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Jackie was crying so much that her whole face was covered in nothing more than tears. Cynthia was rubbing her back as she was getting really worried about Jackie, but both of the girls were really worried about Mitch. Nobody knew where Mitch went, and it has been exactly one month since the missing report of Mitch Roswell has been released to the public. Jackie has tried everything that she could possibly do just so she could find Mitch, but nobody had any sort of update on Mitch. It was like he never even existed. Cynthia has been really close to Jackie, for she is worried that Jackie may kill herself from how sad she has been, and she was trying to calm Jackie down every single time she got sad over Mitch's disappearance. "Come on Jackie...you can't just always be sad for the rest of your life, for we all go through many incidents...why don't you just try and enjoy your life."

"And how can I do that when the love of my life goes missing, and nobody can answer if he is alive or not?! I have tried talking to the police, and they still have not told me anything about a lead... I still think that the Vietnamese place we went to had something to do with the vanishing of Mitch" Jackie said as she was beginning to get very upset just thinking about the Vietnamese. For the longest time, she believed that the woman from the Vietnamese buffet was the reason why Mitch went missing. Cynthia then stopped Jackie's train of thought by slapping her.

"You are literally overthinking things Jackie. We don't know a single bit of information when it comes to the disappearance of Mitch, but we could go into the abandoned building from the Vietnamese place if you would really like?"

"There is no way we could get in there Cynthia..the police have the whole place under high security...I would not dare go into there...I do not want to go to jail at all.." Jackie said, and Cynthia hugged Jackie. Cynthia did feel terrible that Jackie was so sad, and she also felt bad for Jackie because she could hear Jackie's stomach growling, meaning she must be starving herself. "Look Cynthia...I think I better eat something or at least drink some water" Jackie said as she slowly got up, but Cynthia set her back down.

"Okay Jackie, listen closely. I am going to call in a group of my friends to search the place, for they can get in there without the police noticing. I will get them to search in and outside of the building okay? You just need to relax, and we will decide where we would like to eat right after I call my people. Do we understand each other?"

"Y-yeah.." Jackie said as she sighed and laid back, reaching in her pocket for her ear buds and her Iphone. She decided to listen to a playlist she used to calm herself down when Cynthia was not around, and Cynthia got up from Jackie's bed, and she stepped outside of the room to call the leader of her group of friends.

Cynthia's friends composed of a frat team. It was a mixture of many kinds of people from college, but they were mostly girls compared to guys. Cynthia called the leader of the group as she tapped her Converse on the ground, growing impatient because of how worried she was for her friend Jackie. As she was about to growl and give up on calling her group of friends, someone did answer the phone. "Hello? This is the co-leader of the Pam Club, how may I help ya?"

"Hi, I am Cynthia, and I have a favor to talk about with the leader" Cynthia said with an extremely happy tone of voice.

"Alright! I will put her on the phone quickly" the girl said as Cynthia could hear the girl call out for the leader and tell her it was a girl named Cynthia. Before too long, a familiar voice to Cynthia came to the phone.

"Ayy! Cynthia! Long time no see" Paul said as she was happy to hear from Cynthia again.

"Yeah it certainly has been some time. I must ask, how come you haven't been calling Jackie as I have been asking?"

"What are you talking about? I have been?"

"Don't lie to me you worthless piece of crap" Cynthia said as she was not afraid to speak to him like that, "I have seen her recent calls lately, and you haven't called her since the day I asked you to do that one favor."

"O-okay okay I have not been doing that lately just because I have been lazy after working my job at night and going to college in the mornings. I have a life I have to tend to you know?"

"Whatever, but I have a favor I need to ask of you and your little group" she said as she leaned against the wall that would take her to Jackie's room.

"And what is this favor you are going to ask me?"

"I am wanting you to break into the Vietnamese buffet building and find evidence that Mitch did not just magically vanish from thin air, and tell Jackie and I what your group has for some information."

"Are you crazy?! That place is filled with nothing but the police! Those donut munchers are going to do nothing more than arrest us if we are caught! I am not doing that unless you pay me something big."

"Um excuse me? I am not paying something big when you can't even do something for me for free" Cynthia said with that same hateful tone that she did just recently towards Paul.

"Okay okay I will do it for at least $10! Why are you being so hateful to me?"

"Because I ask you to do something, and you seem to think that you can get away with how bad of a job you did when I asked you for something last time and was supposed to pay you for a crappy job. You better do it well this time, or I will make sure that everyone in the college campus knows that you and your gang smokes nothing but marijuana every day." Cynthia then hung up the phone and walked back inside into Jackie's dorm room.

"W-what did they say.." Jackie said in a sad tone as she was expecting some sort of negative answer.

"Paul is going to lead his group into the abandoned building, and they will come back with information to tell us at once" Cynthia said, and Jackie instantly gave her a big hug.

"Thank you so much for doing this for me.." Jackie said as she felt like Cynthia was going to accomplish something rather than the police or any kind of law enforcement. N-now about the food.. I really do not have much to eat around my house right now.." she said as she sighed.

"No need to worry! Let's go to the hibachi place that opened up recently! I heard that place cooks live for us, and we can order a lobster" she said, and Jackie's eyes lightened up and seemed to sparkle because Jackie loved seafood.

"Yes I would love that! I can pay for it too" Jackie said, but Cynthia stopped her there.

"No no, I will be the one who pays for our food. It is the least I could do" Cynthia said as she giggled, and Jackie finally did giggle again as well.

"O-okay..well at least let me get dressed" she said, and she grabbed Cynthia's arm and let her see her change clothes so Jackie could decide on what to wear.


"Alright everyone" Paul said as he stood up and looked at the tiny group of people he rounded up, "we are about to do something that is the riskiest thing we have ever done before. Today, right now, we are going to break into the old Vietnamese buffet place, and we are going to help one of my closest friends by getting any lead on the missing male case that has been trending in this puny city."

"But isn't there police that guard and protect the building" one person said as they were confused about the situation.

"Yes there is police involved, but we can easily get past them as long as we use our noggins. So tell me, is there any other questions?" Nobody said anything at all because they thought they could easily get through with this. "No further questions? Alrighty, let us get going then" Paul said, and get everyone in the van he uses, and he drove to the building.

Once they were at the old building, many of the group members pointed out where all of the police enforcement was, and Paul easily saw a weak point inside of the building. "You see, they are only guarding the outside. Now if you look closely, it looks like there is some sort of hidden hatch that can lead to the inside of the building" Paul said as he then pointed out the odd shape of certain slopes, and they parked in the forest area next to the abandoned building, and they all got out.

The group of people could see the simple Vietnamese building. Because it was so close to the woods, it was already beginning to get covered with vines and moss of some sort, and the place already looked like it was over 60 years old. Paul then looked as he saw there was no police officer at the roof of the building, so he had plenty of time to think this out. He then looked at the slopes and lead his group to follow the slopes. After following the slopes for a good amount of time, he saw that there was a secret hatch, and he got everyone to go inside before he then went inside himself.

The hatch lead to what appeared to be some sort of living quarters. "wow.." Paul said as he was astonished to see that whoever owned the building was also living in it. "This is the weirdest thing in the world" Paul said as he then guided everyone to go forward. Paul swore up and down that while heading over to the tiny crawl space leading to the buffet that he heard someone screaming for help, but when he looked around, he didn't see anyone. If only he knew that it was a group of tiny people that were lost in the massive crawl space.

After crawling about for ten minutes, the group of people finally got into what appeared to be the kitchen area. Once everyone was inside where the police could not see them anymore, Paul then looked around himself. "Alright everyone, we are going to all split up individually and look in each little place to try and find a lead on something. If there is any leftover food too that is fresh still, keep it, and we will have that for dinner or lunch" Paul said as he then headed into the bathrooms so he could see if there was anything suspicious about that.

The bathrooms were torn to pieces. "Jesus Christ...it is like someone just went AWOL all over this place" Paul said aloud as he then looked around, cutting the flashlight on his Iphone. He looked around, the glare of the phone light still reflecting off of some of the reflected glass on the ground. Paul kept hearing tiny screams as if they were from far away, and he would look around, but he would not notice anything. One thing that he did notice was that there was a lot of glass he was stepping on, but some of the glass felt like it was alive. He ignored it and would try to get a better grip on whatever it was that he was stepping on by grinding his foot down on it, and he kept looking around. He saw exactly nothing in both bathrooms, so he decided to walk out.

"Any progress on anything" Paul called out, and everyone was back in the kitchen as they did not notice anything that was out of the ordinary. They explained that the building was just withering away, and there was nothing wrong with this place other than creepy screaming noises that they constantly hear. "Whatever, we must all be worried about this place being haunted or something that our mind is playing tricks with our ears. Let's just get some grub if there is anything here" he said, and one person pointed to the food that they found that was fresh: there was a set of candies along with a cake that somehow was still fresh, and there was mysterious noodles. Just like any other random set of college students, they ate whatever they could, nomming on everything they could. Not a single person questioned why all of the food had some sort of odd taste to it, and they kept munching away. When everyone finished eating, they began heading back into the hole leading to the underground living quarters. Everyone noticed that they were beginning to feel weak, and Paul said to everyone, "listen, we are all just tired from doing things quickly, so I think we should all just relax and enjoy ourselves for a quick moment" Paul said, and he plopped down onto the ground. He then seemed to feel sick, and many others were already beginning to pass out as if there was something wrong with them. Paul saw this was all happening to them, and he then knew that there was something that was in the food, and he tried to get up and keep crawling. He got close to the hatch before something grabbed his leg and held him back. Paul's upper body got to the exit of the hatch before he then passed out, and something grabbed him. "That should teach them lesson to not go sneaking into another person's home" a Vietnamese lady's voice echoed. 

The whole time that the buffet closed, the Vietnamese lady never left her living quarters. Instead of leaving, she decided to work at the hibachi that was close by, and she convinced the hibachi to use tiny people live for spices, for nobody would ever know if the tiny people were alive or not since the hibachi people generally kill the tinies before they serve them. The Vietnamese lady set up the fresh food here, for she hoped that Mitch's little 'lover' would come in so she could shrink the girl and use her for spices, but it seems the group of people that she knocked out would do as she scooped them up with the other tiny people that were already in a box, and she put the new tinies in the box. She then got out of the hatch and went to the hibachi place. As the Vietnamese lady walked in with the box of tiny people in it, Cynthia and Jackie walked into the hibachi place.

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