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Inside the soul of Dalia, Team reunited.


Sildud and Sam did not take long to locate the trio and Fenrir, and after a quick explanation of the situation (prior to an attempt to attack Fenrir by Samantha), Fenrir made Flynn and Xilven appear. The powers of Fenrir were certainly impressive, because the beast was able to deform the space and create walls to prevent the advance of the liquid monsters only with their thoughts... but he didnt seem prepared to face the imminent attack of the liquid monsters.

 "The appearance of those damn Oozoe can only mean that Hades is regaining control of Dalia's soul... the situation can be out of control at this rate" Fenrir jumped from the top of the wall to where the group was meeting.

"Fee's spell that shaped Dalia's soul and this city is weakening. I would not be surprised if all this would fall apart soon and take on the authentic form of the soul "


The 7 looked at each other, looking for complicity and someone who understood the situation. In the end, the storm elf was the first to take the step and head towards Fenrir.

"If I understood correctly, Fee's spell gave physical shape to this city, did not she? She took Dalia's soul and deformed it until she got something that fit as Fee saw her, so far I'm right, no?"


Fenrir nodded, smiling, while the sound of the Oozoe crashing against the wall of facades filled the air. "Therefore, once Hades regains control, the soul will take its true form... and Hades will be exposed?"


"Not bad, elf, I understand because Dalia has so much esteem for your species... not you, Xilven." The storm elf growled furiously. (Although the rest of his allies smiled and choked their laughter) "I can defend while you start the descent, but you should know that I only have as much power as Dalia has confidence in herself and how you can see... 

 Until the ritual of Fee, I didnt even have consciousness as such, and although i will not disappear while your souls are here inside, I dont know how far I can go in combat..."


"To be fierce... or courage... or whatever you are to Dalia, you do not have much confidence in yourself..." Nu'ma said supported by Fiona and Samantha's nod.


"Understand me, friends... Dalia isnt held in high esteem when Hades appears, so right now I am weaker compared to normally... I regret I cant be so much help..." Fenrir looked down, while a first crack formed in the wall. "Anyway, you're going to go down if or if to the depths of the soul away from the spell of Fee, prepare for battle, comrades"


Fenrir turned toward the wall, leaping over it and roaring before jumping into the Oozoe. The team met in a circle, waiting for Valeria to speak. 

"You have already heard him, once down we will not be in a friendly place like this... "friendly", so once we go down Sildud and I will do the front line, Samantha defends-"

 The whole city began to tremble, the buildings deformed and all the lights were suddenly extinguished. The ground began to darken, becoming a black mud that was swallowing the whole world.


"Good luck, relatives of Dalia... Hope Hades does not release his anger with you" Fenrir said, while the Oozoe surrounded him and dissolved him.





Throne Room of the Night Palace. 


"NO NO NO! What the hell are they doing?!" Fee screamed out of nowhere, waking Hannah and Elsa from their little nap.

 Elsa jumped up quickly, running to the Fairy and waving her to get her attention. "Fee! What's wrong?! Is Dahlia right?!"

 Fee began to hyperventilate and tremble, while Dalia opened her eyes again, and stood up covered in dark smoke.

"I will not let you take my heart away, it's been hard for me to dive into Dalia's memories... but I know everything you want! They're going to steal my heart to provoke a change in my attitude and make me come out of my actions!" Hannah tried to grab her daughter, but Dalia-Hades surrounded herself with smoke and flew towards Fee.

"If I kill you, fucking fairy, the image of their souls will vanish!"

 Dalia-Hades was a few inches away from grabbing the fairy, but Elsa managed to grab her daughter by the leg and slow her progress. "Brave and useless efforts! Drop me, lap-dog!" Turning around in the air, Dalia-Hades took advantage of her size to deliver a devastating kick to Elsa's chest, sending her flying.


The Alitian god tried to continue his advance, but this time it was a punch from Hannah that frustrated his attempts. Dalia-hades hit with a lot of force against the ground, breaking several tiles in the process.

"So... now you attack your own daughter, Hannah?" Hades half smiled bleeding to Hannah, who was trying to contain the tears and anger.


"I will not let you go ahead, demon! I'd rather hurt my daughter slightly now and secure a life without you than regret me later for not acting-"

 "Nice words, but let's see how far you can keep them!" Hades vanished, becoming a sphere of smoke and leaving the body.

Elsa and Anna were unable to believe what their eyes saw. "I have to say that I doubt I would have come to the conclusion by myself... but Dalia had the answer!

While those bastards are trying to steal my heart, their bodies are free of their soul and their conscience... ergo... I HAVE A LOT OF BODIES TO USE!"


Hades flew around the room, dodging Elsa's attacks while laughing like a lunatic. The Alitian god waited the moment when the blonde was exhausted to jump into the pile of unconscious bodies.

(As the alitian god had already checked the other times that Elsa had stopped him, by much ability to use the aura or however powerful her body was... the generation of aura was still human)

"SO MANY TO CHOOSE, even if only partially... it would be good to master other bodies for a change!" Hades entered Xilven's body, rising slowly and stretching. "The elves of the storm are masters of the elements and the arcane... let's see how powerful they can be when a superior being like me uses them!"

Xilven-Hades raised his hands, conjuring a storm in a low voice. "Listen to me ancient dragons! Release your roar through this mortal body! STORM RAGE!"
A giant lightning bolt emerged from the hands of X-Hades, hitting Hannah with enough force to cause her to scream in pain (which surprised both Elsa and X-Hades himself). The blonde quickly saw X-Hades begin to conjure again, so she take the only possible decision.

Attack on the front without damaging Xilven too much.

"It's not bad! Elven magic isnt as polished as the Alitian symbology, but it can be worth!" X-Hades dodged the blows of Elsa's halberd without even bothering to attend to her, waiting for the right moment to release another blow on the blonde.

Zappp!!! Elsa fell to her knees, electrocuted and out of breath.

"Dalia has given me the best chance to get revenge! I can attack you without your being able to defend yourself because attacking Xilven would be a great threat to relations with the storm elves! That girl is worth millions!"

"Ahhh Of course she's worth it... BUT DONT DARE OR SHOULD MENTION HER, DEMON!" Elsa grabbed her halberd, tried to hit the elf possessed with the hilt... but again X-Hades defended himself by conjuring another lightning. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"I've been so dreaming of hearing your screams that I cant but cry with emotion!" X-hades pretended to drop a tear, before lifting his right leg to push Elsa. "Now if you excuse me... I have to provoke a war between elves and humans as revenge! Goodbye, losers!"

X-Hades tried to surround himself with black smoke to float, but because of a lot of smoke he was unable to take off. "Wow... without the other half of my soul I am unable to use the fullness of my powers... I dont care much either!" And after saying that, X-Hades ran to the main doors of the castle.






After a few minutes, the first to recover from the electrocution was Hannah. The giantess, more affected by the nature of the powers of Hades, knelt on the floor next to her wife, stroking her back while using the aura to heal her badly damaged body.

"Hannah, dont exhaust all your aura... look at Dalia" Elsa pointed between heavy breaths, to which her wife looking at her daughter. Dalia was moaning in pain and breathing more slowly and heavily than her mother, while the smoke flowed directly from her chest. "Hades shouldnt know how to use the division too well... and he's doing even more damage to... TO DALIA! HE WILL PAY FOR THIS, I SWEAR!" Elsa hit the ground with the bottom of her halberd, using and using it to get up.

"Elsa please, dont overdo it..." Hannah sounded hurt and scared, although Elsa seemed more interested in doing warm-up exercises.

"Hannah, take care of Dalia and get Fee back on itself... I cant really hurt Xilven's body, but I can tear that bastard with my own hands!" Elsa roared in rage, before following the path of X-Hades.

"Elsa..." Hannah, frightened as she was by the course of events, had full confidence in her wife. The giantess got up and ran to her daughter, lifting her between her hands and trying to stop the black smoke from escaping. "Dalia, my daughter... hold on... please..."




Inside the soul of Dalia, depths.


Valeria fell alone in a place resembling a wooded swamp. The waters were darkened, and the laughter of Hades filled the place. "Welcome, Aleria! you come to find my heart I gather... but once again I show the difference between an Alitian god and mere mortals like you!"


"I'm a vampire! Mortality for me is just a joke! AND MY NAME IS VALERIA!" Valeria shouted as she left the quagmire where she was walking. "Where are everybody?!"

"Everyone? Fighting and trying find the way! But you must know... that I have overtaken you, and the mistress of this soul!" Hades emerged from the trees, the spectrum taking the form of a black match heart surrounded by smoke.

"You see this form? it's because my other half is controlling your bodies! LEAVING YOUR CONSCIENCES AFTER GIVING ME THE NECESSARY TRACK HASNT BEEN THE BEST IDEA!"


Valeria, after a second reasoning the words of the god alitano, ran forward with claws prepared. "I'll finish with you before you can even control me! I have a character to take care of!"

The vampire leapt into the dark heart, trying to cut it into two more Hades turned to vanish.


"Do you really think I would be so stupid as to present myself to you?" Honestly, only you and the orc could defeat me! Your father is older, Fiona is depressed, Nu'ma has never stood out fighting if not as contact and Samantha is too impulsive in the time to fight one against one!"

The heart appeared and disappeared around Valeria several times, still laughing. The vampire, tired of the situation, took one of the disappearances to take the shape of Aleria and run to the depths of the swamp.

"You're going for my real heart?! This swamp was born of Dalia's fears and anxieties, and here I've become strong! This is my fortress and you can never defeat me... are you listening to me?!"

Hades waited a few seconds, and seeing that the answer was not coming, he growled frustrated. "Oozoe!" Scores of Oozoe emerged from the trees and mud. "Stop her! Release so many of my deformed fears how you need, but make sure she doesnt get to the heart of the forest!"

The Oozoe slithered away after Valeria, while Hades faded between doubts. Divide the team was more difficult than it seemed, because the forces of the god Alitian should split even more than they already were...

Flynn, Fiona, Nu'ma and Samantha would not find the right way in a million years, but Valeria was fast enough to cover the entire landscape... and Sildud was an expert hunter and tracker...

"That damned orc is the problem in the equation... I wish I could have taken his body instead of the elf's body... however, I have more important things to occupy myself"





Exterior of the main doors of the Night Palace


The servants of Aleria did not know what to do when the elf that entered the first group left the castle, but they knew that their lives were in danger at the moment when X-Hades raised his arms beginning the conspiracy.

"Oh dragons, listen to my prayers and release your anger through my arms! Mystic Bu-"

Elsa appeared running at full speed, throwing herself on X-Hades and knocking him down before the attack could begin. "GO OUT OF HERE! AND AVOID ANYONE ELSE COMING HERE!" X-Hades was removed trying to remove the blonde, but if Elsa knew something was how making a good grip.




Entrance of the garden of the Night Palace.


Jack wagged his stroller lightly, trying to calm the cries of his twins while his wife paid for the taxi. "Come on, kids! Stop crying and smile! Do it for dad!" Both babies looked at each other for a few seconds, beginning to cry again to unison. "Shit! It was so close!"

"After this, remember to pass on to Elsa the receipts of both the portal trip and the taxi, okay?" Mirabelle kept the ticket between her breasts, beginning to walk towards the palace. It was noticeable from afar that the Jabberwock was not too excited about having to travel to Magic Fun Park.

"I'm not going to ask for the money from two-" Jack stopped abruptly, while his wife snatched control of the stroller and distributed a Feeding bottle for each baby.

"You are going to ask for three reasons: It is the plan of the DAUGHTER of YOUR boss, it has been a transport not warned in advance, so the opening of the portal has been more expensive than if we had reserved"

Jack waited a few seconds, but Mirabelle had started walking again. "...and the third?"

"Third? what the hell are you talking to me about- Ahh! Okay, it's because we have to save money for Jackie and Alice's university, I have the impression that one of them will want to take a very expensive career and I want to be prepared ... surely something like an engineering"

Jack waited a few seconds, but after abandoning the idea of r03;r03;understanding his wife's reasoning, he started running behind him, trying to match the steps with her stride.

(They were steps, but the difference in sizes came back to interfere in their marriage)





While husband, wife and children walked enjoying the environment of the gardens, a frightened crowd ran towards them. "GO AWAY FROM HERE! THE ELVES ARE ATTACKING US!"

The mob ran down the gardens, stopping in a van that parked next to the entrance to the gardens.  Jack and Mirabelle did not even need to look at each other to communicate.

"Dalia?" I ask the jabberwock.


"Dalia," answered Jack, picking up the handlebar of the stroller and adjusting to his height while his wife ran out. "My children, I didnt want to expose you to violence so soon... but it seems that once again we will have to resolve this peacefully... with the only peace that counts!" Jack began to push the stroller as hard as he could, trying to get to the more than imminent fight.





Chapter End Notes:




Surely you ask why I have only collected the arrival of Valeria to the depths of my mind. It's a very simple matter, the truth...


It's not just that I was unconscious when all this happened and that I have to be compiling the statements of all those present.

(They could perfectly have had a party and then stay in telling me a perfectly elaborated lie ... I do not think that's the case, they're my fucking family! If I cant trust them, who am I going to trust?)

The fucked part is that almost no one wants to talk about what happened in the depths of my soul... except my aunt Valeria and Sildud, the rest answered that they had no desire to talk about what they saw...

Maybe this whole part should be thrown with a kind of "Three months later" or something like that... but I really want my note of excellence in the school record...

Anyway, I will collect everything that happened during the fight against X-Hades as best as possible and since the teachers' meeting decides my final grade.

PD: I have suffered a lot to get the recordings of what happened in the garden of the Night Palace... so I hope that everything suffered in my school record is well reflected.




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