farts as well as choking on it. To her, she was relieving herself, but to the people below, it was like a toxic cloud of death. Then, she stood upon the continent, playfully dancing and causing massive destruction at the same time.

Sophie, along with Thomas, snuggled in her chest, began to head to the archipelago and started to pick them up and at the entire archipelago of Arakia at once, swallowing it all, until it hits the pit of her stomach. “Mmmm, how tasty! They were a nice appetizer!” she said as she patted her massive stomach, smiling down at it. Then, the young girl searched for more tiny islands to devour, as she made her way to search for more islands and began to flatten them with her massive foot. “Ooh, this is very nice. I got an island on my Mary Jane Platform Wedges. These shoes are extremely strong against everything on this planet...almost!” Sophie said excitedly. The islander began to get scared of the massive girl as she swallowed them down her throat, landing in her stomach. Smiling, she spit on a nearby country, Airaz, coating it in her saliva. The people of Airaz were trapped in her massive spit glob, as they heard the girl's laughter! This caused Sophie to laugh at their situation.


The massive and gigantic, Roberta Giantesse made her way up north and started to lay her gigantic breasts upon the frozen continent, Frostaira, where the ice began to collapse and break apart. The mountains around her were easily smashed as she calmly tossed and turned, smashing even the most power mountains, which were no match for her 500 mile body. She grabbed her breasts and smashed the ice even harder, which caused the ice to break into tiny shards. The eskimo people of Frostaira began to flee from the massive Roberta after hearing reports of a trio of girls destroying the Robertanari country. They tried to get away, but Roberta once again slammed her massive breast on the fleeing eskimos, flattening them on the ice. “Silly little Ice people! You can never get away from me! You are weak and pathetic! Ahahahaha!” Roberta laughed at them as they got flattened by her massive breasts as she swung them repeatedly.


Finally, she completely destroyed the land of Frostaira, and then she made her way to the remaining country, Aldholt. However, she was interrupted by the navy, as they began shooting at her with missiles, but they had no effect on her as the explosions and the radiation from the projectiles were only making her grow even more to 100 times, and even more...which made her instantly bigger than the planet itself. At the same time, Roberta's growth caused both Sophie and Lyla to grow 100 times their size as well. “Whoa, whatever happened to big sis, is making me grow. It must be the effects of the Stone of Robertanari...” Lyla said as she mysteriously grew 100 times her own size as well. Sophie also began to mysteriously grow at the same time as the others, as she began to notice. “Awesome, it must be the stone's power. It has the power to make us all grow, at the same time one of us is attacked. It's the power of the bonding when we touched Roberta when she grabbed it from the altar.” Sophie said “It's definitely a possibility” Thomas said as he came to the same conclusion. Then she, too, felt herself as she began to grow 100 times her size as well as her companion resting in her breasts.


Hours later, the goddess trio found themselves, bigger than the planet itself, also being back together again. The planet was the size of a volleyball to the trio. “Hey now that we have control over this pathetic planet, let's play spaceball with it!” Lyla said cheerfully. “Hey, now there is an idea! I wanna play with it too!” Sophie said playfully. “I would love to see this. You ladies are quite beautiful!” Thomas said curiously. “Yeah, I like where this is going! This is gonna be a blast! Let's do this!!” Roberta said in her excitement. Everyone began to agree and started to play hot potato with their former home, tossing it around in a triangular motion. This had went on for a good couple of hours, while they grew some more, too 100 thousand feet, in which the planet was now the size of a baseball to them. “Well, that was definitely fun!” Lyla cheerfully said. “I agree! It was exciting!” Sophie cheerfully said as well. “Yeah, and we grew some more from the excitement! I am thankful for my ancient grandmother for allowing me and you guys to use that power that she hid for centuries. I owe her a great deal. Thank you, ancient grandmother, Roberta Giantess, for everything. We are gods and we will recreate this universe, to our liking, thanks to your help.” Roberta said as a massive, sized tear rolled down her cheek. “Yes, we will use this power to rule these humans and force them to worship us, ancient grandmother.” Lyla said calmly. “Thank you for this power, Ancient Queen Roberta. I will protect my friends, especially Roberta. She is a real asset to all of us. Again, thank you for everything.” Sophie said honestly. Then, a familiar voice spoke in everyone's minds. “You are most welcome, my children. And I wanted to let you know that I was once a goddess, but I gave it all up to become a human. I ended up placing all my power into the Stone of Robertanari. I thought I could become a goddess again and get my powers back at some point by using the stone I sealed my powers as a goddess again, but unfortunately, I was unable to use the stone. However, I did gain the power to shrink people, like my niece, Ambrosia. I still was happy for that at least. I'm just thankful that you girls were able to do what I could not. You were able to become goddesses of this realm! I am so proud of you all!” Queen Roberta Giantess said to them. “Oh and young man?” she asked. “Who, me, Miss Ancient Queen?” Thomas asked? “Yes, I want you to protect those girls and keep them safe.” she replied. “Farewell and watch over this universe, my children. I can finally rest in peace, knowing this universe is in good hands. Farethewell and good luck to you all!” she said as she started to fade away from the minds of the four. Roberta and her friends said their goodbyes. Now that Roberta, Lyla and Sophie were truly massive, no force in the universe could stand up to them. And with Thomas at their side to aid them, they were truly a force to be reckoned with. For starters, they used their combined asses to smash the planet, Roberta-Axian, farting over it, then restoring the planet to its former beauty...until they have fun with it again, that is, while ruling over it forevermore.




Chapter End Notes:

And that is TRULY the end of the Trapped in the Queen's Clutches series as this was its ultimate climax. Thank you for reading the entire series, whether or not you have enjoyed them. I really appreciate all the support.


Thanks goes to everyone that have supported me throughout the months. If not for you guys, I wouldn't have made this fourth and final part. Thanks to all the support, y'all and godspeed. *salutes*

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