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Author's Chapter Notes:

This was actually written some time ago, I just sort of held onto it for whatever reason. But many thanks to a kindly cut of beef for all but forcing me to post this now. Much love to ya.


The lift creaked as it rose up the side of the great throne, a worrying rattle shaking them as foot after foot passed by on the trip. Chained at the hands and feet, they were being brought before her. Even without the lifts assistance, Alan was shaking in his boots. He'd heard so much about this god queen, the stories never pleasant. Now here he was, her captive, along with his father, King Renner, and brother Aaron. They were standing stone still, not looking at anything but the guards in front of them. Alan felt half a boy worrying as much as he was, standing there, watching as the lift got closer to the top. He could see it now, it wouldn't be long before their audience.

A final jerk of the contraption and they had made it. The gate was opened and they were quickly pushed out of the lift by the guards, the shackles making it cumbersome to walk forward. Immediately they saw her, how could they not? That trip up the throne was only to one of her armrests, an area she used to meet with her high ranking subjects. Every now and again prisoners like these three were brought before her as well. Her arm was resting on the edge, dozens of feet away from them. Even seated she towered over them all, very much the intimidating sight she was promised to be.

Alan gulped in, she hadn't seemed to notice they were here yet. As if on cue, her head turned, looking down at them. Those eyes. Those terrible eyes were looking them over now, sending a cold shiver into him. There was nothing in her gaze, literally. Nothing but a strong white glow. Meeting her stare felt like being scrutinized by two white suns. No pupils, no irises, just the glowing void of energy. He could see now why there were so many horrifying tales of her. There was no way she was of this world, the gods only knew what pit she crawled out of. He was staring up at her when he could swear she looked at him directly, a corner of her mouth twitching up in a smirk.

“You stand before the Queen Reyna, rightful monarch of all. The great unifier. A goddess made flesh and blood. The hand which guides us all. Reyna the merciful. Reyna the fair. Reyna the just.” The long winded introduction was befitting of such a powerful figure, Alan hoped she lived up to her last three monikers even though the stories talked of her as anything but. She looked them over a bit longer, the silence becoming nigh unbearable. Just what could be running through her mind?

Her accent was a peculiar one to Alan, almost melodic. “Unchain them.” The command came as a shock to the young man. Why? Not that he was opposed, but Alan had to wonder. The guards jumped at the command, not even a second passing before they were removing the shackles. The heavy chains dropped to the floor with a clang, leaving the three of them unburdened. “Chains are ill fitting attire for a king and his sons.” It almost sounded sweet the way she said it. Maybe she really was Reyna the just.

She leaned over more, her oppressive visage overpowering them all. Alan couldn't help but notice her two massive breasts pushing together. The size of them something that begged so many questions. Her breasts big even for her frame, were in essence, two soft and smooth hills to him. Alan did his best to keep his eyes averted, her beauty unnerving to him. The fact that he could see her as beautiful at all was a major cause for concern, but he did. There was an otherworldly nature to it that was simply amplified by her size. An aura that would not let him look away from her, as much as he tried. Perhaps it was how much of his view she was filling.

Frantically his eyes darted around. To her. To his father. To her. Back to his father. What was wrong with him? He felt sickened by his own feelings of...what could it even be called? Not lust, but a perverse attraction, morbid curiosity even? He closed his eyes, hoping it was some strange nightmare, this whole audience. Her sweet perfumed scent filled his nose, letting him know this was no dream. He was here, in front of a real life goddess, at her mercy, and completely powerless. He found himself staring again before...those two eyes singled him out. He looked down at his feet immediately, terrified to meet that penetrating gaze.

With a cold and superior expression, she finally continued. “King Renner, here you are finally brought before me. I wonder, do the rumors about me hold true? I always love to hear.”

His father stood firm and tall, meeting her gaze with his. “Truth be told, the tales don't quite do justice to how...large you are.”

Reyna burst into laughter, shaking the entire throne room it felt like. She looked down with a grin, “You have such a way with words King. I’m glad to hear even the tales pale in comparison to the real thing.” She puffed up, a proud look on her face. “Reyna the Vain” seemed like it would fit right in with those other titles.

“Just look at you Renner. Brought before me as a prisoner, and yet, here you stand, proud as any king I've ever seen...”

“Spare me the insults your majesty. I come before you a prisoner, but I am still king. Now tell me what business you have keeping me alive.” Sweat was forming on Alan's brow. His father was always a proud man, but he was quite worried of what the consequences of that pride would be. The look on the Queen’s face gave no hint as to how she would take it, until...a smirk.

“Just wonderful, that nobility, the spirit you possess, King Renner. That pride amuses me and it’s precisely the reason I ordered no harm to come to you.” She began to tap two fingers on the armrest, slight reverberations sent through all their feet, before she continued. “Men respect rulers like you. Respect iron will like that, I know it. Therefore, I'm prepared to allow you and your sons to continue living. How does that sound?”

Alan didn't believe a word of it. How could he? “It sounds too sweet to be true,” his father called up in answer, “especially coming from your lips. From all the monstrous things I've heard about you, I've no doubt there's an unreasonable price you'll ask.” There was no fear in the king’s voice as he said it.

She leaned back a little, turning her nose up to them. “Unreasonable?” She placed a hand on her chest, theatrically feigning a wound. “I can't believe you would insinuate that. There is a price, but I would hardly call it unreasonable.” She leaned back down. Looking at his father directly. “Your kingdom will remain untouched. I only ask two things of you.” She waited a bit for his reaction. A silent nod was all the king gave. “Condition one: you bow before me now, hereby renouncing your title, and your sovereignty over your lands. You will be a lord under my rule. I only ask that you serve me loyally and keep your people in line. I do believe they will not question the judgement of a wise and respected ruler such as yourself. What say you to that?”

It didn't sound bad so far if Alan was being honest, but it only mattered what his father would think. He was unflinching in his stance. “I'd say let's hear the second condition before my mind was made up.”

A hint of a smile, the Queen Reyna went on. “Condition two: a draft will be instituted among the able bodied people of your kingdom. They will be selected at random to become slaves and workers for me. It is a much more agreeable option than me enslaving them all. Wouldn't you say so, Lord Renner?” A draft for slaves? Madness. The people would never go along with it, even Alan knew that. She had to know she was asking too much of them.

“Answer the proposition, my lord. What do you say?” She leaned in even closer, Alan cursing himself for noticing how her breasts pushed together enticingly yet again. Now was not the time, but he didn't want to think about how he might be dead in the next few moments.

His father said nothing for a moment, he simply stared a hole through her. He spit at the ground, her expression didn't change. “You ask me to be your little puppet? To willingly give my people up to slavery? The mere notion of the offer makes me sick, you demoness. I refuse! Do with me what you will.” He looked at Alan, and gave him a solemn nod. The son could do nothing but look back as a mere boy would.

“Chain his arms please.” The guards jumped at her command, moving to King Renner and binding his arms in the heavy metal links. He didn't flinch, didn't move, he simply stared at her the whole time. She sighed, “Let it be known I would rather it did not come to this, but so be it.”

Her fingers reached out towards him, each one could easily snap all of his bones in an instant. He was not grabbed though, rather she grasped the long chain binding his arms. His limbs were ripped up as he was quickly lifted into the air. Alan watched as his father was whisked away like nothing. She dangled him in front of her face a moment, inspecting him up close, those two stars scrutinizing him. “You made this much harder than it needed to be,” chiding him, she grinned wide, rows of white teeth looking terrifying so close. Her mouth opened as she dangled him higher over, short laughs pelting the king as he was held above it.

Reyna lowered him, painfully slow. Alan watched, unable to look away as his father tried to free himself. His brother had been silent up until that point, but he was unable to stay so. He screamed, called Reyna every insult he could before the guards started to beat him down. She couldn't have cared less, still dangling the king over her mouth, her chuckles reverberating through his body as he continued to struggle. Her teeth found him but they didn't chomp down, just squeezed his body a bit.

She let him feel how close he was to death, the pressure of her teeth becoming unbearable. The king's own teeth gritted in pain as she squeezed a little more. Reyna could barely feel it but bones snapped, organs ruptured, a warm spray of blood splattering her tongue and lips. She continued, Renner beginning to cry out in excruciating pain. She bit down now as hard as she could and pulled up, his body snapped in two, just his torso still hanging from the chain, limp and lifeless. She laughed at that, spitting out his lower half. Lowering the body down, she plopped it in front of Alan and his brother. Their father, murdered in such a fashion by this monster of a woman. He was speechless. Alan simply looked at the bloody mess that was once the king. A ghoulish expression was all that was left on his father’s once stern face.

The guards lifted Aaron up, the young man spitting up blood from his beating. He screamed out upon seeing what had become of his father. “You...Demon!” He continued, before she bowled him and the two guards holding him over with her finger. He was rolling on the ground now, trying to recuperate.

“You are a bold one to speak to me so. Very bold indeed considering the fate of your brave father here.” She tsked at him as if he were a little child. “As much as I enjoy that brash attitude, I don't think you are what I need for my new lord.” She grinned again, her blood stained lips looking so very ghastly. “I can think of another way for you to serve. I'm sure you'll enjoy.”

Her fingers found the young man and squeezed around him, Alan still did nothing but curse himself and watch as now his brother was raised on high. Reyna had a look at Aaron now, giving the tiny man a kiss, his father's blood rubbed all over him from her lips. It was a truly sickening sight. The god queen’s hand went low, Alan could not see, but he knew what she had done. His brother had been placed into her, his struggles causing a few curious expressions on her face. Reyna cooed, pleased with her idea. “We’ll see how much fight he truly has.”

She looked down once more at Alan who was feeling so dreadfully alone now. Father dead, brother gone, and he had not uttered a word. “Just you now? The runt.” The queen scooted in, lowering herself down to his level. “I tried being ‘Reyna the Merciful,’ but some of you mortals just love to throw your lives away. Wouldn't you agree?.” She waited for a response, but Alan only shivered. “I asked you a question.”

Alan stammered and stumbled over his words, unable to utter anything but some whimpers in answer. He could feel her breath as she loomed over him, the hot air making him yet more discomforted. She pulled back, the heated air no longer felt. He sighed in relief, but she was still piercing him with a stare. “You are just pathetic, aren't you? No need to answer this time.”


Without warning, he was plucked up between her fingers. Air was being pushed from his lungs as he struggled, trying to pound a way out of her grip. The two pillars of flesh holding him in place had no give. He was at their complete mercy now, just as his father and brother were only moments ago.

“You look so afraid, you know that? It always comes down to the ones like you. I try to break the proud ones down, but they never listen. Cowards though, well, I barely need to show any force. It's really no fun.” She opened her mouth and brought him closer, she was going to eat him he realized, or at least butcher him in the same way she did his father. He screamed, he begged, but Alan’s protests went unheard. The hot, sticky breath that emanated from her mouth soon enveloped him. The pink and undulating mass of her tongue was already salivating.

She gave him a lick, Alan’s whole body pushed up against a pink wall. A spongy give to it, he could feel the bumps of her taste buds brushing against him. Did he taste good? He hoped not, maybe she wouldn’t eat him then. The viscous saliva clung to him, bridges of the thick liquid strung between his body and her tongue. It was covering him from head to toe, filling his eyes, filling his mouth, leaving Alan coughing and screaming. What a nightmare he had found himself in, drenched head to toe in the bodily fluids of a another being. Her fingers were squeezing ever so tighter by the moment, his eyes feeling like they may pop out of his skull from the pressure. The fight was leaving his body, he thrashed his arms around but it was no use. Alan's body was giving up on him, giving up this fruitless fight.

Her smile returned as she pulled him back, those rows of teeth that could have ripped him apart on full display. The smile disappeared as she burst into laughter, both shaking and deafening him. “Hmm, you taste like a coward, you know?” Could she actually taste that? “But you will be of use.”

Her hand lowered and plopped him down hard on the chairs armrest. Landing with a splash, he was still drenched all over, looking up like the pathetic creature he was at his new ruler. Alan didn't want to die, he’d do anything at this point. He threw himself on his knees, head on the ground, bowing to her with a whimper. She was right when she called him a coward. He’d been one this whole time. He had barely put on a facade of bravery, she had seen right through him.

Reyna regarded him with a mild interest, perhaps she was pleased by his groveling. He hoped so. “Just look at you.” She pressed her thumb down on Alan's back, pushing him further to the ground, showing him just what his life was now. “I do believe Prince Alan was your name. Lord Alan suits you so much better I feel.” Reyna removed the weight from his back, allowing him to rise and bow in allegiance once more. “By all means, arise noble lord, my guards will escort you to your quarters, I've no doubt You'll find them more agreeable than your prison cell. What do you say to that?”


He got up, staring at her but not truly seeing anything, “Your generosity is truly humbling my Queen.”


The flattery seemed to work for now, “You'll be my guest for a time here, now go clean up.” The guards were much more gentle with him now, guiding Alan as he listlessly followed, still drenched. He felt he’d just sold not only his soul, but an entire kingdom to a demon.




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