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Author's Chapter Notes:



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"Come on, I dont have all day to be here!" Dalia started clicking through all the menus as quickly as possible, without stopping to look at what she was clicking.

"Wait a minute, Dalia, did you say that Elsa recruited Nu'ma at the Faydenn landfill? I'm pretty sure it wasnt like that! "Dalia stopped clicking for a second, turning to the C-Com and activating the video call.

"God, you look horrible! I understand that you dont want to get pretty to be in the club, but please! You cant wear your hair as if you were a vine from a tree!"

"It's called a ponytail!"

"It's called a horsetail when it's picked up, you havent even bothered to comb it, and that's about your shirt... it's a coffee stain... For the love of God, Dalia!"

"SHUT UP! Jolbirth, You said that mom didnt recruit aunt in the dump?

According to the Archive, aunt Nu'ma participated in the fight in the Nights Nation! It is virtually impossible for the order of events to be different! Dont be offended, godfather, but I've been in the Chronomancy Club for 4 months, and I think I know how the Archive works!"

Jolbirth under his head, closing his eyes thoughtfully. The dragon was silent for a full minute, until he suddenly stood up. "Dalia, I'm 100% sure that Nu'ma participated in the assault on the Nights Nation, but I'm also sure she didnt do it on our side!"

Dalia sighed, while extracting the memory glass to prevent the chapter from loading unintentionally. "I'm not going to take a bad note for this, so I'm going to fix it here and now"

The giantess rose from her desk, lowering the shutters of the Chronomancy club while the "Tenohira" went off. "Can you call mommy and tell her that I'm going to take a little longer to go home, please? I'm going to go to the Archive to check this personally, if you're sure, godfather, then I want to believe it's a mistake by the previous transcriber"


"It will be the best... if you tell Hannah that you're going to take longer to get home... you're going to force her to call GUN... and God knows I dont pretend or want to go looking for you! You have an age to be on the street at eight o'clock in the afternoon, you arent a baby to pick you up as soon as the sun sets!"

"Thank you, godfather! Tomorrow I will call you at the same time to continue with chapter 77!" Dalia cut the call, and after checking that the C-com had enough energy for a few hours, the giantess turned off the club lights before locking the door and leaving.







New Bahia del Sol, Secondary Education Institute "Ocean View":

08:00 in the afternoon, Day 12 of Full Solar Era.


The wind was warm, and it was loaded with great promises for the holidays. Nueva Bahia was not a very frenzied city, although from the outside it might seem otherwise. The area of r03;r03;the cathedral district if it was, but when you concentrate much of the administrative buildings and businesses, is something within the expected.

Not that Elsa had wanted to concentrate everything on a single point, because the entire coast was full of skyscrapers and building-communities as far as the eye could see. It was something more... product of chance.

Dalia walked to the exit of the Hightschool, where she sat to wait the tram with many other students who had stayed late, either in sports or artistic clubs. Even in a crowd, Dalia stood out as always.

Although it wasnt her fault! Genetics had given her good and bad things, more bad than good, unfortunately:

Redhead but with her hair full of natural blond highlights, Extreme height even for a third growth giantess, grown too soon but relatively well developed (Or that Dalia wanted to believe, it was no surprise when in the women's changing rooms some classmate was left gaping at the size of a bra, of shoes or panties...) ...

Dalia sighed, holding back her inner monologue to avoid depressing herself. After so many months in the club of Chronomancia it was already a habit to start narrating introductions in their spare time... strange as that sounds.

"Dalia? Dalia, answer! Do you get on the tram or are you waiting for something else?" The construct reviser of the tram clicked its claws, drawing the attention of the giantess and the look and giggles of her companions. Dalia simply nodded, getting up from the seat and passing her student bracelet through the ticket reader.


Although every public vehicle was prepared to house an adult third growth giantess or an Iloa of the seas, Dalia preferred to sit down while her body allowed her in a medium seat, even if they were a little tight.

In one of those free medium seats Dalia found her place, sitting against the window and turning on the C-com music player. Mom had told her many times about human smartphones, but even with that, the redheaded giantess (half blonde) couldnt understand how someone would prefer a device dependent on electricity to a C-com! They are much more comfortable, they are permanently connected to the internet and last days and days, they are fully operational!


The metal voice of the construct brought Dalia back from another monologue.

"Dalia, your older sister was here yesterday and she left her scarf, can you take her? I would leave this in the tram, but the construct that makes the night shift will take her to the lost property department if this stays here another day! I cant do that to a member of your family!"

The reviser left the scarf on the seat next to Dalia, without waiting for an answer before continuing to check that all passengers were properly seated.

"Dont fuck me! I'm not going home!... well, I have to carry this junk all over the city! Stupid Sarah!" Dalia opened her backpack, struggling to get the huge scarf between the books. "Who's been blowing in the summer? Of course I could only be Miss "I'm too cool to dress differently to my style and I want to wear a scarf even with this heat"... you know? PFFFFFFFFFFF" Dalia blows a raspberry to anyone in particular, while she managed to close the backpack without being very clear as.

The classmate seated in front of her couldnt avoid turning around before the "nickname" said by the giantess. "What you said doesnt make any sense! You can not put such a long nick to someone, you break the meaning of nickname!"

"She's my sister! She's lucky and can be grateful that I bother to articulate complete syllables in her name! Miss PFFFF is as good a nickname as any!"

"You're lucky to be Lady Sarah's little sister! That will open many doors for you in the future!"

"The only door that I want her to open is the one in the bathroom when she, that slut, doesnt hold it for me to enter! Any other door I'll open it myself! I'm Dalia-"

"DALIA REYES WOOD, THE MIRACULOUS GIRL! WE ALREADY KNOW IT!" All the students in the tram car shouted at the same time, stealing the words from the mouth of the giantess.

".... PFFFFFFFF" Dalia leaned back in the tight seat, looking out the window with her arms crossed.





District of the cathedral, tram station "Archive":

8:15 in the afternoon.


Dalia got under the last of the car, far away from where any other student had come down to go home. Although the construct was not going to say anything (better not, because it's just a construct... a replaceable one) from this point any GUN agent who saw it would notify her aunt Valeria.

In that case, there were three particularly bad options that could happen:

- The warning was taken by the godmother Bolt, which made it impossible to escape without being detected by the harpy.

- That the warning came to the aunt Fiona, that although it would be something more feasible a flight, the protoslime isnt one of those that surrender easily.

- And last and most important, mom took the warning directly and went to meet the giantess. Elsa had eyes all over Bahia, and it was much harder on the punishments than godmother Bolt... Avoid mom, and the town hall were the clearest objectives for a proper mission by Dalia.

"Little bug! what are you doing here? It's too late for you to wander around the cathedral district! You dont know what..." Honestly, as soon as Dalia heard Aunt Fee's voice, whatever the fairy said vanished in the abyss of fear.

Dalia ran to the bench where the fairy rested, throwing herself on her knees to beg. "Please, aunty, dont tel to mom or mommy that I'm here!"

The fairy couldnt stop laughing at her niece, while she put another fried potato in her mouth. "Easy, little bug! I should not be here either, I'm hiding from Alanis!"

"Why? ... oh ... of course ... you should be at the town hall ..." The fairy winked at her niece, affirming her criminal act. "And how do you know she willnt look for you at the station?"


"I have 5 years of practice in fleeing important meetings! I know where Alanis is looking for me and where not! Also... you shouldnt judge my choice of places You have come to the station closest to the Town Hall, as if you were a novice in the art of being where you shouldnt! You dont remember my lessons?"


"Of course, Rule 12: Always be in the most obvious place where they wouldnt look for ridiculous that would be!"

"That's my niece! And now go do what you have to do, the next tram that leaves to go to your house arrives in 34 minutes, so you have to be here by then or Elsa will leave the town hall before your get home!"

Dalia nodded, jumping up and running toward the exit. Fee decided not to tell her anything about the scarf that hung from the backpack, thinking how funny it would be when she realized it. The fairy put another potato in her mouth, smiling and praying for her niece's safety.

Dalia ran and ran through the streets of the district, avoiding any GUN agent or security camera on her way. The giantess would be too big for her age, but Dalia was very proud that even with a few extras too large her agility remained intact. (Surely the product of so many hours running, falling, jumping, falling more, getting into corners where it would be impracticable to manage to pass them, being stuck in most of those corners, etc etc etc)

The giantess climbed one of the small buildings that surrounded the Archive, using her own agility and the human-sized fire escape for it.

"Well... let me play the right music... C-Com, play Life Will Change!"

The C-com went on, activating Dalia's wireless headphones and playing the song. "Perfect! Dalia, the phantom thief, on the move!"






Chapter End Notes:




Office of the mayor: Same moment.


"Miss mayor, the report has arrived!" The GUN agent entered the office running, carrying the newly received note. The mayor made a gesture with his hand, without turning around in his chair, which served the agent as a sign that he began to speak.

"Dalia has managed to avoid all our patrols and cameras, except those that we secretly install in the alleys, she is currently on top of the post office building, in front of the Archive!"

"That little bitch... there are free GUN agents right now? I would like to set a trap for her when she leaves the Archive, whatever it is she wants to do there"

"I'm not sure... but could I ask to Zoe! Would you give me permission to activate the "Bug hunt" protocol, Miss Mayor?" The same gesture of the mayor's hands served as approval, cheering the agent who left the office in a hurry.

Flynn closed the door slowly, while walking to the table to snatch the mayor's cup of coffee. "Your daughter grows fast... a year ago she was unable to dodge a GUN agent... and look at her now!"

"That's why I must raise the level at the same time as she do it!" Elsa rose from her chair, snatching the cup from Flynn's hands and moving towards the window. "Sarah believes in justice, and is she too good to do any revealing act... but Dalia... Dalia has inherited everything bad from me and Hannah..."

"Her heart burns with the flame of revolution! She is the miracle child, after all!" Flynn laughed as he summoned his spear and Elsa's halberd. "We're going hunting, Miss Mayor? the little daring bug must know where the limits are!"

Elsa smiled, drinking her coffee all at once and taking her halberd. As long as Dalia was still at her level of potency, it was her duty as a mother to educate her peacefully... peacefully by force.



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