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Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended

Darkness, empty darkness.  The low rumbling was my only clue as to where I was.  All I knew was that I was in some sort of room.  The floor and the wall I leaned up against felt papery, like cardboard.  My head ached, someone must have drugged me.  The problem with that idea was that I had no idea when it would have happened.  The last thing I remembered was kissing my wife good night and laying down beside her to sleep.  When I awoke, I was in this strange prison cell.  My cell vibrated along with the low noise outside.  Every so often there would be a solid thump and the entire room would shake.  I would even be lifted off the ground with these movements.  A different low rumble sounded, this time it came from my torso.  I was so hungry.  What time was it? How long had I been unconscious? Another question came into my head, why was I naked? I distinctly remembered going to bed in my boxer shorts.  I had wandered the confines of my prison multiple times and found nothing but darkness and the same strange walls.  I slipped in and out of sleep a few times, it seemed to help me deal with my hunger.  Time was inconsequential, I felt as though I had been locked up in here for days.  At one point, whilst crawling around the walls desperately finding something I may have missed the last hundred times, I found a flake sticking out of a corner.  This flake felt as though it was made of the same material as the walls of my cell.  One side was smooth, like the walls and floor, the other side was ribbed.  In my desperation, I put it in my mouth and tore off a chunk.  It was bland and papery.  I didn’t vomit the strange material back up and that was enough for me.  My aching head wasn’t going away.  At first, I thought it was the lack of actual food but eventually realised that my breathing was heavier than it should have been.  The air in this room was slowly vanishing.  After yet another eternity, the ground beneath my feet began to shake violently and I fell forwards, almost breaking my neck.  Every time the room shifted, I tumbled back and forth into each wall and the floor and the ceiling.  My stomach churned and lurched.  Vomit rose into the back of my throat but I managed to force it back down with a large gulp. 


               Suddenly, there was a loud rustling noise and the roof swung open.  The light from the outside world was so blinding that I had to shield my eyes from the white rays.  It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust and that was when I saw it.  The massive face smiled down at me.  I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, this wasn’t happening.  This couldn’t happen, it was impossible.  Looking around my now visible prison, I saw that it was a cardboard box.  I’d never seen a box so huge, let alone a face as gargantuan as the one that beamed down at me like some deity. 

“It was true.” The face boomed in an oddly feminine voice.  “She was actually seeling a tiny man.”

My jaw dropped and the horror of my circumstances made my legs tremble beneath me.  As the face leaned back from the box a little, I saw that it belonged to a young woman.  She looked to be somewhere in her twenties.  My mouth went dry and sweat began to form on my forehead.  My wife had somehow figured out how to shrink me and had sold me to this random girl.

               “Why would that lady be selling you? What did you do to her?” The goddess loomed above me. 

“N-nothing.  I’m innocent.” It was true, I couldn’t recall ever doing anything to hurt my wife.  As far as I knew, we had the perfect marriage.

“I’m sorry, little buddy, but I can’t hear you.  You’re far too tiny. I guess it doesn’t matter anyway.  I own you now and you’re going to obey my every command.”

I dropped to my knees, panic stricken.  I pinched myself, trying to wake up from this nightmare, trying to make it all go away.  The last thing I wanted was to be the property of this random woman.  I’d never seen her before in my life which was not a good thing.  It seemed that there was very little chance of someone recognising me and rescuing me.  Taking a deep breath, I resigned myself to my fate, for now.  There was no way I would be stupid enough to anger someone who could squish me beneath her finger without any difficulty.  I would obey my new owner, no matter what, until a chance to escape arose. 


               Rising shakily to my feet, I looked up at my new goddess, trying to be brave.  Unfortunately, I failed to control my bladder when her thumb and index finger reached towards me.  I was equal parts embarrassed and terrified.  She held me, between her fingers, in front of her deep blue eyes.

“Ugh, gross.  You need to bathe before you can serve me.”

My stomach churned and I felt like retching as she carried me away from the tiny box.  Attempting to focus on something other than the sick feeling in my belly, I took in some of my surroundings.  I was being carried away from a fairly standard looking bedroom.  Nothing in particular caught my eye.  It was exactly what one would expect from the bedroom of a twenty-something year old.  We entered a small (well, large to me) bathroom and the woman placed me gently on the edge of the sink before filling it with water.

“Go on, jump in.”

I took another deep breath and slid into the water.  It was ice cold, I scrambled to escape the sink as my breath was pulled from my lungs by the frigid water.  When I realised that I couldn’t climb up the smooth, ceramic wall, I tried to stand still and regain my energy.  The water was also far too deep for me to touch.  I frantically treaded water, trying to keep my head above the surface.  Catching a glimpse of my giantess owner, I saw her wearing a sadistic grin.  I’d fallen for her trap and was now about to drown in her sink.  My body wouldn’t even be hard to dispose of, all she’d have to do is pull the plug out of the sink and I’d be gone forever.  I didn’t want to die this way.  I didn’t want to die without ever trying to escape.  Just as my energy ran out and I sunk to the bottom, a massive hand pulled me from my watery grave and placed me back on the edge of the sink where I lay gasping for air.  My lungs ached with each breath I took. 

               “You passed my test.  I’m glad you decided to obey me and blindly jump into the water.  I was going to flush you down the toilet if you hadn’t but you passed.  Now you can have the honour of being my slave for the rest of your pathetic little life.”  The way that she spoke scared me, it was equal parts warm and full of malice.  “I suppose you’ve also earned the right to know your goddess’s name.  I’m Erika.”


               My new owner, Goddess Erika, was kind enough to let me regain my breath before carrying me back to her bedroom.  She sat on her bed with her knees to her chest, placing me down on top of her big toe.  Her nail was huge, twice as long as I was tall.  She dropped half a toothpick with a few paint brush bristles glues to one end.  It looked like a miniscule broom, perfect size for someone in my situation.  Erika placed a huge bottle of red nail polish on the bed beside the toe upon which I was perched. 

               “I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what to do.” She leaned back onto her pillow and started playing on her phone.  With her eyes no longer on me, now was the ideal time to escape.  I hesitated, frozen in place.  Thoughts flooded my brain.  What if she caught me? Erika had already proven that she could be a very cruel mistress.  On the other hand, what if she didn’t find me? How would I get home? I didn’t even know where I was and walking a metre would be like doing a marathon.  I knew that chances were, I’d never make it home without being stepped on by a pedestrian or eaten by some animal.  Even if I did make it home, would my wife just welcome me back? She’d sold me without my knowledge.  What if she saw me and crushed me beneath her shoe without giving it a second thought?  Perhaps for now, I was better off being Erika’s slave.  I picked up the makeshift broom, dipped it into the nearby nail polish and began to paint my goddess’s toenail.  It was very hard work, especially with my aching muscles from trying to survive the sink fiasco.  A few times over the next two hours, Erika told me to hurry up and that she needed her toes to look nice for her date tonight.  Eventually, she became impatient and plucked me from her middle toe on the first foot and dropped me into a cup of mouthwash that sat on her bedside table.  Once again, I was fighting for my life, this time, however, was much worse.  The mint-scented mouthwash burned every inch of my body.  When she finally rescued me from death for the second time, I saw that she had finished painting her toenails herself. 

“You failed, Slave, and now you’re going to be punished.”

My heart was racing.  What was she going to do with me? I looked in terror at Erika’s wicked smile, at the gargantuan, perfectly white teeth within.  Slowly, her hand lifted me higher into the air until I was dangling by my arm just above her head. 

               “Ready for a swim, little Slave?” She said, parting her lips to reveal the dark, wet cavern within.

               “No, please, no.” I begged.  It was no use; my tiny voice was too soft for Erika to hear.  I squirmed to try and release my arm from the clutches of her thumb and index finger but her grip was too tight. 

Inch by inch, Erika lowered me towards her gaping maw.  As I grew tired from struggling, I realised that it was pointless to resist.  There was nothing I could do to avoid entering her mouth.  My only hope was that once inside, I could find a way to avoid being swallowed and hopefully escape the same way I was about to enter.  Surely, she didn’t want me dead yet, she just wanted to make me suffer, right?


I could feel her hot, moist breath washing over me as I neared Erika’s pink tongue.  I flinched at the touch of her warm, soft tongue as it contacted my feet.  Filled with renewed panic, I began to wonder, what if this really was the end? What if she was about to kill me? What if she chewed me up between those car-sized teeth of hers or even worse, what if she swallowed me alive and I was forced to spend the remainder of my short life in agony, being slowly torn apart by her stomach acids? I tried to fight again but for some reason, I didn’t move.  I was frozen in place by fear as my new goddess placed me on top of her tongue and let go of my arm.  She let out a small giggle, which was deafening to me, before slowly retracting her tongue into her mouth.  I watched, still frozen, as her thick, pink lips passed over me, followed closely by her pearly white teeth.  The inside of Erika’s mouth was stifling.  I had never experienced such humidity, which only worsened with each rancid breath.  The stench was unbearable and I found myself wondering how long it had been since she’d brushed her teeth or used any of that mouthwash I had almost drowned in.  Only a few moments after her lips sealed tight and I was left relatively alone in the pitch black of Erika’s maw, I discovered the meaning behind her joke about going for a swim.  Large amounts of saliva were beginning to fill the space I occupied.  I couldn’t see where it was coming from or which parts of my owner’s mouth were safest due to the immense darkness, but I could feel the warm, slimy substance rising past my waist.  I had avoided drowning twice already today; would I be lucky enough to survive a third time?


I struggled to remain seated on Erika’s vast tongue.  It was so slimy that even the slightest movement turned the fleshy mass into a lubricated slip and slide.  As much of the nasty saliva I inadvertently swallowed whilst drowning on Erika’s tongue, it was much worse in the pools on either side.  Each time I slipped into the disgusting pool of slime, my head would become submerged and in my desperate attempts to gasp for the stale air, I would gulp down what felt like gallons of Erika’s saliva.  Suddenly, I felt an invisible force drag me towards the rear of her cavernous mouth.  She was swallowing the mass of nasty saliva.  I had expected to be thankful when she finally decided to swallow, saving me from drowning but this wasn’t the case.  I was now completely overcome with panic as I felt myself get drawn rearwards.  I could hear a horrific gurgling sound emanating from her oesophagus.  My muscles were burning from trying so desperately to swim back towards her teeth, towards the safety of the tip of her tongue, away from the black abyss.  The force of her swallowing moved me back onto her tongue, it was less smooth than the front end of the serpentine appendage.  Without warning, the wind was knocked out of me as Erika’s tongue sandwiched me against the wrinkled roof of her immense mouth.  With each gasp of the acrid, second-hand air, my chest ached.  I needed fresh oxygen but my owner didn’t seem to consider it as necessary.  Once the bulk of her saliva had been flushed down her throat, Erika’s tongue released me, letting me crawl to the front of her mouth.  I slumped my weak, aching body into the space beneath her tongue, up against the webbing that joined it to her bottom jaw.  Over what felt like the next few hours, this entire, horrifying process repeated, over and over again.  From drowning to nearly being swallowed alive, I went through what I thought was the worst form of torture imaginable.  I wondered what my wife was doing right now. I wondered if she had moved on and forgotten about me.  I wondered if she knew what my new goddess had planned to do with me and if my wife had even cared.  I found myself sobbing, moaning in the dark, acrid maw of a cruel young woman.  If my eyes were producing tears, I could tell past the thick layer of disgusting slime covering my face.  I was going to die in here, I just knew it.  It was only a matter of time before Erika swallowed me, by accident or otherwise.  I wondered if I would survive long enough to reach the hellish pit that was her stomach.  Would I be unlucky enough to end up being digested alive by her powerful stomach acids? Or would she chew me first? There was also the chance that the pressure of her oesophagus would crush me as it forced me down into her belly.  I shuddered at the thought, at the inevitability of my own mortality. 


After a while, the muffled noises beyond my foul prison grew louder and louder.  I could hear a regular beat to the pulsating din.  Was Erika in a nightclub? I swore that I could hear music.  A flood of light and sweet, fresh air filled Erika’s mouth, accompanied by the deafening blare of music.  The fresh air was short lived as it was soon replaced with a torrent of clear liquid.  The tsunami swept me off my feet, stung my eyes and forced me into the back of Erika’s throat.  This was it, I just knew it.  After all I’d been through today, I was going to be killed by a shot of vodka.  The flood of alcohol pushed me over the back of her tongue, her uvula passed above me.  My stomach dropped at the same time I did.  I could feel gravity helping the vodka pull me over the horizon of her throat and into her oesophagus.  Headfirst, I entered the dark, fleshy tunnel.  The walls squeezed around me, clamping me in place.  A booming sound from deep within my captor blasted my eardrums.  It happened again, and again.  With each ear-shattering cough, Erika’s throat pulsed, crushing me with a force greater than anything I could have ever imagined.  Perhaps I had at last found an inkling of luck.  I was stuck in Erika’s throat.  My visit to the depths of her stomach, to what I knew would be my final resting place, would have to wait.  I felt a large glob of viscous goo slap me in the face, pushing me back onto her tongue.  I had escaped death. 

“I’m fine,” Erika’s voice boomed as she spoke to some unknown person  in the world outside. “Vodka just went down the wrong pipe.  How about another shot?”

“Oh god,” I cried and dived back beneath her tongue, pressing my back against her lower gum.  Once again, I was almost drowning in the rush of vodka which I knew was probably only thirty millilitres but to me was more like thirty tonnes.  Thankfully, I managed to remain in my hiding place.  Safe from the torrent of alcohol. 

“That’s enough for me,” Erika boomed.  I felt like my ears were bleeding.  

“Thank god,” I sighed.  My relief, however, was premature.  In the dimly lit cavern that was Erika’s open mouth, I watched in horror as another tongue invaded my prison.  This new tongue danced with Erika’s.  I tried to remain low, hugging the floor of her mouth, avoiding the two tongues.  The last thing I wanted was to be pushed into Erika’s throat again.  I closed my eyes and tried to imagine I was somewhere else, somewhere safe.  Suddenly, I felt weightless.  I opened my eyes to see that Erika had managed to lift me onto her tongue.  I was being force towards the intruders tongue.  She was trying to push me into this other persons mouth.  I scrambled towards the back of her mouth  in a panic.  My attempts, however, were futile.  Erika angled her tongue, tipping me off the end.  I fell into a pool of rancid saliva. 

“What’s this?” A male voice blasted my ear drums as the floor of the prison bounced up and down in time with the words. “Some pill? Feels weird.”

My new captors tongue pushed me around, playing with me inside his mouth.  Perhaps I was wrong before.  Perhaps Erika’s stomach didn’t hold my fate.  Maybe I was destined to die, drowned in the stomach acids of this unknown man. 


               I did my best to be brave, to look for a way out of the strangers maw.  I didn’t have enough time though.  I felt the entire cavern tilt.  The tongue in which I now sat raised, pushing me towards the foul smelling portal to the hellish world beyond his tonsils.  A sudden gulping sound did the final deed, forcing me into his throat.  This time, I didn’t get stuck.  Perhaps Erika had only choked on me because she wanted to save me for this horrid fate.  The pressure exerted by my new gods oesophagus was far stronger than that of Erika’s.  Headfirst, I made my way, involuntarily, downwards until, finally, the pressure released and I fell a few meters.  Landing on something soft and disgustingly squishy, I peered around.  Everything was impossibly black.  The veil of darkness was completely impenetrable.  The acrid stench was indescribable and inescapable.  I poked at the gooey mass upon which I sat.  I guessed that it was chewed up food.  My stomach churned and I felt vomit burn at my throat.  Deciding to scout out the area, I felt across the mound of masticated food until I slipped and tumbled downwards.  The floor was almost as soft and felt like it was covered in fissures.  I got up onto my hands and knees, they seemed to tingle.  I let out an audible scream when I realised that the tingling was the beginning of the digestion process.  Scrambling back up the pile of mush, I did my utmost to escape being digested by this stranger.  As hopeless as my situation was, I didn’t wasn’t to die like this.  I didn’t want to be digested by a man that Erika had met in a nightclub.  It was strange but for some reason, I found myself wishing I was inside Erika’s stomach.  After all she had put me through, I had mentally prepared myself for being eaten by her.  There was something about dying inside the belly of a man I had never even seen that made me shudder more that the thought of digestion itself.  I felt like I belonged with Erika.  I was hers, she had bought me.  She owned me.  I sat on my mush pile, longing for Erika, wishing she had swallowed me.  Regretting the fight I had put up against her.  I wished so badly that I hadn’t gotten stuck in her throat.  Now I was doomed to die in this alien death chamber.  A sudden torrent of liquid flattened me against the chewed up food.  Based on the strong smell of alcohol mixing with the stench of digesting food, I figured the pair were doing shots again. 


               My little island seemed to slowly erode away as the strangers stomach acids digested it bit by bit.  I did my best to remain in the centre of the mound, every so often getting drenched with various types of alcohol.  My theory was that the periodic shower of booze would prolong my life, keeping the stomach acid from latching onto me as long as possible.  My eyes stung and my breathing became laboured.  The supply of oxygen inside the man’s stomach was waning.  It was impossible to tell what kind of alcohol I was getting flushed with but I could tell they were different.  I figured that my only hope for escape was for the man to vomit.  If he continued to mix his drinks like this, he wold propel me out of his body in no time.  My only concern was where and how I would land.  If he managed to vomit into a toilet then I was as good as drowned when he flushed it but if he puked me and the rest of his stomach contents onto the floor, there was a good chance the force propelling me would splatter me against the ground.  I had no choice in the matter, however.  All I could do was wait and hope that I didn’t die in here before having the chance to drown in a toilet bowl.  A strange thought, I know, but it was all I had.  The torrents of alcohol stopped and all seemed still for what felt like an eternity.  It was impossible to tell what was happening in the outside world, every noise was blocked by the stomach walls and drowned out by the constant gurgling and hissing of digestion.  The wrinkled walls around me began to tremble.  The final bit of remaining air rushed upwards and out of the man’s stomach with an echoed belching sound.  I was almost thrown from my rancid perch as his stomach began to convulse.  This was it.  Now was my time and not a moment too soon.  I had started to gasp for air, finding nothing but the stinging, repulsive gases that filled the strangers belly.  I felt wind against my body, pressing me deep into the ball of masticated mush.  Not only I, but the entire contents of the cavernous prison erupted upwards.  I couldn’t see a thing beyond the impenetrable darkness but knew by the pressure of the food compressing around my body that I had entered his oesophagus.  Upwards and onwards, towards the mouth that had unwittingly tried to murder me.  A row of white teeth soared past me, I could finally see light again.  The brightness seemed to burn my eyes worse than the shot of alcohol had.  My eyes had grown accustomed to the inside of a gods stomach.  As used to it as I had grown, I did not want to end up back in there.  I felt my direction change, I was no falling.  I could breathe again.  I was in fresh air.  Inhaling deeply, I savoured the oxygen, ignoring the stench of puke around me.  After the terrifying prison I had just spent and indeterminate amount of time inside, any air was welcome.  It was difficult to see where I was as I tumbled through the air.  Everything looked white, like a bathroom.  I only hoped that I wasn’t heading towards the toilet bowl.  Thankfully, something soft caught me.  it felt like I was landing on a cloud.  Another surge of vomit poured down onto me, filling my every orifice.  I choked and spluttered on the man’s sick, trying to remove the found goo from my throat.  I had spent long enough in his stomach, I didn’t need it to spend time inside of me. 


               “Oh my god,” Erika’s voice sounded like an angel sent from heaven.  Proof that I had been swallowed alive and lived to tell the tale, a fate that I doubted anyone else in the world could say.  Chances were, I was the only person in history to even be swallow alive by another human, let alone survive the ordeal.  “Look what you’ve done to my floor.”

“I’m sorry,” the man whose stomach I had just escaped said, his face hovering above me like a full moon.  He seemed to preoccupied with his own problems to notice me, lying motionless in the puddle of orange vomit.  “I’ll clean it up.”

“I think you should just leave.”

The two colossal titans left the bathroom, leaving me alone, covered in another man’s vomit.  After a few minutes, Erika returned and began to clean up the mess.  I tried to move but my body was so battered and bruised that even the faintest movement was agony.  I was thankful that nothing felt broken, just badly pummelled. 

“Oh my god,” I heard Erika exclaim again, this time in a more excited tone.  “Slave,” she said. “You’re still alive?”

It took all my strength to raise my arm and manipulate my fingers into a thumbs-up gesture.  Erika’s thumb and forefinger grasped my extended arm and pulled me free of the rancid mess.  She turned on the tap and held me under the stream.  The water pressure hurt but I didn’t bother to move.  I doubted I could’ve squirmed, even if I tried.  She lathered me with hand soap and rinsed me again.  Being clean again, finally, was the greatest thing I had experienced all day.  I was so grateful to Erika for taking the time to wash me instead of just disposing of me along with the vomit. 

“It looks like you’ve had quite the adventure,” she said, beaming at me with that grin I had learned to fear.  Panic no longer swept over me like it should have.  No fate could be worse than being swallowed by some random guy.  Heck, I would have jumped at the opportunity to be swallowed by Erika if the choice came down to either that of die inside the strangers stomach.  There was something about her that made me want to be with her, not romantically, but just in general.  Over the course of a day, I had gone from hating her for her cruelty to actually kind of craving her attention.  I felt like a pet, like a creature compelled to obey their master regardless of how they are treated.  Perhaps it’s true what they say, a slave can learn to love their bonds. 


               “I’m sorry, Slave.” Erika carried my weak body between her thumb and forefinger, out of the bathroom and into her bedroom.  She placed me to lay on my back on the floorboards. “I thought you were going to die in his stomach, I wanted you to die in there.  I’ve grown bored of you already.  It’s time I got rid of you for good.”

I watched in horror as she raised her gargantuan bare foot to hover just above me.  I tried to roll out of the way but I couldn’t, I was frozen in place by either fear or just plain muscle weakness, I didn’t know which but I knew that I was going to die.  As Erika had carried me from the bathroom, I had thought that I no longer feared her but the sight of her massive, toes threatening to crush me proved me wrong.  The soft, pale skin of her big toe pressed against my body.  The agony was more than I could bare.  Every bone in my body felt like they were about to splinter into a million pieces. 

“Goodbye, Slave.” The pressure increased, ever so slowly.  Erika was savouring it, enjoying the feeling of my helpless body beneath her goddess-like toe.  “Wait,” she said, the pressure easing of just the slightest amount. “I have a better idea.”

I watched my owners colossal foot pull away from my broken body.  Without another word, Erika picked me up and placed me gently back into the box she had received me in.  she closed the lid and I could hear the sound of tape being torn from the roll and being placed over the seam on the boxes flaps.  Was she going to throw the box in the bin and let me die completely alone, lost in the dump like a piece of garbage? Was she going to sell me to someone else? I had no idea what my fate held in store for me.  I could hear the scratching of a pen on the lid of the carboard box.  My first, dark prison and by far my safest and most comfortable prison, began to rock.  I figured she was carrying me somewhere.  The rocking didn’t stop but was soon accompanied by the creak of what sounded like an old metal hinge.  I became weightless and floated in the box for a moment before being slammed against the far wall.  The entire room was on a funny angle now.  That was proof enough for me.  She had put me in the mailbox.  Where was I going? I was so confused but at the same time grateful that I had not been squished beneath Erika’s immense toe.  I was still whole and alive, not a red stain on the bottom of the goddesses foot.  After a few hours of solitude, my prison tumbled again and the droning sound of a motor vehicle told me that the postman was taking me to my new owner.  Was this my life now? Was I to be passed around from person to person, being tortured and toyed with? Swallowed and stepped on? When would it end? Would my next owner kill me? Would whoever Erika had sent me to just end my miserable life? I didn’t want to live anymore, I was over it.  I doubted I would ever see my wife again. 

“Oh, Kristen.” It felt strange to say her name, it felt like I had been away from her forever. “Why did you sell me to Erika? What did I ever do wrong?”


               The trip to wherever the unaware postal worker was taking me felt like decades.  I waited patiently.  Over time, my strength started to return.  I was nowhere near as fit and strong as I had been before the ordeal but at least I could move again.  My cardboard cell began to tumble again, bouncing me around from wall to wall.  I heard the sound of someone knocking on a door.

“Well,” I said to myself. “Here we go.  What horrors await me now?”

The unseen door beyond my tiny prison creaked as it opened.  My box tumbled as it was picked up.  The flaps on the ceiling were torn open to reveal a familiar face.

“Kristen,” I exclaimed.  I was excited to see my wife’s beautiful face staring down at me.  I was home.

“God damn it.” Her voice sounded full of disdain. “I thought I’d gotten rid of you.”

“What?” I felt my heart break in two.  She really did hate me.  Why did she hate me? Kristen upended the box, dropping me onto the floor.  The wind was knocked out of me but thankfully, I survived.  I had the feeling of déjà vu when Kristen raised her foot above me just like Erika had.  The difference was Erika’s feet had been bare, Kristen, however, wore black high heeled shoes.  The pointed heel of her shoe lowered until it contacted the side of my head.  I was stuck looking sideways with the pressure of her heel threatening to crush my skull. 

“Wait, I have a better idea.” Those words sounded more menacing than when Erika had said them.  Kristen lifted her heel off my head and placed her foot back on the ground beside me. 

“Honey,” she called into the house as she picked me up. “Keen for a quickie before our date?”

Honey? Date? Kristen had already moved on? Surely I hadn’t been gone for more than a couple of days.  Had she been cheating on me? Had she been seeing someone behind my back? Everything seemed to make sense now.  She hadn’t sold me to Erika because of something I’d done, she’d gotten rid of me because she didn’t want to be with me anymore.  Kristen carried me upstairs to our bedroom.  Every picture of us together were gone.  None of my things were there.  It was like looking at someone else’s home.  It was familiar and yet very alien.  I saw a man on the far side of the bed, removing his clothes.  I didn’t recognise him.  How long had Kristen been seeing him? I felt like I wanted to cry but for some reason the tears didn’t come.  It was as though my tear ducts had completely dried out after everything I had been through as Erika’s plaything. 


Kristen’s fingers wrapped around me, hiding me in the palm of her hand.  She almost crushed me inside her palm as she fumbled with some sort of packet.  I could only assumed it was a condom.  The pressure released and her hand let me fall onto what felt like a rubber trampoline.  I was now sitting on the condom she had unwrapped.  As Kristen and her new partner both hopped on the bed, I tried to escape.  I wasn’t fast enough, before I had made any distance at all, a large fleshy mass collided with me, pressing me into the rubber sheet behind me.  My heartache became anger.  I couldn’t believe that Kristen, my wife whom I had love and devoted my entire lie to had just put my miniscule body into a condom and now her boyfriend’s penis was pressed up against me.  I was stuck, pinned between the rubber of the condom and the colossal penis of the man who had replaced me.  The world went dark as the man slid his penis inside my wife.  Each time he thrusted, my body was slammed harder into the tip of the condom.  It was painful.  I could feel myself bruising with every thrust.  When would the agony end? I could hear Kristen’s muffled moaning mixed with the grunting of the man whose penis I was at the mercy of.  A viscous, sticky fluid began to leak out of the tip of the gargantuan cock.  Some of the disgusting bodily fluid made it into my mouth.  It tasted salty and a little starchy.  I coughed to remove the precum from my mouth only to let more inside.  The thrusting increased in speed until suddenly, a torrent of sticky, white semen filled the condom.  I tried to take a final breath before being completely submerged but didn’t have time to do anything.  It was in my mouth and my nose and my eyes and everywhere else I could think of.  I gulped down the mouthful of foul tasting cum in a desperate attempt to not drown only have another mouthful forced inside me.  I was drowning, again.  My entire life had gone from perfect to a series of drowning sensations one after another.  I no longer cared if I died.  Death would have been preferable to drowning in another man’s semen as he made love to my wife.  The massive appendage slowly pulled away from me, leaving me to drown alone in the pool of male fertility.  I felt the floor rise up to meet me as the condom was removed from the phallus and dropped.  The semen settled, revealing a small, distorted view of the bedroom.  I could see the man who had just unwittingly drowned me in his cum walk into the bathroom and Kristen swung her legs off the bed.  She was still wearing her high heels.  Her hair was a mess and she wore the most satisfied smile on her gorgeous face. 

“Well,” she said quietly, looking down at the used condom that encased me. “I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.  Goodbye forever now, you worthless insect.”

Without another word, Kristen raised her foot above me once again.  This time, the sole of her shoe pressed down onto me, the cum filled condom the only thing separating me from the bottom of her shoe.

“Thank god,” I croaked past the sticky, white fluid. I was glad to finally die.  I was grateful.  No longer was I mad at Kristen.  I felt indebted to her.  It was as if her giant foot crushing me into the ground was the greatest gift she could have given me.  The aching in my body was more than I could describe but I was happy that this would be the end.  I was finally at peace, broken both in mind and body but at peace.  The last thing I heard was the snapping of my bones splintering under the weight of Kristen’s high heeled foot.  My last thought was relief, thankful to have Kristen’s high heel shoe crushing my insignificant body.  With a crunch, she ended my life.  I had expected to die inside Erika’s stomach for so long but I was wrong.  My body had become nothing more than a tiny red mess inside the sterile white liquid that filled the condom.  Kristen would throw my sticky grave in the garbage bin and forget about me.  Erika would forget about me.  The world would forget about me as I vanished from existence.   


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