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Author's Chapter Notes:

Yeah, I grew up in the 80's. 


Unaware vore time.



Rachel lay sobbing, trapped beneath the weight of dozens of gummy bears of various colors as Vivian carried her towards Valerie.  With her mouth sealed, she was breathing hard through her nose.  One red gummy bear in particular ended up laying perfectly on top of her, her face pressed against its own face, the tears streaming down her face soaking into it.  Its position on top of her made it especially hard for her to move, almost like it was purposely pinning her.  The air inside the bag had grown stale and fruity. She sniffled, partly from pain and partly fear, struggling but finding no way to budge herself at all from her situation. 

While the amount of tinies Rachel abused did not come close to Valerie’s headcount, she was by no means innocent after what she did with Katie.  She had used various tinies as playthings, finding increasing pleasure in shoving them up her ass, eating them, or using them with Valerie in various sexual activities.  In some corner of her mind, she couldn’t help but feel this was karma working against her.

She didn’t know which hurt worse.  Vivian’s words and actions, or the fact that everything she accomplished up to this point was now, in fact, ruined.  Especially the relationship between her and Valerie.  They had been going out over a year now, and while neither felt like they were truly ‘in love’ with the other, or in a super serious relationship, they were still very much enjoying being together.  Rachel herself felt like her feelings were close to getting serious, but that was all over now.  ‘I’ve seen the look she gets when she plays with tinies,’ she thought in her distress, ‘I know what she did to Crystal.  Of all people, Crystal, her best fucking friend.  Her sister.  It’s over.  It’s all over.’  She cried and screamed as loud as she could in an upset frustrated rage, but between the bag encasing her and the small piece of tape over her mouth she was far too muffled to the outside world. 

She repeatedly kicked at the gummy bear on top of her in her agitation, sobbing, as it stared back at her with lifeless eyes.  ‘It’s not fair!’ she thought, ‘Why me?  Why did this have to happen?  How the fuck did Vivian even DO this?!’  She realized it was getting harder to maintain her breathing as she grew more panicked and frustrated.  Despite her increasing anxiety, she forced herself to breathe a bit more deeply.  She clawed at the part of the tape over her mouth, trying to get it off, but could only manage to tear off tiny pieces at a time.  ‘I don’t care,’ she thought, ‘I need this thing off my mouth.  Maybe I can at least get someone else’s attention.’ 

Apparently Vivian threw the bag down on top of something hard, because Rachel felt the force of the impact as it drove the gummy bears underneath her up into her already bruised back, causing her to squeal in pain.  She began fidgeting with the tape over her mouth more rapidly, knowing her time was running out.


‘Time’s running out, Rachel,’ Vivian thought, grinning to herself.  She wandered into the large school cafeteria and found Valerie, who was sitting with some earbuds plugged into her ears doing something on her iPad.  Vivian walked over and plopped the bag of gummy bears beside Valerie’s iPad. 

Valerie frowned, confused by the distraction.  She had been studying some more about certain compounds and components that could help with what they were trying to do in their actual job with the organization.  When she looked up and saw the bag of gummy bears, she gasped in joy, and pulled out an earbud.  “Vivian, you ol’ whatchamacallit!  You know what dis girl likes!”

Vivian gave a sly half-smile as she sat down beside Valerie.  Valerie noted she swayed in her movements, and looked exhausted.  “Do I?  I figured I owed you an apology.  About before, with Rachel.”  Vivian said.

“Me?  Naw.  T’was really between you and Rayray.  Gummy bears still MINE though!  But yeah, talk to her about it, if anything.”

“Her?”  Vivian grinned.  “Don’t worry.  We had a little chat back at her room before I came here.”

“Oooh really?” Valerie blinked in surprise.  “Things good now?  I don’t have to beatchoo up again?”

Vivian giggled.  “Nah, no no no, all good.  We certainly sorted ourselves out.  Speaking of, I left you a little surprise in that bag!”

“Ooh!  Interest piqued!”  Valerie smirked as she began undoing the bag.

“I’ll be right back, though!  I have to get some food, too!  I’ll join you both!”

“Yup,” Valerie replied over a handful of gummy bears already inside her mouth, making little ‘nom nom’ noises as she chewed.

Vivian gave a wicked grin before turning away.  ‘Love it when a plan comes together,’ she thought.


Rachel gave a small squeal as she felt the bag loosen around her.  She also heard and felt the movement of gummy bears far above her.  She realized she was running out of time, the small amount she had to begin with, and started giving in to her fear and panic, ripping and clawing pieces of the tape over her mouth.  She heard a loud, echoing tapping noise emanating from seemingly all around her.  In her terrified state, she had no idea what was causing it, but it was Valerie rapping her fingers from her free hand against the table in a steady rhythm as she went back to research on her iPad.  Rachel sobbed, kicking at all the gummy bears around her in frustration, her face red around where the tape had been placed and where she had been fidgeting with it. 

As time wore on and she worked at the tape, Rachel felt the gummy bears on top of her gradually lessen their pressure on her body.  She squinted as she was now able to make out the light of the cafeteria showing through the gummy bears on top of her, and movement of giant trunk-sized objects she assumed could only be Valerie’s large fingers.  They were getting larger and larger until they finally stopped, pulling up a seemingly impossible amount of gummy bears in their grasp.  Rachel squirmed as she was almost taken up with them to their fate, and managed to fall back down before being moved too far.  It was then she was finally able to remove enough of the tape to where she could open her mouth and gasp for air. 

Rachel wanted to scream now more than she ever wanted to do in her entire life, but she could only lay there gasping for air.  She didn’t realize the toll on her lungs from having her mouth sealed off for so long while she panicked, and despite her circumstances she was just happy to breathe in enough air her body needed through ragged little breaths.  She was on her back again, wincing at the sight of Valerie’s gigantic form towering over her.  The fear at this point seemed to hurt her on an actual physical level.   In the back of her mind, she admired her past lover’s beautiful features as she stared down to study something beside her.  Her eyebrows were furrowed, which she did when she was super concentrated on something, or solving a problem or equation.    Rachel felt more tears well up in her eyes as she thought back to earlier that morning when things seemed almost perfect in her life, which now felt to her like almost a lifetime ago.  She giggled in spite of herself and her situation at the cute ‘nom nom’ noises Valerie made as she ate the candy.  The way it conflicted with Valerie’s very serious expression in this moment was the most endearing thing.  Some people thought the noises she made when eating candy were annoying, but for Rachel it always put a smile on her face. Her eyes drifted down to Valerie’s almost blood red lips as they worked and chewed up the gummy bears she had recently snatched up. 

Shaking her head to snap herself out of her reverie, Rachel stood up, her footing awkward and unsure on the mound of remaining gummy bears.  ‘I have to do SOMETHING,’ she thought desperately, as she looked up at Valerie chewing her food and making small ‘nom nom’ noises, ‘That… that could’ve been me.’ Rachel shuddered as she watched Valerie’s tongue slither out and glide along her upper lip as she worked on her mouthful of candy. ‘…And she probably wouldn’t have even noticed.’  Her thought was punctuated by a large gulping noise as Valerie finished the gummy bears in her mouth.  Shadows loomed over Rachel now as Valerie’s hand quickly reached into the bag once more.

Rachel yelped, whimpering as she was caught up in several other gummy bears.  This time escape was impossible as she was trapped and pinned almost too perfectly within the cluster of candy.  ’No no no no NO NO NO!’  Rachel thought.  “VAAAAL!” She screamed.  She was slightly muffled by the surrounding gummy bears, but surely Valerie could still hear her?  “VAL!!  DON’T EAT ME!”  She sobbed, crying in frustration as she squirmed yet remained trapped. Valerie lifted her and her other fellow victims up in one handful out of the plastic bag.  Rachel kicked, and cried as loud as she could, panicking once again to the point where she could not even form words, but only yell out loudly every so often in between her tears.

Valerie overturned her hand so that the pile of gummy bears she just picked up rested in her palm a moment.  Her mouth moved before the handful of treats while she worked out bits of the last handful she just ate, gulping them down to join the rest.  She would’ve been able to hear Rachel’s screams, perhaps even feel her panicked movements in her hand, but her attention was still far too focused on her iPad, and she once again had both earbuds in her ears as she listened to music while reading.  Within moments she brought her palm full of goodies to her mouth and opened wide, tilting her hand up as her mouth hungrily accepted the awaiting handful of prey.

Rachel had managed to stick her head up out of the pile of gummy bears she found herself in.  Her body felt disoriented from the sudden movements Valerie made to bring her into this position, but as she adjusted to her surrounding she looked up and saw Valerie’s large, plush lips.  In some corner of her mind, she remembered what it was like to kiss them, and once again felt a weird moment of wistfulness amidst all her terror.  The next moment, Valerie’s lips parted, and she screamed helplessly one last time as she saw Valerie’s pulsating tongue and teeth, all with bits of different colored gummy bears stuck and strewn about, her throat and uvula only partially visible in the darkness over the crest of her tongue.   In one quick motion, almost as soon as she started screaming, Valerie’s open maw descended upon her and the pile of candy, her lips closing over and sealing Rachel and the candy within the humid cavern, cutting them off from the outside world and leaving her and her fellow treats in a stifling darkness.

To say things were kicked into high gear for Rachel was a severe understatement.  Once Valerie’s lips closed, she was swished around violently within Valerie’s mouth.  She felt the force and power of Valerie’s jaws as her teeth chewed the food, and she could feel the effects of the movement itself as she somehow managed to avoid their deadly motions.  Valerie’s tongue pushed, pulled, and swung her around, coating her in sticky saliva and pressing and slamming her around.  At times Rachel found herself thrown against a tooth, hitting her back and opening her mouth to scream in pain to only inhale Valerie’s now fruity smelling spit and cough.  Other times she felt the giant load of Valerie’s tongue bearing down and rubbing on her entire body with its slick, smooth underside as it worked the rest of the food in the humid cavern.  And other times she WAS part of the swirling mass of candy and spit, in danger of getting chewed up while being able to hear the most subtle of Valerie’s moaning as she enjoyed the candy and pressed Rachel against her firm yet bumpy palate.  The more she tried to breathe, the more spit she had to inhale, and the more her lungs demanded her to continue breathing for oxygen it was not receiving enough of.  For Rachel, it was hell, but it was a miracle she didn’t get bitten at all during the chaos, and an equally unfortunate miracle that Valerie couldn’t be bothered to notice the non-gummy bear in her mouth. 

Rachel heard Valerie make a quick, sudden sound as a warm gust of air hit her from the twitching walls of Valerie’s throat, and all movement in the mouth stopped for just a moment.  Rachel was still coughing and sputtering, fighting to take a clear breath without inhaling any of the spit stuck to her face.  She managed to take a breath in her hellish environment, but her breath was too ragged and she felt Valerie’s spit that had entered much of her orifices clogging up her windpipe, and she ended up in a coughing fit once again.  Unable to yell out or even speak, all she could do was fearfully hope that, perhaps, Valerie noticed her and was about to spit her out.

After that quick, almost still moment, though, broken only by the gusts of air flowing from Valerie’s throat, the tongue started working quickly again, gathering Rachel up and working her up into a thick, sticky mixture of chewed up gummy bears.  Rachel trying to yell out ‘NO,’ but was silenced by her own coughing and the goopy mixture she was now within.  She felt herself and the mixture moved very quickly and chaotically, and whimpered silently as she felt gravity tilt as Valerie worked the mass to the back of her throat.  Then, she felt a brief moment of the sensation of free falling before hearing a deafening gulp from all around her. 

Panicking again, she squirmed and fought the muscles of Valerie’s esophagus as best as she could, but they tightened over her body like a vice from all directions, painfully squeezing her and the gummy bear bits into her body.  It felt like her trip would never end, and all the bumps and bruises all over her body and especially her back were magnified by the chewed up candy bits pressing into her body.  It was all she could do to gasp for air that was in limited supply within this swallow of food, with candy pressing against all sides of her head, getting tangled up in her hair as she struggled the tiny bit she was able, and pushing dangerously over her face.  She couldn’t tell if the enormous heartbeat echoing in her ears came from within herself, or if it was Valerie’s own massive heartbeat as she passed nearby it on her journey.

After what felt like the longest amount of time she ever experienced, Rachel felt herself squeezed down through the tight ring leading into the stomach.  She couldn’t help but gasp in pain, taking in some spit and gummy bear taste, as she and the rest of the food were mashed strongly and unfeelingly through the sphincter leading into the stomach.  Rachel felt the hot, powerful ring as it slid all along her body as she was pushed through, and the entire time it felt like it clamped down around her tight.  She cried out from the pain and was afterward immediately silenced by the sphincter briefly choking her.  Her head was pushed down through soon after, and she found herself free falling once again.  This time she managed to scream, despite her acrid environment threatening to send her into another coughing fit, for the short amount of time she had until she fell into Valerie’s boiling hot, goopy stomach acid, thick with whatever she ate for lunch in addition to the gummy bears. 

Rachel flailed her arms and legs as she went under, trying to blindly find the surface through all the churning muck and chaos, her eyes tightly closed.  Once she found she could not possibly hold her breath one moment longer, and was about to intake a mouthful of bile, she finally managed to break the surface of the acid.  She fought to breathe through the acidic environment and through her own coughing as her coughing fit started up again, her lungs trying to clear themselves of Valerie’s sticky saliva and gummy bear remains that she happened to inhale.  She wanted desperately to settle down and rest somewhere, but the walls of Valerie’s stomach constantly churned and moved her around, which made resting an impossibility.  Exhausted already by her short but excruciating experience, all she could do was try her best to keep her head above the ocean of acid and semi digested bits of food, her coughing a tiny sound compared to the squelching and rumbling noises Valerie’s body made as the oppressive chamber worked on digesting its meal. 


A short time before, Valerie was chewing the last handful of gummy bears in her mouth as she scrolled through articles on her iPad.  There was only one gummy bear left, and she always liked to save one to pretend she was a giant eating a little person.  Of course, she could live the dream now, but it was still a bit of imaginative fun she enjoyed doing.  “Nom nom,” she whispered as she chewed, thoroughly enjoying her mouthful of candy and, unbeknownst to her at this time, the taste of her girlfriend.  Out of the corner of her eye she saw someone approaching her table.  She looked up and with a momentary ‘mmm’ sound, paused her chewing before quickly gulping down her treats.  “Juicyyyy!” She sang.

Lucy settled her tray of food on the table and sat across from Valerie.  “Hi!”  She looked around.  “Rachel not here yet?”

“Nah.  Haven’t seen her.  Dunno what’s keeping her.  Vivi’s here, she told me she had a quick chat with her earlier.”

“Yeah?”  Lucy frowned in concern.  “I don’t know.  I’m kinda worried.  You know how Vi’s been with her, and I think it’s been really getting to her lately.”

“Hm,” Valerie looked up again from her iPad, “That’s a good point.  Okay.  Now I’m concerned.  We should probably make sure Vivi didn’t actually abuse her again.  If she did, I think Rayray’s going to like the punishment I have in store for her.”  Valerie gave out a sinister ‘Muwahaha’ as she took out her phone and sent Rachel a quick text.  She felt something bubble up in her chest, so she covered her mouth and tilted her head downward, letting out a sizable burp despite her closed mouth.  “Oof.  Excuse me.  Gummy bears be fightin’ me!  They should be nicer to a lady that’s torturing them slowly in her juices.”

Lucy giggled, wincing slightly in disgust as she shook her head.  She knew Rachel and Valerie ended up eating their share of tinies, but it was always odd to her.  ‘I have different tastes, I guess.  So to speak.’

Valerie sighed.  She checked her phone and there wasn’t any word back from Rachel.  “Well, she said she caught Rayray in our dorm, so I’ll check there real quick.  I’ll be right back!  But just to warn ya, Vivi is out there somewhere!  And she’s joining us!”

“Oh.”  Lucy shrugged.  “She can’t have done anything too bad to her, then, if she was planning to eat with all of us?”

“Yeah, one can hope!”  Valerie stood up.  “Don’t let nobody take my stuff!”  And with that, she started heading over to the dorms, holding out her phone the whole way in case Rachel ever replied. 


Meanwhile, inside Valerie’s gut, Rachel managed to finally stop coughing as much.  She wheezed, her breath labored as she fearfully waded through the stomach contents and fought the current caused by the moving stomach walls.  She sobbed, screaming in frustration as the stomach gurgled around her, stewing in her girlfriend’s stomach acid, keeping her head just above the surface of the ever-moving pool.  She wasn’t in any pain yet, but the acid was just a bit hotter than she could stand, and she was starting to feel itches in random spots throughout her body as it soaked into her skin and clothes. 

“WHY!?” She sobbed in frustration, before giving another final scream.  “WHYYYYY!?  VIVIAN YOU BIIITCH!”  She started coughing again once she was done, spitting out more of the saliva she ingested from Valerie, dripping down her chin and into the rest of the stomach contents.  ‘Ew,’ she thought, now that it was starting to sink in where she was, and how it smelled like pure vomit within her organ prison, she wretched, puking up a mixture of her own stomach juices, Valerie spit, and gummy bear bits into the mix.all around her.  The walls’ constant motion kept pushing her back and forth, ensuring she was getting thoroughly soaked in her own puke.  “FUUUCK!  GET ME OUTTA HEEEEEERE!” she screeched, ending her scream in a quiet sob as the only replies were more of the stomach’s constant, uncaring churning and gurgling. 

After a while of wading through the muck and cursing and screaming and despising her situation, she had an idea.  ‘My phone!  I wonder if it even works… it’s waterproofed, but this is…!’ She shuddered, unable to finish the thought, and managed to reach into her soaked jeans pocket and pull out her phone.  She hit a button to check if it still worked, and to her surprise the screen lit up and she saw she had a text message from Valerie.  She felt a momentary sense of victory… until she noticed her environment.  The phone gave off a small amount of light, but she could easily make out the ribbed, pulsating walls of the stomach with the veins running all throughout the organ, the dull colored acid, the chunks of food and semi-digested, unrecognizable bits, the sphincter at the top she fell through.  She whimpered as she took in the reality of her surroundings, the sight of which filling her with far more dread than anything else up to this point.  She screamed, panicking once again, accidentally dropping her phone as she flailed around, crying the word ‘no’ over and over.

She managed to get a hold of herself and force herself to breath more steadily.  She gagged at the smell as she did so, letting a small sob afterwards, but was a bit more used to her environment now given her time here.  The light her cell was giving off was dim now, giving everything a much more creepy, sinister look.  ‘I have to get it back,’ she thought worriedly, ‘I have to try to let someone know where I am.  Someone has to care… even if Valerie doesn’t.  Someone HAS to care… right…?’ 

She took a deep breath and dove into the acid.  Keeping her eyes closed, she swam to about where the bottom was, but since the bottom pulsed and churned along with the other walls of the stomach it was hard to remain in contact with it, as it was constantly pulling away or pushing her away.  Rachel swam around as long as she could, waving her hands around and she tried reaching for wherever the phone could be.  Then she resurfaced, gasping, crying out due to the pain the prolonged exposure her eyes had to the acid.  ‘Fuck me, that wasn’t a good idea but I had to try.’  She blinked, trying to be able to take another look around once the acid was more or less gone or diluted, and she felt it tingle as some of the acid was worked within her eyes.  If she could see, she’s know her vision was getting a bit blurry, but she noticed she was back in complete darkness.  At this point her skin was starting to burn, almost like a really bad sunburn covering her entire body, even her face now.  She herself didn’t know why, but the acid was getting stronger because Valerie was now wandering around campus looking for her.

‘My phone,’ Rachel thought, shivering and in pain, ‘I bet it got sucked into her intestines.  I bet that almost happened to me just now when I was looking for it.’ 

She was right on both accounts.


‘Geezus, girl, where are you?’ Valerie thought.  She had just checked their dorm room and was on her way back to the cafeteria.  She checked her phone again.  No reply still.  ‘I swear, if she’s doing something dumb, I’m probably going to do something dumb to Vivi.’


Lucy had been picking at her meal this whole time.  She wanted to wait for the others before she really started, but she was also too hungry to wait.  She pursed her lips as she noticed the lone gummy bear leftover in Valerie’s bag.  She reached her hand in it, and pulled it out, looking down at it.  It was a blue, cotton candy flavored gummy bear.  For a moment she stared down at it, wondering what it would feel like to gaze at a tiny like this, with the intent of swallowing them down.  In one quick motion, she tossed the gummy bear into her mouth, swirled it around and savored it, then chewed it up and swallowed, her gulp moving the bits of candy down her throat and within her chest into her stomach.  She shrugged.  ‘Really doesn’t do it for me.  I can’t imagine people would taste too good either?’  Lucy looked over and was shocked by Vivian standing there, watching her.  She let out a small yelp.  “AHH!  Wha-wha, Vivian!?  I didn’t even notice you.”

Vivian arched an eyebrow.  “Enjoying yourself with Valerie’s gummy bears, dear?”

“Uhh.  There was only one left, I swear!”


“No, really!  She just got up in a hurry.  She was…” Lucy paused, hesitating, “well, she was… worried about Rachel, so she went to look for her.”

“Wait,” Vivian said, narrowing her eyes, “Look?  For her?  Like, she didn’t know where she was?”

“Umm.  Yes?”

“Was she just playing with you?”

“Uhh.  I don’t think so?  Why would she?”

Vivian sat down, surprised, almost in shock, noting the empty bag which once had a substantial amount of gummy bears.  ‘Did she eat her… by accident!?’ She thought.

“Are you okay?” Lucy asked, “You look like you would lose a wrestling match with a pillow.”

Vivian paused, looking over at Lucy confused.  Lucy returned the confused look, feeling a bit awkward and uncomfortable, and then Valerie arrived.  “Hiiiii guys!” Valerie sang, before grunting in exasperation, “So, yeah, I couldn’t find Rayray.  VIVIAN!” She shouted in a mock gruff voice, “WHAT DID JOO DO WITH HER!” She put her arms around Vivian’s neck from behind and jokingly made as if she were strangling her.

If Vivian had more time to process and think things through, she might not have replied as she did.  “Uhh.  She was the surprise in the bag of gummy bears.  You didn’t see her when you ate them all?”

Valerie’s face now was one of pure twisted confusion.  “WATT!?”

“I… I made a shrink ray that would work on people who had eaten the tinies.  And… and I shrunk her and put her in with your gummy bears.  I thought…” she blinked, “I thought you’d notice her there.”

Valerie was frozen there now, her arms wrapped around Vivian’s neck in an ironically perfect position for what she probably wanted to do.  Valerie, however, was starting to feel nauseas.  Not because her stomach disagreed with eating her girlfriend, necessarily, now that she was aware of it, but because it was almost as if her stomach knew what had to happen next.  After a few seconds of considering her options, Valerie let go of Vivian and ran off, bumping into a couple of other students as she raced towards the girls’ bathroom.

“V…Val!” Lucy called, following her.

Vivian sat there, wide eyed, in disbelief.  ‘Wow.  Rachel really was insignificant, I guess!  Ha!’

Chapter End Notes:

I warned ya!  Not only is it time to be a bad person, but I warned you this was a vore centric story!  But don't worry, I'll sprinkle more variety in soon, and more interactions with people who are not Valerie!  But for now, this has to happen. 


I know it's been a month, but hopefully I dressed this up alright.  I could feel the dust unsettle from my writer parts as I worked on this story for the first time in a while.  You know how it is.  But I still intend to finish this as much as I ever did before.  Or bring it to as finished as it can be. 

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