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Far above him, passed Danielle's head, the cosmos changed from wispy blue to industrial gray in an instant, and Will knew she had entered a building. The world was darker here, but no less still. Will's world quaked with each step she took, and being on her breast had made this effect much more noticeable. A cool breeze billowed across the landscape, bringing a moment of relief from Danielle's stagnant body heat. Relishing the change in temperature, Will looked to the heavens...

An enormous crash rang out. Will's world quaked as it never had before. He was thrown to the ground, and rolled several times until he skidded to a stop just short of a trench in Danielle's skin. The sound of millions of tons of skin colliding with itself filled Will's ears, blocking out all other noises. Will pried his eyes open.

The lavender ceiling above plummeted to the earth, and the wall of white – Danielle's bra – was barreling towards him, creating giant hills at it rushed along its sudden journey.
“Argh!” Will screamed as his ground was suddenly thrown upward, becoming one of the giant ripples of the bra's wake.

The world's shaking stopped.
For a moment, all was still. Then...

The air itself vibrated in an instant. Will clamped his hands over his ears in a futile attempt to calm his shaking head. He knew Danielle was speaking, but this was much worse than before. She had to be shouting. But then, the ground fell still, but the air vibrated still, this time at a different frequency, though no less powerful. Puzzled, Will looked up. Whatever was happening had closed off Will's view of the outside world. Instead of her chin, he saw the tree trunk-sized fibers of her blouse. Light entered where it could, a few patches here and there through the threads of the shirt, but otherwise the landscape was dark.

Without warning, the threaded sky above trampolined back to its original position. Will's mountain followed suite, taking him with it as the ground flattened back out. Will was tossed into a deep valley, which instantly expanded into a jiggling, lightly rolling plain. The great white wall loomed above him, forming a border between Danielle's bra cup and the rest of her breast. The band was a tight fit for the most part, but in some places the dips in Danielle's skin formed caves large enough for Will to walk through unhindered. He felt her start walking again, and turned to look out of her shirt collar. Her chin took up most of his view, but he spotted her nose and eyelashes impossibly far away. His eyes fell back to the caves. No light could penetrate the thickly woven cup, but Will knew what laid inside, regardless. Still though, something primal hidden deep within the reptilian core of his brain screamed at him. For the past hour-and-a-half, Will's life had been nothing but anxiety and fear as he tried to understand the strange world he'd found himself trapped in. He knew intellectually that the caves were no less dangerous than anywhere else, but millions of years of evolution urged him to run to them, to hunker down within their warm, dim confines. So, without another thought, Will scrambled over the few hills and trenches that sat between him and the nearest opening in the great wall.

A wave of noise and cool air greeted Danielle as she entered the building. Ahead of her was a reception desk, and beyond that were various exercise machines placed in neat rows according to type. Strained grunting and metallic rattling and whirling came from the machines and those using them, giving the air an energetic ambiance. She spotted a sign, informing her that her destination was a conference room to her left.

The double doors were wide-open, an invitation for anyone to enter. Inside, there were a few tables lined with fliers, displays, free items, and healthy snacks, as well as some activity stations with people jumping rope, doing push-ups, playing corn hole, or some other fitness-related game or challenge. As she navigated the room, Danielle read the banners hanging from the tables; there was the Collegiate Corn-holers League, the Oakwood Vegan-Vegetarian-Fruitatarian Collective, the Sit-Ups Club...

Finally, Danielle spotted a familiar face standing beside the Oakwood College Fitness Society table. A young woman, very fit and slightly short, was enthusiastically talking to a younger man. She handed him a flier and, as he walked way, pulled her dirty-blonde hair into a ponytail. She was glancing around the room with a content smile when her amber eyes met Danielle's.
“Dani!” she called. “Hey!”
Danielle gave a warm grin and extended her arms as she approached.
“Sarah! How are you?”
The two women collided in a tight embrace.
“I'm so glad you could make it!” Sarah said. “I'm great, how are you?”
They released, and Danielle felt her more sizable chest fall back into place.
She tried to find the word. There was something making her far happier than her usual response of “Fine” would imply. Something small, something minuscule. “... Excellent!” She finished, remembering.
“That's great!” Sarah replied.

Danielle examined her friend's table. A large poster board hosted photos of the club's various activities and group workout sessions, and a stack of brightly colored fliers sat near a box of cheap reusable water bottles.
“How's business?” She asked.
“Good, good,” Sarah said. “But I think the Hacky Sack Co-op is kinda stealing our thunder...” She glanced over to a nearby table where a large group were watching a tall, wiry girl furiously kick the bag into the air as if her life depended on it.
Eyebrow cocked, Sarah's gaze returned to Danielle, and then to her own table.
“You want a t-shirt?”
“Uh, sure.”
Sarah crouched down and pulled a box from under the display. She thrust her hands inside, digging though a mass of cloth.
“These shirts are cheap, so they're oddly sized, but... Yes! I think this one'll fit you!”
Sarah held up a white shirt emblazoned with the club's logo, a person jogging around the school's letters.
“I think it'll be fine,” Danielle replied, holding the shirt in front of her torso.

The two women spent the rest of the function catching up, discussing their lives both in and out of school. When it was time to go, Danielle helped Sarah pack up. They agreed to change their clothes and leave from Sarah's house to get drinks. Waving goodbye, they climbed into their respective cars and drove off.

Will was still having trouble wrapping his head around his situation. Here he was, tucked away under the shirt of one of his instructors, taking cover under her bra as she went on with her plans for the evening. He almost believed he was in a dream, though he couldn't remember a dream that felt as real as this. He looked out of the mouth of the cave. Far away, Danielle's head jutted into the sky like a distant mountain range. Beyond that, there was only an overexposed light.

A few minutes ago, she had been speaking. Then there was movement. A lot of movement. Movement that brought with it changes in lighting, to the point where Will guessed that she was bending over. Now though, there was only a consistent light rumble. Beneath that was the rhythmic beating of her heart. Will leaned his head against the fleshy wall at his back. He wasn't safe here, he knew that, but he also knew it was the best he could do for the time being. Which brought up the question; what was his long term? She couldn't seriously expect him to live on her for a month... could she? Surviving in the wilderness would've been hard enough, but this landscape had a literal mind of its own. He supposed her ear would be best for shelter, and he could get water when she showered, but what about food? Unless she decided to start poking chocolate into her ear canal, his only option would be wax.
He nearly retched at the thought.

No, for food he would have to be near her mouth, but that brought its own troubles. He imagined being on her lip, trying to steal a glob of mushed food from the great chewing monstrosity, only for an enormous napkin to descend from the heavens and wipe him away like the speck he was.

Suddenly, the low rumble stopped, rousing Will from his contemplation. The fleshscape wobbled and shifted as Danielle performed some particularly jarring motion. When all was said and done, Will was sealed inside a dark cave by a wall of skin. He felt her footsteps, and occasionally his prison would quiver enough to let in a few quick strands of light.

He supposed his world was shaking flesh now. Never-ending, jiggling, moving flesh, and the deep tremors radiating across the landscape from the nearest joints. He wasn't even surprised when the lavender sky was ripped away, replaced by a bright light and a ceiling infinitely far away. However, he was thrown to the ground when his continent suddenly plummeted. His cave was torn in half, the top rocketing off into the atmosphere, and Will was reminded that the enormous mass he'd been squatting beneath was the rim of a bra cup. The gigantic circle hung with its twin like a pair of close-orbiting, connected moons. He saw the incredibly large pillar that was Danielle's arm extending from beyond one of his horizons, clutching the strap of the bra. As she tossed it away, Will's world shook slightly. Looking to the sky, he saw the hazy outline of a bedroom, a landscape so far away he couldn't imagine ever reaching it, much less it not even being the entirety of someone's house.

The view overhead pivoted so that Will was looking slightly toward the ceiling, but then it was cut off entirely. A shadow covered the land as a giant arch passed overhead. Between the curvature of the breast and the dunes of the skin, Will could only just see the deep, branching canyons running parallel to each on the arch's underside. The distance between them was immense, spanning nearly the entire distance horizon-to-horizon. Combined with the more shallow trenches running the length of the enormous structure, the tiny explorer discerned almost instantly what it was he was looking at.

The finger continued its trajectory, disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. However, as soon as it was out of sight, Will heard a scratching, rumbling sound rising from over the hills. Another wall of flesh – a common occurrence in his current predicament, it would seem – barreled over the landscape. Instead of following the first through the air, this finger scraped along the ground, kicking up a fine dust of dead skin cells as it went. Will dove into the nearest dip in Danielle's skin. The world shook as the the finger blew overhead, depressing the ground as it crashed across the landscape. A powder of skin billowed into the trench, dusting the young man as the world went dark. The odd, gravity-like force lifted him from the ground, but only for an instant before the unimaginable finger was careening away. As soon as it had passed, he was dropped back to where he'd been. But it wasn't over yet; twice more he was covered in dust, cast in darkness, and lifted as her remaining digits followed the others.

Still reeling from the ordeal, Will saw the sky change again, this time signifying his host was bending over. He couldn't see her feet. Evidently, he was too far up her chest to see that far down. Instead, he saw the legs of her bed, and two enormous arms rising off into the unknown. His horizon bounced as Danielle fiddled with something. Finally, an impossibly long leg kicked away a heap of cloth: her pants and underwear.

Free of her clothing, the passenger could only watch as she made her way to a bathroom. A sense of dread grew in the deepest pit of his stomach.
Danielle didn't stop at her mirror.
“Please, no...”
He gripped the ground, knuckles white. Above, the massive arms appeared again as his host bent down toward the knobs of the bathtub. A piercing screech, unbelievably loud for his perceived distance, erupted from the handles as they were twisted. Will stared in horror as an ocean's worth of water shot from the spigot in less than a second. The sound of the plummeting liquid, a terrifying roar, was like that of a million bombs exploding constantly. Had he heard it without context, the little man would never have guessed it was from bathtub.

Danielle adjusted the knobs to her liking and triggered the shower head. The massive waterfall was instantly replaced by the sound of thousands of rainstorms happening at once as the flow was diverted. Apparently satisfied, the giantess stepped back from the tub and turned toward the sink.

Will's sky was replaced by a sight he'd have killed for only a few hours ago. Danielle stood there in all her glory: hair down, breasts exposed, unashamed, a woman looking into her bathroom mirror. It was the most normal thing in the world. Her passenger was nowhere to be seen, and yet there he was, staring at much the same image she saw herself. He may as well have been trying to pick himself out of a satellite image of Earth.

His view shifted, just a bit, as Danielle posed with a sassy hand on her hip and a disinterested-yet-attentive cocked eyebrow. He expected her to address him any second now...

But the intrusive voice never came, neither internally or externally. In truth, she'd forgotten about her little guy over the drive, the potency of the spell beginning to take hold. Even if she'd remembered him, there was no advice she'd be able to give for his current situation. So, with a smirk, Danielle unknowingly moved Young William away from the mirror, the world beyond her chest a blur until his sight settled on one thing: the roaring shower. Her massive arm reached out and gingerly felt the temperature of the downpour. Then, she entered it.
Chapter End Notes:
I was hoping to get more action into this chapter, but I couldn't get over how much of a natural end to the "episode" this is. Next update shouldn't be nearly as far away as this one. And check out my DeviantArt account where I post renders in addition to my stories. A secret project should be announced soon ->
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