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Depopulated territory south of Faydenn:

Same day, 12:00


The territory of Faydenn was known by all Autumnend for having been attacked in the past dozens of times, whether by pirates, Grystels, Kogrus or even by Alnily mercenaries from the other continent. What once was a majestic city for the Iloa of the forest, little by little it was becoming more and more uninhabited, until the complete abandon 300 years ago.

An ideal place to start building Bahia 2.0!

Evidently, when Tylsys, the leader of the tribe of the forest, had told about the area to Vagrand, Maria, Calia and Elenaor had ensured by active and passive to hide the whole theme of the attacks, making the area seem like an area depopulated by the Iloa due to migration to new forests.

And after debating internally with the Prometheus management team, Mitael had offered to leave Faydenn for Bahia with the excuse that being originally a coastal city, the logic for Bahia 2.0 was to continue being it.

Maria and Elenaor hesitated a bit about Mitael's intentions, but Calia's determination (coupled with an affirmative response too early) led them to take the zone to begin the construction of Bahia 2.0.

And there, after 80 minutes of driving from the Scarley Gate, the Bahia 2.0 management team arrived in the territory of their future city.

An female Iloa from the forest was waiting for them against a huge tree similar to a redwood tree (almost as tall as Calia), which cast its shadow on the hill that led to the coast.

The Jeep that was transporting them stopped behind the tree, leaving two soldiers to mark the parking lot for the trucks that followed them. After that, and after checking that the area was safe, the soldiers gave the signal for Vagrand, Ritchey, Elsa and Veronica to leave.

(Calia was in one of the trucks accompanied by Flynn, while Eleanor and Maria were in one of the others)

Vagrand fixed his suit and his hair quickly looking in the mirror, before running lightly to find the Iloa. "You must be Nirleve, right?" Benjamin Vagrand, leader of the Bahia 2.0 management team! "


The iloa looked curiously at Vagrand's hand, while the mayor extended it towards her as a gesture of goodwill. "Tylsys has told me about you and your goals, human! I welcome you to Faydenn, one of only two coastal territories of Terre dell'alba that are not in control of the Tribe of the seas!

My name as you well know is Nirvele, the leader of the territory and heiress of the emerald coast... technically heir until you have arrived! "Nirvele laughed as she took Vagrand's hand, squeezing it and shaking it sharply. "You have everything where you can see to build your city, and you have the town of Faydenn to the north, inside the forest, for whatever you need us!

We are a very old population, and we do not have quarries or similar, but we are good people willing to help all the young blood that pretends to make Faydenn shine!"

Vagrand nodded, while Nirvele released his hand. It was true that the Illoa was much older than Tylsys (not knowing how the Iloa get older, Vagrand assumed that she had to be over 60 years old, minimal), and with the information that the forest leader had given them, Vagrand and the team He assumed that Faydenn would be in relatively poor condition.

"Thank you very much for allowing us to start building our home here, matriarch Nirvele, we promise to do everything in our power so that Faydenn becomes again the jewel that was once"

Nirvele nodded, as she rummaged in her purse for a small notebook. "I know you can not read our language correctly, but I asked my grandson to write down everything important about the area, and now if you excuse me, Mr. Vagrand, my feet are killing me! I'm going home, you feel invited to come and rest if you need it!"

Vagrand did not know what to say, while the Iloa slowly returned to the forest to the north, losing itself by the way between the trees. They had too many questions to ask about Faydenn, but... As Tylsys had said, Nirvele is an older woman who goes at her own pace.


"Why have you let her go?! We have a lot to ask her..." Eleanor fixed her notebook in Vagrand's hands, while the mayor tried to understand something of her. "Oh great... we really should have brought Hannah with us-"

"Come here! Please!" Maria's worried voice caught the attention of the two, who ran to the top of the hill where Maria, Elsa and Flynn waited, looking down.

Eleanor and Vagrand did not need words to understand what was troubling the trio. The land they had been given (38.51 km² / 14.67 mi²) for the construction of Bahia 2.0 is full, full of ruins, ruined houses, dirty buildings and streets full of garbage...

"Holy God..." Vagrand noticed how all the motivation that accumulated had vanished in seconds.

"Well... now I understand why they said that this area was unpopulated... they were referring to abandoned..." Flynn and Elsa went down the hill, while Maria fell on her knees to the ground, completely collapsed.

Elsa approached the nearest building, smelling the smell of rotting meat from 20 feet away. The blonde only looked slightly, fearing the worst... and what if she hit it! "wo "dogs?" devouring what looked like the remains of a small animal.

"Oh... well..." The "dogs" turned to Elsa the second he heard her voice, growling at her teeth before taking the remains in her mouth and running away.

"So bad is the situation?... wild animals... what was missing..." Flynn made his spear appear, firing enough electric shock to kill both "dogs". "We need exterminators, and demolitionists... we also need trailers to take the debris... or tell Jack to buy dynamite! That will work!"


Elsa looked at him out of the corner of her eye, before continuing to move forward and inspecting the ruins. From behind, Vagrand joined the couple accompanied by two of the soldiers, because all help was little. Flynn was able to take care of any animal, but defend Elsa and Vagrand at the same time? That wasnt his style.

The group continued walking through the remains of the city, trying to avoid the smell of rotten food, carcasses of animals and other debris. The situation did nothing but get worse, as they found collapsed buildings, sewers open up fecal materials and the like."This place could not have been abandoned so many years ago There's shit half wet yet!" Vagrand couldnt suppress an arcade while between him and Elsa they closed another sewer.

"Tylsys has sold us a beautiful motorbike, with the engine completely burned... we have a lot more work than I thought... I dont know when we can start with the construction" Elsa sighed, while Flynn gave them the clear signal. The blonde was hating with all of her strength her senses improved, because while Vagrand only suffered the sting of the sewers, Elsa could smell almost everything in 50 feet around. And it was not a good smell precisely.

"Stop complaining! Calia has to unload the entire command center and ride it alone! We're just walking! Ours is easy work!... although I think that the really hard work is that of Ritchey, having to control that my wife doesnt fail on any wall or roof... we dont want the command center to fall on us! " Flynn laughed as he hopped up to the next pile of debris, firing an electric shock at some kind of land squid.

"Soldiers, keep your eyes open! There are a lot of weirdos and bad intentions around!"


Both soldiers growled, claiming, while Elsa climbed the small mountain of rubble. "Flynn, couldnt you create a dark portal big enough to put all this garbage in? We need to be able to accelerate the collection of waste if we want to start the works this week"

"You think I'm a Christ to do a miracle like that? I can hardly create a dark portal big enough for Calia to enter, of course I will not be able to create the one you want!"

"I knew you would say that, and without reading your mind" Elsa sighed again, too many times for her pleasure in just one morning. "There must be... another way... easier and simple..."

Vagrand fell to the floor for the fourth time trying to climb the mountain of rubble. The mayor kept thinking how it was possible that Elsa had become so agile and fast without getting to do anything of physical exercise... to think what it was instead of continuing to go around the landfill they had sold him.

"THE CENTER IS ALREADY READ- But ... what?" Calia's voice echoed all over the place, Vagrand could almost see the face of the giantess to see the pile of garbage for the first time.

"Flynn! Elsa! I'm going back to Calia to tell everything that happens to her and Ritchey! You're alone!" Vagrand gestured to the soldiers, who could not be more grateful to leave the dump even if it was only for a while.


The couple waited for Vagrand and the soldiers to return to the hill, before Flynn eliminated another "dog." "You've been listening to it, too, havent you?"

Elsa nodded, as she slid down the mountain followed by Flynn. Neither of us wanted to say anything in front of Vagrand, but both had been listening to something strange all the time. Like the sound of a guitar, one of not too much quality or too much tuning.

At first the prophet assumed that it would be an animal, but as both approached the source of the noise, they could both say a feminine voice, sharp and surely young accompanying the melody.

Strange place to sing, no doubt.


The couple arrived at what looked like a private house, slightly in better condition than the rest. "Slightly"

The front door is open, with one of the crystalline motor mopeds that Elsa had seen used in Autumngate leaning against the inner wall. It was strange that with technology to create mopeds, they still had not seen any Iloan four-wheeled vehicle.

Elsa and Flynn looked at each other for a moment, exchanging a few mental words before Elsa sighed as she entered the house. The girl's voice was beautiful, there was no doubt about that.

The interior of the house was in as bad condition as the rest of the city, with rubble and furniture smashed on all sides. Better said, almost the whole house, because the staircase was completely clean. (But still as old as the rest)

Elsa climbed as slowly as possible, trying not to make any kind of noise. The voice and the guitar did not stop ringing, which reassured the blonde as she reached the first floor. The ground was relatively clean, except for small piles of what looked like precooked food. (Or something like that, according to Alanis the Iloa had ovens, microwaves and even computers, but another of the things she had not yet seen were plastic cups or plastic plates)

After a few steps, Elsa came to the door that seemed to be the origin of the melody, adorned with a small red sheet with a skull painted by hand. Elsa smiled, because when she saw both the sheet and listen to the song, it did not matter to the world that you were, youth was still you-



Everything went dark ...

Chapter End Notes:




Tylsys didnt become the leader of the forest tribe because of her pretty face! One needs to be able to sell whatever it is to whoever it is, and to please everyone without giving them too much to be able to stand out among the Iloa of the forest!


I hope you liked these introductory chapters so "different" to this saga!

(At least, it's much more different for me to write them, but it may be because I now use YouTube music playlists dedicated to the theme of the chapter)

Thank you all for reading one more day, see you tomorrow!


(The Pillows - Little busters, this is one of the biggest recommendations I can give you to listen during this story arc)



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