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Author's Chapter Notes:
I had most of this written at the time of posting the first chapter, but real-life writing and Far Cry 5 got in the way. (EDIT 10/9/18: There was a paragraph that was all kinds of fucked up. Not sure how it got passed me in editing. Should read much easier now and make more sense in context.)

Through the canopy of hair far above him, Will could see the world beyond, though he couldn't determine if what he was seeing was ceiling or sky. He doubted the distinction mattered much. Regardless, the light streaming in was enough to thoroughly display his new landscape. For as far as he could see, there was naught but a forest of enormous hair-stalks. Each trunk was buried in a pit, some of which contained pools of Danielle's oils. He was really here. The more he thought about it, the less he wanted to believe, but the sights before him were undeniable. Will was a mite on Danielle's scalp. Suddenly, the world shook. Will lost his footing, and fell face-first into a puddle of sweat and oil. He wiped the foul mixture from his face and spat out what had gotten in his mouth. There was another rumble, and another. They were powerful, but staccato, and reminded Will of...
“Footsteps!” he gasped. These rumbles were only Danielle walking.
There was a lighter rumbling. The air around Will buzzed with energy, literally vibrating. It filled his ears, forcing his already-frazzled brain to work overtime. And then, just as soon as it had come, the rumbling stopped. Will planted his feet beneath him, and shakily stood. But as he went to take a step, so did Danielle. Her earth-rending steps once more threw him to the ground, and the rumbling began again. Unable to think, unable to move, Will curled into a ball and covered his ears.

Though her voice was on the lesson, Danielle's mind was on her... inhabitant. She wondered what he was experiencing; could he understand her voice? Could he look to the ceiling, or out into the classroom of bored faces? Was he still trying to comprehend what was going on? She was dying to know.
Finally, an hour later, Danielle dismissed the class. She breathed a thankful prayer that the undergrads didn't have any questions; she was only a graduate assistant, and sometimes the younger students asked-- complained-- about assignments that she had no authority over. She stealthily shut the door and closed her eyes.

Will, still cowering on the ground that was Danielle's scalp, had spent the last hour in a state of torture. Every step she took, every move she made, was the equivalent of an apocalyptic event. When she spoke, the buzzing filled his ears to the point of madness, but he seemed to be building a resistance to it. The lecture had felt like an eternity. Will opened his eyes. Danielle had stopped moving, for the moment at least. Gingerly, he raised his head.
The sudden voice caught him off guard. Though the air shook as usual, the word seemed to have emanated from the inside of his own skull.
“WILL! Can you hear me?” Danielle asked again.
“Y-Yes,” he managed to croak out.
A massive explosion rang out from somewhere far below. The force of it launched Will several feet into the air. He landed heavily on his stomach.
“What are you doing?!” he cried.
“I just sat down,” Danielle replied, nonchalantly. “Oh, that kind of fucked with you didn't it. Here.”
There was a moment of silence.
“Should be fixed now,” she said finally. “Tell me if this is better.”
The ground rumbled, but there was no sound. Will rose to his feet, testing his balance.
“That's better,” he replied.
“Excellent,” Danielle replied. The air still buzzed with her words, but it was bearable at least. “So, I'm going to be quick,” she continued. “Here are the terms of our game: all you have to do is survive on my body for a month. I, on the other hand, will be... forgetful about you. I won't forget about you entirely, but you'll be less than an afterthought when going through my day. You do have some perks, though. My body is like a planet to you, and just now I've made it so wind and my movements affect you much less. If you lose, you'll stay like this forever. If you win, I'll give you a A's for the rest of the semester.”
“Why are you doing this?” Will demanded.
“Nah-ah-ah,”she tutted. A massive pink pillar appeared in the distant sky, wagging back and forth. “I've already told you that the 'why's' don't matter. You're wasting your words, and I have a schedule to keep. You have one more question.”
“What about food? Water?”
“You're a smart guy. You'll figure something out.”
Will watched the sky shift, the hazy lines of the ceiling darting around as Danielle moved.
“Well, that's it, little guy,” she said. “You're on your own for now. Talk to you later.”
With that, her voice disappeared from Will's head. The ground shook as she began walking. His connection to the world severed, Will realized just how alone he was. He was literally standing on top of her, but he was the only person in the strange country that was Danielle's body.

Danielle placed a finger to her forehead and thought the words that would finalize the terms of her game. She smiled, collecting her belongings and teaching materials. This was going to be so much fun, unlike last time. She had made the mistake of constantly keeping tabs on that little guy, which made her alter her every-day behavior. It was erotic at first, but quickly became annoying when she was constantly thinking of him. This time, however, should be full of surprises. She'll never know where the little guy will end up at the end of the day. Why, just today, she'll be joining her friend at some club event, and then they'll probably go for drinks afterward to start the weekend on a good foot. After that, maybe she and Cindy would drop by another friend's apartment, and then to cap the night she would... She would... Danielle knew there was something else she wanted to do, but it had slipped her mind. She had to check on something...
“Oh, yeah!” She laughed, and slapped her forehead.
She chuckled again, amazed at how fast this stuff worked.

As Danielle left the classroom and exited the building, Will barreled his way across her head-top forest. He hadn't been alone for long when the urge to run wormed its way into his head. And so, against all reason, he picked a direction and began jogging. All the while, the sky shifted constantly with every movement Danielle made. Will focused on the skin in front of him, as much to keep his footing as to keep the chaotic sky from making him sick. It didn't help much, as the smell of her shampoo hung in the air so thick that he was amazed it didn't create a literal fog of sickly-sweet cherry fragrance. Fortunately, Will was nearing the edge of her hairline. He increased his speed as the follicles thinned, and after a few minutes he stepped onto what could only be described as a craggy wasteland.

In the distance, across a barren moonscape of skin, two more forests ended where a valley formed between them. Beyond that, a tall, pale peak rose up but cast no shadow. Further still, was... cleavage? Will realized he was standing on her forehead, looking down at the front of her body. Before him were her eyebrows, nose, and tits. Instead of going down an incline, he had simply walked across her as if she were the Earth itself. Will looked up above his head and saw the galaxy-scaled trees and light posts that lined the pathway to the college's primary parking lot. A gust of wind barreled passed, almost tipping him over, but Will managed to stay upright. A golden moon appeared above him, blocking his view of what was beyond. It was there only a split-second, but Will marveled as it fluttered away, revealing itself to be a simple leaf caught in the breeze.

In an instant, something had taken its place in the sky. Before Will could react, a massive pink continent was above him. And then, it fell.

The object plummeted down, and impacted only a city-block away from him. The shockwave threw Will into the air as if he'd been hit by a train. He went, up, up, up... and then started down. The air resistance was slowing his fall. He opened his eyes. Below him was a finger, and he was heading right for it. Will wiggled his arms, trying to maneuver away from the meteoric appendage. He eased away from the center of the nail and was just to the tip when the gargantuan pillar arose. It flew up to meet him, and Will landed firmly, harshly, on the tip of her nail. He was thrown into a trench of keratin, forced to look to the sky as the hand continued its course. For several seconds the sky was just a blur of colors. But then, it became a field of peach as the finger once again approached skin.

The appendage plummeted once again to Danielle's body. It plunged into her skin, forming a crater around Will and the finger. The patch of skin hung no more than ten feet above him, and Will was pulled by some unseen force toward it. He was yanked from the nail and thrown to her skin, landing heavily on his stomach. He looked up as the enormous nail moved away from him, scraping the ground for miles and leaving torn hairs and skin tissue in its wake. Then it came back, just as fast as it had gone. The nail stopped just meters from Will, and the unseen force began lifting him towards it. But, the keratin wall flew away again, miles away, and Will's leftover momentum sent him tumbling through the air a little ways from where he had been. The nail returned, but this time it took to the air and climbed away until it disappeared behind a lavender sheet covering the sky.

Will climbed to his feet, and peered around wildly to get his bearings. In one direction, the ground rose to meet a wall of white. In the other... Will could look though a hole in whatever covered the sky. The underside Danielle's chin dominated the horizon, and he could see the hair flowing onto her neck. Below him, a deep rhythmic rumbling came from deep underground.
“Oh, no.”
He spun around, searching desperately for something to prove that he wasn't where he thought he was.
Chapter End Notes:
Reviews and critiques are much appreciated, particularly when it comes to the writing itself; I'm much more talented at screenwriting than prose.
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