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The tremors started around midday. They took a while for people to notice, starting softly and building to a series of odd booming thuds that rattled the desks in offices. Mark was in the middle of a meeting, when a particularly loud vibration ripped through the building and made the lights flicker and buzz, swinging as dust showered from the ceiling. Outside, the usual bustle of the city faltered, bringing down an unnatural hush. He kicked back his chair, him and all the other men in their smart suits rushing from the room to see what the commotion was. It wasn't an earthquake, it sounded more like a machine pounding against the earth in a slow, steady rhythm.

Like all the others in the office, Mark had his nose pressed against the glass windows, surveying the busy streets that had come to a confused halt. Behind him, endless discussions. What it was. Should they leave? Stay put? Arguments going round and round with no answer. He sighed openly and squinted down the streets as though they would offer up some answer. There was nothing: just the irregular throbbing and swaying getting stronger and more violent as time passed.

Helicopters buzzed low over a distant quarter of the city, ducking and fluttering like birds mobbing something on the ground. Something Mark couldn't see or hope to guess at. But when the unseen disturbance moved nearer to one particular downtown building, he felt a sudden pang of fear. He fumbled for his phone, dialling quickly and cursing when it went to voicemail. He thumbed it again and that recorded message ran once more, making him swear in frustration.

One of the helicopters had ducked down below the line of buildings and out of sight, staying far too low for far too long. He caught movement reflected in distant windows, gone before he knew what it could be, and then a sudden burst of flame. Buildings glowed with a bright orange light as an explosion rang out over the city, blowing out the nearby windows, leaving flames licking the buildings and a curling plume of black smoke dirtying the clear skies.

Another thudding boom swayed his building, and Mark jumped when he heard his phone ring. He fumbled for it with bloodless fingers, finally answering the call and hearing the voice of his wife sounding shaky but unhurt. He felt a strong surge of relief.
“Mark?” her voice rang clear “Mark, are you there?”
There were yells in the background, deep thrumming crackly sounds and her heavy  breathing, she was clearly on the move.
“Helen, what the hell is going on? Are you okay?”
“I - I don't know, there's been a fire or something.. I think a building collapsed. There's dust and smoke everywhere.”
“I'm coming to get you.”
“No! Don't, I'm fine. I'm getting out.” a long low rumble drowned out her voice. The line became crackly and broken, he could barely hear the sound of his wife yelling over the line, seeming frantic and panicked. There were screams in the background and other awful sounds he just couldn't place. Mark went white, his hand shaking as he flew back to gaze downtown to where she worked.

For an infinitesimal moment he thought there was nothing. Just the curling plume of black smoke rising up over the rooftops. Mark watched it rise, catch the wind and spread out over the city there in a long dark cloud. Even the tremors didn't seem as strong anymore.

Something drew his eye, one of the taller downtown buildings, a delicate layer affair capped with a tall spire, was moving. It was swaying and jerking in some mad dance. Then a vast rumble even he could feel, and the whole thing vanished downwards into a rising grey dust cloud, collapsing to rubble as the smoke billowed out down the streets. It was so quick and unexpected that it took a few seconds for people to react: a quiet shortly broken by gasps and cries.

Mark swore non stop, cursing at the crackling  line, his fingers digging into the phone, shaking it furiously as if that could somehow bolster the signal.

A long ominous silence filled the streets after the fall of the once lofty building. People were temporarily struck dumb by the sight. The yells of those nearer the scene of chaos were muffled by the thick dust obscuring everything from view. In this moment of false calm, Helen replied, her voice suddenly clear.
“M-mark?” she stammered, followed by a series of choking coughs and the sound of stumbling footsteps. “Mark, there's something happening, they're going on about a woman, I'm trapped in here, there's. .. oh God!”
Her frightened tones were followed by a barrage of rumbling, more distant yells and a scream from her. Mark yelled down into the phone, calling her name, begging her to respond, but there was only more crackling, more rumbling, hundreds of people crying out in panic. It was followed by a terrible, booming feminine voice exclaiming in triumph.

He swore in frustration again, desperate to know what was going on. But a glance downtown revealed nothing to help him and Mark was stuck in indecision. But it wasn't long before Helen’s voice returned. Low, level and resigned, a cold, desperate tone he'd never heard her use and it chilled him all the way through.
“Mark, don't wait, get out, get the fuck out now -” her voice snapped off, rising to a gurgling scream. Another rumble and a sickly wet, ripping crunching sound. Before the line cut, Mark already knew she was dead


A dry sob wracked his body and he beat frantically at the screen, calling out again and again in desperation, that is, until the ground started to tremble again. Mark only had seconds to mourn her fate, before he spotted her murderer and, when he did, his mouth fell open in horror.

Downtown, near Helen’s workplace, something was moving. A vast figure was rising from the sea of buildings hiding her. An immense female form, her hips swaying and arms stretched out above her head. And as the giantess stood, shaking out a long silky skein of dark hair, she turned and looked straight in his direction, as though she could somehow sense his gaze. Mark frowned. There was something familiar about her face and that look of cruel hunger adorning it. But he shook the thought away. It was impossible.

Her fingers lifted to dab at a patch of blood on her lips and Mark suddenly had no trouble guessing what had happened to his wife. His own blood ran cold at the thought. The woman was colossal, towering completely over the skyscrapers around her, dwarfing them completely, making them look like toys. The streets were filling with screaming  people running from her and, judging by the cruel expression on her face, she clearly liked what she saw.

Yells erupted from within his building when people noticed the gigantic woman gazing straight at them, unconcealed longing burning in her eyes. She turned lightly, shaking the buildings with her tread, and lifted a hand to brush imaginary dust from her white shirt. But it wasn't completely white. The light fabric was dotted with red smudges and stains of people she had killed against her skin.

Again that thudding thunder started, her footsteps an ominous, shaking tremor as she strode purposefully towards her prey. Mark, still sobbing from the loss of his wife, stood frozen while other coworkers fled, piling into stairways and elevators in a bid to escape before the colossal woman  arrived.

The giantess paused, hesitating on the far side of a low block of buildings that barely reached her denim clad knees. For a heart stopping moment, nothing happened. Then, for the first time since her appearance, her eyes left Mark's and turned downward to regard the rooftop before her. Her lips curled into a smile, a smile with no warmth or kindness, it was the cruel smile of the huntress about to make a kill. She lifted one long leg, and a deep rumbling preceded a fall of dust from the vertical facade of the structure. Glass fell, shards sparkling as they caught the sun, plunging over the streets where people ran and panicked like mindless insects. The walls bulged, cracks running through the brickwork until a whole section of the building collapsed in a rising cloud of grey dust. Amongst that dust, emerging through billowing clouds, the pointed toe of a gigantic shoe pushed straight through the outer walls, swinging playfully to clear the dust from it.

The giantess smiled evilly before she trod down and,  when she did, her vast foot sank through walls and floors like they were made of butter. It was followed by a blue jeaned calf and thigh that forced their way through the walls and buried hoards of cars and people in mounds of rubble.

She looked up, her lips still curved in that same savage smile, and the recognition hit him like a thunderbolt. Mark swore, his jaw dropping as he hissed a series of profanities into the air. He knew her, remembered that little half smile, her teasing manner… he'd been with her a while before ditching her for Helen, though she'd clearly “grown” since then, in the worst possible way. Mark groaned and shut his eyes. It was Amber.

Suddenly he realised that this had been no random attack; she had targeted Helen on purpose and so, she knew he was there too. And if she'd come for Helen.. he was damn sure he knew who was next.. but he couldn't turn away.

Mark was entranced, captivated and horrified by the needless destruction. He watched, mortified,  as she dragged her body through the apartment block and tore her way through to the street that led straight to him. He met her eyes again and she smiled, even though it was impossible that she could spot him at that distance, or even know where he was. All that stood between her and them now was a single street, packed with a living carpet of stalled cars and people running and screaming. He shuddered. He had a funny feeling she wouldn't be perturbed by the walk.

Seconds later, he was proven right. With another smirk, the demonic woman slid her feet from her shoes, kicking them off to one side where they ploughed through a row of homes. She wriggled her bare toes playfully over the heads of the people before she strode straight through them, over them. Whatever happened to be on the ground where she decided to place her foot, she simply crushed. People made a sticky red mess over her feet, and tacked to her soles when she lifted them again. Mark watched a bus barge its way forward, only for her heel to hit the rear end, flattening it from back to front. He saw the windows turn red briefly before she flattened that too. The woman groaned, curling her toes over the bus and flipping it aside, slamming into the walls beside her. She preened with the attention she was getting, thoughtfully standing motionless as she surveyed the miniature buildings around her.

Her hand moved to her pocket and slid out something huge and angular which she brought to rest on one rooftop at her side. She hesitated, then her grin widened as she reached for the buttons on her shirt. Mark gaped as she unfastened them slowly, seemingly enjoying the tiny people watching as she shamelessly revealed her shadowy cleavage. She teasingly peeled the top from her torso to show her lacey bra. Her nipples were huge and hard, jutting out clearly through the fabric, leaving no doubt in his mind she was enjoying herself. Amber brushed her fingers over the top of her soft tits, stroking them over her skin and slipping a hand under the bra to cup her breast. Her teeth flashing,  Amber bared them and snarled furiously when she started to tug off her jeans, casting them carelessly off to one side to slam down over the rows of buildings, sheering away upper floors and burying them in layers of dark blue cloth.

Her fingers moved downwards and, completely unabashed, she wriggled out of her underwear, leaving them on the street as she shook herself free and stepped out, planting her legs apart and giving the packed streets below an unrivalled view of her sex. There were wails as people gaped up at her nether lips, swollen with unmistakable lust and dripping wet. Amber stroked a finger over herself, drawing a long wet line up her body to her heavy breasts, and swung in lazy circles around one then the other. Last but not least, she flashed her white teeth and reached back to unhook her bra, peeling it off her breasts to let them jiggle softly in the cool air. The bra was cast aside with a naughty giggle, hanging draped over the skyscrapers. She said nothing, she merely shook her shoulders and ran hands along her bare skin. But Mark knew it was for him, the ultimate “this could have been yours” moment.

The were sobs and wails filling the office space around Mark and he turned to see men and women, perhaps thinking they were safer hidden in the building, staring down at the mess on the streets below. He felt nothing, just a numbness, even as the buildings shook yet again from another ponderous step. The lights pinged as they flickered off for a few seconds then stuttered back on again. He ignored the thudding growing steadily louder, buried his face in his arms and wept.


A collective shout broke Mark from his despair, and there was a sudden flurry of movement as people scurried back away from the windows, leaving him alone. When he looked up, he was confronted by a huge eye peering in the window straight at him, every little swirling pattern in the dark iris visible. And now Mark truly felt fear. He choked as his legs wobbled under him, his heart pounding in terror. The eye moved upward, replaced by some red lips curled into a smile. The murderess huffed over the glass, hiding the city behind foggy condensation, before planting a firm kiss over the window. He staggered as the building swayed back, rocking slowly on the foundations. And when he looked up there was a faint print of her lips in bright red over the glass. But it wasn't from lipstick.

Amber moved, tracing her fingers lightly over the windows, up and down, as though caressing the structure. Darkness passed over once more and she held them in place over the glass, but Mark had no idea what she was doing. So, with a sideways glance, he scuttled back to the window trying to see what was going on, but all he could see was her arm vanishing out of sight around the building. He cursed in annoyance, torn between fear and fascination. He was lost and helpless, he had no idea what to do. For who the hell was ever prepared for an attack by a giant woman? He found himself staring at his own fingers. Her hand was resting against his, a huge ridged fingertip pressed flat over his own tiny hand. Just that circular depression was larger by far than his entire hand making him feel ridiculously small and useless before her.

The fingers whitened, and a crack like a gunshot sounded, the window bursting into a mad spiderweb of cracks as she moved. The building swayed sending the floor pitching at a mad angle. Mark found himself spinning away from the window to slam like a rag doll against the far wall. Bruised and winded, he staggered upright as the floor rightened and Amber removed her hand from the glass. His heart pounded in his chest, slamming against his ribs, a short moment of blessed silence broken only from echoing cries in distant floors.

Other people crawled like insects under desks that had been tossed aside, or curled into little balls of shock and terror as though they had been broken already. They howled collectively when the building rocked with a bone jarring impact, and a boom that left their ears ringing. The lights flickered once and cut out, leaving them in darkness until dim yellow emergency lights flicked on, giving a scant illumination. Mark screamed into the noise like all the rest, clutching at his head that seemed to reverberate with the awful sound of booming above.

The light in the room turned pink, as some thin red liquid flowed down over the windows, acting like a filter and tinting the sunlight. It ran along the cracks in the glass, dripping away on its course down the side of the building with darker crimson bubbles racing the mess downwards.

Far above them, the unseen Amber groaned, her deep voice oozing with blatant lust as she showed them the grisly source of the redness. Darkness filled the room as a shadow swept over the windows, her colossal hand dragging something along over the glass. Mark ran forward a few steps then he jerked to a stop and fell to his knees with a choking cry of horror. The cruel woman had snatched away some poor unfortunate souls from the streets or buildings and was now casually crushing their bodies over the skyscraper, gleefully smearing it in their dark blood. His shocked gaze followed the gaping eyes of a woman, her limbs pulled out at wild angles, stretched over the windows, mercifully dead and  unfeeling of the torments her broken body was being forced to endure.

The gigantic fingers lifted, the last swipe clearing a greasy stripe through the gore and, once again, there was quiet. It was almost too quiet, the calm before the storm. Mark almost jumped from his skin when his phone rang. He scrabbled through  miscellaneous debris covering the floor, kicking through paper and wires, seeking out that faint rectangle of light and dragging it out in shaking hands. His heart leapt when he saw Helen’s number. She was alive! His fingers trembled as he slammed his thumb over the screen,  answering the call and yelling her name down the line.

There was a long drawn out pause, nothing at all coming from the other end, just crackling and low laboured breathing. Mark sobbed, beating frantically at the phone, calling out again until a deep voice finally replied.
“I'm not Helen.” At the same time get here was a distorted rumble above, leaving no doubt who exactly was addressing him. Mark dropped the phone as though it burned him, stumbling back with a fearful glance upwards. How the fuck was this even possible? How could the bitch be calling him? More rumbles, but it was impossible to hear her properly through the walls, so he snatched up the phone in numb fingers and brought it back to his ear

“- on tight!” He caught the tail end of her sentence and yelped down the line, begging her to repeat it to no avail. She either ignored him or simply couldn't hear. A shadow passed over the glass, gone before he could see what it was.  Then the whole building began to shake again. Screams rose from the floors below, lifting eerily, swiftly followed by a distant crumbling vibration. Mark staggered sideways as the building tipped drunkenly, his hands braced against the broken window as the floor tipped at an angle. He howled as the window creaked in protest, threatening to spill him over the distant streets below. Then he was rising, the streets growing smaller and more distant as the acceleration forced him flat against the glass.
Mark yelped, trying to drag himself aside, but the jostling continued, furniture and other people thudding and breaking around him. He shrieked as the building tipped more and finally showed him a full clear view of the giant woman.

Amber lay across an entire section of the once bustling city, cradled amongst rubble of fallen buildings and crushed streets, sprawling lazily. One arm was lifted, her fingers grasping his lofty skyscraper like a toy, torn from its foundations to be raised high over her. Bits of rubble and falling people landed over her skin, completely unheeded as she she sent structure moving over her impossible length to her lips. Mark shut his eyes when her tongue ran directly under him, licking the structure like a toy, licking him. A long low rasping accompanied the motion, dimpling the glass upwards under his frail body. But the glass held by some miracle, and her tongue withdrew, trailing tines of saliva that stuck and smeared in the blood over the windows.

She lifted her free hand and twirled her phone on her fingers, a sly grin on her lips as she gazed with unconcerned hunger at the lives captured so carelessly in her fist. Mark yelled as she tipped her hand and sent him slamming into the windows again, winding him. He painfully dragged himself forward to snatch up the mobile that had slid up against his leg and press it desperately to his ear.
“Please… please stop!” He stammered down the line “please, you're killing us!”
A pause.
A long quiet moment when she stopped shaking and fidgeting, holding them steady and blinking her eyes slowly, almost as though it somehow hadn't occurred to her what she was doing to them. She bit her lip, gazing in, as though she were actually aware of the tiny little faces gaping at her, and knew which one of those was her little friend.

If Mark expected the monstrous vision to drop her toy and leave them alone, he was soon bitterly disappointed. Cracks raced over the ceiling and through the lop sided walls, plaster and cheap polystyrene tiles poured down on him and the building creaked and crackled. The woman's teeth were gritted, her eyes fierce as she gazed at the helpless thing, and Mark added his screams to the rest, knowing she heard their cries filling the rooms and stairways as they waited for her to crush them all.

The sound and shaking stopped so suddenly that it came as a shock, a dumb silence filled with sobs and gasping cries that echoed through the halls and rooms. The respite was short, as soon her booming moan of longing shook the building, rattling the glass and making them clutch their ears in defence against the sound. Then her voice filled him, driving and shaking his body with her sultry whisper.
“I like it when you scream for me…”
He knew she heard his sobs, the cries of people in the office around him, men and women gibbering in terror at their fate, begging her to hear them, to have pity on them, promising her anything in exchange for their lives.

One look at her face and Mark knew it was all useless.. she didn't care for anything they could offer, and their lives were exactly what she wanted from them. And there was nothing they could do to stop her.


The terrible vision closed her eyes, taking a long slow deep breath as though thinking or remembering something. A fresh smile bloomed on her red lips and she ran a tongue over them, tasting the little bodies of those she'd put to death with her teeth.
“Mark, wasn't it?” She growled huskily, fury evident in her tone “I'm going to show you what happens to people who cross me. Something to brag to your friends about.. those I haven't killed already.” Mark shivered and backed away from the  windows, stumbling on the floor that tipped and tilted, refusing to stay still as she spoke again, this time in a lilting, taunting voice…
“You always liked being inside me...”

He shrieked at her and the other people staggering through the halls joined him in a long cacophony of screams that rose into the air. Mark yelled as he was jerked sideways, slamming into the wall with a thud that knocked the breath from him. More thuds as others fell atop or around him, a pile of people struggling to drag themselves free. Then it flipped again, and he kicked as the floor fell away, leaving him flailing in mid air before it struck him with incredible force. Mark gasped, the fingers on one hand sticking out at odd angles, filled with searing ice hot pain. That same pain flashed in his side, he yelled into the pain, knowing several ribs were broken. Others were in a worse state, some screaming, some silent and limp. They didn't know it yet, but they were lucky.

Screams rose and suddenly the light in the room dimmed, the blue white glow from the phone giving a faint eerie glow. Mark dragged himself round and stared out the windows. At first he couldn't tell what it was, a vast slightly wrinkled wall of pink pressed against the glass, making a slick wet sound as it ran along the left of it. A heavy musk pervaded the building, slipping in through the windows and filling the rooms inside. He sniffed and gagged on the hot air, watching grim faced as something huge and round rubbed over the glass, followed by a thunderous moan. Mark choked back a sob as, with a pang of fear, he realised what that wall was.

Amber had tugged the skyscraper from the ground as easily as plucking up a flower from the grass. Now, with a grin on her face he couldn't see, but knew would be there, she was stroking the steeply angled sides along her soft sex. That hard round nub was her car sized clit, peeking from under the hood of skin and treating them all to a view of her arousal. Mark covered his eyes, trying to block out the awful sight, but the sounds still came through and he staggered as she stroked herself with them.

He wasn't expecting a nice ending, not after all he'd seen, but when she twisted the building. Angling it straight towards her cavernous pussy, moaning softly into the air,his nerve broke and he fled.

He barged his way through the rooms, tripping over debris and scrabbling over places where walls had caved in. He was tipped and tossed like the most pathetic of insects, sliding back down a corridor he'd already ran along when the giantess turned the skyscraper at an angle.  Several times he clawed his way along walls when she twisted it, uttering low booming moans that filled the inside with the sound of her terrifying lust, and cracking over the phone he still foolishly gripped in a white hand. He had no idea why he kept it, some mad fool's hope that he could convince her to stop.

The light dimmed and brightened again, the  windows showing lop sided glimpses of the city skyline through grimy windows, before being obscured by the wall of her thighs. Mark barged his way through other people, scurrying in every direction, with no way out. He ran wildly, tripping over bodies or sliding on blood pooled over the floor. He sobbed as he ran, toppling down a stairwell with a sickening crunch when the floor pitched again, covering his head against the fall of cheap plastic tiling or bits of plaster. He found more blocked corridors, filled with beams or completely caved inwards, some with battered bodies inside or sparking wires, others with people calling feebly for help, their bloody fingers scraping over the floor as they tried dragging themselves free.

Mark tried to ignore them, he was more concerned in trying to save his own skin, but he couldn't block out their agonising cries or the flood of insults that followed him. He scrambled through the wreckage, flinching at groaning from the structure or the way the walls flexed and bowed under her grip until finally, he felt a blast of cool air on his face and he stopped dead in his tracks.

There was a gaping hole in the wall underneath him. The fringes radiating cracks and dangling twisted metal and powdered concrete. It gave him a view of the outside. The flame of hope that had risen in his chest fluttered and died. He scrambled back like a flea, mouth open to take in the awful tableau below.

The building hung hundreds of feet in the air. Below him were roads with coloured squares of abandoned cars, and people running like ants. The streets were filled with rubble, the buildings broken down, some pouring smoke or lit with glowing orange fires. A crunching made him look up, just in time to see the giantess shift and curl her toes over the rooftop of an office, driving it down flat as it spewed dust and rubble over the streets. An unmistakable tang on the air made his eyes water, feminine lust on a colossal scale, and he gaped at streets coated in her sticky clear cream, glistening innocently in the sunlight.

Mark choked and drew back from the edge, dragging himself hopelessly back through the halls he'd passed through and collapsing in a room to one side. The windows were streaked already with her clear cum and a deep vibration with sounds of terrified people filtering from above could only mean one thing.  It made it no better that he was right.

He stared with numb eyes as the light dimmed and a vast dark wall covered the glass, more wetness oozing out around it.  Her scent was thick in the air, air that started to heat and make him gasp and sweat. Mark covered his head, choking and sobbing with no hope of escaping. He knew exactly now what Amber wanted from them… not just their lives, their fear, or their sheer helplessness before her. She wanted to fuck them, and kill every last one of them for her own sick pleasure.

Her voice throbbed through the building and the phone as though she read his mind, deep and husky amusement in her tone
“Time to die for me, Mark.” He sobbed in rage,swearing at her down  the line, telling her what he thought before he tossed the phone aside, shattering it. Seconds later, the building rocked with her laughter, and then he was jolted forwards with brutal force. It was like footage he'd seen of an earthquake. Nothing, and then suddenly the floor leaps to the side, everything sliding and collapsing. But this was worse, he was lifted bodily and smashed into the wall, and back again, then the world span and he found himself gasping and winded on the ceiling. Tables and detritus scattered around him, over him and slamming onto the walls.

He slammed into the other walls when she tugged him out again, rattling him and the other people trapped in the puny skyscraper. He could hear cries from other rooms, sounds of concrete cracking and above it all a heavy wet slurping and a creaking groaning sound as the building fought the press of her gigantic pussy bearing down on them with savage force.

A pause while the walls span and twirled, and Mark ran and stumbled deeper into the building, desperate to find some refuge from her terrifying sex. Her vast folds gripped the skyscraper fiercely, the windows blocked by her dark pink inner flesh, oozing vast drops of her pleasure. The rooms were dim, lit only by emergency lights that flickered on and off, casting brief spells of terrifying blackness, where he was suffocated in a world of sounds. Booming moans that drove right down into his core, filling him with fear until he screamed out loud in pure terror of her. His lungs burning with the taste and scent of her arousal on an impossibly gigantic scale.

But what really broke him was when he caught a movement against one of the windows. Mark looked up and choked back another dry sob. Outside, pressed between the soft pussy flesh and the clear glass of the window, was a woman. She was alive, her limbs twisted at impossible angles, her face and skin bloodied and her clothing in sopping rags. Her eyes were wide, her mouth screaming incessantly. It was a moment before Mark recognised her.
It was Helen.


He stumbled forwards, kicking aside broken detritus from the building to get to her, beating furiously against the glass that was already cracked and broken, paying no attention to the way the sharp edges cut his skin. She gaped at him in horror, her eyes popping when the giantess tensed her inner muscles. But the giantess was obviously engaged with some other sport outside their prison, and the killing blow did not come yet.

A fire extinguisher hung from the wall and Mark rushed for it, ripping it from its hanging and racing back  to the window. The lights dimmed again, the floor tipping sideways and he heard Helen’s muffled screech as she was tugged against the jagged glass. He moved quickly, slamming the flat base of the extinguisher against the glass, the sound drowned by deep moans from the giant woman.  He struck it again and again, jarring his injured hands but desperate to save her, for what end he barely knew.

The sixth blow made a hole, letting a soft pool of feminine juices ooze in through it, and the heavy scent grew more potent. But Mark tore into it anyway, dragging away glass shards until he could grab Helen’s hands. Her body was fevered and drenched in sticky cream, but she managed a brief gasp of relief before the giantess groaned again. Outside, she had finished with another toy, and her next one was going to be them.

A vast ripple of pleasure ripped through the building, the walls caving in, the floor pitching and buckling upwards. Mark was flung on his face where an ear splitting scream cut into him. Helen thrashed in agony, a heavy wet crunching at the background… the sound of her hips and legs breaking,  getting crushed against the skyscraper. Mark grabbed at her, tugging fruitlessly, screaming in desperation. She gave him one last pleading, agonised look, her fingers clutching his, and then the giantess moved, ripping her from his grasp, dragging her tiny body downwards over the lower stories in a long, bloody smear.

The howl that burst from his lips was long and shrill, a cry of anguish as she was torn from his grasp. Mark had no time to mourn, because then, the savage woman started to fuck the tiny building in earnest. He was lifted and flung into one wall, a brief pause then back again, screaming in agony every time he struck against the them. More yells filled the building from other rooms as people were shaken like peas inside. He swore and howled, her moans filling his head with the unmistakable sound of her pleasure, the building groaning, crackling and caving. The room grew smaller, distorted, twisting at a mad angle. The space filled with dust and debris, and a sticky wetness poured down from upper floors and through the window, carrying in twisted bloody remains and rubble.

He clung to railings like a flea, only to be shaken loose and smashed around yet again, screaming into her thunderous moans and begging over and over for release. The giantess echoed his cries,  but sought release of a different kind. It wasn't long in arrival, for moments later, she started to cum.

The cry that exploded from her lips hit the survivors like a bomb. Mark screeched, curled into a ball of agony, his throat sore from screaming and his ears bleeding with the sound of her voice. But it got worse..  the sounds of horror from lower stories became the wild panic of trapped animals. A horrible, rending, tearing sound and the building shuddered, the floor bowing upwards and caving in, leaving him clinging to the shattered walls over cracked and broken floors, with thick bubbling blood seeping upwards. Mark was in little doubt that she'd just crushed the lower portion and every last person left inside it.

He screeched, lights popping in his eyes as he was tossed back like the lightest of toys, slamming into the wall as the goddess screamed again, filling every fibre of his body with her cries of immense delight. An overwhelming scent filled his airways, a burning hot humidity in the air that made him splutter. His ears rang with the force of her cries as the walls started to close around him. Mark beat his fists against shattered walls and against her pussy flesh closing in around him like a trap. He gagged as his mouth filled with her thick girl cum, smothering his tiny body. And as the blessed darkness took him, he heard her cry again, a long lustful roar of delight.. one word, long and loud.
She was screaming his name...


Mark awoke from a haze of pain and confusion. His whole body ached, his throat was sore and he was laying on a hard surface covered in stickiness. Bright lights assailed him when he opened his eyes and he squinted into spotlights from above. Rolling over brought a dull fire, suggesting broken limbs, but he staggered to his feet anyway, his jaw dropping open at the macabre sight before him that brought all the awful memories rushing back.

Ranged over gigantic shelves were terrible souvenirs.. bits of broken skyscrapers, cars crushed completely flat, stained and ruddy planes… rows of crushed skeletons. And against the wall were rows of bodies, limp and bloodied, pinned to a cork board like insects. He staggered back and his foot crunched against something. He looked and the sight made him gape with horrified eyes open wide. Spread over the surface was a miniscule city, rows of tiny streets and buildings, but whether real, or some fantastic model, he couldn't tell. His foot had sheared off the upper stories of a pretty structure, burying several streets under rubble and his shoe.

“It feels good, doesn't it?” The cruel voice he knew too well cut through his senses and he whirled. It seemed to be a regular room, carpeted with a comfortable chair, television on the wall, a round coffee table. But it was either built on an impossibly huge scale or… she had shrunk him and all these trophies to peruse at her leisure.

Mark staggered as Amber rose, barely clad in a flimsy nightdress, padding softly over to him with an evil grin on her lips. She placed her hands on the table to leer over him and the ridiculously tiny buildings.
“I was so glad to find you alive,” she purred “it's not often I find a toy who survives me.. and so I'm going to keep you, Mark. I have a special place saved just for you.” Her dark eyes flicked at the macabre board and he staggered back. She merely smiled, her fingers pinning him, and hoisting him from the table like he weighed nothing. She lifted him to her lips, blowing him a swift goodbye kiss before holding him up against a space in the wall.

Mark squealed, staring sideways into the bloody faces of others who'd suffered as he had and died stuck like a butterfly for the callous giantess to admire. She selected a long thin pin, licked the sharp edge and pressed him firmly over the board, pursing her lips as she angled the point to his middle, ignoring all his pleas for mercy.
“This is going to hurt you Mark”
And he screamed as the point pierced his skin.

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