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I'm in some sort of glass prison.  I try and look outside of it but the glass has a series of patterns on it that makes everything outside seem blurry.   Looking up is a wide opening from where I can see bright blue sky.  So apparently I'm outdoors.   I don't remember how I got here.  Something feels wrong about the entire situation.   
I see something massive move outside the prison, before a giant snowy form wraps itself around the glass and I feel it and myself rising.   I hear Sam's voice right next to me.  "Did you get it?"  She has to be the one holding the glass.  But why am I in it?  And get what?

"Yeah, here you go."  Alice's response tells me who Sam was talking to.  I hear the sound of something like metal cracking and then the sky above is blotted out.  I look up and can see Sam looking down at me, her blue eyes squinting as if it's hard to see me against the glass.  "Well I've decided.  You like my boobs so much, I figure you'll enjoy being together with them."  

I'm getting confused.  Until her face pulls away and I see a metal cylinder of red and silver above me.  It turns and a flood of dark yellow liquid comes pouring down like a waterfall, pushing me down before I start rising.  I'm soon maybe four fifths of the way to the top of the glass, swimming in the liquid as foam surrounds me, making it hard to see or breath.  

As I attempt to stay afload, my nose wrinkles in disgust.  The smell of beer is overpowering.  I can't stand the stuff but I know Samantha has always enjoyed it for whatever reason.  The glass starts tipping and the beer flowing out.  I turn and I can see the massive cavern of Sam's mouth as a veritable river starts pouring into it. 
I desperately try and swim away but the the current is too strong.  Just as I'm about to be dragged in, suddenly the glass rises up once more and I find myself swimming close to one of the edges, about half way up this time.  Looking up, I see Sam's face, smiling down at me.  "I think I've found a new favorite blend.  Just add Alex."  Her giggle is so happy as the glass starts tilting once more.

This time there's no chance for me.  I'm already at the edge which is tilting towards her mouth and soon I'm sent falling into it followed by a massive lake of alcohol.  I turn to see the last bit of light as I watch blades of ivory come down on each other, followed shortly after by darkness.  

Slowly the beer I'm floating in starts swirling around.  Getting faster and faster.  Why doesn't she just get it over with?  I'm dragged in the current around her mouth and slide over her tongue until I hit something hard on the side of her mouth.  I'm then sent back the other way but as I hit her tongue this time, instead of sliding over it, it rises up pulling me out of the lake of beer and slamming me against the ceiling of her mouth.

A loud gulping sound follows and the tongue lowers once more.  The cave entrance opens up again and I can see I'm covered in a mix of saliva and beer.  What is she doing?  Looking out I see a smiling face.  "Bye bye."  Alice's hand rises up and waves daintily at me as Sam's mouth slowly shuts once more.  

The tongue pushes me back and I can feel myself falling.  The heat gets unbearable and I'm sure I can feel the air getting stagnant.  I'm crashing down against something slimy and I scream in fear and pain as I shut my eyes.  I then open them again.

I stand up, breathing hard.  The cover made out of tissue paper falling to the ground besides me.  I love over and it's still dark.  I'm looking out of a clear wall across a giant chasm.  On the other side a deep rumble comforts me.  Sam is deep asleep.  She doesn't know about my nightmares and I won't tell her.

It's been almost four months since she found me.  The question of what to do was a big one and we actually spent a few days figuring it out.  We eventually told a few people we trusted.  My parents.  Sam's mom.  Jim and his wife.  A few others that we decided we can trust. I think my mom took it the worst.  She actually fainted.  
We've decided for now not to go public with this.  Well everyone has acquiesced to my desire not to do so.   I'm afraid of what would happen if the government decided to step in or some crazy on the news decided to check things out for themselves or some other horrible thing.  Thankfully nobody forced the issue as I really couldn't stop them if they did.  Which is further proof in my eyes that this is the right call.  Even without crazies the publicity would be another thing to mess with their lives.  This way things are quiet.  

As Sam's snore rumbled again over my little room, I smiled.  Well okay, relatively quiet.  I mostly stay with her.  My mother gets way too nervous and my sister has young children.  Alice hasn't told her mom.  Which left Sam or Jim as the only two viable places to stay.  Under the circumstances I picked Sam.  

One of the first things she did was convert a card storage box into a small bedroom for me.  I stay in it at night to be safe.  She doesn't want a spider or something to get me while she sleeps so she fits the top of it on tightly each night before going to bed.  It's not air tight but it's tight enough to keep anything from crawling in.  

I basically wander around in a toga made of toilet paper these days.  Clothes don't come in super duper extra small after all.  The big problem I face is boredom.  Everyone still has lives outside of me and things like work, school, friends whom they're not sure if they can trust with this secret means there are times I'm alone.  They try to minimize it but it's unavoidable.  

I've become a big movie watcher by default.  With Sam's TV serving as the world's largest movie screen.  Which she likes to remind me is actually a tiny little 27 inch thing.  We still try and involve me in our game nights although it is tricky.  A lot of games just aren't viable.  It mostly has to be stuff I can point at what I want to do and they do it for me.  Which means a lot of games with lots of things happening across the whole board aren't exactly viable.  After all how can you direct the US in Axis&Allies when you can't see the other side of the map let alone explain what units you want to build where?  Still, we are trying things to see what works and what doesn't.  

Alice visits.  A lot.  I'm not sure what to think.  Of everyone she seems to be the most fascinated by what's happened.  I'm not fully sure if she sees me as a person or just an interesting toy.  While she's always well behaved, indeed Sam has left me with her twice and nothing has happened I can't help but be a little nervous around her.  She's definitely got a wild side that she tries to keep under wraps around me.  
I'm mostly recovered from those few days of nightmares.  We think I might have cracked something in my left arm during all of that, but it seems to have mostly healed.  Not perfectly.   I still feel pain when I move it certain ways, but it seems to have mostly recovered.  

I'm probably in better shape than I've been in a long time.  With not much to do I get far more exercise in just out of boredom.  Plus Sam has taken to being very strict about me eating healthy.  Milk, water, fruits, vegetables, and the occasional bit of meat.  I can only think of one time I've had something sweet and that was on Alice's birthday where they gave me a tiny bit of cake.  Well a whole damn lot of cake from my point of view.  

A loud thump knocks me out of my reminiscing.  Looking over I can see the massive yellow clad form of my titaness watcher climbing out of bed.  And without her alarm clock.  That's a rarity.  A loud yawn roars through the room and as Sam rubs her eyes she looks over at my room and smiles brightly.  "Good morning!"

Yes.  It's going to be another good day indeed.

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